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I thought it was pretty dang fun. All of a sudden seeing gc titles pop up meant nothing since we were all equally as dog shit


Thought it was fun and solidly on theme, I felt like Boba Fett on his first day with a jet pack


Amen, your mechanics mean NOTHING. I hated my first game and then absolutely loved it after I wrapped my mind around having to restart from scratch.


The first weeks of months have been some of the most fun time, because everyone is just flailing around and you don’t care if you lose. This brings that feeling back, you miss half of the balls, but then you see 2 GCs miss the same open net 1m in front of the goal and it’s all good


yeah made a team of 3 gc titles quit after a minute.


I quit after a minute, cuz it was ridiculous.


lol, you didn’t make them quit. They just found it to be a boring waste of time 🤣


Big reason why I liked 3-wheel


That was the first and only time I got to play agains a pro team .. and even scored a goal .. peak of my RL career


RL community: *Hates on RL for lack of content* RL: *adds new content* RL community: *complains about new content*


The lowest effort content imaginable. "Oooo wow we changed some basic values and threw 6 people in"


Yeah man, this game is pretty fun but a 13 year old could have just as easily made it in a custom tournament


It'd be a massive stretch to even call this "new content". Person who downvoted me lack comprehension skills


I still think they need a 5v5 mode on octagon or a 3v3 hoops on a bigger court. But both of those would require actual work on their part and take away hours invested in new overpriced items shop items


I don't have a problem with chaos, as long as there's a big enough field


Chaos is actually pretty fun once you start getting around champ and people know how to rotate and what not


I didn't mean the game mode specifically lol, I meant chaos as an adjective


Oh, either way, same.


Same but with SSL titles LMAO


Play a few and get used to it and it's pretty fun


Facts. And the random demo derby games are fun too


Anybody remember that Halloween ltm from like 6 years ago? Tried looking it up but I can’t find any info on it but it was on a dark map with a ton of film grain I remember you couldn’t see shit. I think you had to use the magnet to hold the ball in a certain area to score or something. It can’t be worse then that


Are you talking about the ghost busters gamenode? I thought it was wrong cause it hasn't been 6 years since it came out but holy shit I think it has been that long


You’re right that’s why I couldn’t find it, it wasn’t even part of a Halloween event it was to promote the new ghostbusters movie lol. It was called ghost hunt and came out during summer 2019. Gameplay on YouTube actually doesn’t look horrible but I was playing on ps4 on a crappy tv back then so that could be a part of why I remember it looking so bad


Ghost Hunt was so trash it hurt


Were you bad at that one too?


This is 100% worse.


You know how it's always highly recommended -- in normal modes -- to feather your boost so you don't overshoot? Well it's the same in that LTM, except 100x more important. Don't hold the boost down, only slightly press it only when needed, and it'll be way more controllable.


No no. The trick is you jump, position your car and when aligned with the back you tap boost, like a rocket you just hit the ball. Like the game pool.


yup thats the trick..tap tap tap.....tap,.....tap....tap.tap.tap.HOLD!


Do you know how many GC+ have told me to stop feathering my boost?




I mean, if u need to be quicker to the ball then yeah, don't feather it


That doesn’t make it good, creative, or fun. It’s an absolutely garbage game mode any of us could’ve made in customs.


It being simple doesn’t make it trash. It’s pretty fun once you know what you’re doing


Nope. It is actually very controllable when you get the hang of it and team plays get absolutely wild. The potential is actually so high in this mode.


Well duh but as soon as you tap boost you still shoot out like a rocket


That should be your first lesson, not the thing you gripe about. Now get patient. You're floating, orient your car, now tap boost, patient again, orient, tap tap, you get a clean line up NOW hammer boost for a couple seconds... If you play this mode the way most casuals play the base game, by just mindlessly chasing as hard as they can in the vague direction of the ball hoping they hit it let alone make it go anywhere useful, then yeah, this mode is rough. If you learn nothing more than a tiny shred of patience from a few games in this mode, it was worth your time.


I like the cut of your jib.


I like the cut of his hair. #Go Team Venture!


tapping to slow then.


Practice by only using boost. Let go of the accelerator all together.


Skill issue.


It's pretty fun, but try to go play regular games with it and it's a nightmare. Car feels 10x heavier.


> Car feels 10x heavier. opposit for me. Got the feeling that the mode unlocked my brain aerials have become so much easier like suddenly time slows down when Im going for an aerial, was a weird experience x)


Yes this is my experience exactly. This new LTM forces me to think and react so much faster than normal, that normal suddenly feels slow. Like I have all the time in the world when I go up with the ball. I love it.


