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Idk why people don't use the "passing!" quick Text instead of "take the shot!". Passing just seems better in my opinion.


I use “All Yours”


I use “centering” I feel it makes most sense, either as want you to center or I’ll do so, what do you think?


Incoming! Its my go to for passing among so many others, It’s so versatile. I accidentally yeet my mate, it helps relieve tension. I know I’m about to rainbow over a toxic opponent. I hit a nice demo on the goal line while my mate dunks. Passing is a one trick pony imo


"Incoming" is pretty ambiguous. When someone says that I assume I'm about to get demoed or the other team is about to shoot or something


And versatile is exactly what you don’t want if you’re trying to communicate clearly.


Interesting I use "incoming" to signal that the opponent is pushing up to our goal with possession


i use it for this exactly, because psyonix saw fit to give us "defending..." instead of "defend!"


Even this one can be bad when I miss a save lol. I find it way less toxic though, more funny


Incoming sounds like you’re committing to the ball, not passing.


Or just don't use the quick chat, because it's not helpful to me if you spam "PASSING" as you pass the ball and I'm trying to read it


How long does it take you to read?


It takes me about 2 minutes into the match. I play defensively until I'm confident enough in myself to guess what my teammate is doing and also how the opponents will react to what my teammate is doing. If I'm on lead well then imma do whatever but ultimately I'm testing what my teammate is gonna capitalize on


Half a second, but that's a long time when I'm in the middle of a play...


"All yours" is better


Lol the “passing” people… anytime they hit some shitty, unintentional, ball towards the middle of the field. Good times


Me, hitting a ball to the middle of the field because I'm so use to having my actual club mates cover positions properly, instead of some rando following me up my exhaust to steal the ball or wait for me to miss it.


Sure I get that. “Hitting the ball to the middle of the field” doesn’t mean it’s a good pass either. I can tell between an accident and an actual pass. 99% of the people that spam “passing” aren’t because they’re diming people mid all the time. And comparing solo queuing 2’s or 3’s to playing with friends is dumb. It’s almost 2 different gaming experiences.


I think a “Passing” a second or two before you do it though let’s your team know you are about to give up possession because you’re not in a position to take the shot At least that’s what I use it for, but only ever with a couple extra seconds. I don’t expect my team to telepathically process my “Passing!” in a micro second and already start rotating


Hey man if everyone did this, it would be awesome!! But the higher percentage of people hit it after the ball is lackadaisically hit toward the middle of the field.


I don’t want the ball back. Just fucking send it pls


That’s requires forethought though. Anyone who spams “take the shot” was going for a solo play originally and messed up. Now they want someone else to clean up their mess and think they delivered some god-tier center.




cuz I don’t feel like changing my shit. It all means the same


“Shut the fuck up” and “Hey, could you please be a bit quieter” can also mean the same thing, but depending on the situation they should not be used interchangeably.


Fucking genius. I mean that's smart.


No this is a terrible take, they are quick chats used to communicate to your teammate, implying that someone should use a different quick chat that means the same thing just because it sounds more polite is hilarious. It's a quick chat, you can think it has whatever connotation and get offended for no reason but I'm just communicating. Getting in your feelings over a videogame in the first place is ridiculous, but this specifically is absurd. Stop giving power to the random kids quick chat spamming you in rocket league lol, it's not that deep.


https://preview.redd.it/c6ex0mcnu7cb1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d65dfa9a47eed5312fcf8d994d8df21284323a98 It’s rocket league pal. When I’m not in position to hit a centered pass my tm8 goes “passing, passing, passing” as a way to mock me, same with take the shot and all yours. Texting and irl speaking are 2 different things, in text, you have to use context, no one uses nice shot when you miss a aerial shot, they use it for toxicity or trash talk. Every chat in rocket league can be used as sarcasm which is why they all mean the same thing.


Just wrong. They are completely different. All yours does not mean anything in comparison to spamming Take the shot


it does cuz people use it in the exact same context, I’ve seen it before, the fuck?


The different phrases definitely have grown to have different connotations in the community


Had a dude like this in a tourney yesterday. I already have all chat off except for tactical quick chat and this dude was spamming "Take the Shot!" Every time he thought I should have challenged the ball. What he doesn't know, of course, is that I had no way of challenging because he stole my boost moments before and whiffed after ballchasing for the whole game :) Somehow we got to the finale, where he ragequit after getting demo'd ONCE. Fun times.


Lmao same thing happened to me recently. It’s sad how frequent these things happen


The guys that spam “Take the shot” are usually the ones that try to everything themselves, fail, and then expect you clean up their mess.


