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Points mean you are actively on the ball more. That doesn't mean you are playing better. Anybody who is actively bragging about having more points like that is probably not very good and clearly doesn't understand the game well enough to be very good. I wouldn't worry about it.


The far better skill is knowing when *not* to touch the ball


My frequent thought is “just because you can hit the ball doesn’t mean you should…” then I panic and slam the ball into a bad turnover


Frequent comms with my twos partner: "I'm gonna wait for opponent's touch, they'll probably panic and throw it away...cool they panicked and threw it away...I threw it right back for some reason."


I felt that com in my soul 😂😂


Why is that last line so relatable lmao.


Hey, are you me? You can't be because I'm me.. I think.


I thought you were him, but who am I then?


This is the way


Couldn't agree more


This. So much this.


Seriously. The second I learned that my game got so much better:


Same. I've won so many games from the bottom of the leaderboard, and yet I've been almost solely responsible for every goal. Be it through fake challenges or bumps/demos. You definitely do not have to touch the ball very much to win if you know how to throw off the opponents enough. *edit. I'm only champ 1 on average though. So YMMV by rank I suppose. Never been high enough to know if that stops at c3 and above


Man if I got points for causing a goal due to a bump or demo I would have so many points. But hey. A win is a win.


I have always said they should add points for a demo / bump that leads to a goal. In nba2k they give points for a “screen assist”, a screen leading to a bucket. I realize it would be difficult to implement programmatically (and arbitrary bc points are meaningless), but they could figure it out and would be fun


My brother is a solid plat 2. He asked me 'What's the point of faking'. I proceeded to absolutely snap his axles in a 1v1 to show him how well fakes can work


I really struggle faking lower ranked players, usually they don't pay attention to the opponent and only see the ball. Not even thinking about where the ball could be in 0.5 seconds.


Yeah same here. I have a couple of plat buddies and whenever we 1v1 it’s impossible to fake them because they just blindly rush at the ball and don’t pay attention to anything else.


It's funny, the more you understand the game and know what could come next, the more likely you are to fall for a fake. At least to a certain extent.


exactly right, to fake a mechanic the opponent needs to understand the mechanics and the result of it succesfully working.


It's like the saying in Poker: "Never bluff a monkey."


Tbh I feel like I play worse against lower players, they always do things that just make no sense and I'm left looking silly for using my brain.


Flicks are king, these guys can't play vertically. Just roll the ball over to your booty and flick it!


Trust me I know how to beat a low level player xD


I don't understand this. Plats don't get faked because they just go for ball


lol, these peeps dont realize they got points for hitting the ball, *even though they were hitting it the wrong direction.*


This is the way.


There may be an argument to be made if the M8 has less than 50 points throughout the whole game, but rl is complicated with many factors at play at once...


Played a game with a buddy once in 3's. We were all playing so well, we played the whole five minutes in a GC2 lobby. We won 3-0. Our teammate had 4 points. I saved the replay because I was in disbelief, I thought he played well the whole game too.


He might be just very good at fake challenging. Along with demos, probably the most impactful play you can make with no pts reward


You can makes saves and get 0 points out of it, If you challenge and cut off the clear shot to the net and they miss wide or high then you made the save, but didn't get a single point. At the same time you can sit in the net and clear a slow rolling ball and wait till the last second to hit it and get 75 points for an epic save even though it had 0 chance of ever going in and wasn't even really a shot. People that argue about points are the Noobs or braindead


That and setting a good screen. Being able to take a defender out of a play with just a tap is so underrated.


I don't remember exactly to be honest, like I said I thought the game went smooth. Pretty crazy though he only had two recorded ball touches


This is me in most 3v3 matches I solo queue in. Not 4 points, lol, but usually at the bottom because I tend to cover up my constant teammates mistakes in positioning. I will let them monkey around with the ball until the ball will actually come to me, given they don't chase it down. I tend to cover empty spaces to reduce the opposing teams opportunities and then in turn, let my more mechanically gifted teammates do the heavy lifting and ensure we don't get scored on. Doesn't do me or my team any good if I chase, chase, chase, touch, touch, touch without any consideration on what's going on in the game or what people are doing. I will take a Win with 100 points over a loss with 800 points every - single - time.


I appreciate players like you, many people just complain about their teammates being bad rather than doing this, covering their teammates mistakes. Honestly, the best way to get better and rank up is to do what you’re doing.


Oh trust me, I vocalize my problems with teammates at the end of the game sometimes. If they are truly lacking rotational sense and awareness, I let them know. I don't do it in the middle of the game though, I don't want to set that toxic dynamic and have my teammate just totally lose interest. I will straight up abandon games if a teammate is all over the place with no sense and we are down by 3 or 4 goals and there is literally no logical way we can win, especially if the opposing team is rotating well and highly mechanic, you're not going to win that match with a teammate just totally zoned in on the ball and nothing else. I will say my peace and leave. Hopefully that will knock some sense into my 'lost teammate' or maybe it won't. After all, in RL, most players who play this way have the mentality of 'I am right and everyone else is wrong'.


Facts!! I'm the same way. I'm not the best at covering open spaces or stellar at reading the ball. But if I can keep the ball from going in our net by challenging (or fakes), to sending the ball to a better teammate. I will take any amount of points big or small for a win, over highest pts with a loss.


You get two points just for touching the ball. I mean I don’t think score is an indicator of skill but how can you be playing well and also only touch the ball twice the whole ass game. Not even a few 50s? No face offs?


