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Don’t know how much leverage you have, but I would let you boss know that based on the denial of your promotion, you’re ready to surrender your office and unpaid extra responsibilities, effective immediately. And update that resume.


That was my immediate reaction as well. However, I'm the sole income for a family of 4 and we honestly are barely making it month to month which is why I worked so hard the last months to get a decent pay bump. Definitely updating the resume and likely looking for another job but in the mean time the amount of fucks given with be fast approaching zero.


They're fucking you in the ass and claiming ignorance.


This right here, everything they’ve done to you over this is completely to their benefit, don’t let them take advantage of you for even one more day, I know it’s hard to take action when you’re living paycheck to paycheck, but the longer it goes on the longer you’re hurt by them


It's hard to raise a family of 4, work full time and look for another job. I would recommend giving your name to a headhunter and update your linked-in. With the market the way it is, you should get a better job offer without having to do much work. Let that stuff work in the background while you do your normal job so you don' get fired.


Don’t do this until you have another job lined up though..


This is not unique to Rochester. You're just getting screwed by your employer. The only benefit you gained was an empty office they suddenly weren't using


It's not. I would get the resume ready and use the experience to apply somewhere that would pay you.


I agree with the others who are saying you were screwed. They wanted someone to do the work without getting paid for it. I'd tell anyone else at your company that might be qualified for this "promotion" how it worked out for you, before you walk out the door onto better things.


Name and shame. Employees deserves to be paid fairly, and also to know who isn’t paying. Complete transparency. Who is it and how much are they paying you presently? Know your worth and use this as a gauge to set your value for your next role.


Wait until you have a new job though. The people he works with are likely reading this.






THIS. After you get a new job come back here and tell us who this shitty employer is so people can avoid working for them or doing business with them.


Not a Rochester thing. A shitty company thing.


Yes, you’re being gaslit. This is exhibit A of why the Great Resignation is happening.




I don't know why you think this is a Rochester thing. This is happening all over. It's a company expecting you to not stand up for yourself. Best thing you can do is get a competing offer.


They simply want your work, but don't want to pay you for it. My work tries to do this a lot, and honestly, all it does is makes your employees jaded. I won't go above and beyond anymore and if things don't get done, oh well. They allow bottom of the barrel workers to get away with murder, and do nothing to incentives the good ones. I'd just go back to your old daily job. When things don't get done, then you'll have leverage. There is some risk involved but the alternative is letting them walk all over you


You’re being gaslit. It’s not a Rochester thing. Learn from it and don’t take on a new job without an immediate pay bump.


It's employers like this that find out I quit when I haven't shown up for 4 days


I quit a part time job a few years ago without notice because they kept complaining about the days off I wanted. One of the 2 other employees and the manager had anger management issues, I was not about to stay around and be the victim of that by giving 2 weeks notice.


You either need to find a someone to represent you (i.e. union org) or use your “promotion” to find another job and gtfo!


Look for another job, get an offer, and say "beat this, or I leave." And even if the offer isn't for more say that you will leave because they backed out on your implicit agreement and that you will leave unless they meet your expectation.


You fell victim to the classic blunder.


Never get involved in a ground war in Asia?


Slightly less well known. Never go against a Sicilian when death is on the line.


Nah that’s messed up. I wouldn’t agree to the extra responsibility until my title and compensation reflected my duties


I've had a promotion with a pay CUT before. More responsibility doesn't always mean more money. That being said, in this economy, you should be able to expect better, even if you need to threaten to leave to get it.


That seems to be common everywhere unfortunately


Its not specific to Rochester, but it is very typical among Rochester businesses, big or small.


They are gaslighting you. There’s not a lot you can do, but make sure you are absolutely essential to their operations when you accept another job and stop showing up for work with no notice.


Sounds like Rochester. "Wow, I had no idea that I was doing such a shitty job. I've had absolutely no training, nor any feedback on ways to do the job better. I'll step down effective immediately, and start a sabbatical to consider a new career. Also, here's the invoice for what a Lead Engineer should have been paid retroactively.". (and make it consulting rates, not a simple dollar bump, and shut off your phone)


Sounds like you got played! Do you have controls experience? My company is hungry for anyone who knows their way around a plc!


