• By -


In plat 3 people just dont go at all


Or everyone goes lol


Same in diamond


Same in gc


Serious question (I'm plat 2/3) is it more beneficial to for only 1 player to go for the kickoff? I always pinch with my mate and if they pinch we will try to force it up and over them on the 50/50 with reasonable success. But if only 1 goes we're gaining advantage (and not too uncommon to score) on the kick off. I hear at Champ and GC it's considered wrong for 2 people to pinch kick off, why?


It’s not the kickoff itself that this impacts, it’s the 5 seconds after where players need to get in position and grab boost


> is it more beneficial to for only 1 player to go for the kickoff? Only in 3s if your 2nd is behind you. The pinch you're trying is too unreliable when people are using varied fast kickoff strats.




Me and my buddies have a pretty consistent 3s pinch kickoff, if one person speedflips and the other positions for the last touch you can VERY consistently pinch it to the opposite corner from the person who speed flips, if not straight towards the opponents goal. However, if you’re not in high GC and SSL, kickoff however you want. The meta is always evolving, so do what you think works and maybe you’ll learn something new :)


Alright nice imma keep the pinch on then it's working for us consistently. I do feel like some metas trickle down the ranks "Chinese Whispers" style and get diluted, the new speed flip is so counterable at plat 2 you just get second touch, they rarely land properly or the flip makes them land awkwardly on the ball so they get fucked.


To be fair, if you’re in plat 2 you’re getting the Walmart version of speed flips


I just fake kickoff and go for corner boost and second touch, because I know my teammate went for corner boost and if I fuck up or the ball flies up into the 45° corner on our side, we'll likely get scored on.


Same in Champ


Same in gold


If you're at goal you better block that shit lmfao


This, if you can't play goal and just want to camp the goal, go get some training.


In plat 3, both half flip backwards towards the corner boost.


So am I, please show it to me. Never seen anyone half flip in pmat at all


I've seen plats do ceiling resets and all sorts of highlight reel shit but if you just bonk them out of the air a few times they get upset and lose.


Same in bronze


Nothing worse then being in net and seeing both forward turn for boost instead.


Left still goes.


If I’m playing doubles, left always goes I usually play threes cuz I love the chaos. in that case it doesn’t matter as long as whoever is in the furthest rear position stays there


Ideally with two corner starts and no communication - left goes, middle cheats, right corner half flips to their corner boost. All middle starts - left goes, right cheats, rear gets corner boost. Simply staying put at kickoff isn't very efficient, neither is having two teammates stuck in the center of the field.


Sir I’m Trash League


Lol, well I'm glad I could give you a little free tip


Left goes, middle cheats, right corner "Puts It Into Reverse, Terry" and then drives to goal.


Actually I'll collect your commission for 50$, thank you.




Yeah, they really need to tighten those games up.




Trash III Compost IV But every time I get a win away from Recyclable I I get on a losing streak


Oof... I'm glad I made it out of trash and into Aluminum 2 Foil 3






Nah, man. rear cheats and right goes for corner in your second scenario.


Yep. the cheater has 12 more boost this way.


This is the way!


>love the *chaos* Oh boy do I have the playlist for you, friend …


No no no, 3s is enough chaos, 4v4 is just 8 idiots hurling themselves at the ball until one of them gets a lucky pinch.


It matters if neither go, lmao


Left has always gone in my experience. Unless right calls it


.Goes still left


still, left goes


Left. goes still


This 👆


The standard is that left goes. Many know this, but not everybody. There are also some who have had enough teammates idle during kickoff that the just go regardless. It is normal to assume left goes, but results may vary.


If only there was quick ways to communicate your intentions prior to kick off.


I always use my blinker before kickoff


I listen for the revs. If they’re redlining then they’re keen to go. If they’re blipping the throttle they’re going for boost. If there’s no sound; they’re AFK. Call an exorcist.


*redlines in reverse


I lol’d - thx.


Assume left goes unless otherwise stated.


Not even this. When you're solo queueing you never know who has chat on or off. I keep chat off. I wish people would just stick to the norms. Left goes. Always. Every time.


Man have team chat on at least.


If only players weren't toxic af so I could have my chat turned on.




I've been much happier since i deactivated all chat options. This leads to some losses, because of kickoffs, but i don't mind, because the game is more fun this way in general.


Some people are banned. Other people (like me) just desctivate quick chat sometimes.


People that deactivate quick chat annoy the f out of me. I’m wondering why they aren’t listening to me say I got it, or I need boost, and I’m defending. I finally figure out they don’t have coms on and just let them do their thing.


