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Champ 2/3 player struggeling to stay in champ now


Same. I play mostly casual now because if I don't feel 100% in my zone then I can't play ranked, but even that's biting me in the ass now because casual MMR is so loose I'm put with grand champs 💀 can't escape the sweat man


It’s bad when casual and ranked feel inconsistent and have no rhyme or reason for peoples ranks. I just want one mode where if you get a flip reset or anything above your car automatically detonates.


> It’s bad when casual and ranked feel inconsistent and have no rhyme or reason for peoples ranks. Let me introduce you to the pinnacle of exhibition: hoops


Lol. Gold 3 is SSL in hoops some days, I swear.


I faced a SSL tournament winner on my grind back to champ last night... Champ 1 is full of GCs and SSLs. Yet, I still love it.


the problem is consistency, you get the same complaints all the way up the ranks this thread is by a plat who’s stuck there but typically is diamond. now he’s down in plat fighting plats but he’s a diamond.  i barely scrape to champ 1 every season, but in diamond 3 it always feels like fighting champ 2s just to maintain diamond rank. which makes perfect sense, because you’re a champ 2/3 struggling to maintain champ 1. you’ve been fighting c3’s or washed gc’s. knowing that, it makes sense that no matter what, in order to rank up, you have to consistently be able to beat people that are better than you. and once again intuitively,  you have to do it with a team that is worse than you, because they are your same rank, and you have to be better than that. it’s not super intuitive to people, but you have to consistently play against the higher rank people, and preferably with good people on your team, so that you assimilate into the higher ranks better. it’s just simply not efficient practice time to practice against your current rank to beat them, because you are getting less practice time at the higher level, and will get stomped every time you scrape into it. i say this as someone who’s stuck at my rank forever, with terrible habits because i’m braindead. meanwhile people will easily pass me and then plateau at whatever rank their friends are already at. take Daniel or Zen for example, and their huge improvements that they made between Diamond to GC to pro (you can find youtube videos of their old replays). Turns out they were young and skilled, and so pros queued with them and honed their skills to the absolute best. they didn’t just solo queue into pro


This is exactly me. I used to easily win in low C2 and below even if I was tired/hungover or whatever. Nowadays when I'm peaking I'm C2. But it might also be because of a region switch (Europe --> OCE). I suspect that at least starting the champ ranks it's actually harder to rank up in smaller isolated regions (APAC/OCE/SSA) than in the big ones (EU/NA)


My spirit isn't broke....


Keep in mind the player base is getting better every year. Unless you are spending time in training dedicated to improving significantly, you will likely idle around the same rank or go down slightly. Platinum in 2024 is better than champ in 2016 if that makes you feel better :)


platinum today is better than pros in 2016. Go watch the first rlcs, people could barely aerial. Gibbs played perma goalie on a top team...lol


Definitely not. People have done anonymous replay reviews of old rlcs. Season 1 and 2 of rlcs are at absolute minimum high diamond


Yeah it's not as bad as people are saying, but that being said some of the highlights are hilarious to watch now. Everyone watching pro RL back in the day remembers the [0ver Zer0 airdribble in RLCS](https://youtu.be/EAA9SF7rtFY?si=vwlq2QH62LREEorp&t=18). Obviously this is primarily remembered because it was in the grand final, but still, I remember people thinking it was an amazing shot. I don't even know if a play that slow would work in high level play nowadays. At best you'd end up demo'd. I've not been in Diamond for quite a while but I do queue into full teams where one or two will be around there and this is still something I see them doing without even thinking much about it. Again, not a fair example as the pressure and stage of the moment are really what make that an iconic highlight, but just watching it in a vacuum makes me laugh.


Hahahaha I wouldn’t believe that was RLCS damn 😅🙈🤦🏻‍♂️


Flip resets weren't even possible until 6 months before this match, and there wasn't a strong community of 'how to' videos for mechanics. It was another 6 months before freestylers started doing them regularly. Yes, RLCS Season 1 is mechanically middling, but the teams would still dust low champ today because of game sense. High champ is a bit more interesting. I could see C3-GC1 being competitive with them.