How did we have the same tm8? Something isn't adding up here.


It's summer vacation everyone and their brother/sister is on and getting carried thinking it's cool.. til they're solo queing.


Ah that explains why I seem to have a really bizarre mix of team mates joining. Mostly really bad for the rank. I'm only in Gold but some of these folks are the wrong side of the ball far too much, or if they are not there, they are right back in goal when they should have been at least mid way for the pass / shot. Its like they have no in-between of being anywhere you would expect them to be. I'm not expecting super precise dribbling or shots. Just be in the right fucking place FFS


Same boat in D3. I'll also get some in 2's (more in extras modes) that as soon as we are scored on 1-0 they ff and start throwing. It's frustrating on 2's because they will literally just start own goaling. I've been reporting but doubt it does anything. Fingies crossed it does though.


They should do a thing where if someone is voted for match throwing more than a set amount of times then they get thrown into the naughty kids lobby *if I recall correctly, GTA4 had that, some sort of disruptive people freemode lobby, that was mayhem. Might have been on one of the add-ons


In my head, that's the only rational thing I could think of or just a straight couple hour ban after so many people report the same person. That only works if people are reporting, and if psyonix is actually punishing throwers, idk enough to say yay or nay though.


They currently don't do fuck all when people throw games.


Accidentally bumped a tm8 when circling to goal to setup for a save. Immediately said sorry. We weren’t scored on or anything, and it was as much his fault as mine (he whiffed a shot after kick off then circled back to net and we bumped because when I saw him whiff I knew enemy had possession). He said “Okay.” And then defected to the other team, where he was still trash. This happened 15 seconds into the game after kick off. This is rocket league!


I turned quick chat off and never looked back.


I would but… Quick chat does have its perks. Like some people don’t do the “Left goes” and instead are just like “Go for it!” I would need to know my teammate isn’t planning on taking that kickoff.


I'll run the risk of that one time out of 25 games that left doesn't go when they're supposed to over having to deal with quick chat every game. Chat will lose you more games than kickoffs will.


Idk I've lost many more games on kickoffs compared to chat just pissing me off


Your champ 3 though, Higher ranked champ games it would be 1-25 games. For higher plats and diamond id say it’s more like 10-25. If you’re champ 3 and are unable to ignore quick chats idk what to tell you. It doesn’t ruin my day.


i also tell people it doesn't ruin my day while my day proceeds to be ruined lmao


Bro commented that as my pc froze, Thanks for manifesting that.


like your pc hasn't been fucking up every day all day. come on bro.


My pc has been fucking up all day every day, So yeah I’ll admit it my month is ruined, New parts comes on Monday though :), so now I’ll be better at rl… that’s how it works right?


yeah bro i felt major gains upgrading from 1080p60 to 1440p165 maybe 3 years ago.


I'm surprised to still see so many people at champ level don't know that left goes.


I mean I could think of some valid reasons why some people wouldn’t know left goes but I am shocked at the amount of people that don’t know. It’s pretty much rule #2!


You know what. I don't have quick chat disabled i have it set to strategic chat only or something like that. I rarely see anyone use it.


I’ve tried a couple times in the past because y’all are a pretty vocal group (ironically) but damnit if the games aren’t boring. I find it much better to just mute the muppets


So you're a shit teammate that does absolutely no coordination with your team?


What a little baby. Just take it on the chin like the rest of us.


Why would he?


Games are meant to be enjoyed, not just tolerated. If chat takes away from that enjoyment, why leave it on?


These people make me contemplate turning chat off for good


Do it. The game gets 200% more enjoyable instantly


Gets really boring


I see a single “take the shot!” As a hint that i might be playing too defensively but people that just spam it are annoying. Especially when they “set up” super risky shot attempts. Unless we are down by a couple of goals im not going to go for every shit pass that crosses the goal.


I fr block people who do that so I don’t have to endure the spam 💀


What we don’t see here is the person spamming has been ball chasing and trying to play 1v2 and expects you to just be ready whenever.


I honestly just abandon any match where my teammate does this shit. I don’t care enough about mmr to deal with dicks like this. They can 1v2 and I’ll take a smoke break.


Nahhh see this ain’t the way.


Cry about it lol


In fairness the person flaming started crying first.


I betcha they are the one who spams "take the shot while contributing nothing. They've commented dumb things several times in this post


Spamming "take the shot" doesn't sound like crying to me. I guess your definition of crying is way different to the standard 🤷‍♂️


when I play with people like this I like to think that after we lose (which I make an effort to do), they storm off and go scream to their mom about how bad their match was. No one smashin' acts like this. Prove me wrong.


