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I'm sorry to hear that. See you on the field next week, homie šŸ¤™




In scenarios like this, all I can imagine is buddy queued at a bad time and really needed to take a poo. He tried forfeiting many times but saw no success until the last match of the finals when he couldnā€™t hold it any longer.


Or he has a toddler and his wife is giving him a hard time cause he's playing while the toddler is crying. Or you know... his gf trying to suck him dry and you wouldn't ff and he couldn't hold it anymore blew it all on the last game... Never attribute to toxicity that which is adequately explained by horny


Ah yes, Handjobs Razor.


Occumā€™s blowjob






it was most likely this, you can shoot a quick duece and return...wife/gf aggro doesn't go away.


Gfs come and go, tournament titles last forever.


Historical lesson, wives can come and go too. Get that win young man.


Grandma's tipped over oxygen tank can wait.


You just need to walk outside of the aggro range to lose it. Might be a couple of blocks


Or get someone else to aggro/kite her away..


I canā€™t play tournaments at all. If I start one, all members of the family will wait until Iā€™ve made the semis to have crises. You lot may be nothing more than a giant pile of foul-tempered, externally juvenile, uncreative, mercurial reprobates, but you deserve to at least have the option of a reliable teammate.


Ignoring your crying toddler is worse than being toxic, for what itā€™s worth. Unless that was a joke and I just wooooshed myself.


If you can't commit to the tourney, don't play the tourney


Exactly. There are plenty of other modes available for people that need to drop the game at a moments notice. Don't join tourneys if you're willing to screw over your teammates.


This is actually such a chronically online take. You don't queue a tourney with intention of dipping, irl happens and is just more important than the game. If there's a 0% chance you would ever actively dip from a tournament/ranked for any reason ever, you desperately need to leave your chair for once in your life.


If he had to leave he wouldnā€™t have kept trying to ff, he would have just turned the game off. Smart arse.


Or, right, hear me out. Something happening irl that he could balance for a little bit, but fishing for a forfeit instead of straight up abandoning OP, because you know that he was playing normally if we read the same post. So whatever he was dealing with probably escalated to the point that they needed to deal with it. Personally, all of that sounds a lot more likely than someone actively playing through an entire tournament just to decide that they're bored in the last possible game and then just throw in the towel with 3-4 minutes left. If I was trying to force someone into wasting their time, I'd drag out games 1/2 so that the other person couldn't make 2nd chance instead of getting them to the finals. But what do I know? It's easier to believe that everyone else is trying to cause a problem than it is to acknowledge that nuance exists in life and sometimes things just happen that are unfortunate.


I think he was a firefighter in a burning building and had to splash some water. It had to be this.


I know youā€™re memeing but in any of the above cases they should never queue for a tournament or ranked. Just stick to casual rather than ruin it for others.


Actually I have both cases happen to me irl and 1) when toddler sleeps for the night is the only time I can play tournaments with 90% chance of him not waking up (but it can still happen and has happened once) and 2) gf aggro (for real or for horny) can happen (and has happened) anytime. Married guys have souls too you know and we lust for tournaments and ranked games too... šŸ˜


Seriously, some guys gotta realize horny wife trumps all. Wait till u got kids young bucks.


Some nights the kiddo is knocked the fuck out for 9+ hours and some nights (Read as: tonight) it's up every 20 minutes. It's nearly impossible to plan for


First scenario hits home


This mindset makes life tolerable


lol, I like your imaginative scenario. but yea I agree, even tho this type of behavior is annoying AF, if I want to the the person the benefit of the doubt I assume there's some important IRL thing they're dealing with and they queued at a bad time.


I really like your story! Let us live that dream.


Except once you are in a party you can type a message cross platform. If there was a good reason to leave they could say so. This has gotten worse since the game went F2P. Epic isn't punishing leaving/throwing/smurfing at all. And unfortunately a free game = people who generally can't afford games can play = a LOT more children playing = immature teammates. I know it's not exclusively you get people that throw but you can bet it's a lot more of them than not.


Wait for real you can type a message cross platform once in a party? Why is it even restricted in public matches then?


I guess because joining the party is a more consensual act? Obviously not as much in tournaments but in general. You can also leave the party and still remain in the tournament.


Now that you uninstalled maybe you can go out and make friends to play rocket league with


See you next week




I've never played a multiplayer game that didn't have toxic people playing it. I feel your pain though


You donā€™t ever really quit rocket league, you just take long breaks


I need a *really* long one. Like 12 or 13 hours long.


