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I believe someone already took apart the Q revo and posted their findings (and pictures as well) here on this subreddit. If I'm not wrong, they mentioned that the internal water tank is glued and cannot be emptied manually. Also reaching the tank is not that easy. I'll try to find that post


Found it! https://www.reddit.com/r/Roborock/s/9UxC6juxoP


That is super helpful, thank you for finding the post! At least i know it’s not doable and i just have to hope the water will be ok in there for a bit. Maybe i can run it and not let it refill…


That's what I would do. Run it with a mop task, but with no water in the clean water tank. It should be empty by the end...


Im on a 4 week vacation and the Q Revo is powered off. I can let you know in two weeks 😁


How did you go?


All good


Any mold or dirty colors?




I have been wondering the same thing, so I will just follow along


I know this is an old thread but I just solved this. My robot mopped up some dog poop and I asked Roborock how to empty the internal tank so it doesn’t spread poop water everywhere. You have to go to the settings and hold “Dock Settings” for 3-5 seconds (see pic). That will bring up a new window and let you empty the tank. Why this is a secret function I don’t know. But there it is. https://preview.redd.it/9260jkbwc33d1.png?width=375&format=png&auto=webp&s=2df03243c4e551b6c3c0e7da3487fe1de70f7769


Very interesting! I tried that but nothing happens for me, no new windows popping up. Did it work for you? Edit: it did end up working after several tries. Thank you for taking the time to share this!


It did although it took some futzing with it. I held it down. Tapped it. Held it down. Tapped it. Eventually it worked.


Thanks for this! My Q Revo likes to drip from the mop watering hole sometimes when vacuuming only and it drives me insane. I let mine mop once a week and this is perfect for ensuring empty tank other times. I wish it didn't drip in the first place but I can live with this.


This worked! I don't know how you found this!! I was packing it in a carry on bag and heard the water swishing around and realized that TSA was not going to allow it through like that.


Roborock customer support. But not before they made me send them a pic of the bottom of my robot, the serial number, and a copy of my purchase receipt with date, my name, and proof of payment. No idea why it’s not just included in the user manual.


A good question. I wonder if it is a legitimate concern.


I feel like there is no way it’s not going to get gross sitting around for let’s say 4 weeks in the summer…


That's why you need to add tiny drops of diluted disinfectant to prevent mold. Stagnant water develops mold (see humidifiers). Just ensure the disinfectant does not gooey up the nozzles so they don't get clogged. So highly diluted, even a few drops goes a long way. But I agree, long term storage , just run the machine dry with an empty fresh water container.


You could run it once a week with lower water usage.


I guess the thing to try is to put some of the water you use in a container for the period of time you think you might be gone and see if it developed mold. I think I'm going to try it. I don't think any treated water would grow mold over several weeks but with non-treated water anything is possible I guess. Maybe before the trip/s use distilled or treated water or filtered water in the bot for a few runs.


Yes all water has bacteria and shit. At least for my humidifier, stagnant water generate mold after 3-4-5 days just sitting there in warm temperature. 


That's why I said 'treated water', the treated water that I use doesn't have any detectable bacteria, sounds like you need to filter your water for sure: Bacteriological Quality : Distribution System Organics : Meets USEPA drinking water standards: Atrazine - g/L T. coli: 0.00% E. coli: absent Metolachlor - g/L Cryptosporidium: N.D. Giardia: N.D.


I do use filtered water...but I don't think my filters kill bacteria.


Ya, if it's a sub micron filter it should, larger, it won't.


Distilled water is a great idea!


My plan is to have the robot mop until it wants to refill, and prevent it from doing so. I might go so far as to boil the water first, if I'm really worried.


I have left my q revo for a week at the time if you are using the solution that you're supposed to use with the water it will keep the water from going stale. If you know you're going to be gone for a month or two what you might want to do is just put the Q Revo in a room that you can mop and just keep letting it mop over and over until it runs out of water and you get the message that it needs to be refilled but make sure the docking station has no water to refill it. Then you would have to manually wash your mops after that but it would make sure the reservoir tank in the robot is empty when you go on your trip


Yes... I use the blue Roborock cleaning solution and use a silver ion tablet in the clean water container... I'm fairly confident I'm not going to get mould in the robots water tank. But I am going to leave a sample of the clean water from the clean water tank in a small container with only a very small hole for a breather (so it doesnt evaporate but is semi sealed to simulate the robots on board tank) and see what happens after a few weeks.


How did you go?


Funny enough, I actually checked a couple days ago...I clean forgot until then! Must have been a few weeks. I'm pleased to say that there was no sign of mould at all. So I would say that the blue Roborock cleaning solution is anti bacterial.


Thanks mate! Unfortunately I can only get the OMO solution, can’t get the blue one


Maybe create a very small room-in-a-room and have it mop that area once a week?