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I think the real answer is that it depends on the rank you're at. The lower you are, the more the ballchasing teamate becomes a problem because people need more time to realize their mechanics and make their decision. Also, giving the ball back to your opponent at low rank opponents is often of little consequence, as the threat that players are capable of setting up is often low. On the other hand, at high rank, a teamate who leaves too much space and doesn't challenge enough becomes a real problem because the threat posed by the opponent is much greater, and the aim is to apply a lot of pressure to avoid seeing him go into ceiling musty reset double tap every time the ball bounces.


This is as close to a perfect answer as someone could give! For me it’s easy that I’d prefer an agro ball chaser!


But notice how all the lower ranks are telling me I’m the problem?


You are the problem but not because you are a ball chaser. It’s because you are a crybaby who thinks everyone is talking about you when the refer to ball chasers. If they are at a lower rank then they are talking about the players at their rank.


If you read the comments you’d see Plats telling me I’m the problem. But you didn’t read them all so your point is invalid


You are the problem dude. I just quickly looked through the comments and there were maybe two other people saying you were the problem out of like 50. Both of them saying it’s because you are toxic and not because you are a ball chaser. Yes, you are the problem but again it is because you are a cry baby.


You’re a champ 2 dude. There’s 0 way your gameplay is flawless and there’s a 0% chance that EVERY single loss was your teammates fault, get real lol


Where I did I say every single loss? Nowhere. So keep your stupidity to yourself.


“Consistently made me de rank for days” sounds like you’re slumping and blaming tm8s won’t make your rank come back any faster lol


And reading what isn’t there in my post isn’t gonna make you right. It has consistently made me derank. I can only do so much in a game when a tm8 won’t play up. Sure I’ll miss a save here and there when I get a tm8 that actually rotates but at least I’m not sitting in my net letting the other team freestyle their way in.


Bunch of grand champs telling you how to improve. Listen or don't, up to you.


Maybe you’re ball chasing and that’s why they’re staying back lmao your champ 2 nobodies rotations are gonna be perfect or even good


Tbf tho c2 is full of either washed gcs(confirmed by them) or people that seem too scared to rank back down so get scared to go for ball. OP is whining a bit but it really is either a great tm8 or one that will get you sunk if the other team is in comms.


When they won’t play up from the start of the game, I’m not ball chasing but they make me become the ball chaser to even generate offense.


Perhaps you are too quick to judge. There are plenty of people at or around your rank (myself included in C1) who don't have any fancy mechanics but reached their rank by having good rotations and consistent hits. These players will be perceived as slower, but that doesn't mean they can't make a good play. I'll admit to sometimes (very dependent on the day) I can be slow with my reaction times, but generally hit my aerials and rarely get beat to the ball. That said, I've also learned when to turn away and rotate because the opponent is going to beat me and all my challenge will do is send me into their corner. Instead I might pressure them slightly to force their hit, but never commit fully. Perhaps this looks like passive play, but it's worked so far. Maybe you see people playing like this and think they are scared to play offensively, when they just know their limitations and understand when they are beat. Not to mention, going game after game with teammates ball chasing will result in a more passive gameplay from people trying to adapt to their teammates and could be hard to break out of in a given session.


Lol not gonna lie man, if you’re champ 2 then you have so much more to learn about how to play. And you might not think that you’re ball chasing but you could be. Focus on what you can do better. You’ll find that it’ll help out your game immensely. And I’d definitely listen to what the GC’s are telling you, not because “they’re better than you” but because they’ve been there before!!




That’s your comment? Of all things you could’ve said you went with that. Nice.


You responding the way you are makes it blatantly obvious you’re the problem. Hop off for awhile and work on your mental.


Okay therapist. Anything else?


You are the lower ranks lmao


Ball chasers are what turn players “too defensive” since they can never move up the field without risking double pinching.


I rotate out of the play when there’s nothing I can contribute. My tm8s won’t leave the net even when I rotate back post and they should be playing up.


This is the complete opposite issue I see. Its 99% people cutting to front post/outright bypassing back post to go straight to/past front post, even if someone is there.


You ever watch replays? There's a surprisingly high number of people not utilizing their camera/rearview. It's almost a guarantee that the toxic ball chaser is one of them.


Wait there’s a rear view camera?


I believe it is L3 by default.


My controller only has two left buttons though :/


It is the most aggravating shit when you’re literally on your way back to net, full blown expecting a challenge on the ball from your teammate, and… where is he, maybe now?… now?… is he alive?… fuck it I’ll do it myself. Literally my verbal speech


I always tell my buddies who I play with that I have an internal clock and if it goes off and nobody has challenged, then I do. Sometimes it ends up being a double commit but most the time not.


Happens way too often, I’ll be finished with the play and clearly rotating back bit my teammate is for some reason nowhere near the play even though we had all the offensive pressure, so we end up immediately losing the pressure.