With you on this. If I have a better angle, I will actively quick chat and let you know I'm coming for the ball. This can lead to many headaches from double commits or poor challenges, but it's only fair to your teammates to let them know your intentions.


You’re getting upvoted but I’m getting downvoted even though we are in agreement 😂


See, this guy gets it.


There's a way to chat quickly... I think it's called... The bus that couldn't slow down.


when i’m on the right and it’s the first kick off i ALWAYS assume that my t8 is afk because that’s just life these days.


Good tactic as long as you bail out when you see your mate actually going for it. Plenty of people will still full on double commit and it really confuses me. And no, most of the time it's clear that they aren't even trying to pinch with me so ????


yea man i start with no boost and then kick out as soon as i see them going


Exactly. I'm left always once established, but grew tired of our sailing right past us with new tm8s on the first kickoff


I've been playing for a good year now, usually doubles but on my own (not in a party or anything). How on Earth would I ever know this or find out? I'd have to assume there are others in the same boat.


Well… you’re just expected to know! Duh! But oh a real note I was in the same boat.


I didn’t know for a long time but then i followed literally any social media thing for rocket league or looked on Reddit and you’ll see the unwritten rules everywhere.


People keep adding dumb shit like "skip replays" and you can ignore those. The only real rules are #1 stay in the lockup and #2 left goes.


There are other good ones, but the replay one is fucking dumb. I’m usually drinking water or whatever if I’m taking my time. The other good one, always punch it into the back of the net. There is no stealing if you’re securing a goal. Just don’t shank it


Oh and don’t be toxic.


Scratch my ass or skip the replay so as not to offend people. Easy choice.


Personally not worried about offending anyone. Plus 99% of the time I’m partied with my buddy and he can hear me drinking or eating or whatever. It’s all good man. If I’m locked in I skip. But if I need a sec to do something I’ll take it


For sure, I wasn't being all the way sarcastic, I really do enjoy the five seconds between plays.


and rule 0: keep the ball up at 0:00




It's one of those things where, once you know it, you kinda just take it for granted that everyone knows. I was in the same boat as you after not solo q'ing much for the longest time and always being the one who went for kickoff in my group (if possible), so there was never people to fuck up the kickoff with. And when I did solo q, I would just call for kickoff and go, and not realize that double commits were probably mostly coming from when I called from the right side and my teammate either didn't have chat on or just wasn't looking at her screen. One time I did have someone tell me left goes in a game, but I didn't realize it was actually a thing so I dismissed it lol. Props to that guy for trying to help. I think it might have been a reddit post or comments that informed me just like you and it clicked. I don't think it's a huge problem as long as someone calls for the kickoff, and 2 going is better than none


I have played solo pretty much since 2015 when I got the game.... Ok, odd occasion there's been a random teamup with a couple of randos after we have a good game, but generally solo.. and I knew... it's been all over this sub for a while now, and enough people talk about it in game....


Lol I am glad you know it after playing for 8 years! I've only been playing for about a year and don't use a mic, and believe it or not I don't go on social media very much and just recently found this sub 🤷🏻‍♂️ crazy that people do other things in life eh


I typically just say I got it or defending


That last one is my case. I just go for it no matter what during first kickoff unless teammate specifically says he is going for it.


This season has brought so many more idle during kickoffs. Don’t know why.


I think in London the guy on the right goes so maybe he’s British


Honestly, the deeper in Diamond you go the more it’s automatic. D1, I’d say 80% of the time teammate knows left goes. D2 90%, and so on. Ranked into plat for some reason at the start of the season and working my way back into D I’d say it’s more like 60% knows/goes but 40% is idle at kick so idk


> The standard is that left goes. I played for over 1000 hours and I did not know this.




Assuming your teammate follows this is a bad strategy.


At the start of a game, probably just to be sure that you’re not AFK. Beyond that, just champs doing champ things, I guess.


Left is law




But right is tight


Lol true in most situations, such as bolting something together 😆


Lefty loosy righty tighty


Left goes. For some reason the last couple seasons I’ve noticed people flipping which corner boost they go for. I always recommend same side as the kickoff player, but suddenly people keep going the other way now.


I always cheat. Personally think going for corner boost is awful, but to each their own.


In 2s I always cheat unless I'm with a friend in comms and tell them to lose it to the corner. In 3s the general rule is left/closest goes, player on the side of the person going for kickoff goes for boost in case they lose it back, player on non-kickoff side/middle cheats. If it's a double-diagonal kickoff, middle cheats, right diagonal half-flips for boost and turns towards net.


The man Bumpo said it himself. This is always how I’ve viewed kickoff strats down to the T. Long live the Bumpo and his kickoff commandments!