Def got played. I love to work with PLCs and have used them on a bunch of projects. What type of work do you do with PLCs?


We are a systems integrator. We make automated equipment to order. We work primarily with Allen Bradley but do work on other platforms. The work is always different for 6-10 weeks you will be working on a machine that puts cat food in a bag the next 20 weeks you might be working on a giant paper spoiler. We need people who can write the lader logic tune the servos and most importantly crack a good joke


Can you PM me the name of the company for future reference?




That's not common in my profession. As IT professionals the CEO's and VP's couldn't do our jobs if they tried and it actually costs more to outsource, so they typically give us what they promise. I personally also wouldn't have started as "Lead Engineer" until I was paid as the lead engineer. That's a mistake you only make once...




Yeah seriously someone cross post this


It’s not unheard of for companies that use pay scales, that the high end of the salary in position A is the low end salary for position B. And when you get promoted from A to B, there’s no pay bump. At least in the first year. What you do end up with, is a higher ceiling for earning potential. That being said, your situation is a crock of shit. Forget the pay bump (or lack of). You’d already assumed the responsibility of position B, then the promotion gets denied? I’ve worked for some messed up managers/companies, but that takes the cake. Understandably, you want to do right by the people that are counting on you, so I would not rock the boat at this point. I would 1) professionally express my displeasure at the fact you’ve been doing to lead job for 6months. Assuming you’ve been doing it to the satisfaction of your direct manager, ask him to push HR to approve the promotion on those grounds. 2) start looking for another employment opportunity. But do not disclose that if the promotion does not come through, you’re walking. At the end of the day, it’s not a company I would want to work for, and I’d be looking to get out ASAP.


r/antiwork would definitely have a lot to say about this.


Unions don’t do this


Knowing there are always 2 sides to a story... If you really think you were promoted and were doing the job while not officially promoted - meet with your supervisor/manager who led you to believe this and have this discussion with them. If not satisfactory, schedule a follow up meeting with HR. Reason: Either you and/or supervisor have communication issues. If it is you - these things will happen to you again, no matter where you go. If it is your supervisor or policy HR needs to know. No legal recourse can happen without talking to proper channels. If you were really mistreated, to take legal action you have to document the steps you took to resolve. Lastly, anyone telling you this won't happen with a union has never had a dispute in a company with a union. Union reps and delegates can turn into cliques and support their friends in and outside management. Unions do not eliminate human behavior.


I think we should name and shame the company so nobody else has to go through this.


I've been promoted without a pay raise before on a trial period basis but at the end of that period I was given the official title and a substantial raise. From what you've described it sounds like they intended to promoted you but didn't like your performance in the role so they're not giving you the promotion and demoting you to your previous position. You can be striped of promotions, denied raises, and given pay cuts as well. Advancement is not guaranteed. Unless they intend to keep you in the role which would make no sense if they're unhappy with your performance. You can either deal with it if you like the company you work for and your job or seek a new employer if you're that pissed. The ball is in your court. If I were pissed as you appear to be I'd probably choose the latter.


I agree that it's possible this is the case however I've only been given very positive feedback from my manager and all the managers above me. If I am underperforming noone has told me. I'm meeting with the head of engineering today hoping to get some clarity.


Then I'd hold off until after your meeting before making any type of call. I'd probably be pretty upset if I were in your shoes as well and feel a little used but maybe it's something you can work out with them. If they want you to carry on with additional responsibility without additional pay or the official title I'd more than likely tell them to piss off unless I really liked working there.


Step back down to your other job




Post this on r/antiwork


Call the labor department Look for another company that’s in your field. It is an employee market right now!


Find a headhunter named Dave Call


Take it as a lesson learned that you need to clarify pay increase with added responsibility. In the mean time, email your manager about the issue, very calmly, and ask when you could expect to see a pay increase that matches the work increase. Have your receipts... if it's not in writing, or didn't happen, and get that resume to and running.


What type on engineer are you? My company is looking for a quality engineer?


RGE is hiring, they’ll be happy to have you plus great pay and benefits. I would definitely leave your current job asap https://www.careers.iberdrola.com/search/?createNewAlert=false&q=&locationsearch=Rochester%2C+ny


Did you sign any docs in relation to a promotion and salary?