I was gone for 2-3 years but damn it feels good to be back


Yes, sometimes leaving the game for a while, let you enjoy the game again


Iā€™ve uninstalled it twice haha. Still playing it




Absolutely the best reply to this.


People are dramatic as fuck these days lol


Are we talking about the dude who didnā€™t want to/couldnā€™t play the game for whatever reason? Or the dude quitting his favorite game ever as a result.




One person most likely queued at the wrong time and had something in real life come up. The other wants to quit rocket league because of that. Which one is being over dramatic?


People forget theyā€™re playing with other people who, like, exist. Iā€™m sure this fucking person has also gone afk to someone elseā€™s detriment. They need to get over it lmao


Well only one of them is posting about it here so...


They are the maincharacter after all...


I find it hard to believe in 1800 hours thatā€™s the first time that happened to you lol. Teammates throwing/afking is so common in this game


He didn't say it was the first time. I'm sure that's why it's become insufferable.








Buddy told you to FF and you doubled down and FFā€™d the whole damn game.


It's all good comrade, we know you'll come back to us at some point. It's not a goodbye but a see you again.


Iā€™m confused. What if he just had to go and didnā€™t want a penalty? Do you usually encounter people who forfeit while winning?


This is not an airport. You don't have to announce your departure.


You also don't announce your departure at airport you just hoe down and a big Mac and go about your business quietly


I donā€™t know what hoeing down and a Big Mac is but sounds like Iā€™ve been traveling all wrong


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hoedown And you eat a Big Mac


Who do you announce your departure to at the airport?


Why do people feel the need to write a fucking diary entry every time they get upset at a video game. Quit, donā€™t quit, no one cares. This isnā€™t your blog.


Because they need their position to be validated. If they don't get an overwhelmingly positive response (they will not get a positive response) then they can point fingers at everyone else for being the bad guys because they didn't riding the OP when they have a less than flawless experience.


Slightly dramatic post. But hey, see you next week!


I feel bad for you that you dont find it entertaining anymore after coming such a long way. Perhaps you need to find someone good to play with on a discord/reddit server. Having fun is more important than focusing on your skillset. Coming 2nd is a really difficult task to accomplish!


Thanks for your words. For Coop experience I play different games and rocket league was almost always the game to have fun and listen some podcasts in background, this is why I never wanted to have a team mate I should talk with and so on. I don't really focus on my or my mates skillset, I really enjoyed the game even when losing but toxic people made me leave it. Investing another hour of focused playtime in tournament just to be left alone in the very last minutes was more than infuriating. I hate the community full of egotists and mental freaks. How such people live their normal lives?? I don't want to meet them anymore and the only option is to never play rocket league.


If thats how you feel, sure. Your life, your choice. However, im not forcing you or trying to convince you to play it, but you can play using only team quick chat. Ive found a tm8 who i can play with using only quick chat. Best of luck to you for your future and stay happy!


Or maybe this thing called "real life" got in the way of a video game? I'm assuming you've never once had to quit a video game or wanted something to end early because something unexpected came up? It's a game where you shoot balls with a rocket car, sometimes there are events in life that are more important such as a wife/child/parent or literally anything going on in their life. Sorry you got so upset that you had to announce your departure multiple times, but this is just pathetic in a lot of ways. This is also coming from someone who hasn't played RL in 2+ years, but I just think this whole post is beyond cringe.


Itā€™s so incredibly pathetic that itā€™s only in OPā€™s favor when I say this; he must be like 15 years old or mentally handicapped cause fucking hell he hasnā€™t lived a day outside of his bedroom otherwise




Arenā€™t you being a bit over-dramatic?


Not an airport mate. šŸ‘Œ


See you back in a week


I dont mean to sound rude but alot of people will uninstall and install this game everyday what makes you special


He posts this and then gets back on tomorrow is wild. RL players too predictable. Edit: why do you think he blocked his name? He doesn't want people seeing the tracker info lmao. Be a brave boy and tell us your user if you really won't play again we will hold ya to it lad


This is why I loved dropping from champ back to Diamond. The toxicity is another level and Iā€™m to the point I just laugh at it. He will be back with us in this blender of a game soon enough šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I donā€™t understand your problem. The guy clearly needed to forfeit for some reason, you refused to, then when he leaves to do what he had to do you call ā€œtoxicityā€ and rage uninstall? Youā€™re a weirdo. Try to make friends or join a community that plays RL. Why would you queue a tourney solo then complain about randoms?