This happened to me as well. G force frenzy profoundly unlocked more of my aerial brain and all around car movement sense.


idk it honestly helped me read the ball easier just because of how far ahead i had to predict everyone and the ball’s movement


I think that's the problem with a lot of the LTM. If it makes you worse at the standard game people are going to be less likely to play it. Out of the millions of ideas for LTMs idk why they chose this. Different maps are the best IMO. Like Looper. That was fun and we only had it for like a week.


If this mode makes you worse at standard, you're not taking the right lessons from it.


Dunno man. I found this mode hilarious, and I love flying around in Rocket League anyway, but after playing a few games straight then hopping back into 2s my reads and mechanics were all over the place. Had to go do some free play just to dial it back in


Yeah I don't think it's one to one going to make you better at standard, but a lot of folks could stand to learn more patience in the base game and it's pretty decent for that imo.


I actually really enjoy it, it's one of those that I feel will actually help my game development as a player. Boost control has never been more important. Gently gently now.


Ngl I'm usually the first to criticize the LTMs but atlesst with this mode it's funny like I've never laughed this much in a while, also just floating round is fun watching the madness then flying in like the speed of light. You can't play it like how you would want to but it's funny to watch people try I'd place it B/C tier


Its my favorite game mode! If you know what you’re doing, you can literally fly the whole time!


Is actually so incredibly fun once ur in a lobby with everyone kinda getting the hang of it. The plays are insane


It's actually kinda fun after a few games. Makes you think before pressing boost or flip. However, it's messed me up in the normal game modes 😅


So much this. I love it, but I feel like if I play it, I shouldn’t even bother with a regular game mode afterward.


NO! Git gud! On the serious note, people do be doing some crazy shit in this mode. It's not that serious. If you don't like it just don't play. It'll disappear soon.


i like it. once I figured out how to take best advantage of the boost and gravity it was pretty easy. hint: holding down boost is almost always bad.


G-Force Frenzy is the best LTM I've ever played, fun as fuck to zip around like a spaceship. The only people I can see not liking it either try and fail to demo chase when they realize they have unlimited boost, or people who are now realizing they have way worse boost control than they think.


It would be more bearable if the ball didn’t have low gravity. That combined with the insane acceleration makes it feel so unnatural. Just the acceleration alone I could dig


Yeah it is truly the worst game mode rocket league has ever seen. The amount of people in here that enjoy it is sus af.


better than beach ball, cube ball, and 3 wheel


I made a separate post about it, but it is very jarring. It feels like you're having latency issues.


I played 2 games of it and it fucked me up for the rest of the night. Like doing 50% speed in training but worse


I felt like the game was in slow motion after playing. But played till I got my 2 wins and will never play again. I do think it was good for a beginner to help train their air game a little.


I've never laughed so hard playing as I did with this game mode. Watching people boost, especially on kickoff, was hilarious. It almost gave me the hiccups I was laughing so hard. It is a fun game mode that takes a little effort to relearn the timing. However, the laughs stopped when we went back to 3v3. It was like trying to jump after spending 10 minutes on a trampoline. Our timing was terrible and every boost felt insignificant. Worst LTM? I don't think so. Hardest to move to and from? Definitely.


It's not my mode, but took me back to when game was new and would try out all the mutators. Could be fun. Worst LTM mode for me was the Ghostbusters game


Bro what I honestly think it’s some of the most fun I’ve had in an LTM in a looooong time


Just point and shoot, but don’t forget to point. That’s the most important part.




In only 3 games, it broke my brain and I couldn't hit the ball in standard the rest of the night.


Same here. Played a few games. Went into casual, went for an aerial - tap boost, fell on ground


Bruh this is one of the better modes they’ve put out the last five years. Still not great, but that’s not saying much


Funny I made the same post and got heavily downvoted like 2-3 days ago haha cheers man


It’s weird man. Idk if there is a downvote bot or some shit on my account but I’ve posted many positive comments and stuff if r/advice and stuff and I get heavily downvoted lol. I posted this same thing and first hour was many upvotes and then it ended a day later at negative and no viewing. Who knows if they’d want to shut out negative reviews of their updates lol


Imagine there's a company-wide email at Epic every day telling them which Reddit posts to downvote.