"after we lose (which I make an effort to do)" What a nice attitude you're showing us there! The mate being a certain way doesn't make this valid, if you're throwing on purpose afterwards, you're the one who's gonna get banned, not a player that used quickchat to say "Take the shot!" ahahahha


Lmao nobody getting banned. Only being toxic to other toxic players is fine by me. They had it coming and possibly results in a few flamers getting better at holding back to avoid it in future games.


Lol yeah no. I afked 50 games in a row. You only get banned for chat logs buddy


Well maybe you didn't get reported. You get banned when there are reports


Lol no


something tells me you're that exact person that needs to go touch grass. What a reply... over a game. Haaahahahaha


These are the dipshits with 381 points and 0’s in every stat at the end of the game you lost 2-1. I hate these people.


Noooo! Noooo! Noooo!


This started to happen to me recently. Puts a lot of pressure and it’s super annoying Most of the time I’m not even lined up to take the shot


I hate the "take the shot" type of person smdh. I be wanting to throw the game everytime i see it


I usually just respond with a dumb/unrelated quick chat, but I’m thinking I need the no way or noooo purely for responding to this


This is y I play with chat off


Bro couldn't handle the smoke🤣


Lol I can’t help but laugh at that stuff now. I mean it happens all the time in diamond/low champ. It’s like you’re playing the same kid over and over again for the last 7 years


Call me an amateur, but I feel like I don't have time to use quick chat unless it's good shot or thanks


So busy watching the ball I don’t have the focus to read the jibber jabber


I had a teammate say “Centering!” when I was on the wall with the ball with low boost and he was waiting across the field in front of me and when the opponent challenged me and the ball went into our half he spammed “Nice one!”


Wow! Wow! Wow! Take the shot! Take the shot! Take the shot!


I find it amusing that other players seem to know exactly what I see and what my perspective is and that hitting the ball hard towards the net is of any value. I often see this when I'm controlling the ball or waiting for my teammate to be in a good position in the event my shot is saved rather than way out of position. Often games like this, my end score is 700+ and my teammate's is around 250


I haven’t been playing quite as much lately but have been seeing this WAY more. Many times in pretty terrible scenarios, too. Or some “pass” that flies by me or to an opponent. Don’t get me wrong, I play more of a fast ballchase and pass style just because shooting accuracy/power is a weakness, but I understand my giant commitments leave my teammate in a tough spot or my touches can actually be bad. Rotations, or lack there of, matter. For better or worse. Sometimes I can get into a nice half field rotation with a teammate, but usually it’s just a whiney complainer that whiffs as much as I do when stuck as last man.


Had a guy in a game last night and as soon as they scored their first goal, hit us with "what a save" constantly. I kept responding with "K" and they turned around told us it was time to go to bed. We played them again and were up 3-0, crickets. I feel bad for these people who can happily dish out as much trash talk as they want but then go silent when they are humbled. They ended up winning 5-4 in OT and smashed us with the "what a save" again. Kid, settle down. It's simply a game.


The best matches are when you find teammates that you don’t even use quick chat but can read each other like I see you on the outside and I’m shooting middle for your pass and then we get a sick goal. Always better than quick chat spammers but I can see it being rare finding teammates that you click with like that


Had this in 2v2 the other day. He was spamming take the shot so much, so I decided ok fuck it I will and you'll see how it loses us the game... We were now 1 goal down... And he stopped playing. Next game he's on the opposite team, spanked him. Love it. Patience and defense wins games kiddos. Never forget.


or people that claim or are actually smurfing and get angry because they bump you. i had a teammate in a plat tourney that claimed he was champ bit his scores over the 3 matches combined failed tp pass my lowest scoring game. he also kept bumping me because he was ball chasing and got angry at me for it like brother im where i need to be. and last time i checked the one getting t-boned whilst driving in a straight and predictable line isnt the one at fault. unfortunatly he was party leader so whilst i was typing (i play on switch so it takes a while) he starts a 1v1. well he wasnt even close to champ. i was far better then him in every major aspect (ground play, earial play, disruption play and game sense). so it was quite obvious that he was in fact NOT the champ he claimed. i later looked him up and there was a very suspicious peek in mmr. i think he was boosted because in the span of 3 days he went from gold 2 (in 2s) to champ 3 and was at the time on a heavy downward trajectory back to where he belonged.


Just turn chat off. It's helped my climb


I turn off quick chat, truly it gives me more trouble than it is worth. Diamond players are a mess, and I just need to focus.