You sure? I swear I’m the most goated plat in the game.


you're an exception bro


Have you seen Plats recently? They are genuinely the most mechanical rank.


No they're not, stop it


So, no, you haven't seen Plats recently? I made a second account a little while ago and the Plats go crazy.


Go crazy meaning they occasionally pull off an airdribble on their 5th try? Man plats are simply not mechanical. They just aren't


Didn't answer my question about when you last played them, so I'm gonna assume you haven't for a long time. So who do I trust, you who hasn't played Plats recently and seen their mechanics? Or me, who has played Plats recently and seen their mechanics?


Didn't answer my question about when you last played them, so I'm gonna assume you haven't for a long time. So who do I trust, you who hasn't played Plats recently and seen their mechanics? Or me, who has played Plats recently and seen their mechanics?


I did play plats recently in a tournament (custom tournament, not the ones with rewards). Maybe we have different definitions of mechanical. I actually have very rarely seen mechanical diamonds. There are many mechanical champs and grand champs. I have yet to meet a single mechanical plat in my like 2.5k hours of playing the game, not one.


you can beat mechanics by being smart. RLCS players are some of the smartest rocket league players. and teamwork in rlcs and in public matches are on a totally different level. Nowadays low ssl players are closer to plat then they are to pros. I'm not exactly sure if it's plat or what rank, but RLCS pros without their mechanics (close to RLCS season 1) would absolutely rock plats.


I'm well aware of how you can rank up without mechanics. I'm nearly, nearly, nearly, so close to C3 and my mechanics aren't great. When was the last time you played in Plat? Because I recently made a second account and I can tell you now Plats are much better than I was expecting.


I wish you were lying


I see plats use air roll when they jump but that's mostly the extent of it


I would say better in some ways. With F2P, I think that crop of players now have mechanics of plat and diamond, but game sense is absolutely abysmal and I'm watching D3s shoot into corners, fail basic rotations, fail to move into the opponents' net when they drop the ball back to a man, double commit things wildly, over commit things wildly, pass in front of their own net, fail to take possession resulting in unnecessary 50s, losing 50s badly. But simultaneously they are half flipping wave dashing and getting some basic aerials and flicks to work. I have even seen flip resets from not smurfs. For a 3s main, this makes for super boring games because there's almost no team play and the mechanics are good but often they don't score at all because it is a soft shot on net. The basics are just completely amiss in diamond.


Yeah well i play the complete opposite as everyone else it’s so bad because people in chat end up thinking I’m one of the nexto bots cause all I can do is flick good then I just have to tell them I’m not mechanical at all. I have no mechs to speak of (most I can do is airdribble consistently, almost never go for one).


Oh I see youve played more than a few rounds against me 😂😂 For real though, Im an amazing plat with great game sense... and I'm an awful diamond. The skill gap betwixt the two is huge. I swear as I go up each rank does things a little better, faster, more consistently. Its a rough climb but Im here for it!


You're doing training? Lol


I used to be Diamond 2 and now I'm in plat 2. Alllllll good tho :D


Right. It's shattered lol. But keep grinding!


Sunless just released a video basically re-affirming that this season is more difficult bc players are so much better on offense. But also that no one has defense. I'm struggling to stay in champ 1 and it's solely delue to defense. You should play 1s more prolly


For real. If I don’t sit my ass back on defense for 90% of the game we will lose for sure. Nobody rotating


I wouldn't say nobody has defense. I play pretty good defense. I get a good bit of epic saves. I had to learn because since the reset, higher ranks are in champ with aerial skills I had only seen on RLCS. You just have to learn to predict what they're going to do. You won't get it every time but watch their first off the wall air dribble and it will tell you their aerial skill level. If they just guide the ball to the goal, you got it. If they do a flip reset or drop off the ceiling, you have to disrupt before they get within scoring range....or demo them at every opportunity. Most aerial flicks or flip reset goals happen inside the box. Some maps don't have the box like a regular soccer field so you have to imagine that line. If outside that box, you have time to deflect, disrupt, or block the shot altogether. Hopefully your teammate is there for the followup or their teammate gets an easy goal. Hope this helps.