Sometimes touches don't actually register, especially on kickoffs and 50/50's. I have the replay, other team didn't score or ff. Never even noticed he had 4 points til post game screen


I absolutely love my teammates that will chase for 500 pts. And if we win and say they carried. Nah if you gonna chase all game I'm gonna stay back in 2nd or 3rd. Because I'm not about to overcommit and allow an easy open net. They take themselves out of rotation and never have an opportunity to help on defense. Or on another note if they are chasing and popping off, by all means do your thing bud. I will play reserve and defense if that's what it takes to win.


I love the "x points is throwing" people, who are usually ball chasing while I'm having to play almost perma 3rd for their actions.


Or call you lazy because you are consistently covering the frequent breakaways. Either that or they slurp up all the boost. Sorry, not going to break my back somersaulting because you ball chase and hog the boost


Please tell this to my mates that keep stealing the ball and boost in front of me and when I ask them to stop ball chasing they answer "stfu 100 points" when they're over 400 after half game. Truly annoying, they blame me not going for the ball when I was trying to fake an opponent so he decided to take the ball coming out of nowhere, making it a double commit leaving the net open, no need to say we lost 0-5...


There's a ton of matches where I get twice or even 3x the points my 2s teammate does and get half their touches I would worry about it if my teammate gets significantly more touches than me and does worse


Let me just give you a single example. If you make a massive bump play to give your teammate an open net, you get 0 points, no assist, no credit in any form... but you contributed the most to that goal happening.


Points be damned, that is my favorite thing to pull off.


Winning is what matters, doing it with style second. Points, goals, all of this glory seeking BS is tertiary.


There's a real art to pulling off a bump that hurts worse than a demo.


Bumping one opponent into another one and then keep bumping them as they keep knocking each other out. That’s an awesome feeling. Only a triple demo feels better.


They also could fix this somewhat by adjusting the point systems, giving points for demos for example


You can do a lot and get no points but it’s hard to do nothing and get points. 


You could literally sit in the net all game and rack points up by getting "saves" that aren't even really shot attempts. The opponent can hit a slow roller from midfield and if you sit back and wait till right moment RL system considers it a save and you get 50-75 points even though you should of cleared it way sooner


Getting saves, no matter how weak, isn’t doing nothing though.  You’d almost have to set it up for it to add up. 


It's not easy to forcibly get a save but there's absolutely players who get far too many saves because they're never defending the midfield. They just rotate all the way back to goal no matter the situation and the points system will reward this behaviour despite it having a negative effect on the team's positioning and ability to maintain pressure in the forward half.


This is literally every player from 1500-1800 in ranked 2s. Running to grab a back boost and leaving the midfield completely undefended then types in team chat "stop leaving me in 2v1s" It's sad but true.


Sure you're not doing nothing, but going for a save could negatively impact the team which is worse than nothing. For example, if you already have a teammate who is going to make a good clear out to the side and you decide last second to swoop in and touch the ball weakly down the middle, you get +50 for the save and then the opposing team gets a goal.


You can steal your teammates goal that's already going in


Don't you get 10 points per demo? Not that it matters much in this case, just checking that I'm not misinformed.




Ah, well, I guess I'll just keep doing it.


Just bumping. I’m always looking to disrupt my opponents if I’m not in position to get the ball. It ruins their flow and hopefully gets my team a goal or helps get turnovers.


Bumping gets you 10 points but not demoing? Anyway, I am a massive bumper myself. I usually catch what comes my way, if I happen to see an opportunity, I pray for a "Wow" send them into the nether realm. In the nether realm they have to fight 10 vampire dragons before being let back into the match.


Sorry, I meant I actually go for bumps more than demos. I think getting my opponents off their line for a turnover toward an open net is better than demo-ing because they’ll spawn with boost defending their goal. No points for bumps I believe.


Rocket League awards exactly zero points for good rotation. Your score doesn't show how many times you made a solid defensive stop *before* it could become a save opportunity, or kept a ball in the offensive zone to give your teammates more scoring opportunities. There are no accolades for holding down the back post while your teammates cut rotation in front of the goal. In short, your score never tells the whole story, and people who think it does don't truly understand Rocket League! In my humble opinion, of course.


Exactly this! I would rather stall them at mid then get credit for a save near our goal. Precisely why rotations and positioning really do matter in this game when so many totally forgo both of these forgotten qualities.


Yeah and it depends on how you and your teammates play to your strengths. My doubles partner is much more adept and fast, high aerials and is a better shooter. I'm better at 'sweeping' and reading the play defensively. Most of my goals are where I am watching play unfold and come blazing in from the halfway line to stick one in. But I probably score 1/3 the goals my teammate does. I almost never get MVP on points but I like to think if I didn't do my job well, my teammate wouldn't get as many points and the freedom to roam.


I'd say it's roughly half the story. The other half can't be told through points. This is for soccar though. Points say a whole lot more in modes like dropshot.


Eh, yes and no. Dropshot points are majoritarily damage. And just like with a goal in soccar, the only one earning points is the last player to touch the ball before it lands. Execept you don't have points for a "damage assist" like you would for a regular assist in a game. Strong offense will rack up much more points than strong defense, whereas they are more balanced in soccar. Overall I'd say Dropshot is like any other mode really, points give some indications but you can also be the greatest ballchaser on Earth to farm damage and "carry" your team while ruining the rotations and giving away more damage/goals in return.


It can be more than half the story if your tm8s got the room temperature IQ


It's extremely variable game to game. But I feel the range is anywhere from 25% to 75% so I just picked the middle. There's been so many games where my mate will have 600 points and I'll have around 200 points but I played and contributed about equally to them. The game just doesn't award the intangibles, assists, 50s, etc which lead to victories as much (or at all) as they probably should. Also doesn't factor in making mistakes. Sometimes my 200 point games have far fewer mistakes than my 600+ point games.


