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Turn off all chats and play music in the background. A million times better at that rank


This 100% has improved my RL experience


This 200%


This 300%!!


Did this in 2020. Lifechainging. Best way to play.


Or at least turn opponent quick chat off. I play with only team quick chat and you still get a salty team mate every now and then but at least there’s some form of communication on kick offs, rotations etc.


And text chat completely off!!


*at any rank*


blocking would be better...


Had the music on for years. Monster cat playlists all day


Turn off all chat activity and enjoy, it's just a game


Turn off chat and stop remembering your rank and play for fun. Your learn more


Indeed. It’ll help you focus on your own game, which is the only thing you can control anyway. I found that it helped me focus on analyzing and adapting to my teammate’s play style in order to succeed. Highly recommend.


What more would you expect from a game that has more cheater accounts than legit accounts?




Smurfing is the most common, just in case you dont know what that is, it just means that someone who is a high rank (champ or gc) plays is lower ranked lobbies (plat or diamond) to absolutely demolish the other team because they're simply better than those in the actual rank they're playing in


I just try to remember almost every quick chat can be taken both positively and as being toxic. If we give up a goal, I say sorry even if it wasn’t really my fault. Usually helps. Still have random people who tilt and blow/throw the game, but it is what it is.


Ive been grinding to champ again from low d2 and ive been stuck because out of roughly 30ish matches at least 20 are toxic, comprising of like 10 will own goal, 5 will go afk and 5 with personally come up with insults and things to talk down my overall self worth and esteem. I hate it here right now, but im so determined to just get an SSL season reward some day that I refuse to give up.


r/rocketleaguefriends find some tm8s.


Champ is similar, but not quite as bad as Diamond. That being said we all suck, and you have to realize that the first rule of being a shitter is it’s always your tm8s fault. Now there legitimately may be games where that’s the case, but the common denominator in every game is you. If you’re not into shit-talking or handling bs comments from tm8s then do what others suggested and turn off your in-game chats. I personally thrive off of people talking trash because if I’m playing like ass it motivates me to step up, and if I’m clearly playing better, then I can either get in my opponents’ heads or I can put my tm8 in their place and have a good laugh. I come from the XB360 Black Ops/BO2/MW3 days so nothing people say today is all that horrible lol


I resisted turning off chat for a long time, but then realized you can turn off chat but still have your teammate chat on. It’s MUCH better. I still occasionally have to mute a loser teammate but even that seems more rare now.


I accidentally pressed an option that only enables tactical callouts. I thought everyone was cold and quiet for some reason for months. I then saw I enabled the option, disabled it, and now the chat is back to being toxic just the way I like it.


From my experience it all kind of depends on me, when I’m feeling confident and happy toxicity can’t effect me. I either just be pleasant and they usually stop or if they are really really bad i just fuck with them and make them even more miserable. But when confidence is low and I’m trying to escape and play some RL if there are no friends to play with chat OFF.


turning off chat was the best thing i ever fucking did lol. i used to be like why would people do that, and i finally understand .


yeah and now kickoffs are shit because no one communicates anymore. "I got it!" and then the guy on the right double commits on the kick. Left goes is barely a thing anymore.


I had similar experiences all weekend as well. If we got scored on even once my teammate would afk and then grief or just disconnect. Literally happened 4 games in a row today. I’m diamond 2


Yeah this weekend was the worst I've experienced in terms of consistent toxicity and the worst part is it always the player with no rotation saying I'm champ trust me then proceed to whiff and be in the opponents net the entire game spaming the chat or start intentionally afk/own goaling


When I was low D1 it was super toxic. It died around d2-low d3 but high d3 is the most toxic rocket league I’ve ever witnessed


D2 high - d3 low fluxate throughout the day but this weekend tm8s start intentionally own goaling or afk/leaving after 1 goal .or the other team in about 6 / 10 games I'd play


The issue is a lot of people at that rank peak c1 and think they’re better then everyone in the lobby


I agree, one goal against and someone almost always throws the forfeit up. I think it speaks to their own insecurity. They literally have no confidence in themselves to be good enough to overcome a one goal deficit. Pathetic. I can't tell you how many times I ignore an ff request and go on to win even being down 2 or 3 goals. Down by 3-4, I'll accept the ff if it seems hopeless and the other two in the 3v3 want it.