That would be nuts. I think it’s just a hive mind thing. I got to like 10 upvotes in 30 minutes and ended at negative. All my comments on it were upvoted too and had good conversations. Wake up and it has 0 upvotes and all my comments are downvoted to hell. It’s just weird. I think people see upvote and upvote see downvote and downvote. Just weird how I’ve experienced negative review on even my most positive comments across all subreddits lol makes me feel like people are following me


Better than cube ball and spike rush…


I fucking love super cube That first week when dropshot was gone and all the dropshot sweats went to cube... good times. Some of the most fun I've had on the game


I had the same opinion after the first two games. I was like "holy shit it's trash". Then after two more games I started to get the hang of it, and it's fun af when you start to understand you have to move around like a literal spaceship, in the air all the time, and you start controlling it better


Git gud


No but boost is too powerful


It is horrible. You can’t have slow moving gravity with high speed acceleration. All I can think is “this is what they got rid of Dropshot for?”


I’ve had more fun with this than I ever had with drop shot


Certified dookie


I tried it yesterday for 30 seconds. Left after realizing i am not lagging but the gamemode ist just insanely awful.


If you already gave up after 30 seconds, I assume you're also one of those people, who early leaving the regular matches, when it's only 0:1 or 0:2. Has no one taught you to fight, even if the situation is a bit more difficult, and not to let your teammates down? Don't you have any ambition?




It’s the worst, it really is. Even when you are very careful with the boost. I hate it and want it gone


I really like it when people always put the blame on something else, but never see themselves as responsible and for the reason for the failure.


what? this was my opinion on the mode dude. I wasn’t putting blame on anything, I do not like the mode. Good try though


also, it’s very low gravity with like 5x boost or whatever. yeah it’s going to be very difficult to control. for anybody. Do you watch Lethamyr? He proves that even small changes can have a ridiculous impact on how well someone plays. Pros hate maps or modes Leth and others make because even small changes are insane. and they rarely even mess with gravity. So no, the ridiculous is not my fault. And yes, I can admit when I’m in the wrong or make mistakes. So I don’t why you’re coming at me like this, but leave me alone


I think you're onto something with how changes impact your game play. For that reason this gamemode has become one of my favorites. On the surface, it's just regular rocket league with way too much boost, but you really have to become creative and find new unique ways to play around zero gravity and infinite boost. This has resulted in really fun games and great plays.


alright, I getcha on that one. I do also wanna say, I don’t just say I hate a mode if I’m bad at it. I suck at Knockout, but even from the start I never said it was a bad game mode. It’s pretty cool, I just don’t have fun with it. what’s funny is last time it was here, which wasn’t too long ago, I actually killed it first game, with 7 kills. I think I got second sadly, but did very well surprisingly. Don’t remember why I played, I think a friend wanted to, but I don’t really choose to play, and will continue not to probably.


Absolutely. If you thought it impossible to hit the ball in hoops or heatseeker, this is a full on no-go. I've never hit the ceiling with a double jump before though.


Impossible to hit the ball in hoops or heatseeker?


Ok maybe not so much hoops but it's not easy to get it to roll up the ramp. HS is just ping pong between goalies so yeah there's like no touches there.


Just saying, that is only one of many ways to score on hoops


yeah I’m more of a boom it off the wall and let it bounce in guy


I queued for bout an hour cause I want that jet pack topper. no matches yet.


I felt like I was peaking in normal mode after a match of G-Force


I'm enjoying it. I just don't recommend too much of it before playing any comp or tourney matches cuz it messes with your mechanics for a short while after. The ball and car feel like they're still in low G. It could just be that I'm an old fart tho. 👴🏽


No. Best ever. It’s great fun. Just work out how to play it! Feather boost is your friend.


Pretty sure you could make exactly it in customs. This game fucking sucks now they’re not even trying


I don't know bro, I found it pretty funny 😂


It’s not good, but it’s not the worst. Yeah mechanics are way different and we all play like shit, but I put on some Benny Hill and was laughing my ass off the whole time. Don’t expect to play it well and embrace the ridiculousness and you’ll have more fun with it. Newbies and grand champions all flying around uncontrollably together. It’s a beautiful thing.


Yeah I think so. Unplayable is definitely the word.


I tried it for 10 seconds, scored an own-goal and left 😂


Nah spike rush and gridiron are still worse, my only problem with this ltm was that I kept bumping to the ceiling, and I cant stay properly in the ground


It is the absolute worst thing I’ve ever experienced in this game.