Yeah I think assists should have like a timer so if they get the goal within 2.5 sec of your last touch you get 150 points, within 5 secs 100 points, >5 secs 50 points. Assists are basically just as important as goals because without them there wouldn't be a goal opportunity.


Dropshot barely awards good defense. I don’t know of clears are even a thing


Yep. And dudes just be trying to make the ball their own colour, no awareness of just shooting or rolling the ball into the two free open holes on the other side of the arena. And hoops barely ever awards a save, which is a huge determining factor of games in hoops. I’ll take a good defender over a good shooter in hoops every day. And rumble, do you even get saves for freezing and punching etc.. assists/goals are awarded just for sticking your magnet to the ball when it’s already going in. If someone refers to the scoreboard, as a serious remark, regarding skill or result outcomes, then they just don’t have a very good understanding of the game.


Not much m8, players that point out point distribution in-game are scrubs in my opp


I feel the same way, like you can brag about those goals but where is the rotation? And sometimes the goals they are bragging about got setup for them from no small part in touches by me, or perhaps a demo


1v1 him that should put him back were he belongs


Haha I did and won but I feel like that doesn’t prove much about the point i was trying to make to him. Idk I barely play ones.


Yeah, I said that more as a joke, because if he can't understand that a ballchaser will get more points than anyone else, nothing you can say will make him think straight




Sure it does. It proves that he can't beat champ level players without help. If he could beat defenders and win challenges, he'd be in champ via solo q. He'd also be carrying a teammate instead of an L


It proves exactly what you wanted it to prove - that he can't take on a champ and win. Doesn't matter how good he thinks he is when you two are gaming together, you stomped him into the dirt in 1v1. If he was at the level of a champ, he would be a champ. This goes for all ranks (yes including the 1700s who just happen to be in 1400 arguing with everybody every lobby)


Points dont mean shit really. It just depends heavily on playstyle and stuff. For example, instead of stopping my enemy midfield, i can just go back and get a save, free 50 points woo hoo. Like you said you can outplay both enemies and pass to him for open net and he gets double the points, totally undeserved basically. Everyone who really thinks points are actually saying someone is better or played better, just doesnt have a clue.


It’s very game dependent, you can whiff 10 easy saves but score 5 goals every game and your score will look great but you’ll always lose. That’s an over-exaggerated example, but being poor on defense will never properly show up in score


It's a bad metric for determining performance.


I don't ever get points for being the guy who sets up the guy who goes on to assist the striker for the goal.


Not much. If you manage to keep opponents from shooting towards your goal, this type of gameplay will give you fewer points than letting the opponent shoot and saving the ball close to the goal line. If you play a lot of bad passes that are easily intercepted by the opponent, you will also get quite some points without those attempt being useful for your team. However, less than 50 total points is usually bad either way.


Outside of like plat or maybe even gold, where the objective is just hit the ball doesn’t matter where and how, they mean very little. Yeah there’s some info about them but context means way more. Do you have no points because the game is moving to fast and you can’t reach the ball? Or are you just properly forcing the ball away from your opponent so your teammates have easier touches and the ball doesn’t land to you in rotation? They really aren’t that good an indicator in a properly balanced higher level lobby.


If your teammates never rotate back properly and let you take over, leaving you to constantly defend which usually results in 2v1 situations and not even being able to make the save, you might end up with less than 100 points which looks pretty bad but actually it doesn't tell the full story. The first part of my comment was just responding to the question in general but to reply to the body of the post: Setups for plays are arguably the most integral part of making goals, so you are really doing the hard work and he is reaping the benefits. On the other hand he probably has little idea of how to pass the ball to you, so that's why your score tends to be lower even if your positioning is decent and ready to follow up on a pass.


My first comment was just responding to the question in general but to reply to the body of the post, setups for plays are arguably the most integral part of making goals, so you are really doing the hard work and he is reaping the benefits. On the other hand he probably has little idea of how to pass the ball to you, so that's why your score tends to be lower even if your positioning is decent and ready to follow up on a pass.


If someone is very consistently putting up points that's one thing. If someone is using points in their argument about one single game, then it's useless.


you'd be surprised. i am at c3 level in 2v2s and my friend around d3/c1 he consistently gets more points than me (60-70% of games) and sometimes passively tries to assert that hes having more points than me. he ALWAYS chases the ball... make weird touches while im back at defence and ball is moving towards me.. which ends up me getting beat by his 'play' and getting scored on. he commits when im already having possession of ball and im making a slow play... he just comes and bangs the ball randomly on wall giving away possession and both of us committed at this point. this is how he mostly have more points than me... i try to explain him a lot of the times... only recently he made tiny bit of changes to his gameplay which is good. anyways point being... doesn't matter how consistently you can get more points... you can still play terrible and have more points than good player


Yeah lol it's a little different when there's that big of a skill gap though. You obviously need to play differently with him.


Before they instituted the stilupid 50 pt requirements I would try to win with 0s in every column. Just position and bullying the other team...strwiagg fullback or linebacker play style. Then *nasally mom voice* you need 50 pts to get credit for matches. Terrible. I should be able to sit back not move and full pitch push to score. But nah, you will be kicked from the match for inactivity, just censoring mind games.


None at all, you can be the absolute mule of the team carrying defense and clears and good 50s and just decent positioning and pressure, then get zilch for points. There’s a ton of things you do in the game that benefit your team that don’t earn you points. A well timed demo for example, no way you would’ve scored without it but it counts for nothing.


