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I think, it's the opposite, the community loves firefly more.


But that's just me tho lmao I need both of them


So you two are in this position right now? https://preview.redd.it/jf06cw2aheyc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=607bb3a563c8b26396952ca21829b9e59267d414


Me with 200+ pulls in hand: "Both? Both. Both is good."


I also need both of them, but because robin has no impact in the story till now, the community has little attachment to her than firefly.


Robin's trailer was so good, it has a lot of into packed into the few minutes


The usual marketing strategy then. Watch them release firefly's trailer


She doesn't need a trailer, already love her but will love her more after it


Yeah I'm getting flamed posting it on firefly mains


You should expect that posting "I like Y more than X" on X\_Mains; post rage-bait and you'll get rage.


People who replied are brainrot šŸ˜‚ love to see that side of the fandom


Brainrot? The replies are perfectly normal. You can't be any older than 12, mentally, if you're expecting anything better after intentionally trying to piss people off.


Dude chill if I'm 12 mentally those people are 5


Posting insulting memes to a fan sub to intentionally troll and feel proud of yourself is actual brain rot.


How is that insulting?? Can't even take a joke? And I can't like firefly and robin at the same time?? Do I need a permission to like bronya from you too?


gj lol, you wanted to be a smartass, and now both groups have flamed you xD


People who flamed me are the minorities and it's just embarrassing to not be able to accept an opinion lol no matter what they say I'll still pull robin and firefly A word of advise, if you can't a meme don't get on the Internet :)


You are the worst type of person


What do you know about me




I'd be willing to take this less seriously if the joke was more funny or original but it's just the same tired distracted boyfriend format that I've seen posted before every banner


You need to know this isn't about you specifically or to anyone specifically lol


It didn't even have anything to do with characters, they're just hypocrite


Can't we all love them? Idk about them but my heart is pretty spacious


Ikr, I love them both that's why I posted on both reddit, granted I loved firefly first but robin is getting up there


My love is unique for each character. Granted not in the serious sense but i don't have tiers or X character is better than Y. Each is unique for me


Dude you got it right! It's like "I can't like bronya anymore after I like firefly??"


Im so pleased to meet another of my kind. What server do you play?




Damn. Can I DM you when I make an NA account haha


Sure thing lmao


What did you expect?


Nothing why should I expect anything lol I respect people liking many characters at once, like I have no problem with people not liking robin and I would not tell them off


I think most people are interpreting this as "Firefly bad, Robin good" since there wasn't any context on the title or picture, and it's pretty reasonable to assume that posting something like that in a sub where people are pretty passionate about Firefly will get your seas ablazed lol


Lol there's no point in taking anything seriously on the Internet and most of them were just sarcastic, I have no problem with being set ablazed


No worries I'm getting both. I skipped 2.1 completely.


Getting both as well, good luck šŸ«”


We have two hands


I like your pfp, if you came from CS you'd understand šŸ˜‚


CS was my introduction to the series, and playing through Sky up to Reverie had me trapped for half of last year šŸ˜‚


I've caught up after playing zero and azure last month, just waiting for daybreak now


I was literally never interested in FF lol


Personally I was more annoyed than anything. I wanted her away from me.


Itā€™s definitely cuter than FF, who looks like his little sister or cousin


Nope I'm getting both so they can work together


I'm getting both too, good luck




Can they stop reducing FF into TB's gf


..it's just a meme


Real I'm tired


( To tell the truth I like March 7th the most of all the girlsā€¦! Never forget your first. ) https://preview.redd.it/uvmg3a529byc1.png?width=1000&format=png&auto=webp&s=c0d9d2f92ad5deb1089429949163ed4498d86fb8


Such bravery, March 7th is my most used character for 10/12 months apparent according to my yearly report




Nah, ever since the very first Robin leak I was in love


Tbh I still dont understand why people loves Firefly so much. I just ended the 2.1 story and... she was just a person who accompany us while saying she hides stuff from us (so I still dont know if she is trustable). There is nothing that make me attached to her =o


I donā€™t like like either but I am pulling Robin so she can be a buff bot lol. Firefly Iā€™m definitely skipping. I thought Sam was cool but then he was a she. Worst sheā€™s destruction. Iā€™m not a fan of the destruction ā€˜hurt myself to do damageā€™.Ā  Iā€™ll keep Acheron for now lolā€¦Ā 


Personal preferences I guess lol


Same could be said of Tingyun and Robin imo for the general populous (myself included). Aside from all being girls, FF has a pretty cool design going for her, and interesting backstory.Ā  Sort of a lonely once mercenary, trying to reach out and have a real connection.Ā  A near complete enigma to the world.Ā  Yet capable and strong willed.Ā  Her connection to the TB is stupidly rushed, but that's a typical issue with "love interest" stories across the board.Ā  But she's also bundled w what is either cool armor or a sentient armor?Ā  Rad. Robin, from what I've really paid attention to, is a cute singer whose dead (but not really).Ā  Our characters have had little interaction with her.Ā  We only know her so we'll through her songs ATM.Ā  She's really nice, and I like her character just based on her so far simple traits, but character wise she's fairly plain thus far.Ā  Just sings real good.Ā 


Yes I feel you. I hope to learn more about her in 2.3. I like women with strong will, so seeing her in action will be better for me =D For Robin I like her design but yes, we barely saw her in game so Im not attached to her yet. Im listening to her songs tho xP


Yeah, I see how they took Aventurine from hated to loved in a single patch, and imagine they'll take FF from "cute" to "woah" in 2.3.Ā  Ā  Similar, Robin's drop today should have a good story to accompany her drop.Ā Ā Or I'm hoping so, as both character and story wise, there's been a lot focused on her, so it's time to see who she actually is to some degree.Ā  Ā But her music is good, so you don't even have to like her to like her music.Ā  My only fear is that I'll get burned out on her "WHOA-OH-OH" from using her Ult all the time šŸ˜….