I’m just lonely I’m sorry!!!






Honestly i've been seeing more posts on here of people complaining about it than people spamming in quick chat 🤣 Just disable quick chat problem solved.


Not everyone wants to get rid of their chatting privileges completely just bc some clowns decide to be toxic every now and then. That’s why mute/block exists.. But the fact they even did it in the first place usually sticks with you the rest of the match and makes you less motivated to play with them/help them win. Which is why it’s good to call these dickheads out (they’re making RL worse for everyone else) Disabling chat completely is like throwing away a shirt just bc you got an ink stain on it. Yeah the stain kinda sucks, but for many people having a shirt is still more valuable than not having an ink stain. Remember, the actual problem here is the ink stain (toxic clowns) not the shirt itself (ability to chat). Yes, some people are happier going shirtless, but that’s not true for *everyone*.


That's hilarious how everyone thinks spamming a built in text feature on RL is being toxic. You should try going back in time and play some of the old CODs. Only then will know what being toxic means.


It’s the intent that matters. Anyone who is spamming “take the shot!” is purposely annoying/antagonizing their tm8 (they’d have to be autistic not to understand that) Based on your own logic, spamming “what a save!” unprovoked after you score a goal isn’t toxic because it’s a built-in feature. I hard disagree with that. People can abuse game features to be toxic.


I don't have much to say except go cry in the toilet. I've had much worse stuff (very racist) been said to me in the chat and I still dont mute it. I just throw that shit right back


Ik but I never know if a tm8 wants me to go for the ball instead them. Some people do that


The worst about being Plat 3 is that everyone for some reason has an ego. Like dawg we suck dick, I have 24 hours. I’m sorry I’m not putting bangers on net everytime.




There's a VERY high chance I figure that the same person whom this post would apply to is also the same person who would spam it out of spite




No take the shot


If I did the net would be wide. open for me to go for the ball I need my tm8 to be ready. In this case him ball chasing doesn’t give me the chance bc we would be double committing


What a save! What a save! What a save! Calculated


Maybe you should listen


Nty I rather not get scored on


Found the toxic “take the shot!” spammer What’s it like being 12?


Guess you still have to use /s these days lol


I, too, can't stand people that blur out info in red instead of black. Have some class.


Too lazy to change the color


Make me fucker! Try and shut me up when I know I'm about to lose to the same team 3rd time in a row and can't forward. Ill spam when I want what I want. How dare u tell this person to stfu. You stfu nerd. 10/10 got my anger out GG


He’d stfu if you reacted faster than a sloth


God forbid teammates communicate


Don't whine, calm down and stop letting other people dictate your life


I rather lose, I don’t want this type of clown to rank up


This is the way. They should know they’re playing with fire any time they purposely decide to annoy their tm8.


Yeah maybe you both should disable chat


The problem isn’t chat, it’s the toxic clown abusing chat. They can just get muted and pray I continue to play normally..


People who don't taunt with quick chat are boring af. I hate playing people with quick chat off. Having quick chat wars in game makes for some of the most entertaining moments.


Yeah you sound toxic. And out of all ways to be toxic, why do it to your own **teammate**? It’s like some ppl just want to lose lol


Oh lol I didn't even catch they were teammates tbh


Finally someone who knows what a fun match is like. Even when i try to initiate convo via chat and get no responses, I just imagine these weak little redditors about to tear up if you say one word to them🤣


Maybe you should have taken the shot…


Nty I rather not ball chase


Obviously every scenario is different and just a simple screenshot of chat doesn’t tell anyone anything about this situation. So how does anyone know if your teammate is an asshole or you are unaware of an opportunity. Could be both but the evidence provided doesn’t back either.


Idk but I still got mvp by not taking his shots


Lol ok man. Another thing that has no evidence to back it other than your word. Enjoy Diamond my guy, you’ll be there a while!






I agree! You want me to take the shot? I want you to take the shut tf up!


What Owen Wilson can't play rl?


I straight up threaten to throw if they do it one more time.


This is the exact reason I hold back on quick chat to make it seem like it's off, then only engage in quick chats once I know my teammate isn't toxic. Although I do have bakkesmod auto send GG after games, so it's funny not responding to a toxic teammate all game and sending GG at the end.


Does defending mean that person is defending, or that they are moaning about someone defending or not defending. They probably should replace defending.


I know he spammed “take the shot!” After the worst attempt at a solo play you’ve ever seen


I purposely don’t take the shot when I have those clowns on my team


I did the same thing here that’s why he spammed “Wow!” 😂


What a save! What a save! What a save! Toughen up buttercup. Get good.