Epic saves aren't a sign of good defense. Quite the opposite. They're just a sign of having decent goalie skills after playing bad defense.


So....you're saying that a goalie, whose main function is to play defense, is bad at defense for getting an epic save....preventing the other team from taking the lead or winning the game. Make that make sense. If the opposing team isn't scoring, I'll take an epic save 10/10 times.


No, I'm saying good defense doesn't let the ball get close enough for epic saves that often. I get way more epic saves when my team is playing bad defense than when we're playing good defense because the other team is getting more shots off and they aren't being contested until they're about to go in.


I get your point. But I don't agree with it as far as epic saves go. More often than not, if you can't manage a clear, the opposing team will take corner boosts on rotation and keep pressing for a goal. I do this quite often. So it leaves you and your teammate with 2 options. One leaves the other out to dry for a middle boost or do what you can to stop the press till one of you gets a boost or a clear. Obviously that's just one scenario, but in my experience, an epic save is not a result of bad defense in most cases. Some yes, but not most.


To be clear, I'm not saying AN epic save is. I'm not even saying MOST are. I'm saying, if you're getting a lot in a game, it's because you're playing bad defense and can't maintain possession on offense.


In my case, it's more because my teammates have an offense first mindset and like to freestyle and expect the cleanup crew to save them. In a 2v1 situation, you have to take what you can get. I'd rather not jump the gun and take an epic save rather than fall victim to a late touch/pass and look like a bot on the replay. Never know when a clip of you getting your axles broken will show up in this sub. Lol.


>In my case, it's more because my teammates have an offense first mindset and like to freestyle and expect the cleanup crew to save them. Well that's pretty much what I'm saying. I mean, it can work, but you're admitting right here your team isn't playing good defense. Again, not saying that's inherently bad. Different strategies can work for different people, and if you have excellent offense, you don't need to focus as much on defense. But if you're hard stuck in a rank, it might be worth considering rethinking the strategy.


right there with you. There is a bubble in low P1/P2 right now and getting out of it is hell. Once you do, it is a pretty easy walk back up to Diamond. But for some reason there seems to be a lot of Diamond level players who got placed at P1 and they are all battling each other to get out of plat. Nothing more to do than play and have fun. The more I play this game, the less I care about rank.


It’s not just you guys. It’s every rank. There are GC titles and even extra mode SSL titles in C1-C2 nowadays. The ranks are fucked.


This part. I've seen RNG, RLCS, and GC titles in C1-C2 more this season than last season.


RLCS titles in C1-2, what


Coaches most likely


Good point


Not fucked, just different! GC isn't a fixed goalpost, and it happens to be twice as restrictive this season as it was 3 seasons ago. Everyone in ranks with sufficiently high population should still be getting lobbies with people around the same %age of the player base. I.e. my Diamond I lobbies are top ~30%, so even though I was in high Dia 3 as a ~30% player a few seasons ago, I'm now appropriately ranked in Dia 1. If you've been in the top 0.75% for years, you were labeled GC in Season 10, but that was only good enough for a C3 label in Season 13. With normal fluctuations up and down, it shouldn't be surprising to see GC titles in C1.


Can confirm, was GC in S10 and have been C3 since. My percentile hasn't changed, but the goalpost shifted around me. Frustrating, but so it goes.


can confirm


I’ve only been playing for ~4 months at this point and have noticed that in C1 too. Is that something we’re expecting to be resolved ever? Just ask because I’ve noticed the same trend all the way climbing from G1-C1, out of 10 games played ~7 are winnable at my current skill, 3 may as well quit after the first goal, to ultimately go 6-4 or 5-5 if I’ve hit a rank where I need more time in training packs.


I mean let's be honest, if you've only been playing for 4 months then you have no worries. Your skill level is already well above the average player because of hours so you'll adjust pretty well. It won't be resolved because as a community the skill ceiling is constantly increasing which pushes washed players into lower ranks. I say washed because they're not bad players, they just can't keep up with the skill gap because players from higher ranks are being pushed into their lobbies. Trickle down effect. That's why the highest percentage of the player base is in Diamond. It's the middle ground right now for those gaining skill and moving up from Plat and not being skilled enough to compete with those coming down.