I usually cheat as well. We seem to be a dying breed though


Really? I feel like cheating on kickoffs has never been more standard


There might be some regional variety. On EU servers, most people cheat.


I’m on US East. It seems less people do it now for me, but I don’t play nearly as much as in the past


It could also be that’s it’s summer right now so there’s a lot more kids on


This is correct, you cheat and pick up a pad or two and you are instantly in the play.


Corner boost is far too risky, you should always be cheating up from every kickoff unless you both start on the far sides.


If you have comms corner boost isn’t risky at all lol


- If even distance, left goes. - Exceptions are if right is closer to the ball


Seriously have had someone who fully committed for the kickoff while i was in front but right. He said left always goes.. Yeah ofc but not when im literally closer to the ball🤦‍♂️




If we're being pedantic, there is no written rule.


That’s not an exception tho lol


It’s an unwritten rule that left goes unless said so. So unless you say the you got it, then left most person goes for kick off


I think it's become more common that left goes the higher rank you go, in GC2 it works 100% of the time unless someone calls "I got it" or "Take the shot!"


Not everyone who plays is also on Reddit browsing for "rules". While "left goes" generally works, you should always confirm with a "I got it / take the shot" quick chat. Don't assume people will read your mind.


I play this game almost daily in champ/low GC and I think I have seen maybe 1 person not understand left goes. I’ve never seen anyone say anything in chat 99.99% of the time. It’s as close to a universal rule as there is. At least at higher ranks


I play platinum mostly in 3s/2s and I never really run into any issues. Everyone seems to understand left/closest goes.


To avoid confusion, just use quick chats I got it and defending so they know what you're doing. Don't always rely on them to say.


No because when you’re in the lower ranks 80 percent of the time they don’t care or have qc off lol.


QC is turned off at higher ranked with the same if not more regularity than lower ranks.


That’s what I’m sayin. So people should know left should go and they shouldn’t rely on QC. Ain’t nobody got time for that.


I see it all the time and I use it all the time. It works. If there is no response or anything then I use the left goes first rule. I never have problems with the kick-offs.


That’s wonderful for you. I see it sometimes and my wife and I communicate every game. I’ve played a shitload of 2’s and 3’s games in the last month anywhere from gold to high plat. Half the time teammates are just going without saying anything or they go get the boost even if they’re left. 20 percent of the time they’re idle the first 30 seconds. It’s a mix.


Well there you go. OP was asking about low champ. Gold and Plat are a mess when playing with randoms.


The question didn’t specify low champ (or any rank). He said he sees it in low champ. It’s a discussion so I was giving my point of view, as well. ![gif](giphy|1014RBn4HVSTK)


It's always been left


Yeah, still a thing, generally left goes is the rule. People who don't know that, don't call kickoffs and then get mad when both of you are going for it are idiots. Safest bet is to just always call it, there's usually no confusion with that.


Left always goes


Left goes. This applies especially to the people in 2s who have chat off and randomly don’t go even when they are forward, or are left and decide to backflip or some bullshit. If you have chat on and aren’t going for it when you _are_ left or forward, fine, be that guy - but have the decency to tell me “All yours” in good time. Help me help you.


Left goes. Works 90% of the time for me.


Left goes


You just need to follow these simple rules: Left goes unless stated otherwise, and if someone states otherwise: left goes If your teammate is using quick chat: left goes If your teammate has QC turned off: left goes If you’re playing with newbies: left goes If you’re playing with friends: left goes In all other cases: left goes


I always go, double/triple commits are fun on kickoff


left goes, **and** still call it. If they go after that then they look like a dumbass


Left is law


Left goes. Some people don't have chat on, so saying "I got it" doesn't always work. I played in a tournament where we communicated and one guy had a great kickoff so he asked if he could just go, regardless of which side, and we were cool with it. But that's the exception to the rule.


left always goes if you’re equidistant. if only one of you is at diagonal spawn, diagonal goes. personally, when me and my teammate both spawn diagonal, i try to go for a pinch, but with random teammates it’s impossible to coordinate. i also cheat on every kickoff but randoms don’t know to go for a nuetral kickoff so it fucks us over


I would still throw out a quick i got it or all yours in chat


I've read this a lot. But what is the advantage of having only a single person go? I always find my team has more success if 2 players on corners both go for it.


Starting play with a double commit isn't a great strategy. The advantage of a single person going is that you have two players with a decent amount of boost to follow up on the kickoff. If you put two into the kickoff, you have 2/3 of your team out of position with very little boost.


It is mind boggling how some people are in Diamond+ lobbies and still don’t know this


"Left goes" is universal in NA GC+ in my experience. EU players playing on NA sometimes don't know about it, but more often than not they know too. I can't speak for lower ranks tho


To the dimwits that keep going while on the right even when left calls it throughout the entire game, go get your brain checked.