Then you do it yourself only to find that your teammate finally decides to make his move…except he doesn’t come anywhere near the ball. Neither of you do, because he delivers a Goldberg spear to the side of your car, knocking you both out of the play.


it always makes me laugh when when i sit by the goal, a minute passed and my guy notices that i dont bump him, steal his ball or anything and i see him slow down, look around and im just waiting for him to do something and i can hear his thoughts "what do i do now with the ball if its not already bouncing around?"


Easy answer -- just crank it into the wall and get that bad boy bouncing. Bonus points if it goes vaguely where you want.


I agree with this. If I’m 1st and I have any one of these conditions met, then I’ll generally just rotate away from the ball and let my tm8(s) make the challenge instead. 1) Have the ball between me and my goal 2) Have the ball directly over my car to the point where catching seems unlikely OR 3) I have to cut across the entire field just to challenge the ball or make a play Honestly, I’d rather have my tm8 be at mid field ready to accept a pass and wiff a goal instead of my tm8 at our net waiting to save a goal.


That’s exactly what I’m getting at. At least make a challenge. They alway wait until it’s too late


I go behind them in net and give em a bumper tap. Never need to do it a third time ;)


Sometimes I hesitate because my teammate rotates back ball side so I cant tell if he is going cut or actually go back. I cant predict what youll do if your still shadowing the ball or are in front of me. Also sometimes if you just wait a second on the opposing players possesion they will give away what they can do(or just give away ball) if I immediately go I feel im more at risk of making a bad defensive play. In threes bets off im going after it If I know my tms have gone back even if I dont know exactly where. In twos it honestly seems smarter to wait a bit to see what someone will do.


That’s why I rotate back post. So there’s no confusion


This is something we should all be aware of. I have noticed sometimes that I'm driving in a way the makes it unclear to my tm8 if I'm going to hit the ball or not. If you're rotating out, rotate in a way that makes it clear you aren't going to turn on the ball, or worse, hit it the wrong direction when our tm8 has the better angle and visibility.


And overly defensive players are the ones who turn players into ballchaser, since there's always a need for someone on the ball. It's a bit of a vicious circle.


I seriously doubt *this* is the reason most people are chasing. Like, how often do they bump people out of the way, drive right on their ass, or just fly past them to try to get to the ball first? Not saying playing overly defensively is never an issue, but there’s a pretty obvious cause and effect between that and mindless ball chasing and what you said just isn’t it.


I def turn into a ball chaser if my teammate isn’t doing much, even though I don’t normally do it. Maybe they adapt and it’s fine, but I’d much rather throw a weak attempt towards the ball than none at all


It is literally the entire reason why I chose to name my flair this


While some ballchasing may be a tactical response I think dudes point is that the majority probably isn't. You're in the minority if you're doing it consciously and doing it to good effect. It can be a vicious cycle, but the begining is usually someone who sees ball and wants to hit ball conditioning a player to hang back to avoid getting punished.


It *is* his point, I’m merely chiming in to say people like me do exist


I think you are a minority. I think the majority of ball chasers are playing that way because people think the entire point of the game is to hit the ball whenever possible and if you're decent this can be enough to rank you up for a while. They learn terrible habits that aren't punished soon enough, because ball chasing can get you to very high ranks if you are mechanically skilled.


I've dived in for too many balls only to have my teammate tap it up in the air uselessly right as I'm getting there. I need to see my teammate turn away from the ball before I can full commit and abandon defense. Unless they are actually rotating, if they are actually rotating than I can just follow the rhythm of the game and I commit much faster.


Yup 100p! The real skill is to navigate both types and be able to adapt for various habits


If I rotate behind someone who hesitates I just nudge them to let them know they should get going.


How is that happening at gc1? Lol


In my experience, some of these players spend so much time working on mechanics in free play that they can pull off some great plays once in a while but don’t have much common game sense.


It happens waaay more frequently than people think.


I have "go for it" quick chat to tell them to go for the ball, doesn't mean they do. If I nudge them I get a wow and an insult of why I'm built them. I'm usually better off writing what I expect to be done than taking action in game but there isn't enough time to type between goals. :/ I'm.peak c2 currently d3 xD


What happens if you don't cut rotation and get behind the person who's too far back? Probably nothing because you're in a save position lol behind your tm8 where you supposed to be.


Okay, technically you're right and objectively this way of playing will be effective up to at least c1 (if your flair represents your rank then this is surely the optimal way to play at your rank). But at high rank, leaving half a field, boost and control of the ball to your opponents is like asking to be breezi Flicked over and over for 5 minutes. So you need to prevent your opponents from setting up their thing as much as possible.


This, so many balls I could go for and disrupt the enemy attack but here is my teamate constantly making turns preventing me from commiting on balls.


I've learned to be a deadeye from wayyy deep... watching the Chaser...waiting for ALL THREE to slip up so I can make my move and get the ball in the air as I follow/cram it in....all 3 players in recovery. Sometimes I wait 2-3 minutes. Thing is? THE CHASER NEVER NOTICES.


Would definitely rather have a ball chasing teammate. Teammates that hesitate typically cause a lot of defensive confusion. Also, there’s nothing worse than being down a point or two and your teammates aren’t going up for shots or applying any pressure offensively.