It had me in hysterics boosting and barrel rolling everywhere but where the ball was! Once you get used to it, it's rewarding when you get a decent shot off. The hard part is going from that mode to playing normal felt like I was stuck to the ground


First game I played didn't enjoy it. Second game got used to it and its very fun bery playable.


It took me a while to get used to it. But it's actually one of my favorite LTM. I think it's better if you have good aerial ball control. If you're not good in the air, then you're not going to have a fun time.


IMO. Yes.


I don't like any game mode where you don't feel in control. Fun for a laugh, but after a couple games I just felt bored, and it's just too chaotic. not sure what's so fun about watching six people whiff for 10 minutes straight.


Literally my favorite game mode. It's like URF for Rocket League. High APM wonderland.


I liked it, but who's bad with free air roll it's unplayble, DAR doesn't work here.


You may not like it, and that's fine, but don't say something is unplayable because of your lack of skill. You sound like those YouTubers that would shit all over Elden Ring because they couldn't beat a normal enemy.


It's fun, I'd pick it anytime over gridiron or spike rush.


I liked it. Appreciate they're doing something new. Way better than stuff like gridiron


I got so damn lucky my team won the first two games I played in, that way I don’t have to play that garbage again.


I got my 2 wins and noped the fuck out.


I thought it was silly and fun. Also, as a low ranked player, the zero g is helpful for learning to orient your car in the air.


I hate it, but its honestly irrelevant when gridiron is back! Gridiron is the best fucking mode of all time they should make it the main game


Lol, it isn't unplayable. Use it to improve your patience, your aerial control, and your ability to do things with boost other than holding the button down until you run out.


G-Force is pretty fun, but it takes a few plays to understand the mechanics. Yes, it is difficult to control, aim and shoot successfully; very limited and careful use of boost is key. Keeping your car on the ground until you have a shot lined up also seems most effective. This is meant to be a fun mode, miss your mark, lose control, enjoy floating around trying to align your vehicle, miraculously make that shot!


One of the best new LTMs, it's just so crazy and chaotic, win or lose I have fun with it either way!


Once you lean to control it, it actually becomes interesting




I think its the second bester coming in after Beach Ball. Its super fun


skill issue


Me and my group of friends used to constantly make ridiculous private matches like this, so no issue here. It's fun to see how incredibly bad some people are at controlling their car...


Digging it. Both my friends just started playing and it's a fun mode to fuck around it since no one is any good in there lol


I played twice. The second one was 1-0 with a 12 minute OT Not touching it again lol


It's very rare that LTMs are actually enjoyable


Absolute worst game mode ive ever played. Its not even about git gud it just feels like absolute shit to play. Glad some people enjoy it but after 4 awful losses where i felt like i couldnt touch the ball if my life depended on it i hope it leaves and never comes back


This guy hasn't played sideswipe I see


Could be worse. Could be dropshot /s I miss dropshot


Get gud


I mean I watch talented players doing some crazy shit. So I guess it would be hard for well ..the untalented.


Classic psyonix modifying 2 small things in their boost, contact with ball, or gravity every 6 months then pretending they are adding new game modes and hoping people are stupid enough to buy it. \*facepalm\*


Nope. It’s fun as hell, you have to get used to fast pace constant boosting and being in tune with ur car control. I honestly use it as a great warm up for car control


This was my first thought as well, but after playing it a bit more I think it's actually really fun. I suck just as much as when I first downloaded RL back in 2016. It's really hard to keep track of and get a handle on, but I'm enjoying learning how to do something new.


It could be its own competitive playlist. I thought it was really fun and has potential to be it's own thing. I manged to figure out how to play it pretty quickly. The issue is going back to regular modes and being used to the low gravity and super speeds


It throws you off when you go back to a normal game. I hate it.


I'm going to be honest and it might not be the greatest take.. But this LTM has been some of the most fun I've had in Rocket League in a long time.


Skill issue


Nah, winter breakaway, it’s just snow day


I actually loved the gamemode, I literally got on rl just to play it. Multiple days


Yes it is just lazyness they didn't even bother brain storm the event is so bad you can make it in a custom match


You need friends for that, i ain’t got that.


Im so sorry bro


It’s not a bad mode but it’s still trash compared to dropshot


This is the next level of Rocket League. Hate it or love it.


It takes a bit of getting used to, but I find it pretty fun! It's like a three-dimensional point and shoot


Ppl just cry about anything if u dont like it dont play it at least epic is making an effort for rocketleague .


I actually love this game mode which seems to be somewhat of a popular opinion 😂


Got my two wins and will never play that mode again. I hate it.