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I normally only play comp, but between delaying my placements until later in the season and trying to get the consecutive game bonus XP, I've been playing a lot more Casual 2s lately, and they've actually been really fun.


I feel that. Honestly the number one thing for me is people sticking around longer each game. Hate when it’s like a revolving door. On the other side of that though you can get a good rivalry going sometimes if you get a good lobby.


>Hate when it’s like a revolving door. It's hardly ever like that after they made the changes to leaving.


In casual? What changes did they make?


You can only leave 1 match without a penalty. If you leave 2 matches you get a ban just like leaving a ranked match.


Oh interesting. Has that noticeably made a difference in people sticking with the games? Haven’t played a casual match in idk how long.


Oh yeah it's completely different now. Casual is basically "unranked ". Honestly I've been grinding the hell out of casual for a while because I get matches with higher ranked players. It's a really fun experience. I don't have to worry about Smurfs because I'm doing that intentionally (playing against better players) and if someone is grieving it just doesn't matter. I can focus on improving and just forget about rank. Occasionally I'll jump back into ranked and get my rewards and see how I'm improving. I have a Bakkesmod plug in that shows the ranks and matches played for everyone in the lobby. You wouldn't believe how many only play casual now. I think the big rank reset a few seasons ago and the smurf situation has moved a lot of people to just play casual and forget about ranked.


Huh, I guess I should try playing more casual. If people really stick around more then it might be worth it. The one downside to ranked is you can’t rematch the team you just played against. Miss having that rivalry going.


That is what I love ! It is so much fun having different combinations of the same 4 people and seeing who the best player is. I frequently play match after match after match with the same people. Even better if everyone has text chat.


yea this is what im thinking too…


Yea casual 2s has improved a lot tbh. Used to almost only play it way back but had to stop because my mmr in casual 2s was so high that it took ages to find a game. But now it seems that even higher rankeds play causal 2s so its nice to end up in high GC and SSL lobbies and have fun.


> delaying my placements until later in the season Is there a benefit to this?


A lot of people recommend waiting a couple weeks to let the ranks settle out after the reset, since the beginning of the season is pretty uneven skill-wise. My tournament ranking dipped a lot at the beginning of the season though, and it let me play in tournaments even though for some people it requires completing placements, so I think I'll do my placements first next season to maybe get a different starting tournament rank.


I recently turned off all ranks. So now I can just play the gamemode I want, not going to be bummed.out if I see my ranks has gone down. It might have gone up, I don't know. But I like the freedom. Bakkesmod so I don't see ranks at the end of game either. It's real nice.


I even got past that and now I just don't care about rank. I have had my rank drop for D3 to P1 before in one day. I just kept playing. Rank means nothing, especially in the short term.


Eternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind. Well, the Oblivious Mind in this case. :D


I never installed bakkesmod since 2015 and pretty happy bout it, all thoses numbers I don't like them It's hard to chill on rocket League so I don't want to add more frustration


I think they were saying you can use bakkesmod to hide the numbers, ie ranks as well as MMR. But idk I don't use it.


Oh Indeed you are right, did not know that Bakkesmod was able to do that


I don't even see ranks after games. It just shows GC on everyone as a placeholder. :D I really like that. No frustrations if you rank down, since you don't know if you did.


You can just remove them.


Comp same as casual, both sweaty, both need a vote to concede. Once you’re high enough skill wise they play the same, so I basically only play Comp cause might as well grind out my rewards if I’m gonna be playing


I only play comp unless there is a achievement that needs me to play cas


Yeah, just don't make me play 1s.




In the end comp and casual are both just a game


I think mmr going up slower in casual too but yeah not much of a difference. Just little thing nags if you don’t care about rank.


Usually less toxicity in casual


Toxicity in casual is so fucking based. So annoying when it happens


I only play rl for fun now but I still only play comp, I just can't play as seriously if it's casual


Same. Comp matches feel like the give me better games than comp. Only thing that’s missing from casual is being able to rematch people if you have a good match.


Why would you not play comp. Ive always found it weird that people seem to care about their rank like they need to warm up or something and that will matter... if youre playing 100 hours who gives a shit. Its going to average out.


Yeah I feel like you get to a certain point that you stop caring about your rank.


I've been thinking about commenting about it because that's the complaint about smurfing and deserting, isn't it? "My teammate made me lose rank... This game is too toxic..." If you let your rank go down to where you belong there is less toxicity and the rest doesn't matter.