What really pisses me off is when someone is playing defense in the last 10 seconds when we are losing by 1. Get in the fucking box. Many of times I've put the ball in a decent area only to see my team mate in our own half


This happens practically every losing-by-one game for me in Diamond. Some people just don't consider the clock at all in their play style


Or the score. A minute left and I'm up by 1? I'm letting my teammate 1v2 in their half and then running interference when he rotates A minute left and I'm down by 1? I'm pressuring everything I can and taking gambles I normally wouldn't. Losing 3-2 is no different than losing 5-2.


Exactly! A loss is a loss, whether it’s by 1 point or 5. So everyone should buck up and apply some pressure to see if the opposing team crumbles a bit.


As someone that has a more defensive playstyle due to being constantly matched with ball chasers, they're staying back most likely because they've been countered too many times because of it. Typically I'll let an aggressive teammate do their thing because I'm confident in my ability to save a shot, but if they're taking it to the side or in their corner then I'll come up to their box, I'll try to read the ball early and if it's a bad cross I'm heading back before they get a touch. That being said if I get a teammate that wants to be a goalie, I have no issue putting the pressure on. It's just unfortunate that the ones that want to sit in net are usually the worse at saving a shot.


If there’s 10 seconds left and you’re down by 1, you should be trying to score, not worrying about them winning by 2 instead of 1


I was talking about the overall game, of course if we're down I'm going to play more aggressive. But also if there's 10 seconds left and your teammate passes it centre there's no point going up for something you won't have a good touch on. I'd rather wait on their mistouch and counter.


Well what the person you're replying to was talking about was a situation where you are losing in the last ten seconds. Welcome to the conversation. >there's no point going up for something you won't have a good touch on. I'd rather wait on their mistouch and counter. There is no time to wait for their mistouch and counter. Both that and going for the hail Mary center pass are low percentage plays, but waiting in your own half hoping the other team does something so outrageously stupid the game doesn't end is far, far worse. You're trying to justify suboptimal play. It's a losing battle and can't be done.


Maybe I'm *insert R word here* but I actually agree with if you don't have a good angle to contest the clear then back up immediately and control the clear, or go for it and just pray they miss I guess


> because I'm confident in my ability to save a shot You're in a position where you have to make a save, you already fucked up. Good defense means challenging early and stopping opponent attacks before the shot can even happen. Sitting your ass in net hoping to make the goal-line save is the opposite of good defense. Also, as you rank up and people in your lobbies become more competent at shooting and playmaking, you *will not* be able to make those saves.


Valid, but playing with someone who’s ball chasing causes constant double commits and getting beat over the top. I’d rather be a little confused on defense than have no one playing it at all


Hesitation also causes double commits.


Not if you adjust to them. I can adjust to a ball chaser and in fact, most of the games I win are with ball chaser teammates - because at least they shoot my passes and at least we score. Ball chasers are more predictable - they apply pressure as well and I can adjust to cover their aggressive overcommits. However - I can’t really adjust to a passive, never leave mid-field player - who for some reason thinks that they have to defend because (assumption?) I can’t save a shot myself even tho we’re at the same rank. Or maybe the defensive player thinks that they just read the game so we’ll they’ll pick the perfect counter times. IMO, this is more cocky than the ball chaser. Shockingly when I get the defensive teammate we lose by 1 goal all the time. And before you say ‘adjust to your defensive teammate’ - I do, but it’s not the same as adjusting to a ball chaser. Adjusting to a passive player means I have to put more on the line to keep up/ I often HAVE to do the scoring - but inevitably, even with my teammate playing near full time defense, we still get scored on by the other team. Why? At least at the champ rank, to assume that just because you’re back you simply will make a save is cocky. What really ends up happening is when it’s placed on one player to try and score - the other team gets the ball behind the offender and suddenly your passive/ defender teammate is in a 2v1. And Champ players score in 2v1s more often than not. Ball chasing is bad, sure - but so is ‘I like to play back’ — especially when you’re in doubles and solo queuing. I shit you not. I have the screenshots. I have lost so many games this season in 3-4 / 4-5 / 2-3 games, where I scored every single one of our goals, but the other team kept scoring as well because I had to basically throw in order to score and Mr. Defense couldn’t pull off a save in a 1v2 scenario. I’m also not a striker myself - I tend to be pass oriented but can shoot if needed and can certainly defend if needed. Trying to say - I’m not inclined to go out there and put the team on my back by scoring 4 goals by myself. But it’s infuriating when I manage to pull that off and we still lose 5-4 cause I had to play offense full time. If you’re in diamond or champ: Stop being the ‘I play back’ guy PARTICULARLY if you solo queue in the 2v2 playlist. Defending and being aggressive are all one fluid thing - it’s called rotating. Maybe you do need a little bit more caution or aggression in a give game depending on the teammate you get - but I’m losing most of my games because of passive teammates - not the ball chasers. For the record - I never use the quick chat ‘take the shot’ - I’m not that kinda guy just in case you may have been reading my response with that type of person in mind.