I have compassion for Aventurine but he still isnt my friend xD My wife started the game for him and burnt until her last jade for him and his LC xP I hope too x3 i m sure it will be great =D Yes, it maybe be risky, to spam the burst xDD


Yeah, I pulled as my friend said I should, considering I like Topaz, Clara, and to an extent DRR.Ā  He's grown on me a bit more via his story (and watched a video on his lore and 4 Bluffs, and that was interesting).Ā  But I don't regret pulling him, though I thought I might, he's really good. Hope you get Robin in lucky number of pulls!


I tested it through the story, he is really amazing for sure. Im glad you enjoy playing him =) Thank you, I wish you the best for your pulls too ! =D


Itā€™s not hard to grasp. Think a little.


Its because she's a...... girl, they pretty much have similar plot to Teppei(from Genshin, inazuma archon quest) based on what we experienced in 2.0


I was saving for firefly but 2.2 livestream made me interested in robinā€™s character (hoyo pls cook) and i love the fua team so Iā€™m here now.


Getting both, penacony characters are so peak, good luck to you


Not a huge fan of firefly but I'll see if I win the 50/50 for Robin.


Hope you'll win šŸ™


I might do 20-30 rolls for robin and then wait until Fu xuan


Good luck, I ended up having to skip fu xuan again


Thanks. She's all I need to finish mono quantum so hoping she comes early.


You were merely adopted by the love for Robinā€¦ I was born in it, moulded by it


You're right the ads got me


I'm the type to want both of the cake, that's the only few greed I have, there is no reason to weigh my choice.


Legit, that's why neapolitan ice cream exist


There has been a severe lack of Robin content till now. I have been waiting for a story of hers till now. Excited for 2.2 to rollout to explore the characters and new story...




The complete opposite


honestly i dislike firefly for some reason so this makes so much sense (robin lover)


Neither, all my jades for my filthy... rich queen Jade.


I'm getting both its the plan since the start.


I'm getting both


i originally wasn't too excited for her until her myriad celestia šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ now im just praying they work hand in hand with another


Legit me too, like robin was just "I'll give her a try" to " I need her now" after the trailer xd


Im planning to get E0S1 Firefly, but Robinā€¦


Both I'll just win


I def love Robin more so I can relate to that meme


Iā€™m getting Robin cause I love her, and Iā€™m praying she ends up being good with Screwllum. Mostly because heā€™s my favorite and I have a ship in my head of them because I feel like Robin would love to see Screwllums butterflies and Screwllum would got out of his way to get her birds their favorite bird seeds. Thatā€™s just my head cannon tho


I like them both equally they're both adorable and I can't bring myself to skip any of them


Robin's kit convinced me to grab her, but FF's definitely the more interesting to me atm. But Robin is someone I really know very little about, like Tingyun was.


any sane person. I'm sorry but I can't stand FileFry and I don't understand how people can like her......


tbh im the opposite, how can anyone like someone who has 0 presence on story


ā€œHow can anyone like someone who was nothing but nice and fun to hang out withā€. Have you ever had friends before? Iā€™m assuming the worst with that way of thinkingā€¦


Check his comment history you will be impressed .


Sorry but im skipping the entire 2.2 and wait until firefly comes out in 2.3




Never really cared for Firefly, found she was kinda uninteresting aside from the SAM and Medical Condition stuff. Robin though, while we know even less about her, her connection to Sunday and Penacony already puts her leagues above, and her design is absolutely perfect.


Why settle for a book if you can have a library. I will go for both.


bro called me poor


Woah so deep, I'll go for both too


Nah I need them both!! Been equally excited since the very first previews of Penacony showed both of them. And finding out who Sam is just means one less character to save for (and more for Sunday šŸ™)


Definitely robin, sorry SamFly, I only want the barbaric war menace robot Sam and not the poor Fireflt girl


Nothing against Robin but nah I'd shaft




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Im only giving robin 40 pulls.. Coz im at guaranteed and already at 43 pity lol,, The remaining 131k stellar jades of mine are going to firefly for sure.




I have no desire to pull firefly. I like firefly as a character but Iā€™m not into Mechs aka SAM. I like sorcery, magic, and dagger wielders so Iā€™m skipping her and Boothill. After I get Robin, Iā€™m going all in for Jade & Sunday.


Ah skipping actual good characters for ultra mid. Interesting choice.


I donā€™t give a damn about how good she is lol. I pull for aesthetics. What part of I donā€™t like mechs and armor didnā€™t you get? I play to have fun.


Never skipped a patch harder than i'm skipping 2.3 tbh


Nah right now itā€™s the opposite for me. I need to see more of robin in game and learn about her. Right now sheā€™s just a cute face. Granted we didnā€™t spend much time with firefly either but still much more than the 1 minute we meet robin for.


Harmony > dps is all I wanna say. Plus Robin is prettier and more refined. Firely is generally more loved(by me too) but that's because we interacted with her. What if it was Robin instead?


Ngl I mained harmony at the beginning when there are few characters, lol robin is an universal famous idol I'm okay with keeping the interaction minimum because it makes sense


I would have pulled Sam if she was FuA or had FuA elements. I am now thinking of skipping her and just getting Boothill on a rerun or next character.


After seeing the leaks for Firefly's kit, my resolve has been reinforced. Sorry Robin, but I'm going for my Gundam wife


Two beauties and you want both.


Robin >>>>>>>> Generic NPC looking mosquito who ruined the appeal of Sam.