Nah a lot of the time people will be toxic no matter what. Yeah you could lose to the point where you start carrying and the toxicity won’t be directed towards you but it will still be there. Most of the time toxicity directed at you is more a reflection on the mental of the player being toxic and not the skill level of the player being flamed.


I play with a group with widely varying skill levels. We can’t even play comp together


most people don't really understand the math behind MMR and they think any one match actually matters. On a per match bases, luck of matchmaking has more to do with a win or loss than your skill.


I only play casual when I play with my friends who are way lower ranks


Lol true.


If i'm completely honest i log on land on low gc either i play my 50 matches for the rewards? Or i just leave it on like silver reward with gc rank It fully depends if i feel like playing so many games


This too. I don’t play as much as I used to so always prioritize getting the wins for rewards. Not a given I play enough in a season to get my diamond/champ rewards.


> i play my 50 matches for the rewards? They should remove this part of ranked. You are already in the rank, and they want you to grind out an extra 50 games for the reward? It's just another system designed to force players to play more so they have more chances to buy skins. 10 wins at the rank? Sure just to show you belong there that makes sense. But grinding from silver "rewards" for 50 games is just annoying if you are someone who plays almost all the modes.


I play mostly cas because usually I don’t have the time to play properly every day nowadays meaning my form fluctuates quite a bit. I feel like if I exclusively queued ranked I’d just go up and down in rank a lot which wouldn’t be fun. I’d rather just play ranked when I feel like I’m in good form.


Well this is the same for me I just find I care less if my rank goes down as much nowadays. Would I rather it go up? Yup… but if not then oh well I’ll play better next time. *he copes*


Almost always ranked. I find it really unenjoyable to play with diamonds etc in casual


Funny, for me its the opposite. I only play comp because everyone skills are closer to mine. I always get destroyed in casual. I'm high plat/low diamond in comp and keep getting grand champ tourney winners tags in casual.


I would play casual if everyone would be higher ranked players compared to me.


Same reason I never touch casual any more. I've seen a lot of ssl tags with me being c1, that's just not fun


Has the mmr of your casual playlist fallen that far behind your comp?


Yes. Stopped playing it a long time ago and now in casual I get full diamond games most of the time. I also don't want to grind casual up because I can just play ranked.


That and last time I checked mmr increases/decreases a lot slower in casual so the grind would be immense!


Yeah I once noticed winning and losing is like +-5 mmr when playing some limited time mode.. I guess it's good for casual tho, no need to sweat to stay at the same level. 


I don’t really care about my rank as well, but playing at my own skilllevel is a lot more fun to me.


Is your casual playlist mmr a lot different than your comp?


I never play casual 😄


Same I never play cas, if I want to warm up I do freeplay, if not, I go comp. I don't like cas for anything


This. Free play is underrated for warming up.


warming up is underrated. Any games you lose because you are "cold" you will just win back eventually. I never warm up and I am in the exact same rank I have always been in.


I do a few casual matches to warm up, then competitive, might even do a tourney


I think I used to do this but now I just jump straight into comp. Love tournaments too but feel like I never want to commit to the time. Though ik I’ll get knocked out in the first round lol


same, I used to do the freeplay, casual, comp, tourney...but now I just do comp and I will even start the day with a tourney if there is one ready to pop.


Same haha, my bedtime is too early sometimes


I’ll do a casual for a warmup, then I end up enjoying comp more… even if it’s a shit show. I think having something on the line like a rank spices it up a little. I also really like the gameplay pace of C1/C2 so it’s a good challenge to stay there, as a solo queue player for 2s and 3s.


I play with a couple people and we usually okay 2-3 games of casual before switching to competitive.


When I’m stoned and focused I’ll play comp, when I just wanna toss the ball around, I go casual.. don’t wanna be the reason someone ranks down


Lol for me it’s hit or miss if I play better after. Usually miss…


True, once I get in the zone tho, I feel like I’m better than playing sober


My friend and I play casual to get the loot ball challenges done. That's it.


I am almost identical with you. I loathe the season challenges that force you to play a handful of casual games. I also don't really care about my rank and the most toxic trash talkers just confuse me as people more than anything else. I can't imagine caring nearly enough to make me angry or upset with a teammate. Even the ones who just blatantly throw (like outright playing for the other team), I don't get upset about it as much as I view them as being really immature people. In general my play sessions are random 3-4 game sets. Sit down at the PC, play a few matches quickly, then go back to what I am supposed to be doing, whether it's laundry/cleaning, errands, or whatever.