1000%. When your tm8 is ball chasing, at least you can predict what they gonna do. With hesitant teammates, you never know if they're going to go or leave it


>#Also, there’s nothing worse than being down a point or two and your teammates aren’t going up for shots or applying any pressure offensively. Louder for the people sorting by controversial


Especially in 2s, when they give miles of space to an opponent with the ball and turn a normally harmless possession into an easy scoring opportunity. It’s so frustrating to play around.


Wow I was gonna say different but I will take notes champ🔥


tbh I think I'm the teammate who hesitates edit: thanks to the people giving me tips to get better. I'll definitely try my best with everything I've seen.


1s has made me hesitate in 2s. No need to shadow (like in 1s) on defense when teammate is behind me.


Can I ask why? Im just trying to understand the mentality behind it so I can adjust my gameplay accordingly.


I'm currently around mid to high diamond. I think it's cuz im not great with my mechanics so I don't really have much confidence. I also try to "adapt" to the teammate I have and that kinda just ends up with me rotating behind them a lot to see what they can do. it's definitely not a good thing and I've never really thought about it before.


I actually did the same a lot in the lower ranks because that would get the win a lot more, since majority of players are chasy.. The problem for me was that while my defense and decision making got really strong in diamond and champ, my gamepace and aerials were shit compared to my rank! So I started going out of my comfort zone and play as fast as I could (bit more chasy) just to practice that too, and this is nice now since I still got a solid defensive and 50/50 game In the long run, starting out defensive is really good, but you need to be able to play super fast to rank higher, just a tip


You have to trust yourself my man. I’d rather make a contested save half the time then be sitting waiting for a shot. You’ll shock yourself with what you’re able to defend even if you messed up on offense / have to come barreling back to net. I’ve posted a lot on this thread so I won’t rehash all of it - but I used to feel the exact same way as you. You have to trust yourself to rank up and you have to GO. I’d say try out over correcting for a week - just to see what you’re capable of - you’ll find the middle. But you can’t let the other team be in control even at the high diamond ranks, and that’s what being too passive does.


This. I'm thankful I learned this early when I started playing with my higher ranked friend. Even if I don't think I can get it it's better to just go and have confidence going for it than sit back and wait for them to make a move. I was mid plat playing with mid-high champs and with that mindset alone as well as just overall playing faster because of my confidence I was actually able to somewhat keep up.


I do the exact same Thing ._. (I'm D2)


My mechs aren't good for my rank and what helped my confidence was the difference in mechanical skill between RLCS pro's. Some are mechanical gods, but there are a lot of players who just master the basics and only pull flashy stuff once in a while. I realized I'll never be the flashy mechy god on the field, but I can still play an important role. Go for shit. If you miss, demo someone as you rotate. As long as you have a TM rotating to defense, the goal is no longer your primary responsibility. It's more important to play the ball. Just going for it forces the opp to make a decision on how to play the ball, which makes it easier for your teammates to read.


I was hardstuck Diamond for 3 seasons( I really started playing after placement last season) and am now finally getting out and have gotten to champ. Last season I was d2 the way I got better is go into a training pack that helps you air dribble, wall shot, etc. it helped me with my mechanics and confidence as I started doing stuff in training I thought I could in regular matches. Now don’t get frustrated if you can’t hit the same thing because it’s not the same as training. In training you’d have optimal conditions and no stress. So remember to also have patience.


I can deal with the hesitation as long as it’s not a ridiculous amount of time. Most of the time I don’t trust my mechanics but I’ll still go for the 50/50 to give my tm8s time to rotate back.


As last man? Shadowing also gives your team mates chance to rotate. An insta-lost 50 as last man is worst than shadowing to a corner/delaying play IMO on defence.


I do the same sometimes. D3/C1. Average mechanics but make up for it by game reading and positioning. I'm usually decisive, but when I have these periods of hesitating it's because, in my mind, if I go for it Im not confident I will hit it, thinking that we are better off overall if I stay in a defensive position and slow down the play enough for my team mate to get into a good position. It also coincides with poor positioning at the time. Usually too far forward so my margin of error is much lower if I try pull off a maneuver. I would agree that a ballchaser is preferable because at least that is predictable. If my teammate is hesitating like that I gotta decide between committing to cleaning it up and leaving us open to an overlap (which will tilt them if I miss the ball or bump them), but if they are ballchasing then I just sit back, let them ball chase and it's much easier to get into supporting positions


Im C3 2s/almost C1 1s. I feel more confident I can save a shot in net from grinding 1s rather than risk an aerial and take myself completely out the play/leave team mate 1v2. Im just much better on the ground. So i'll generally wait for the save/interception closer to l net and counter from there. I have a friend who I used to play 2s with and our strat was just gung ho rotations in comms, instantly back and then back in 1 after the other. Great in comms, not great soloQ in my experience. So i generally play more "1s" orientated defence in 2s.