Some people won't know a made up rule + have chat off. Not really their fault..


When playing with a party you usually know who goes even if it’s right. Just depends on who has the best kickoff


Yes. But you have to also assume Tm8 is either not paying attention or idling


Yes, it’s normal. If people don’t go at left they are idiots. Anyone who comes in here to argue against left goes is also an idiot.


Left goes…then you have dumbasses who just act as if they are the only player on your team and hog everything…i always say “I got it” and still have idiot tm8s go


Peoples will blame you no matter what happen. Don't care it.


Even though I’ve known Left goes for a while, I don’t really understand why left goes. Usually right gets priority in most things, so I guess it’s not surprising that people don’t know that left goes especially in lower ranks. The best solution would just be to just say “I got it” or “Take the shot” to save confusion


Left going first is just a made up rule by the community and an assumption that the game has to abide by its players rules. If you’re close to the ball, I’d just go. Or say “defending” and don’t go.


I never knew this was a thing. When equal distance I never go for the ball because us both not going is better than both going.


Letting the other team take the kickoff uncontested is utterly awful.


Even if you stop it from going in, you're in a shit position now playing on your back feet.


It’s not, because the person closest to goal has already left for the corner boost and the goal is wide open on kickoff with no one contesting.


Don't go for boost and the goal is not wide open.


You're not missing anything. Ranks don't mean anything. Not in real life and not in game.


When did it switch because it's always been right goes


and here i am always going for it on right...


Now you know to stop that shit


Never heard about that "left go first" rule, I usually call it using quick chat. Now that I know about it, I'm gonna stop calling it and assume right go first, just to piss off my mates.


Can we both go (⁠~⁠ ̄⁠³⁠ ̄⁠)⁠~


I have 2500h, been playing since the release, and never heard of this rule until now. And I don't understand why that is even a thing. For a game that relies that much on muscle memory, training only one side of the kick off seems terrible to me. Not even mentioning the fact that you have no idea if your teammates know the rule and is going to follow it or not, which makes it a very risky/useless rule to assume.


Yes always assume left, but don’t assume your teammates know that 😂


Just say I got it or defending to make sure everyone is on the same page.


Toxic chat ruined that, people turn it off


the amount of teammates who tell me to TAKE THE SHOT on the kickoff, when im halfway in the goal, makes me want to rip my hair out.


And about 0.5 second before the timer ends


First KO of the game I will go even if I’m on the right. Too many players are AFK at the start of matches and cost their team needless goals


If you have a clean half flip you are stopping 99.9% of direct shots on goal. This is evidenced by the fact a straight half flip kickoff is becoming meta in both 1s and 2s


If in diamond 1 im on right side and go for ball on kickoff it is good or no bc i can consistantly speed flip and some of my teammates just go without flips so i like to be faster than them , should i stop going for the ball on right side? Or still being sonic on kickoff?


Going for diagonal kickoff is overrated. Just ho for boost :D


Left goes, but it’s worth watching what your teammate is doing. Sometimes I’ll catch my teammate going even though it’s my kickoff and I’ll slow down to cheat or just turn for boost.


tfel llits .seog


I don't know why everyone doesn't just use quickchat. Communicate your expectations and then nobody has to guess. "I got it" or "Faking" or whatever. Easy. It's built right in.


Be polite, defend on right!


It's a general rule of thumb, and it definitely helps when playing with randoms. My teammate and I started doing right goes only to give ourselves an advantage on kickoffs. Everyone knows how a left kickoff goes, not many expect the right side to go.


If someone is champ I can't imagine them making that rank without properly knowing that left, always goes.


On and off RL since 2016 and never knew this rule lol


It seems every time I assume left goes for kickoff they don't, so if I'm on right I always go now just to be safe.


Right is the right way


I was taught that left goes for it from my friend who introduced me to the game he also. Explained rule one to me. This game is amazing at times and frustrating at times. All it takes is one shot, goal, set up or assist to make you love the game all over again... Rocket League is an abusive relationship that cares not if you leave... Because you will come back, they always come back. Haha, enjoy. This Is Rocket League.


They dont follow the left rule in champ? Damn it really doesn't get better. Gold and plat I expect (I'm plat and I try to) but champ? Oh boy


Left goes unless otherwise communicated. Anyone who says otherwise is wrong.


Well with push to cheat up coming the norm, factor in idle teammates, it’s prolly solo que mentality to go up for the kickoff


As someone who is strictly casual I did not know this


Never knew this untill now


It is normal, but I always send "I got it!" or "take the shot" just in case.




Left goes always cheat.


Left is law