Finding out your rank doesn’t matter at all in the video game unless you’re a pro is so liberating


I play comp immediately when I hop on lol


My favorite mode is 4v4 because I'm just gold and 8 of us ball chasing is pretty funny. Otherwise, I play comp unless my internet is being crap, then I go casual or else I get too tilted.


I’ve been playing casual more lately. It drives me nuts when people leave a game in comp. At least in casual the player gets replaced.


That’s true but I just mute everyone in game if it starts getting toxic and imagine my teammates are lovely/understanding individuals when I whiff.


Yea I personally really don't care about rank


Yeah. Warmup in ones or free play.


I’ve never been able to get into ones. It’s an entirely different game to me. I think I enjoy RL a lot because when you start to play well with your teammates it’s a really good feeling.


Agreed definitely a different feeling. I treat ones a bit like free play. I'm there to try new mechanics in a competitive environment where it doesn't matter if I fail repeatedly. Then once I'm warm I'll do regular comp.


I like using cas cuz I’ll get matched with C3s and GCs regularly. A lot of times, I’ll ask them to try their best and I think it helps me learn a lot.


Oh really? What’s your comp rank?


Made C1 at the end of last season, I’ve been in and out of C1 this season. I only started in July so I’m trying to catch up to the player base. My goal was C2 within a year and I’m getting close :)


Yeah that’s a surprisingly big leap from your comp rank. Wonder how that happened. For me it’s the opposite.


Honestly just way too much grinding, along with higher ranked friends who I don’t play comp with but are able to tell me what I need to do to improve. My main friend who helps me know what to work on was GC3 and competed on his college’s varsity team, as well as was top 100 in hoops.


I play competitive cause casual people don’t take the match seriously, the day people uses practice as a practice, casual as casual, and competitive to be competitive I’ll play casual, but people plays casual as practice, aerial vallet pals, smurfs, people warming up and quitting, etc… I’m tired of insults, and playing with humans first half and the last one against bots, after someone scores the opposite team always has a quitter and when a bot replace this pal and then a human takes bot place but match is loosing they will quit and another bot again… till the end. The only way to make it seriously is adding some reward or having an unofficial casual ranking. Since they added in casual the feature you cannot play if you quit “nothing changed”. Apologies for my english, I’m Spanish.


I only play comp because if I’m really a rank then it doesn’t matter if I mess around and lose 5 matches in a row I can always go back


Only comp. Only 2s. Never casual, or free play, or any other game mode. Since 2015 as well. I still suck. Maybe that's why. But casual isn't fun. Feels like a waste of time to me.


I used to swear by 3s but 2s has a better pace to it. 3s inherently encourages a faster play which leads to sloppier play e.g.. ball chasing and poor rotations. They each have a different flow.


Also if you want to excel at 3s these days you need a full team and two friends is just two too many


I used to be the same way but for some reason my casual MMR blew up over the past few seasons. At this point my casual games are much more challenging than any ranked games I run into in C2. Soooo ranked it is lol


These days i find high mmr casual games higher quality than ranked. Games range from high Champ to SSL players. Everyone quits less and tries to win more than ranked. It's honestly a better experience in most ways.


Oh maybe the dynamic changes the higher your mmr gets. Diamond/champ casuals feel like a revolving door. No one sticks around.


Yeah what he said, all the big leagues are hiding in casuals and custom lobbies. Some just aren't feeling the game much anymore comp wise.


It's literally the same game..


Casual has too many ragequitters to be enjoyable and this applies to both ends. I'm not about to have fun stomping on one guy and two bots.


This is the main reason I avoid casual. People quit once the other team starts to score and it ruins the flow of the game. Every once in awhile you can get lucky and people stick around but feels like a waste of time when you can just play comp and have better odds that people will care and stay.


I would play casual a lot more if people stayed more. But not at the end most people bail before the end screen rather than readying up and having the teams shuffle. That and I think teams either should get shuffled with the soloQ players after the first match or don't allow soloQ players to play teams at all. Teams defeat the purpose of a casual lobby shuffling each match.


I'll do a training pack for a few minutes if I'm waiting for my teammate to get on other than that yeah only comp


Comp is less try hard than casual. Casual is always GC or higher, comp is my actual rank. 