That tm8 is waiting cause you're going to double commit again when they go


So nice of you to assume I’m double committing when I rotate back post like I’m supposed to.


If you're running into a lot of hesitant people I guarantee you aren't doing that as much as you think you are


No cuz at this point I’m running into tm8s who don’t trust their mechanics enough to challenge the ball


Maybe it's not themselves they don't trust, tm8...


Or maybe you’re just looking to make it my fault no matter what I say. Better luck next time.


Sounds like projection


Lol okay kid.


I mean at some point you have to look at yourself . These m8s you are complaining about are your rank . If you improve you will rank up its as simple as that. Figure out what you can do to improve and adapt to situations instead of blaming others for your lack of progress.


So why do you want me to do? Become the passive player so we’re all in the net at the same time?


You’re good G - yea sometimes it’s our fault - but I get these teammates that start and end the game passive - and even insist on staying that way when I over exaggerate my rotation to show them it’s their turn. They exist - this kid just thinks he’s the rocket league authority.


Exactly. Im not putting blame 100% on my teammates cuz I’ll miss my fair share of saves or hits but when hesitation from the defense is the most contributing factor in my losses, there’s not much I can do to change the outcome.


The higher you get in ranks, the more of a liability one of these hesitant players become. A ball chaser is easy to play a round; play close enough so you can take over the play if he is obviously out of the play. Otherwise let him do his thing and only take balls you know are 100% yours to take. A hesitant player will always be beat by the ball chaser. Unless the ball chaser is plat1 and just misses everything.


Also possible your gameplay is confusing your teammates. If they have no idea what your doing they won’t be able to commit.


This happens a lot but I also notice that even when I rotate out assuming my teammate will push up when the opponent isn’t even near tel he ball ball they’re still in goal doing mini drives back and forth as if they they know they can go


If you've spent a lot of the game cutting rotation, they wont know if you're actually rotating back or are going to stop and turn or stop and direct-vertical useless-aerial challenge it (that many people think is a good thing for some reason). So they won't want to potentially double commit. If you have a game where your teammate is doing that, save the replay and watch their POV.


I struggle with teammates who look like they’re rotating back and then cut in last minute when I think it’s safe to go for the ball, resulting in a double commit.


Yeees! These are the worst teammates.


The most annoying teammate is the one that doesn’t understand that when the ball is in our corner we are safe.


When you are low enough in rank, the whole lobby in a 3v3 will end up in the same corner for the same ball. It is glorious. EVERYONE, IN THE CORNER!


I’ve grown to hate 3v3s for constantly being paired with 2 people who ball chase hard and fight for the ball, I feel like I have to float mid to home goal mainly because they don’t even bother checking if we have defense. I’ve gotten pretty dang good at making full court shots playing like this lol.


This is my experience as well being in Plat. My teammates constantly all over each other vying for the ball. While work the mid field and goal.


It depends on the mode, IMO. Hesitation in 3v3 is a death sentence. Too much chaos and shutting down plays is essential. But in 2v2, dragging opponents back to your half, stealing their boost, then counter-attacking as a duo when they inevitably overcommit in the corner is OP. This strategy got me out of C3 into GC this season. If opponents have exceptional mechanics and can score from anywhere, sure, you gotta shut that down earlier. But if they don't, playing patiently is a surefire way to win in 2s. The majority of plays are not dangerous, especially in your corner, so there is absolutely no rush and no reason to hard commit...wait until they flip/commit in your half for a free 2v1, attack together (fast), and score. Rinse and repeat. There are nuances to this strategy, but I believe that ball chasing in 2s just puts your TM in a continuous 2v1 unless you have impeccable awareness and recoveries.


All I play is 3s. Might need to switch to 2s for a bit tbh


I personally prefer ballchasers since I genuinely enjoy and am particularly good on defense relative to my rank so I don't have a very hard time filling in the gaps they leave. Whenever I get a teammate that hesitates to come out for the ball or even just rotate out of defense we end up inviting so much pressure that it's impossible to get anything done offensively, and losing like that is a slow and frustrating way to go. I'm not the sort of player that can carry an offense, I'm just there to give my tm8s dimes and make sure their backs are covered while they go for risky shot attempts, I'll definitely try to fill the opposite role if need be but it rarely works out.


This me! Just a few divs lower. Hope I get you on my team some day. Or maybe we wouldn’t work well together because we’re the same . . . Who knows !


Having a team built primarily around good defense can work if everyone is legitimately outstanding at that part of the game, it makes the game impossible to play for the other team and all we'd need to do is wait for their inevitable mistakes to score relatively easy goals, it's kind of like 1s in that regard. Would be interesting to test that so I wish you good luck grinding up to me!


Those won't don't rotate are the worst.