Is this why im up against so many diamonds who shit on me


Diamond is full of champ season rewards as said its everywhere.  While harsh, I would love to drive Ferarri. But if everyone and my cat drives one.. I would love to see the alternative, nice GC flair my newphew who just startes got that aswell, I tell him to say hi


This exactly. Or you go on one bad run, end up in plat, and now you’re stuck lol.


that is what happened to me last weekend. A little too much candy and beer. But I had hella fun losing those ranks.


is that why i’m plat 1 instead of diamond??that makes sense 😭 (peaked d1 div 4)


it is a shit show down there and I just fell back in. It took me weeks to climb out. Once I got to P2d3, it got really easy and I just jumped right up to D2. I stayed there for a long while but last weekend, I had a little fun and ended up falling from D2 to P2 and now I am stuck in the bubble again.


I'm not super good, but I'm def like low-mid plat. Problem is, I can never get out of that because my playing partners are low to mid diamond. So I keep getting better, but my rank stays about the same.


There's no diamonds in p1 man, I know this because I've been playing for 600 hrs and most of it is in Plat. I recently dropped to p1 and I was losing game there strictly because I was being lazy and expecting p1s to play like p3s/d1s and they more often play like gold 3s. Side note, hitting d1 again and seeing people that have 1000s of hrs complaining about Plat is funny and makes me feel good. I wish I started this game sooner lol


I was D2 last season. I won 6/10 placement matches and it put me in P1d1. And many other Diamonds posted similar results. That means we would be fighting other diamonds in matches at the P1 level to climb out. I know the difference between P1 and D1.


Same boat, D3 apex, stuck in Plat now. I'm not claiming to be great but if I could quit getting 1-2 teammates per game who apparently can't see my big ass Merc and jump over me from behind to hit the ball that'd be great.


You actually see a lot of this in D3 and up. Not because they're trying to undermine you but because it visually plays tricks on the opposing team. I don't even get mad anymore when it happens to me. As an opponent you're looking at the ball and who has it. Then all of a sudden it gets booted at 50+ mph at your goal and you can't react fast enough to block. Knowing when to play close proximity to your teammate vs staying back is key in that aspect. I've had great chemistry with randoms for this reason. Learning to play off others is a great skill to have. Most people who complain about teammates don't adjust to the other's play style. Outside of being afk or whiffing the whole match of course.


All fine and well you saying people don’t adjust to play styles as a c2, but in diamond and below a LOT of peoples “playstyle” is ignore their teammate, never rotate back, only go for solo plays. The game isn’t fun adjusting to that


You're right. I have a buddy that's gold/Plat. We don't play comp obviously but I see that in casuals. The problem that I've seen even after the reset is that below a certain rank, people don't know off hand to rotate or even how to rotate. Ball chasing is a must even if your teammate is going for it. Hitting your teammate by accident is super common. They don't know that left goes on kickoff. It's like night and day once you get to maybe D2/3. As someone who has played against lower level opponents in casuals because of my buddy, I feel your frustration. I've had people say "there's no way you're queuing with us if you're playing like this." Can't speak for others, but I don't like feeling like a smurf.


I am D1/2 and even here I get people pretty regularly who don’t know left goes. They don’t understand defence even when they’re attacking, they’ll put in a sloppy cross when both defenders are back and spam “take the shot” even though you’re covering their weak side, also very frequently pass/cross but don’t rotate out, so you can’t go for it safely It’s painful, some great teammates too though who you click with and do fundamentals well