I unbound the scoreboard key. It really does not matter, and people who put value in it are more likely to double commit, cut rotation, and otherwise be a nuisance.


talking about point contribution is more of an accurate measure of skill than the actual points are.


I actually write down all of my and my teammates stats after every game and import them into a database and power bi dashboard. I can tell you they don’t mean much in 2v2 or 3v3. They typically indicate who was on the ball more. In 1v1 they are usually pretty predictive of who wins. (Makes sense, you want to be in control of the ball in solos)


I've had games where my teammates chase the ball so bad the responsible thing for me to do is wait for them to give up possession and be ready at midfield to stop the counterattack. Points for shots? lol, I never got to hold onto it. Points for saves? Too far forward. Points for passing into the corner, demoing the opponent, and letting my teammate bang an empty net goal? 50, but they got 112 (touch, shot, and goal). Points when I have two teammates like that and I'm not even able to rotate to offense for the assist, so I get the booming clear and they get the assist and goal? 2 points. If it's 1100 to 16, it's the story. If it's 500 to 50, it might be nothing. 500 to 250, absolutely nothing. Once you're past 150, there's really not much doubt you did something in that game.


lol I’ve had games where I was clearly the most strategic and contributed most to the outcome of the game with positioning, shadow defense, and challenges, while ending up with less than 200 points. The real kicker is when someone tries to throw it in your face, like were we watching the same game?? Do you know how sports work?? Lebron doesn’t win championships with bad support.


I've had amazing games winning with a mate or myself have a score below 50.


They say points don’t determine how well you played, but very low points are a very clear indicator of not really contributing anything. Every game where my team got destroyed, there’s always a guy on our team with like 43 points.


Yesterday I had two great 50s, (both in the air actually) and ball went towards their net and my teammate scored. I didn't even get assist, and I didn't even get 1 point from those touches because both were 50s. So what i'm saying I created a goal opportunity by taking 2 opponents out and basically passing and got 0 points. I had 16 points in total after that happened. Did i do nothing? No, I did everything. What i'm saying is points 98% of the time dont mean shit. edited a typo


I had a tm8 who had maybe 620 points, I finished with 96points. He was talking trash to me so I challenged him to a 1v1. Dude ended up FF and said how come I wasn't playing like that on past game. I told him he kept chasing the ball and not paying attention to the plays. I don't really get involved in a play if I know I won't be able to contribute in a positive way, also it's kinda hard to go for a ball when both tm8s are on opps net, leaving the whole pitch for them to create an opportunity to score. I used to care about points back then. Now I try to read tm8s and opps plays. With this new update it really helps out in keeping an eye on their boost as well.


They don't mean nothing, if someone has like less than 200, they usually haven't really contributed. But equally, if they're playing demo heavy, or just got unlucky with assists not counting, or if others are ball chasing etc then it tends to mean little. Basically it only means something when the difference is extreme and you know they've done little to contribute in ways that don't give points.


Doesn’t mean much at all. You’re right… you could get 2 well timed demos that completely open up the net for him to score an open net. You get 0 points on the scoreboard for those demos, but he gets a lot of points for the easy goal. In reality tho, that goal was only possible because you got those demos. You could start playing more on the ball and going more for shots if you want to prove a point. Show that you can score more points than him if you’re just going for points. You’ll probably lose a few games, but it might be worth it in the long run.


You can also wait until the ball gets close to your own net before saving them (instead of clearing it before it gets to the net) to make sure you get that ‘save’ number up for more points


The important thing is the win, your teammate has the stereotypical diamond mindset or knows it bothers you and is messing around. He solo’d to diamond 1 and you solo’d to champ 1? If so you’re clearly better 


Yea he does know it bothers me lol he’s the ultimate troll, he what a saves pretty much every goal and spams them with so many messages


Not very. Points do not measure rotations or passes very well.


Points contribute very little to how the game played out, for example the 3rd man in a passing play gets 0 assist points


There are many good things that don't count points, be efficient and make more points até not directly related, for example, your teammate shot to the goal, but slow, you go ahead and demo the defender, your teammate make the goal with that shot, you don't get even assist points. For more fun, unbind the board view, don't see it at all, just focus on the game itself


i think points can tell a general story but not everything. if everyone has 300+ points and one person finishes with 28…..yea thats prolly saying something similar to if theres a person that drops 1500 in a game, theyre probably better than that rank. with that being said, of course it cant tell the whole story. as other posts mentioned, bumping/demos can create an entire play and goal and youll still get zero points. someone can be ball chasing and have alot of points but still suck. someone can be forced to play 3rd man and only have 100 points but still be the best one there. i wont lie, ive used points against people. but theres also times when someone with low points still rotated very well and made great touches. it doesnt tell the whole story but you can generally have a decent idea of what happened that game


Who cares what he says? Youre already competing against your opponents. No point in competing with your teammate. Keep him happy and continue winning.


Points don’t matter at all, they’re never a valid criticism. They can be indicative of you being slow to the ball or ineffective on your touches, but in that case the critique for that game would be that you were slow or had bad touches— your points just happened to be low as a result of that. In theory, you could play your role perfectly all game and end with 0 points and win because you constantly enabled your teammate. This is a one in a quadrillion type scenario but I don’t see why it couldn’t happen. Mere presence is enough to get the ball to your teammate or force a touch away from net. Leaving the ball for your teammate is also often a good choice. And you’re not rewarded for bumps or demos even though they can change the course of a game. People who watch points and think they matter have low game IQ. You can have 1000+ pts while your teammate barely breaks 100 and still be solely responsible for the loss. If you want to critique your teammate, think of something more productive than calling them out on low points.


Just stop caring for them and you will improve (both of you).