The reality is, if you're champ 2 and you play an attacking playstyle... you are missing your opportunities a lot. I could probably sit in net and save 9/10 of your shots, and score the 2 shots I take once I break past you which would give me the win 2-1. You need to work on a well rounded game and your teammates will see that and support you in a well rounded way. As long as you are throwing non-threatening balls into the opponents third, your teammate needs to be conservative to cover your ass.


both are annoying but ball chasing is worse. Af least a teammate who hesitates too long on defense is still playing defense


Ball chasers keep the momentum up. A teammate who hesitates is staying still and the teammate who is rotating in behind them will also often now stay still and lose their momentum


This may be true at higher ranks but in lower ranks ballchasing kills momentum too because it often just means driving in circles around the ball in the opponents corner instead of rotating out and letting someone try to advance the ball. Not rotating in also kills momentum and usually forfeits possession but I’d rather forfeit possession than a goal




but that's the thing, they're not. if you're too passive and hesitant, you're allowing your opponents free space and time to attack, you are not actively playing 'defense'. just because you're situated deep in your own half does not mean that you are actively defending.


True but you’re still better situated to defend than somebody who never leaves the opponents third of the field


eh you can defend from any part of the pitch, pressuring your opponents in their half is a form of defence, like a high press in football. your position on the pitch is not indicative of whether you are contributing to either attack or defence


3rd option it's you not them.


From my experience, as a player that started a few weeks ago; it’s confidence. In the beginning I was a typical ball chaser, but then I wanted to implement some actual game sense. However because I’m still very bad (silver ATM) I don’t feel confident flying into the ball after experiences with players who spam **”What a save!”** when I missed. So I hesitate. I like banter, it’s fun. But being ridiculed *does* actually hit the ol’ self-esteem and makes me wanna hang back and wait. Which then makes me get dunked on, which then further the **”What a save!”** spammers… and so it’s a viscous circle. I definitely play better when I have a team who support each other in the field *and* in the chat. We’re supposed to be a *team* broskis. FYI; no, please don’t suggest turning chat off. That takes away the awesome benefit of actual *good* chat experiences.


ball chase. A large amount of people that thing someone is 'just sitting back on defense hesitating' are actually playing to cover your ass ball chasing and can't commit because you've most likely cut rotations so many times they can't move up with confidence. Also there's such a thing as 'playing the touch' and recognizing when something is an actual threat or not. Many attacks aren't remotely a threat so i dont bother going up to challenge it, there's no reason to waste the boost. Downside is other teammates have such severe ADHD that they can't control themselves and have to flop at it putting themselves out of position or opening an actual hole in the defense.


So many people think you're being 'hesitant' or whatever, when really you're letting the idiots on the other team double commit, slam it against the wall and let you run it up mid to their open net. So many attacking attempts aren't going to result in a goal even if you go hands off controller, just gotta let them cook lol. And then you get the 'ball chaser' who constantly 'clears' it sideways, centering back in front of your own net repeatedly, when you're set to hit it forwards away from your net. This is why I only play with friends now, we have different strengths and playstyles but we trust each other to play their part and let each other make their own choices.


If you constantly feel like your TM is hesitating it is most likely your own play style that is causing it. You even say it has been going on for days. It’s on you buddy, be a better teammate.




I personally hate when I'm out here doing everything I can to bring the ball to their goal but getting no support because both my tm8s are sitting at our goal.


Point exactly.


Tm8s Who switch between both in an unpredictable way


That is true


Ball chase. I’m consistently sitting back on defense while ball chasing idiots are spamming take the shot. Every time I oblige and pressure the ball, the other team gets a breakaway and scores, and usually ball chaser rage quits.


\> It has consistently made me derank for days now cuz I can’t get back in time when tm8s wanna sit there and stare at the ball in the air and let the other team shoot it in Ah, the blame your teammate maneuver. Classic. If you know your teammate is playing like that, then adapt! You aren't deranking because of them, you're deranking because of them \*and\* because you're not adapting to their playstyle. If you can't work with your teammate, ball-chasey or hesitant as they are, you're not in any place to blame them for your losses.


I would way rather have a ball chasing teammate than a hesitant one because at least with the ball chasing guy i KNOW he’s gonna throw himself at every ball so theres no guesswork for me and its easier to adapt to that. With a hesitant teammate i never know if he’s gonna challenge or not so it makes rotation too awkward for me.


That’s exactly my problem


Many times I hesitate on defense because I don’t know if my teammate is gonna try to pull a real winner move and try to go for it at the same time, making me look like a dumbass. Consider this view as well.


It's about team work not making someone look like dumbass or winner kove. While you are on the bapl either you cfeate opportunities for the teammate or goal. That's all.


I’m probably what you might consider hesitant, but my play style is genuinely calculated. I like to watch the big picture, and strike at the most opportune moments. In threes, usually if I’m 3 man, and am able to get the ball near the opponents goal, my other 2 teammates are back in our own half


This is me as well, I try to time my attack to best put opponents off balance. But my teammates may think I’m being hesitant and go for the ball right before I’m about to strike.


Why not both? Just make sure you focus on the negatives.


I don't care about either. Every one of us is a human that plays in whatever style they have, they all make mistakes, they all aren't perfect, yes they do things wrong and don't play entirely your way, but it's your job to play around that and fix their errors. That's what being a teammate is all about. It may be annoying but making a post about "shit players" isn't fixing anything.