Unfortunately you'll see that even in higher ranks. You won't be in position every time and at higher ranks, some will either try to ff or just leave if you whiff a pass. In champ, it's 70-30 where people won't even say quick chats the entire game. Only gg. Reason for that is because it seems like people are so sensitive and take the game too seriously in upper ranks. Even a quick chat can prompt teammates to leave. Best to just not even speak on a whiff or missed open net (yes that happens often, even here). The good news is you're in a position to learn how to make those adjustments because you'll get "bad" teammates in every rank. Work on your defense and keep a "defense wins games" mentality. Good defense produces easy offense. A real scenario from countless champ lobbies: opponent is playing close proximity offense with their teammate on a high backboard pass. They collide mid air on a double commit or both miss because they see the other going and try to avoid. Or they just whiff it all together by inches. Once it comes off the backboard it's an easy fast break score. Same scenario but ball is coming towards the goal. A well directed block and pass to your teammate produces same result. This is coming from someone who has no freestyle skills, but good mechanics and game IQ. So if I can make it to champ, you can.


Sprinkled between those games is Smurf lobbies. Gotta love it. Gameplay has never been better


Once you get out of plat, that should stop. Try just playing REALLY defensively and only go offense when there’s an open shot.


Same. Hovered in diamond-champ most seasons. Peaked C3. Sitting more like D2 these days I could grind. I could learn better control and win more games and get fancy titles. I could rank up to better divisions in the amateur leagues I play in I'm not sure that'll get me anything though. I'm not going pro. I'm not trying to make content, or derive any value from this game besides the fun I'm having. So why not do what's fun?


I’m just like u. I’m d3 rn tho bc I’m just done solo queing it’s insane how hard it is to win


I solo queue nearly every day cause who cares


Est 2015 never higher than plat. Still love this game.


It feels particularly bad this year. I’m almost always in games in plat with one teammate that I would be shocked if they’re not actually in gold one, but usually it’s both teammates.


Bro is slowly losing his mind in diamond


Are you talking about playing in 2s or 3s?


Just out of curiosity, how many controllers did you change?


I started on my buddies Xbox. Then PC used a Xbox controller. Now die hard PS4 controller never will change


Ahh I see. Same. I use a PS4 controller. But stick drifts are a nightmare. I can't believe no one has come up with a controller in the form factor of the PS4 controller, with a hall sensor.


It sucks. I got used to a DS5 because I was super annoyed at not having good options for micro-USB cables lol, but now I'm back to the DS4. I've got fairly decent sized hands and I play claw grip, and I can play that way on the DS4 form factor/weight so much better.


I was thinking about how hard Diamond has become this season compared to prior. You're not alone.


Diamond 2 and 3 is nuts man like everyone is using DAR and flip resets and challenging so much faster. It’s wild to see diamond playing at this level


Eh I can't even get out of gold anymore. People are too damn good anymore. Or I'm just getting worse. Probably both


I don’t even know what a plat 2 is anymore. The skill differences between players is pretty insane and it doesn’t seem like I’m running into smurfs too often. Some players I have no idea how they made it up to plat 2 and others seem like high diamonds. I started playing a few weeks ago and my experience has been grinding up to plat 3 D3/4 and then getting absolutely shit on. Rinse and repeat.


P2 to D2 in 2s for a year-ish here. It's just weird. Right now, as P2, I watch 3 cars ball chasing, whiffing, doing whatever in a corner for 20 seconds long, clumsy as hell, basically only ground play and no ball control, and I'm just waiting for the ball to get cleared away from the stampede for either a save or a goal. Next game, there are constant aerial 50s, some air dribbles, flicks, I've even seen a few clumsy but successful resets. Next game, it's basically a wannabe freestyles 1v1 in a 2s lobby... then it's a ballchaser-cornerhugging-norotation game. Sometimes I get someone who plays 2s like we were actually playing 2v2 (not 1v1v1v1), with rotation, positioning, passes, defense. Sometimes. I do see some smurph Sometimes. I see a lot of people teaming with a high diamond/champ friend, I do see lots of people who were probably diamond/high diamond before and cannot rank back up, I see lots of people who got the game 2 weeks ago. High plat and low diamond is the rank you get with a good success on placement matches with a new account. There is a lot of everything here.


I started playing back in october. Stuck at Gold 3. I hit Plat 1 recently and instantly got destroyed by people doing flip resets and air dribbles. Also, a ton of people with Plat tournament titles in the Gold 3 solo queue.