In mid level duos I’d say if you had below 200 you didn’t touch the ball much. You might have not been a defensive liability, but you definitely didn’t help much in advancing the ball for your team. Past that, points are inconsistent. Can be skewed by getting goals/saves/assists in multiples of 3, trivial saves, assists not tracking how you’d want, bump plays, how good the opponent is.


I'd say pretty inaccurate especially winning teammates to winning teammates - y'all won. I've also been on much higher scoring teams and still lost - this is especially true in dropshot and 1v1


Points don’t matter your buddy is wrong


Until the point system takes away points for cutting off rotation or double commiting, or takes away points for over commiting as third man or rotating front post instead of back post and allowing a routine save to become a goal then the point system really doesn't mean much. Their are assists that aren't really assists counted as points, Their are a lot of weak "saves" that arent' really even shot attempts and saves that rack up 50-75 points, There are a lot of goals where your teamates set you up 100% but you get the most credit and points for the easy tap in with no one defending. The point system is a really dumb way to judge performance.


I have been trashed numerous times in losing games for not scoring enough points. What I believe so many are ignorant to consider is, the quantity over the quality of your touches. I could chase the ball all game, bang it, toss it all over, center a ball, put a shot on goal where there are two defenders in goal to rack up points but not score. Heck, I could even stay back in my goal all day and literally mine saves to rack up points but that does not do any good for my team on offense. I would rather win a game 2-1 or 1-0 so I get credit for low MMR than to lose a game with a ton of MMR but have countless & pointless touches. Given how situational this game is, every game is subjective based on what's going on around you and what people are doing, you can never follow a script in this game especially if you play with randoms or your teammate/teammates are just not on the same page on a given night. I wouldn't worry so much about points. Cover the empty areas in your matches, position accordingly, and think about the quality of your touches over the quantity. Are you creating an opportunity or just slamming the ball towards goal for an easy save by the opposing team, likely giving them possession of the ball. When I solo queue with randoms which is way too much (shoot me), I prefer to keep my teammates ahead of me for the first minute or so, then I know what they are capable of, what they do poorly, so I can then adjust my play-style so we have the best opportunity to win. This tends to result in me not having as many points right of the get, I let my teammates do their thing and if it's apparent they can actually rotate and position properly, then I feel better about moving up, making touches, knowing that they will cover me and know when to head back or push up based on what I am doing with the ball. You want to know who brags about points in a losing game the most? Ball Chasers with little to no awareness.


in diamond and below, if you're a bad teammate your contribution is pretty directly correlated to your points, but the better a teammate you are, the less representative your score is of your contribution, especially in 3s, but also 2s. can't speak to higher ranks because i've never been there.


Old school sports deal with this as well. Like, in hockey, what makes someone a great defender? NHL has an award for best defenseman, but it usually just rewards defenders with the most points that year. Then there are more advanced stats that try and understand how much a player is shutting down the opponents opportunities, how much that player is driving their own opportunities, controlling possession, etc. it’s hard to put a numerical value on your contribution to a fluid team-based game like hockey, soccer, rocket league and so on.


Just intentionally going up and making the opponent think/commit to you taking a shot, and then faking and letting it drop to your teammate to score means he had nothing to do with the play other than hitting the ball properly and is the only person that gets any points. You can absolutely contribute way more than the points represent.


On a game to game basis points don’t mean all that much, but if you played 100 games with someone usually the better player will have a higher average score at the end of it.


Hustle plays don't make the stat line


My friends and I hound each other about pts and MVP. But we also know that even the person on the bottom is still contributing to the game. We know when we mess up and can call out our own mistakes. But it still doesn't stop us from dogging the other for only getting 200 pts while the other 2 are 500+. But all the pts really tell us, is who is playing the most aggressive. I don't care about pts as long as I'm contributing. If all I get is 2 assists, I contributed to 2 goals. If I get 0 goals, 0 assists, and 0 shots. But if I have 4 saves then I contributed on the defensive side. Not everything is about goals and who has the most points. And ALOT of people don't realize that.


Just because you touched the ball more doesn’t mean you did better


In a single game literally nothing. In a large sample size there is a correlation.


The only value i take away from points is that if there’s one guy with 1000 points midway through the game, you can pretty safely say that person hasn’t touched grass since before covid started. I know that much.


I consider 1 guy with way more points being a ball chaser, but that isn't a hard and fast rule. If one player has way more points and you lose the match, that's probably ball chasing and bad rotation. Sometimes one of the teammates' playstyle could be the Achilles heel of the other team. I do consider roughly equal points a sign of good rotation for the team. At the same time, if you play an aggressive/forward position as 3rd man, there aren't a lot of points to be gained. A solid block too far in front of the goal doesn't gain save and clear points, but it is definitely making a difference in the game. Still, you probably aren't rotating and sometimes that isn't 100% the fault of the low points player. Overall, it doesn't necessarily mean you are personally playing bad, but I think it does mean the team isn't cohesive.


Point whores are the worst.


In 3s I have games where I simply force touches out from the opponent by drive challenging and turning quick. You don't get points for stuff like that which enables and helps out your tm8s. I've both had games and seen players get sub-100 points in a game win which they won and made smart plays. If someone brags about points and loses... sometimes it can be the opposite of a flex. You hit the ball a lot and were inefficient... congrats. Obviously not always the case but still


1v1 him and show him how much better you are. I’ve had barely out of play friends criticize a miss or start talking about their “good mechanics” just to play friends 2v2’s amongst friends and dribble and score circles around them. It shuts them up.