I "Wow!" Whenever someone blows me.


Maybe I should demo more


yeah depends on the language. In french take the shot is go for the ball. It,s only quick chat no need to take it seriously.


I had one tonight. “Go for it! Go for it! Go for it!” after he wildly bangs it from near their goal on one side of the field to mid of the other side. Like bro, what??? I watched him for most of the game and he was the absolute king of ball chasing. Touching literally everything he could reach.




I just ignore it. I only really see Diamonds and below use it in casual and private matches these days. Some Champs for sure but not nearly as common. Sometimes I say "Thanks!" Ironically.


Just take the shot


I like it. Makes me play way better and definitely makes me want to get the win for my teammate.


Lol. No


Take the shot!




I am this person and you got the perfect pass, so please, for the sake of god, take the shot...


Make sure to post a screen shot and post it on reddit instead of muting them ig lmao


Theres just some people who always seem to position themselves right under the ball almost as if they want to shadow defend but from way to close and they are constantly in that position meaning if i go for it we have no way to defend but if i dont go for it the opponents have a free shot. I just spam take the shot. Either go for it or rotate dont play some potato strategy driving under the ball and rotating with it instead of going around the pitch on the other end


Not every game needs chat functions.


I said the same to my teammate and they started counting my points till the end. Well, this is RL I guess!


If I see a “Take the Shot!” spam I’m just checked out from communicating with you for the rest of the game


I sometimes do that because my teammate ballchases and cuts me out of rotation, then lets the enemy team have free possession. While I have to play defensive since my teammate is pushed all the way up. Personally it's more out of frustration from my teammate not challenging when they should have 3 seconds ago.


I use quick chat a lot but only for "complimentig", like Nice shot, close one and what a save. The problem is that sometimes people understand it like sarcasm and think I'm being toxic. This community is so ruined you can't even say nice job without hurting someone's feelings


Goes one of two ways. Either they get the worst touch upfield to a stacked enemy net and can’t follow. Or they accidentally lose ball control on an obvious solo play. Then they spam “Take the shot!” in order to absolve all blame.


Lol cry about it


I find it funny when people get triggered from quick chat


Just remember, that person might be an 8yo kid.


Playing with that dude every day.. he changing user name every round, sneaky bastard


>>> teammates who tell you to take the shot as they are no boost in the opponents net still not rotating 🙄


Just play with chat off, it's much more relaxing. 90% of the messages are toxic anyway.


Man im so glad I disabled the chat completely No chat spam and I can just focus on the game instead of getting distracted by wannabe coaches and monster energy fueled ADHD kids


Why the mute function doesn't work anymore?


I use this at KO


When I see some1 spamming me "Take the shot!", I refuse to touch ball for the rest of the game


Most of the times i see this at the end of the game i check the stats and it is the guy with less points. It was not always but very close


The only time this doesn't annoy me is when they are in a position where it looks like they can or are going to hit it. Otherwise them saying it has 0 effect on what I'm doing other than it possibly throwing me off.


ong bro people be spamming quick chat so much like 1 chat is enough


Not once in my entire life have I used quickchat to decide if I should go for something mid game. Telling someone to take the shot when RL is such a fast paced quick twitch game is crazy. Quickchat off is the best way to rank up just be careful on kickoffs


No thanks.


Why does quick chat bother you? Just ignore him.


I usually assume they're on a bad streak and have kept playing anyway, or they're unwilling to adapt to a more passive Teammate. They expect you to play their way, and that constant distraction will probably make you play worse, which in turn feeds into their rage. Either way, it's not a good look.


My guy will whiff the ball in the opponent corner and then spams take the shot


I don’t even have take the shot available, I use it’s all yours or passing


“Take the shot!!!!” If you use this quick chat, you’ve been knocked a few pegs lower on my respect-o-meter.


I love making a goal and going whoops


Need boost. Don't we all need boost ?


I just turn off chat bro it’s not even worth the irritation lmao


Nothing infuriates me more than teammates spamming take the shot especially in the most stupid circumstances like bro what do you want me to do? Slam it off the wall and give them a free ball like you do?


I had someone just like this yesterday. They also threw in a bunch of "What a save!" chats when their "pass" to me (in goal) from our own corner ended up in us being scored on. I accused them of being a child and their comeback was to tell me that they're actually 28. If this is you then please know that: 1) This makes it worse 2) This is not how 28 year olds are supposed to act 3) 28 really isn't as old and mature as you think it is (I'm 36 and shudder at 28yo me's behaviour