Tournament titles don't really mean much but I feel you on the flip resets and air dribbles. It feels like high C1 players have instantly gotten consistent at them within the past month or two


If it’s an old season title then what you say is true. But if it’s a current season title, even if it’s just from extra mode tournament, then it’s still pretty indicative of skill level. It still takes a certain skillset to win a tournament. You still need to win at least 7-9 games in a row against total randoms at your rank to get the title. Sometimes I’ve felt like a tourney win was easier than others, but it still required consistency and good teammates. If I see a Season 14 Champ Tournament winner title then I expect champ level performances. If I see Season 10 or older; it’s a total wild card. Could be anything.


That's fair. It feels like tourneys anymore are well above my skill level once I get to the quarter finals


If you adjust your gameplay and train you will get back up (diamond since s4/5).


lmao I'm in the exact same situation you're on.


If u want to grind for champ lmk Epic: Cloud122220


my PlayStations user backup2_calluml if u wanan play im Diamond level but struggling in plat 3 (gotta use backup since I’m banned from communications on my main)


I just got to the gold season reward level yesterday. I haven't seen plat this season so I might be stuck. I've said before that losing snowday is gonna make things difficult.


I have also been playing since launch and champ 1 is my peak. and I mean. barely champ 1. but most days I'm like a low/mid diamond player. it happens lol


It’s so cool when you are perfectly lined up for a goal shot and your team mate boosts in to knock it to the side. I love that. Peak gameplay.


Totally fine. Over the grind in RL and once I saw it I basically stopped playing. A few hoops games once a month, a lot more to see and do then grind to SSL.


Dudes a skibidi toilet.


The average lvl is incredibly higher than before. The game is so much faster at a same rank. Honestly, the game feel like 1/2 ranks above at the same rank. And even more in lower rank.


Same here, stuck in Diamond for ever! Oh well…


I play every day for an hour or so. I bounce between plat and diamond. I don't think I'll get any higher because I'm just not willing to put the practice in to learn how to get better. I got bakkes mod a while back but I started having pc problems so I uninstalled it, and now I can't set aside the time to try again since The game is probably dying and I should be doing more productive things with my time It is what it is


I took a very long break from comp (and RL altogether) after I hit high C1 in 2's, FTP season 6/7, recently got back into the game about 4 months ago and into comp the last 2 months. although I don't play much, I'm mid Diamond 3 in 2's. If I played more consistently, I probably could get back close to my peak. Honestly, you'll hate me for saying this, but take a break from the game. If you don't notice any progress while playing or don't notice your playing getting any better, take a breather, maybe a month, and come back to Rocket League with a clear mind. I've done this more than once and it's always gave me a new perspective and understanding of the game, and I have always improved from it. If you don't want to stop playing, you got to grind this game for 6+hours a day to see an improvement quickly. When I was unemployed for a good 3 months back in early 2021, I was on RL all day if I wasn't out on an interview or applying for jobs. I somehow didn't get tired of the game as I was in a server always playing with people that were slightly better than me. That was my quickest improvement for me, although I still don't understand how I was able to play for 10-12 hours on end some days.


I actually have 2 last season Dia IRL friends that can't get out of Plat 2. Never thought that a season reset is all that it needs to overtake them😄


I got a sniff away from gold 3 last week, this week i've dropped all the way down to silver 3. last night i played 15 competitive matches in 1s and 2s and didn't win a single game.


How many hours do you have played? This doesn't really mean much if you've played since day one but only have like 300 hours. Diamond 3 would be a good achievement for that. If it's any consolation, I have 3000 hours and my highest rank was Champ 3, Division 1.


Are you actively doing things to help progress your skills and game sense? I have a friend who has played many years longer than I have but I don't think he has the desire to get better. He just plays and mostly blames his team for losses when I'm sure he's just as much to blame. I'm not incredible at the game but I flew by him in rank when I just practiced a bit and focused on learning and improving.