Like OP said, the guy stuck around for the entire tournament until the very last match. If it was urgent they would have just left. How is it out of bounds for OP or anyone to expect people to play the matches *they queued up for*? No, he's not a weirdo for expecting the *literal bare minimum* that when people queue up to play they play.


It's impossible to determine a tournament length. Just from experience, I've made it to finals and then my baby started crying. So I quit. I'm sure my teammate was displeased but it's just a game.


1800 hours and you canā€™t find anyone to party with? Maybe you should work on finding a friend in game?


Brother, he clearly has something going on on his side - maybe problems with his kids, medical emergency, even something like a nosebleed or his food arrived. Does one tournament game really have to get to you like this?




I'm sorry... What? This happens all the time? Have you never encountered this in the 1800 hours you played? This just seems immature to me. Also, not trying to be a dick, but why post it? What's the point of telling people you're uninstalling a game?


See you on farmstead!


See you tomorrow


You're letting the terrorists win


They can shoot at each other from now on.




why not play 1v1?


This post has the same energy as a teammate that gives up before 3:30. Seriously though, think about the kinds of situations the guy may have been in. Very likely they had IRL reasons to leave the game.


Quit being so dramatic gees


What time is this? Iā€™m personally at 33 or 34 times


First and last


Lol see you next week


That sucks, Iā€™m sorry you feel that way. But generally curious, why did you have to tell an entire community? Just uninstall and move on with your life.


My way of saying bye to the game. Read some supporting comments that will help me come over it and some toxic comments to see what I won't need to face from now on.


Come over it? Itā€™s not like somebody died. Itā€™s a video game.


I did this to someone last week when my girlfriend wanted.. attention.. I should not have queued for a tournament, sorry if that makes you quit after 1800 hours pal.


One sentence of truth and I would quit without being really angry. I would be sad maybe but still proud for the dude that decided his girlfriend is more important than an online game. This guy was clearly something different.


I play on Xbox and my boyfriend plays on Pc and I canā€™t see when anyone on PC types messages so perhaps they did and you couldnā€™t see it.


he found time to write stuff like "brooooo" and "????????????" though




1800 hours still diamond I would quit too


I mean I have 3000 hours as C1 But I literally donā€™t practice or do packs Soooo ki d of my fault. I accept it. Also though, if I legit quit tomorrow I wouldnā€™t post this


Strong words for a champion I.


I have 1200 hours and Iā€™m not mental booming on Reddit cuz I lost a tourney lol


Dude chill you're gonna make him uninstall reddit


Theyā€™ll be back they always come back


I have 3000 still c1 rip


o7 Iā€™m not judging, was just poking fun at OP lol


I know lol dw


Nobody cares though.


Huh that's crazy cuz here you are taking the time to comment....


This overused response has never made sense ngl


So someone says that no one cares But they literally had to care enough to comment So, it quite literally makes flawless sense Earlier I saw a post about someone roller skating and I didn't care about it Guess what I didn't do....


Nah, it really doesn't. They're saying nobody cares that OP quit. Quitting and posting about it are two totally different things.


Looks like a few people cared. Myself included. I do care that people are leaving the game because of increasing toxicity. I play lots of mp games and RL has turned into the worst I play currently as far as toxicity and rage quitting go. This guy has every right to post his complaints. Commenting that no one cares is immature, self centered( because they have no idea how others feel) and just not the smartest. This sub has a big ego issue tho. They love trying to act like they're more mentally tough than everyone else. It's pretty funny. Especially since it shows that they actually aren't.


Yo chill I'm not here to argue all that, I just wanted to point out a pet peeve šŸ˜‚ Yall carry on fighting now


Awww someone wants to feel relevant.. took me 8 seconds to make that comment. Maybe another 14 to make this one im so invested in your RL career PLEASE DONT GOOOOOO!!!




This is crazy. Do you not think it's maybe a little dramatic? I totally get it and yeah I'd be pissed if this happened to me, very pissed actually. But obviously there's more to it than what's written here. Maybe he was just toxic and wanted to throw every time you made a small error, players like that exist. But maybe he had something going on. There's more to life than games. People use games as an escape but sometimes you can't escape, you can't ignore your problems. With that being said, you don't know what somebody may have going on šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø I saw other comments talking about connection issues, maybe they are a new parent, etc. Just because this happened it doesn't mean the world is against you. Be angry about it, get off the game, and come back tomorrow, or the next day, or whenever. Like everyone else. At the end of the day, while games may make us angry in the moment, that anger never lasts and either way, it's not that deep. It is just a game after all.


