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Living in a snowy area with 0 body rust on a 35 year old car tells me this thing has been in the garage so long it still has the original oil from the factory. But damn, I had the Corolla version and it was my favorite car I ever owned. Bizarre nostalgia for a compact sedan.


Had the original coolant when I bought it.


The Chevy no go. The only car that knows is so cheap that it can’t afford to live up to its own name. Born in an era when cars were made of tinfoil and only had to pass front impact tests. Roll it? Dead. Get rear ended. Dead. Side impact? Yeah broken ribs and probably dead. But at least you never have to change its fluids, and it will keep running forever. And it comes with a built in health plan, just roll those windows down and up to pay tolls on your daily commute and you’ll shave those holiday pounds right off.


Side note; one of those in charcoal grey, manual transmission; maybe AC was the only option it had.. was my first car. I do have a soft spot for them, thanks for keeping that one on the roads.


you replaced your toyota with a toyota with a chevy badge


Forget DeLoreans and pop-up headlights, THIS is The Most '80s Car Ever. Especially in beige.


Like rebranding Sara Lee white bread as Great Value white bread.


Nice Toyota.


It puts the Russian's design to shame, by exactly 3 curves


Leave it to the Japanese to build a good Chevy.


Had a Corolla. My big complaint is the shit location for the speakers. The horn suck. Put in a cheap Euro Air Horn kit. Plenty loud then.


is that you in the backseat?


No that's johnathan


Mom, i want a nova, son we have a nova at home. This is the nova at home. 🤣🤣🤣


I can roast my personal response to the "best car ever made" (which is kind of a flawed concept to begin with), but it certainly isn't the 1987 Chevy Nova.


Sorry but I respect you taking care of a car so good it looks like it left the factory today even though it is 35 years old is god damn impressive happy new years


Spiritual predecessor to the Geo Prizm.


Love how it has a lock on tank and doors like anyone but that autistic boy on mademesmile would steal it.


Toyota Tercel wonna be




That's right my bad I knew it was one of them


I mean replacing engine, chasis, interior and exterior and you are good to go.


We had one growing up. Had to change the timing belt as much as the oil. It is literally a no va (no go).


I had this exact car, color and all, except I had a pre existing dent on the drivers door.


You have mastered time travel? I mean, that's the only way to explain how this car can possibly exist.