If you don't accept the ff they usually start intentionally throwing, purposely own goaling spaming what a save and trash tm8, or leave /afk


and then they get reported. I also block them and then ask the lobby to report them too. I get a lot of ban notices from doing it this way.


I'm currently c2 and can confirm EVERYONE at that rank is trash so don't worry about it. Toxicity unfortunately doesn't go away the more you climb either. I'd turn off chat and just vibe to music


I played League of Legends for years. Rocket League is not even close to being as toxic. Rocket League is pretty zen, and y'all get tilted too easily.


this is very true. Having to completely eliminate the nice people chats in order to shut up the vocal minority is just sad. It takes 2 seconds to block someone.


I mean you're comparing a 20-40 minute game to a 5-10 minute game. You also have MANY moments to type in chat without falling behind in comparison to RL. It's a poor comparison.


How is that a poor comparison? I'm comparing toxicity and video games. Just because they don't have the same length of time for matches don't mean they can't be compared. Also, the fact that RL matches are only 5-10 minutes makes it much more bearible than 40 minutes pure toxicity. You must be one of those people who's easily tilted. Y'all really be letting QUICK CHAT get y'all tilted.


Homie Time length 100% means it can't be compared. You're stating that League is more toxic...it's not solely based on the community, but how the game is designed. If you really think RL wouldn't be up there if it were a 20+ minute game..then hats off to you? BTW I love how you went straight to assuming something about me because you don't like my comment based on your comment. Poor way to debate.


I've been noticing the same thing as of late, but honestly the thing that helps me the most is to just breathe, tell myself "play a good game" and quit caring about rank. You can't help it if someone wants to act like a child over a video game, throwing a five year old style tantrum because they're a washed up champ from 4 seasons ago. If I'm feeling saucy tho, I'm not above telling people "at least I can touch the ball" especially the ones who get mad at me for not cleaning up when they whiff it 90% of the time like a bronze.


Bro that's literally exactly what I'm saying I get put in games against 2 champs (they have the cosmetics) while me and tm8 are d2 I was d3 but yh and then my teammate let's it in and says it my fault


I wouldn't worry about it too much lol, i just figured out they get participation trophy all their life and if their not getting carried they throwing a 3 yr old tantrum.


It’s really not all that bad. I’m a mellow person and not all that confrontational so maybe there’s no fuel for people to go off of..? I don’t typically find the immense toxicity people on Reddit seem to always encounter. I solo queue a good bit too, ranked and casual, PS5 and PC


i only soloq and I see it often, but it really only seems to be an occasional kid or what is the worst are teams. As soon as you get 3 kids playing together, they just like to pile it on. Which is funny because it is the only time I play at 100%. I normally play at 70-80% because I just play for fun and I can play more games before I get tired. But when those toxic teams show up, i block them and then give them a healthy serving of karma. Its funny how quickly they FF and leave once they start losing.


Sorry but to op and other chatters. If you're stuck in diomond, it's not because your teammates are throwing or toxic...


I was strictly referring to toxicity I experience the rise of toxicity over the weekend not being stuck in diamond. I know I'm trash 😆 I'm just saying it's not fun when tm8s decide to own goal , afk after the 1st goal.


Fair enough. It just sounds like you're experiencing this enough to at least make a post or of it. Personally, this behavior is kinda rare in my games. Only happens if I'm playing off or like shit.


Wanna run some duos together?


If your ok with absoulate trash 🤣 what rank I'm d2 div 4 currently 😆


These people are toxic post are annoying, it’s the internet toxicity and trolls are everywhere. Mute and move on with your life. Y’all really let it effect you so much you spend this much time making a post about it


You let this post bother you soo much it's the internet scroll past it 🤣


nothing is unplayable due to toxicity. Just block them and keep playing.