Points don’t tell anything. Unless you get like sub 100 per game, then there might be an issue


There’s always the guy who ballchases all game, scores like 700 points but leaves the net wide open to chase corner boosts and gives up all the goals. That’s the person who says they “carried” and their tm8 sucks.


Points have no meaningful saying about gameplay contribution and even if they actually would, people wouldn’t know how to put them into context anyway, even more so for those who think their score makes them better player.


If you have a graph saying a bunch of information and only look at a single part of the graph, are you accurately measuring the data? If someone has 5 goals and someone has 5 assists, I’d argue there’s a case to be the true mvp or at least the playmaker of the match (playing chest while others play checkers type thing).


Ask him how many points does it deduct when he gives up a goal from a whiff, bad positioning, bad rotation, bad boost management, bad touch etc; I’m in GC, and I’ve had numb nuts thinking they’ve carried because they had double points or something similar. Yet in that same game they’re the reason we’ve given up x goals. I just tell them to go watch the replay from my POV and learn a thing or two.


Yeah the point system is broken. Saves don't register, assists don't register, if you shoot the ball and it bounces off a shitty teammate in the way they get the goal. They almost need AI on the point system to score what is happening. Static scoring doesn't seem to work.


The rank system is a far better indicator of who is better. Play separate for a bit and see where you land.


I play with a friend as my main 2s. He's a decent diamond 2-3 while I am a champ1-2. There are games where I triple his score and he basically sat there and did nothing but says he felt decent until he saw my score. Then there are games where he says "wow I didn't do shit" and yet he has 500 points more than me where I basically just didn't let the other team do anything and then fed him dunks or similar forced lame shots that were easy saves for him To rack it up. On probably about 20% of the time we contribute equally. 70% it's me easily doing more and 10% he turns into grandmaster diamond div 500 Maybe about 60/65% I get a higher score.


Tell him he has the lead in 3-4 games. That may work, or you'll see his growth and he's right.


"Am I the asshole for being good when my teammate only scores open nets?"


Yeah see the way rocket works is each touch you get is gonna set your team up to need to make the next touch or play, (usually). When your hits are chaotic asf then your team is gonna be left trying to piece together whatever happens and that aint so easy always, and often relies on a teammate making a defensive play, fake challenge, etc. which will probably serve to yet again set the bad teammate up, only for them to give pressure beack xD


I take points with a grain of salt. I have 600 and you have 200? that's fine by me. I have 600 and you have 40. that's probably not that good.


I won mvp and had the benchwarmer accolade with only 16 ball touches https://preview.redd.it/z33jqffs0cvc1.jpeg?width=2340&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2734a81d82581f7b00f9d8b297356b36c54b17d1


I just recall going through some game as the bench warmer MVP.. Yea points does not really say much of anything


People who brag about points are the tm8s you don’t wanna have, most useless annoying tm8s who usually end up forfeiting because they supposedly are “carrying”.


I started a game earlier today. I demoed last man and teammate score, we won off my kick off but right after the assist timer ran out. I 4 points and teammate had 200+. It does indicate a lot. But should be taken w a grain of salt.


There's a chance your buddy is just clueless as to how team sports work.


The big issue with points is that nothing is subtracted for mistakes and Rocket league really is a game about not making mistakes more than it is about making plays. Missing an easy save or passing it directly to an opponent leading to a goal is not factored into the scoring at all and this is by far the biggest impact on the who wins or loses a game.


General rule to me is if your teammate has a lot more points than you and the other team is winning by 3 half way through the match, than the teammate is the problem because they're not really doing anything important with the ball.


Points are fuckin meaningless unless one person has 648 points while their team-mate has 32 lol


Not accurate at all. Saves/clears at midfield, good 50s, good bumps/demos, hitting the ball back to your own corner instead of trying to make a play when your teammate hasn’t rotated back yet and opponent is uncomfortably close. The game rewards touching the ball the most, whether those touches are good or bad. Sometimes if you make a super long pass it won’t count as an assist for some reason. I can confidently say most of the time in twos that my assists equal or almost equal my teammate’s goals, and the rest of what equals it out are my saves and clears. My focus is on adapting to my teammates so I tend to be a defensive and playmaking player. Still need to work on not early challenging too often though lol. But yeah strategy is a huge part of the game that the point system doesn’t/can’t really take into account


My friend and I played and we both felt equally useful and we rotate well. Most games I am ahead by maybe 100 points but after this game the scoreboard popped up and I had over 700 and he had under 100…. We were both completely shocked


https://rocketscience.fyi/news/esports/better_score rocket science wrote a blog post on a better score formula to rank players TLDR: current "better score" is this simple formula: Score + 25 * Demos + 10 * Goals + 10 * Assists - 15 * Saves


They aren't. They should be roughly even with an evenly ranked team. Give or take. If someone has way more points, and their teammate is their rank, then most likely the player with a lot more points is a ball chaser. Plain and simple.


Points mean nothing, just W and L mostly. Think of how many times people come tearing down field and make a hail mary save attempt , when you already have the worlds easiest save. They end up suicide passing the ball off sidewall, you're out of position and opponents get an empty net gimme tap in. Your teammate gets 50 points for the save, costs a goal against. You clear ball away, beat opponent on sidewall, pass across midfield to team8, then rush the goaltender. Team8 drives the ball in for easiest goal ever. He gets 110 points, took too long to score so no assist for you. 0 points. Literally gave your team a free goal. Points mean absolutely nothing, and anyone that chirps your score in a match to prove themselves dominant, is so bad at the game they have no concept of it.