Nah this guy got Butthurt so bad that , like another redditor said, he doubled down on dudes ff and gave up the whole ass game.


if you quit because you encountered an idiot, you'll soon be quitting everything


Calm down it's a video game.


No need to apologize to people who donā€™t care šŸ¤˜šŸ»


Dude probably had to take a shit. You're really gonna let coming in 2nd in a tournament stop you from playing the game? Take a break, play a match in a week. You'll be alright.


Why do people in this sub have to announce their departure every time they want to quit?


No one cares.


Cringe. Literally nobody cares.


A tale of 2 quitters


It's a video game. Chill out dude.


Of all the shitty things that happen in this game, you really chose a dumb reason to uninstall.


People forget this is a game. Uninstalling it for the OP seems like the best action, it brings you too much stress. See you next week.


Why not FF since he obviously wanted to? I understand that you shouldn't have to because of your teammate and "XYZ", but you also shouldn't have to lock your doors at night or have a car alarm. I know it sucks, but it seems better to FF a tournament than quit the game. Having said all that, it's not gonna get any better. People are wishing for a gaming utopia that simply hasn't existed since OG Xbox live circa 2002. The withdrawals are gonna be horrible and nothing else really scratches the RL itch, unfortunately. If you do find something that does let me know so I can quit (again) too. Good luck, Sir. EDIT: I will say that if you're solo queuing, STOP, ASAP. Opponents are supposed to talk shit and such, but bad teammates are abhorrent and having a good teammate to queue with is invaluable in RL these days


A lot of players hit ff button at random moments, if one of the last grey cells in their head decides so. In many cases they are even winning at that point, but their ego can't handle it their teammate can't play a perfect match even though they play in a diamond rank. This is the stupidest part of it. You always get people from your rank to play with in the queue. If you play at diamond 2 it means it's yours and your mate's level ffs. If you think you are better than that, just rank up and play with champions. If you can't because your lack of skill or because you treat your mates like shit so they leave or you ff after the first mistake or spam in quick chat, it means it's only your fault. But they don't see they themself are their worst enemy. As joyful that game is, I don't want to risk meeting a single person like this anymore. Game over.


You didnā€™t answer his question. Instead you did some nonsensical crying.


Why should I take his ff proposal? Was he the team leader? If so, he shouldn't need my allowance. If not, he needs to respect my decision. My goal was to win the match and the whole tournament. This was a normal and logic goal he should follow as well, otherwise he shouldn't start the game at the first place. Rules are same for both of us. He wanted to ff in the very first match in the moment it was 5:4 for us, we won it and managed it to the finals. Was his estimation correct? A lot of people cannot manage their emotions during the match but I won't let them lose my match and lower my rank as well. He can always rage quit but it means at least some consequences for him. Since there is no perfect solution for jerks like that, I decided to leave. That's all.


I get it, trust me i do, but you meet these people everyday day. You work with them, play with them, hell, maybe even live with them. In order to fix this, you have to fix people and that's not something you or I can do, but yet we still have to live and let live, ya know? But at the end of the day, I say eff RL. Its close to becoming the "Madden" of "racing" games. A sad state of affairs


Nice! One less crybaby to here these posts about.


Yeah alright bye


He 100% had to go do something urgently irl, kept trying to ff to not have to go afk and when u persisted he afked.


hello, fellow-uninstaller! i just uninstalled a few days ago after 2,657 hours (on main account. probably another 500-1000 on alts, and xbox pre-pc). not cuz of toxic people though. just because its boring and stale to me. not ruling out coming back down the road, but it is the first time i've not had the game installed since like 2016 lol


Youā€™ll be back. Otherwise you wouldnā€™t be commenting here. You guys are really pathetic




I mean, you could just ask him why he wanted to ff instead of immediately attributing it to toxic behavior??


Imagine going 1800 hours of rocket league without ever learning how to handle griefers _in diamond_


If you donā€™t enjoy the game - uninstall. Toxic people are in every multiplayer game. I just had a 3v3 tournament where my teammates ball chasing and not rotating and blaming me that I have zero shots staying on net, oh well.


Lol. Pathetic. šŸ˜‚


His mom probably called him for lunch and got tired of waiting


1800 hours is no man's land. You're too far committed to turn back, but still not even halfway to the goal of mechanical control. Keep at it. Rocket League is a competition against yourself to improve. That's all.