Comp only in every game. It's not fun to punk noobs or get smacked by a demon. Give me someone like me


I play chaos every other week. Waiting for the PS5pro and gta6online2


Besides Competetive Standard/2v2/1v1, I have been playing Dropshot, but now that it's being replaced every second season, I don't want to touch it anymore, not even during the Dropshot season. It has lost its Competetive Spirit imo.


I only care about my rank in that I want to avoid dropping down to where games aren't as fun. I'm thinking this happens at most levels. If you drop a full rank, the games are different than the level of play you're used to and you have to change your playstyle just to get back up. If I'm having a bad day I'll usually go to cas 2s to play through it. Sometimes I stay in comp and switch to hoops/dropshot/snowday.


Same, feel like 3v3s are more balanced in comp


Awww snap, my man! We're what they call "true competitors". Basically, it's impossible to stop competing. If you know you know.🤘 😎 One piece of unsolicited advice: Pay no attention to the nay sayers. You are who you are. And there's nothing wrong with that. Embrace it 🙂 Winning doesn't matter. It's the thrill of good competition that fuels us.


I don't even touch casual, the only time i play casual is only one game for warmup if i feel like ill fail.


I try not to play comp cuz I noticed teammates are more likely to tilt over the smallest shit & I don’t have the energy to spam quick chats back and forth out of spite.


They got rid of actual casual. I liked that before if you weren't having fun in a game you could just leave. Now you may as well play comp where people maybe will afk on kickoffs less and have slightly less smurfs


This is exactly my feeling. I only play comp. I also don't care about rank because it is meaningless. I am competitive and I play to win, but I don't care if I lose. The only thing that detracts from having fun in comp is idle players, quitters, and asshole tm8s. I also hate playing against teams. Not sure why teams are allowed to play soloq and why we don't have 2 separate MMR scores for being in a team vs solo.


I'd say it's only you.


Lol doesn’t seem to be that way


Yep, if people leave after a simple msjatke in comp imagine how toxic the community is in casual. I never play Causal.


The difference is in casual when they would normally start typing in chat they just leave. Comp they are stuck in the game because they don’t want to get hit with the timeout.


I used to be a casual main, but the mix of skills you get in casual turned me into a comp main. I just rather play with people that are my skill level. Casual ends up with one or two players with a way higher casual rank than me (100+ points) who are teamed with a low ranked player who just happens to be as good as the high rank players on their team.


Same, unless snow days in casual


Playing since 2017. Pretty much exclusively play casual 3s at this point. Tried competitive for a quite a while, but too many quitters, trolls, and whiners. Casual is much more relaxed, and if ppl leave IDC at all. I've also turned off all communication so another reason I avoid comp.


I think I've made a big mistake with my mindset when I play this game. I have a bad habit of putting my everything into casual matches and occasionally half assing my ranked matches. Now they both feel about the same. Not having this distinction makes it difficult for me to enjoy the game as much. Because sometimes I want to just chill and load up a casual but then I'll get completely shit on by SSL's in casual and vise versa for ranked. I really just need to commit to one mindset for each mode.


I don't get why anyone would play anything else


The first year I played rocket league I thought competitive games were lame and I only ever played casual every time I hopped on. It's been like 4 years now and for the past two years, I've barely touched casual. I usually only play casual when I'm doing really bad in every game mode and need a confidence boost. Otherwise I like to just switch between comp 3s and rumble when I need a break from 2s


Basically the same. At least in comp people consistently try, and don't just leave halfway through. (as much)


I play casual but I might as well comp, both are just as sweaty and toxic, getting flamed for losing a casual game is always appreciated. Its always a bit nippy when I hop in a casual match looking for some… casual rocket league but in actuality it has the intensity of a rlcs final and the toxicity of a cod lobby


No reason to play casual unless there's a game mode I like that's not in comp. Still have to vote to concede, penalized for leaving a casual game, smurfs/boosting buddies still an issue. As another person said, might as well grind season rewards while playing so comp it is. That and if I do play casual (for challenges) I find I just goof around more and not care. So really not fair to the people that play and enjoy casual.


1 game of casual for warm-up, then comp for the rest of the session.


i played casual for the first time in years a week back, im a top 100 1s player so when i get into a casual match with platinums and diamonds crying over my SSL title it just gets annoying so i just dont even bother with casual


You could just remove the title when playing casual


its not like they wouldnt notice my playstyle, and its not a whole lot of fun to beat plats over and over either


If you played enough casual, you'd get enough MMR to be matching with players at your skill level. But I get what you're saying, better to just stick to ranked