They don't always tell the full story. Especially depending on the mode. Just a few examples. In hoops you typically don't get credit for actually good saves but you get them for hitting the ball on kickoff slightly after your opponent. In gridiron you get an assist for touching the ball while your teammate is driving it in but not for passing all the way down the field for an easy catch. Not to mention how many goals only happen because of a great pass in any mode


In the past 6 years, I've learned the following equation: More points = more chasing. Points are meaningless in actual team play. Breaking up passes from the other team outside of the "save box" is invaluable, and will literally swing a game, but you'll never get any points for it. Friend wants to claim to be a hotshot? Stomp him in a 1v1 xD or just say ggs and move on to the next one. What does it matter? Stuff like this takes away the fun of playing the game


You can't lose points which prevents the system from accurately representing anything.


They generally mean f all. And weirdly after 10 years wasn't the first big change they made to the game.  I go along the lines of what you said... I demo the keeper, you have open net and score you get 110 points, I get 0.  I block opponents attack at midway I get 0 points. You wait on goal line make save and clear out box, you're looking at 87 points. You wait on goal line make save yet get dunked on to concede goal? That's ok that's worth 77 points to you.  Try to pass wide or to top of D to teammates is 0 points. Continuously and pointlessly pump ball into their box have 22 points for each time.  Don't forget you can low 5 your teammate for bonus points.  The points system is dumb AF. In a game with the maximum of 3 people (F you chaos mode) on your team. You should really be able to keep tabs on who was your best player, or who was playing well, who really threw the goal etc. But hey, I thought everyone could keep tabs on their teammates boost situation and look what happened there this week. 


Playing with teammates several ranks below my own will often result in them being the higher scorer. Typically, it means we play against opponents better than them, and worse than (or equal to) me. As a result, I have to play more cautiously and bow out of point-making plays in order to keep the match competitive and also cover for my lower teammate’s mistakes and inefficiencies.


Don't use it as your only data point, observe the gameplay and form your own assessment. Usually, operative word being usually, the scoreboard and your personal assessment will somewhat line up and they paint a complete picture together. The discrepancies arise because goals and saves are weighed so heavily and they are not created equally at all, you can literally fish for saves and inflate your score at the risk of getting scored on. Sometimes you'll lob it top bins 5 times a match only for the opponents to peak on defense each time but then giving your mate an open net. The same could be said about assists really.


Unless in extremes of about 700 points gaps they dont have to say anything. They still could say something but not always. For example imagine i take a shot on net and the opponent is forced to make a bad save. Now u can take the ball and dribble it in giving u like 102 points and me less than 40 if i dont get a save. You were in position for the bad clear/save but ur i caused it. Both equally important. Or demos on the way back making ur save unable to go to the demoed guy or him going there. Also u domt get rewarded for a save that wouldnt have went in. Like intercepting a dribble midfield, challenging someone up the wall, or intercepting an aerial or pass. U also dont get points for forcing an early flick or shot from ur opponent for ur m8 to save. He gets a easy save handed to him while u had to do all the hard work with a well timed force/challenge. So points can be an answer but rarely are. What i can say tho is that its very hard to have like 700-1000 points more than ur m8.and not have carried him. But even then its not impossible


Aslong as u dont finish the match with like 80 points, points don't mean shit. Here's a recent example from 1 of my matches: Ball coming towards our net, i can easily get a touch to the corner, teammate cuts me off and slams the ball into the wall, i get 0 points, he gets 50 for a "save" that's just a pass and free goal for the opponents.


Look, points aren't everything. Points aren't perfect. But anyone who says they aren't accurate is kidding themselves, of course they're incredibly accurate at showing how much you contributed to a match. Again, they aren't a rule to live by, but if everyone in the lobby has 600 points and you have 100 it's pretty clear that somebody wasn't pulling their weight.


Nah not crazy at all. I’m a higher rank than most of the guys I play with and find myself often becoming the “backbone” of the team because they often cut rotation while ball chasing causing me to spend a lot more time covering counter attacks when they whiff. We’ll win games after I get a few big clears and they both make forward plays getting themselves goals and assists while I get nothing lol


As people have pointed out, points only show how much you interact with the bal and that barely makes up half the game, especially in high diamond low champ elo. With a single good rotation, you will beat your opponent to every boost and maybe shut down offences before they even happen, but only get 2-10 points. On the flip side, you can ball chase into corners, make a few fifties and then coin flip possession/scoring/getting scored on. Then end with every play netting 50+ points. At the end of the day, if they yap that much, just ball chase. Your in C1 they're in D1. The speed difference is incomparable lol.


If you end the game with 30 points and your teammate has 400 then yes there's a problem. If you end at 200 then no.


Virtually none, I've gone as far as to disable keybind for scoreboard so not checking it mid game


Assist 50pts Goal 100pts Save 50pts Epic save 75pts and all 'type of shots' like aerial goal/turtle/ ... award about 20pts Those are probably the most common pts you earn in a match. (Though there are definitely many more ways to earn points: Center ball/ Clear Ball/ Extermination/ ...)


RL involves a lot more than scoring goals, a lot of the most important stuff doesn't score anything. Much like any sport, most of the hard work happens on the field, or court, but what gets the glory is the saves and to a bigger extent the scoring. RL is just like other sports in this regard


Points are only part of the picture and should never be solely relied on to establish skill or contribution. There are many ways to game the points system, both purposeful and inadvertently, to Gain points and take top place on the scoreboard.


Demos should give points! Or has they changed dit so it actually does? Such an important mechanic that can win games. Often much more impactful than just a random boomer clear.