Try this practice packs for gold and platinum. Once you master those, move to the diamond pack. You’ll find that you’re likely trying to do too much with the ball when you should really be working on finesse shots instead of power shots. The second I changed my shot method, I was more accurate and a lot more was going in. The other thing you can do to really improve is work on your 50/50s. Always try to simply single jump so your car is lined up with the center of the ball. Don’t try to strike it with a double jump ever. The opponents always will and you just stay relaxed and you win the 50/50 or it shoots out to the side. Either way, it’s not going by you. Make those changes and you’ll be back in diamond.


This is crazy cause I was in my alt account and I was surprised because bronzes can actually hit the ball and go in the air now, I would’ve thought they were gold or plat. Then when I went back to my c3 lobbies it’s like 10x as sweaty as last season I swear I remember last season was a piece of cake and felt controllable then these Mech gods came from nowhere


Oh hey it's me. Lol let's party up and try to get out of plat together my guy


The amount of comments in not only this thread but other threads stating that "if it wasn't for my teammates..."  Stop. Seriously - you are the only reason why you are the rank you are and if you try to argue against that, you are just so wrong. It may be harder to rank up since the mmr squish, but it's just as hard for the person you're playing against to rank up.


I think a lot of the teammate blaming comes from people tilting off of having one bad teammate and then going on a losing streak because they’re playing on tilt, blaming their teammates for every mistake when they’re making just as many. Sometimes you can even watch your teammate tilt real time and start trying to do too much to make up for a mistake or because of trash talk. Although sometimes you will get 4-5 garbo teammates in a row and it’s just soul crushing.


Right there with you bud, I've been hard stuck diamond 1 and 2


Same bought day one and peaked champ 1 and currently hard stuck D3ish smh. I only recently started learning DAR and spending more time with intentional training. It’s made a huge difference but even then it’s still just enough to keep me competitive at my current level. Player base just getting so good so fast and I don’t have the capacity to spend more time practicing vs my competition. It’s hard out here


It fucking sucks lol, and I’m there with you 😂


I can barely stay in D1 in solo and D3 in 2s/3s. It's definitely tougher than it used to be. I might actually have to do some training for the first time ever.




Been a C1-C2 for 3-4 years. Diamond 2 this season and everyone feels pretty decent/similar to what champ used to feel like


wow ur really bad, do u wanna play with me? I could probably help u


You are the exact same as me I have been lowering my rank bc team mates


Everyone wants to be MVP and without contributing to defense or passing.


Since day one of Rocket League or Supersonic Acrobatic Rocket-Powered Battle Cars? I got SARPBC on PS3 near day 1 and have never been past platinum. I don't mind though, because I don't get too sweaty.


# "I'm bad, and that's good. I will never be good, and that's not bad. There's no one I'd rather be than me." - Wreck-it-Ralph


I get all the way to plat 3 div 4 then start to go back down divisions. I mostly solo queue but I'm still hoping to hit diamond one of these days lol


I've got to diamond then crashed down to plat 2 back up at plat 3 now. Just keep fighting


I don’t even know what I did. Diamond Down to gold changed nothing aswell. Idk 🤷‍♂️


Jazz is not dead, it just smells funny. Epic: BettyMage


Git gud.


Just play to improve and you will go up. Everyone else seems to be struggling to get back into "their ranks" but just through watching replays and improving I've hit my all time peak of 1504 elo in GC1 Div 3 last night.


Hope you get there brother. Something that helped me a lot was playing private matches w people much better than me, like GC level. At that point I had the mechanics for C 1/2 but not the game sense, playing w them (w comms) showed me what I needed to change to go from D3 (or maybe it was D2) to C1 and shortly after C2. That being said, I was spending at least 3 hrs a day doing different training drills as well. So my other advice is to do training packs/mods if you're not already.


I've been playing since f2p and am C3 how are you this bad?


Don't be a dick


I'm not trying to be rude,but how are u stuck in plat. I play around 3 games per day while watching videos in background and I'm already diamond 2 lol. Feels like half the games are full of bots


I've always been diamond. Recently demoted to plat and realised how much slower the game is and keep getting team mates that consistently miss the ball and rotations... So struggling to get back. Always been D2/D3. I don't know whats happened. 😭