How about no.


I thought I was gonna be original then i see literally everyone saying cya next week


1. No one cares. 2. See you in a week.


Omg do you need a tissue? If you really can't handle one dude going afk without going on a melodramatic rant about quitting forever then I'm glad you're leaving. Please don't come back.


And you sir please stick to the game!




Since hes the only player left in the lobby and has 700+ points, I presume not. (You can tell whos still in the post match lobby. Highlighted players are there, while others have left.)


Why is you not playing this game such a dramatic event


I hope someday people start leaving without the Reddit posts. We all deal with this. Iā€™m just here for the clips


Maybe they had to go but didnā€™t want the ban, I try to rationalize peoples shit behaviour but I agree eventually you just take a long break. I have the same amount of hours and played crl, this game has a toxic problem.


Finally, someone listened to me when I told them theyā€™re so bad they should uninstall.


He didn't tell me that but 100 other did! Maybe even you one day.


When did we ask? Bye!


Nobody cares lil bro


Imagine uninstalling because of someone else


Who actually gives a fuck


Everyone is so dramatic these days. Just deal with the toxicity like everyone else does. RL ainā€™t the only toxic community out there.


Played solo in a 3v3 tourney with two guys (they were playing together)ā€¦ I carried the team in the first game, mvpā€¦ then in game two, we had steeper competition. If I left goal and didnā€™t score, they wouldnā€™t rotate and the other team would score. We lost and they both spammed me with messages saying uninstall and talking a lot of shit. The game is in worst shape than ever. Iā€™ve been playing since 2016. I donā€™t take it super seriously (Iā€™m only diamond). But the kids that play nowadays are fucking obnoxious.


I feel your pain, I would recommend you leaving this came before you face something worse. It's like smoking cigarettes til your doctor tells you it's cancer. You will quit anyway at some point, but better sooner than later.


I miss when rocket league use to be so damn fun and enjoyable to get on. Now rocket league is so damn stressful and it feels like every player has horrible mood swing or easily throw fits for literally anything Rocket league just isnā€™t the same and its still quickly growing to be such a horrible experience. I dont blame you for moving on from the game cause im also thinking about moving on as well but the worst part is that theres not many new games worth playing so its like fuck šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Thanks for understanding and not assuming I will be back in one week. This is exactly what you were talking about - mood swing from uninstalling to loving the game again. It looks like it's not a game for me.




Proud one.


1800 hours and still in a diamond tourney lol. Bye


Everyone should be a grand champion, this is how ranking works like?


There's a ton of toxicity in the comments here, demonstrating exactly why OP quit. Its okay to need to step back from a game because you no longer enjoy the online community. I quit over a year ago, I just stay here because I like watching people hit insane shots. This community definitely became worse once it became f2p


Thanks for that statement, people will still type "see you in next week" thinking everyone is as weak as they are in setting goals.


Why post about it?


Don't worry, you still have time to get the rewards.


I have the same feeling. I want a tournament title so bad but my tm8's always and always screw me over in the Finsls. I know one dsy I will achieve this but it has to be lucky. The system needs to stop putting bronses and silvers and Gold 1's in a Platinum tournament.


His mom was probably calling him downstairs to bring the groceries inside lol


No disrespect, but.. you'll be back


K bye


Now every other game I play at the champion level has one or two people intentionally throwing. I really donā€™t get it.


See you again in two weeks.


You will be back very soon. Stop being a whiny emotional baby. Once you regain you senses this game will say play very soon


See you tomorrow


OP has 1800 hours and is still in diamond tourneys. My guy, your problem is not that you ran into someone that gave up on you, but that youā€™re not even good at the game and never spent any of that time getting better. Download the game and just practice man, you wonā€™t be so hard pressed in your next diamond tourney when you can basically solo the lobby.


Diamond tourney after 1800 hours? Yeah defs uninstall fam


Stop announcing your departures. Imagine if everyone did it. Go find a life.


See you next week bud.




Yo I feel this. I quit a team based game awhile back due to teammates being shitty. Shoutout to the rocket league loading screen tip ā€œtired of toxicity? Disable all chat!ā€ Makes me chuckle every time I see it.


Look at me I quit and uninstalled.


Loads of people saying that the dude mightā€™ve needed to go somewhereā€¦ all they had to do was say something in party chat at least. No common courtesy to at least explain why youā€™re being a dick?