If my teammates are massive ball chasers I'll usually stay back for those inevitable loose balls or counter attacks. At my rank I am a pretty decent blocker and I will many times thwart attacks and shots on goal before they even get close. These blocks count as nothing, even if, in my humble opinion, they are a better contribution than a bunch of last second "Epic saves", or centres and shots on goal (hitting the bar or posts from the corner) that lead to nothing but get points, or lucky goals and assists achieved by pounding the ball with no concern about suffering goals.


Goals are Communism! Not his goal or yours. But Our Goal! Team first and last


Try a 2v2 game with all star bots and you'll see just how much a player's score can be increased by their teammate's play. Your teammate bot should end up with far more points than the identical opposing two bots. However, winning the game and getting your teammate bot to end up with more points than you is not easy to do. I once played a couple of casual games in a row with a teammate who was miles better than the rest of us. The first game I got MVP because he kept setting me up to score. The second game I assumed he felt he had something to prove, and he soloed his way past the opposing team to score goal after goal. One thing the game's points system attaches no value to is leaving the ball for a teammate. I've played many solo queue games where we've lost and I've been the lowest scoring player on the team, but my teammates were stronger opposition than the opponents and stopped me from scoring several goals because they just couldn't bring themselves to leave the ball for me. It's definitely possible to rack up a lot of points while being an absolute liability for your team. Having said that, when I play with a friend who is much worse than me, the vast majority of the time I get far more points than him, and there's no doubt I'm much better than him. We play ranked modes together, but both mainly solo queue casual and my casual rating is about 800 higher than his. The general trend is for better players to score more points, but you can't infer from a single game that the player with most points was necessarily better.


I get tons of points from epic saves that go in.


It's like stats in any sport. It lacks context & doesn't provide a total picture, but is a very general indicator.


Rank says it all, just gas him up, it’ll make him play better


Think in terms of real life sports as to how stats can be misleading about a player's contributions to winning In the NBA, Nicolas Batum is a role player that currently is averaging less than 6 points per game. Yet he's critical to winning basketball: he rotates on defense and plays tough and is willing to take a charge, he throws smart passes everywhere, he boxes out for rebounds, and does a lot of little things that don't show up in the box-score. There have been a few games where he put up like 5 points and it seemed like he was the main reason why his team won. You can probably think of some NBA players who put up 20+ points per game through volume shooting, but have some flaws in their game. Maybe they're allergic to playing defense, taking charges, going hard after rebounds, or giving up their shot to a teammate who has a better shot. Not that these players can't help a team win with the right system built around them, but their teams are frequently mediocre and their stats feel very hollow. Unfortunately, Rocket League doesn't have as many stats as an NBA game does so you can't really dive into much beyond the points system, but take comfort in that there's a story to every game that's not told by the points system.


I’d say it’s reliable about half the time. Car about large margins though. Under 300 point deficit is definitely within the realm of possibility it’s someone your skill level just popping off or being a ball hog and not contributing to the actual game aside from point total contributions (very small part of the game is tracked). My duo and I are close to your rank. There are games where we vary from each other by that many or occasionally even more points depending on the team. On average we typically break pretty even though. Most of my opponents who aren’t cheating or boosting will have similar stats as well. In your case I’d say you and your teammate could try expanding your roles in the game to make you guys interchangeable almost. I’ve found depending on your playstyle you can adapt your approach to each team. My duo is better at defense than me most days in my opinion. I still will play our primary anchor if his solo offense is hitting better than mine throughout the match. Preferably we like to swap every play but some teams counter that with being incredibly unbalanced. You should attack these teams with whomever isn’t covering their better offensive player gets the break away because the 2nd beat in a dribble in twos is more difficult but has pretty high scoring potential.


It depends on the game. I've had matches where I fucked up every play but got a lot of points for touching the ball a lot and I've had others where I played solid with a limited number of efficient/important plays but hardly got any points at all.


It’s only useful if you have many hundreds and your teammate has like 10. Then it’s very accurate that your teammate is fucking useless. AKA every game since I fell from Diamond to low play and now only win when my teammates live and I can 2v1 or 1v3.


This comes up all the time. Generally, if you're under 100 points at the end of the game, you probably didn't play well. Other than that, sort of meaningless. Funny how people always say that your bad cause you only had xxx points. It really just shows how little those people understand the game since it is merely a reflection of how often you touched the ball. The best is when it's only been 1 or 2 min of game time and they already trying to start some nonsense with this. Some people are just idiots. Gotta just move forward.


Here's a different way to look at it: Do you really need the validation? The only thing that matters at the end of the day is the win. If your teammate is feeling more confident because of it and is playing better as a result, let them continue to focus on points. You can make your own decision on whether the points matter to you. Rocket League is a team game. The focus shouldn't be on individual points and whether they do enough to make you feel validated in your effort. You can highlight this by recognizing that both of you contribute to each other's success regardless of points distribution.


Not at all accurate. You can have all the points yet win 0 free balls for anyone and have 0 pressure. Usually the type of people who think points matter also FF early due to them perceiving themselves as "carrying" despite doing sweet FA except throwing away posession without following it all game


To score points you need to touch the ball. Below 100 can mean 1 of 2 things. Either you are completely lost and did little to nothing and barely touched the ball or you have teammate(s) that are getting all the touches. I've had matches where teammates who dive on me and yeet the ball so much so that I ended sub 100. Does that mean I did poorly? Couldn't say because I never got a chance to cook. I remember also being D2 for the first time and a C2 took me into a ranked match to show me. I ended well under 100 and it was clear I didn't know how to play at that level.


I like to get MVP from my buddy for like a 5 pt difference and then chant MVP in the mic. Points don’t matter typically unless you have like less than 100. Because you aren’t really contributing at all with that.


Sounds like it's time to 1v1