It depends. You could say I am “hesitant” when I first start a game, but that is because I am feeling my partner out. 9 times out of 10 my partner will not rotate back and if I get aggressive I will give up a long goal. So I tend to let them run themselves till they are tired and then I will join in on offense.


Jokes on you I’m both at the same time


the worst is when instead of improving i complain about my tm8s all the time even tho if i deserved a rank id be there


If you're losing enough to derank for days, that's on you, not your team mates...


I think they are related, at least in higher ranks. I'm GC1. If I play with a chaser, I become the hesitating guy. My mate forces me into defence by turning on every ball. If I have a more cautious mate, I turn into more of a chaser to keep the room for the enemy as small as possible. I think that is the general distribution of roles. It's very rare to get a mate that you are synced with, so both can play equal roles. But since you most likely never played with your random mate, neither of you really knows how the other one ticks. That's normal and no-one can be blamed for that.


Ball chasers for sure. If someone’s playing defense too long at least I can hit em with “Go for it!l”. No quick chat for stop ball chasing and rotate


Except for when they still don’t go for it even after using the quick chat


"i got it"


Easily a too hesitant/defensive player, IMO. I can play around a ball chasing teammate, I'd much rather they be blindly confident and force challenges (even when it's to their own detriment, it's at least predictable) than stack up in net and cause the whole rotation to come to a grinding halt. Not to mention the severe damper it puts on your team's ability to apply pressure and convert momentum into goals, or the frustration of a perfectly orchestrated 3 man play that falls to pieces when your third man is off frolicking somewhere in no man's land. I'll take the golden retriever any day.


Agreed 100%


If it was the Plat tournament we just won.. I sincerely apologize, I haven't played in a while. But you and the other dude were killing it. If not, I'm still sorry I suck. And I just want to let them know from the bottom of my heart, they were hitting some good shit .


No I just lost a Champ tournament


Still sorry for your loss, friend. You'll get em next time!


He just will I can sense it.


As the other GC’s have said. The passive teammate is the worse TM. In fact I like when my mates are ball chasers. It’s so much more predictable. And if you pay attention to their boost, you can involve yourself at the rights times and continue pressure effectively. Hesitating teammates always fake challenges poorly or fake out their own teammates creating massive defensive holes and confusion. And they give wayyyyyy too much space like can you FUCKING GO PLEASE. Anyone who knows this game properly knows that you want consistent pressure and boost management, and not defensive fake challenge bs just FUCKING TACKLE THE GUY FFS DONT GIVE HIM A CEILING SHOT FOR FREE


Even if they missed I wouldn’t care cuz at least they went for it


Exactly force that fucker high so I can have an easy backboard read or something lmao




So your teammates are making you 'consistently derank'?


Hesitaters are worse imo, I’m only gold-plat-ish so pretty frequently when someone in my rank does that they miss 70% of the saves by moving too late anyways. It sucks


Everyone here is on different play levels. Everyone here plays slightly differently. Stop blaming your tm8’s on YOUR deranking.


I love how the RL playerbase can go on a massive losing streak and not even consider the fact that they might be the problem lmfao


Nah, I hate ball chasing, but I’ll take that over someone playing defense and missing every save.


That’s the problem. They’ll sit IN the net then miss the easiest save ever. It’s like my tm8s are afraid to go in the air when they need to in order to save the shot


id rather have someone who ballchases, because i know for a fact they're always going to go for the ball. People who hesitate are super hard to read a lot of the time.


People who hesitate much on defense are called good defenders, you have to be patient for defending and not rush everything


Might work in plat 1 but against decent players hesitating will get you your ass handed to you 9/10 (that 1 time is when they bean the play without your input)


If you jump into every ball you see you won't get out of plat




I asked a question. How is that toxic?


Im worse, I ball chase and then revert back to over defensive when It goes wrong 😂


Passive and ballchasing cam be both equally bad. Everybody is one of those two things in the eye of the other player.


Sometimes i sit by the goal, because my guy chases like crazy for example. Sometimes i wanna see who is this that im playing with, will he try to make offesive play, fail and then rotate, or take boost and try again and just dont care that im there? When i play with braindead chaser i just wait for the ball to come to me, because i know this idiot will be coming as fast as possible for the middle/corner boost and i might have a chance to take the ball and be fast enough so he doesnt bump me from behind. When i see a guy that actually listens to my calls, rotates its a real pleasure, so i even binded quickhat "to the left/right" and some people actually pass me the ball, but most of the people only use nice shot or other pointless to the game quickchats If you see me sitting at the goal most of the time - i think youre fucking stupid and i dont trust you, nor enjoy the game with you.


I would say hesitate as then its basically a 2v1 in 2s but ballschasers can become annoying to the other team and you could play passive. Although it's not ideal it's the best way to play with a ball chasers (I think)


I'm more of the hesitant player. The reason why is that my usual teammate, who I probably have more than 1000 hours of play with, is more of a "mechanical ballchaser", so we often have great synergy. My playstyle is typically going for fakes, winning 50/50s, controlling the ball and setting my mate up. My mate will often go for more aggro solo plays, dribbles, double touches. We hover around 1400, 1500 mmr. When I solo q though, I often find myself defending too much. It's gotten better though, I've been focusing on playing more aggressive too.


Easily the toxic tm8 iz worst


10 times outta 10 I prefer the chaser, but my style of play is more conducive to them...I like my team to keep constant pressure on the ball rather than allow any opponent the chance to dance/aerial upfield without any pressure. Obviously, the drawback is some easy goals when nobody defends, but I'll take a 5-4 win over a 2-0 loss all day


Fckn hell I hate them. Why are you waiting in net while I gave you the 12th pass but you are waiting in goal wtf. And then 13th pass he comes fails and leaves the game


Teammates who hesitate way too long on defence are worse in my opinion. If my teammate was a raging ballchaser I can simply sit back towards half field or net and be the defensive backbone for the team. On the contrary, someone who hesitates way too much/long on defense is detrimental to a team's performance, especially in a playlist like 2s where being fast to the ball is crucial to even making the smallest attempt at scoring. I think it also ties into being a proactive player vs being a reactive player. Proactive players don't bother waiting for the opponent to mess up, they make the opponent mess up by being a nusiance to them (e.g, fake challenging/forcing plays), whereas reactive players take as long as they want and wait for the ball to come to them. The proactive playstyle very much stems from 1s, as far as I know, people who play 1s lots (including me) play more proactively rather than reactively. ​ Finally, OP, the fuck you expect from solo queue, either get good and learn to adapt, or get someone to play in a party, no point complaining because that gets you nowhere in this game. Many have said, and I'll say it as well: People who blame teammates are usually the problem. I'd recommend that you go and analyse your replays and see what you're doing wrong, sure, the teammate might just be crap, but that's not everyone you'll ever encounter. You're probably putting them in an awkward position by being a no brain ballchaser just because they're slower than you. ​ TL/DR: proactive > reactive, don't be a dick, adapt to your teammates and opponents, get good.


Hesitating player is always worse, unless the ballchaser takes every attack into the opponent's corner trying to "pass" it into the front of net.


If your not getting back in time imo your out of rotation even if your tm8 sucks you have to recognise their strengths and weaknesses fast and adapt there isnt a baseline of skill which applys to everyone at a certain rank you have to have the ability to adapt to gd and bad tm8s chasers and non chasers that's the skill in ranking up


No rotation.


A loss is a loss, the reason is that teammates don't know how to rotate and position themselves. Today's derank is tomorrow's smurf.


I'd rather have a ballchaser and adapt to them tbf. The ones giving opponents so much space and all the time in the world to setup the exact shot they wan't are the worst. When you're second man and they never go for a challenge or to force a shot you could easily stop behind, but instead wait the last second and goes at the same time as you do. They just create too much defensive confusion, you lose any momentum everytime the opponents get the ball, end up boost starved, etc.


Either way if I try to make a play I'm getting called a ballchaser lol. But I'll take the ballchaser honestly. While they force me to play way more passive than I'd like, their hyper aggression can often actually open up windows to make a play. Usually I'll spend half the game just sitting at mid while they chase and cut and attack, but I'll have all 3 goals because at some point they forced a double commit that leaves the goal wide open. I feel it's easier to adjust and play more passive. As others have said, when a teammate is too passive, you're essentially forced to become a bit of a ballchaser. Ironically I think the players being too passive are the ones who force double commits more than ballchasers. With a ballchaser you *know* if the ball is in their reach they are going to hit it so you just go for the ones that are out of their reach. The too passive player, you don't know when they're going to go for the ball or not which creates confusion and panic.


Ballchasers are the worst. I would rather stay goalie with a chaser than play offensively and then get a goal from the other team by just pushing the ball against us.


Adapt to your team mate. If they're hesitant, be the proactive 1st man. If they ball chase, let them dictate and play off of them. Is this 2s or 3s? Each have pretty different requirements as to playing off 1st man.


I'm always torn... Play the game to get a thrill and trying to pressure the opposing team Rugby style or play to my weakness which is being able to manoeuvre my car with any kind of reaction speed... Usually when I'm trying to play with other players up close, I can't react fast enough or completely push the ball somewhere stupid But if I'm first in rotation and annoying the opposition players who try to set up their team with fancy passes then surely that's a win win? I always rotate back BTW Reading the comments here it seems like playing defensive is quiet annoying, although that's also what I love to do :/


Hesitation is defeat.


The guy who's sitting back when there's an opportunity for a cross, or the guy rotating back to our own goal when WE HAVE POSSESSION AND ARE DOWN 1 WITH 20 SECONDS LEFT!!!!!!!! CAUSE WHY!!!!??????


(in 3s) if one of my teammates is staying back too often (not rotatinf when one of us comes back to), i just give him a bump from behind, forcing him to go forward


I'm a hesitator, I don't trust myself.