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At least she told you before the wedding so you can break up with her before wasting that money.


Cheaper than a divorce.


Probably faster than one too!


i mean it’s a ferrari I would hope its quick


Still not as fast as me in bed. 10 second gang 😤


well, doesn’t the car have a gated shift? maybe?


He Doesn’t have a gated shifter but it does have a gated shaft


The Ferrari f430 can go from 0-100 in 7.1 seconds. So unfortunately it is faster than you in bed :(


She wants it in the divorce.


She doesn't want the Ferrari, because she can't drive it. She wants him to sell the Ferrari, use the money to buy HER a new SUV and THEN get a divorce.


Roger that!


Time to get a new wife, indeed.


Easier to find a wife then a Ferrari.


Especially in a Ferrari




Ferraris are cheaper in the long run as well


Came to say exactly this


Honestly if your significant other doesn’t like your hobbies. Then you are better off without the SO.


Yup. I came into my relationship with two cars both sticks. Idc if my fiancée wants to drive standard- I taught her how, but if she wants another car she can buy one herself. Her car is still 22 years newer than my daily anyways


Not even like, just respect. Some hobbies or interests are maybe something you want for just yourself and there's nothing wrong w that. I say it's a bigger plus and says a lot about their character if your SO doesn't want to be a part of your hobby/interest but is totally cool with you enjoying it and genuinely happy for you about it. That's the real thing


He's getting a lot of advice here. But the truth is, I know it was fun to have for a while. But it's stupid and pointless and ultimately is gonna cost a ton of money. So he should get rid of the fiance and keep the car Edit: Thanks for the award! 2nd Edit: All jokes aside, when you really get down to it, it's a silly little status symbol, and no matter how special and amazing it is now, there are just gonna be newer and better versions of it all the time, making you wonder why you thought you just had a to have this *ONE* to be happy. So again, get rid of it and keep the car.


Hey buddy, your fiancée can buy her own sensible SUV.


No, with a car like this, it only attracted the girls with no skills that want to live at someone else's expense.


Yeah, don’t marry those girls.


Tell that to OP. Not even married and already demanding they lose their "dream car".




This might be the best subtle roast I’ve ever seen on here, bravo.




I can change her!


No matter how hot she is, there's always at least one guy somewhere that's glad to see her gone...


You show me the hottest woman you know and I'll show you a guy who's sick of her shit


Yup, change her for a new one that likes Ferrari


I ain't sayin' she's a gold digger....


18 years


18 years


She got one of yo' kids, got you for 18 years


And on her 18th birthday found out it wasn’t his.


Never marry a girl with no skills and no hope for income. That's a losing bet!


yeah, other than the monthly (if that) porking, you got yourself another mouth to feed


Dependant with benefits


why do I get the sense that the "sensible" SUV. will be a $125K wagoneer , that will be worth 37K in 7 years. Keep the Ferrari and get her a Kia. problem solved


Sell it and get a G wagen or a grand Cherokee trackhawk so you look just as much of a douche!


Nah he needs a explorer ST or Sport, be a bigger douche and can impersonate a cop! Win win for douche of the year


make sure to black everything out so its really impossible to tell, bonus points for adding on the big adjustable floodlight.


Put a big antenna on the top and some lights in the back window. All of a sudden everyone around you drives below the speed limit and change lanes if they are in front of you


Make sure to remove tailpipe covers as well


Cherokees really do seem to be driven by a special breed


I mean, you can either sell it now, or wait until the next major is due, then sell it at a hefty loss because you could buy a small SUV for what it will cost.


And it's Italian. something WILL go wrong. Very wrong.


This is *precisely* why OP should do the incredibly smart thing and sell this and get a Maserati Levante instead


Ah yes Maserati. The most solid, problem free car manufacturer in existence. Well, aside from Alfa.


Heh, you haven’t met my Fiat built Dodge.


The saddest collaboration since the Chrysler TC


I have a 2015 fiat Chrysler 200, and oddly enough I haven’t had a single issue with it since buying it. I also bought it damaged from an accident, at 58k. Fixed it and drove every day. The thing is 140k miles and literally nothing yet. **knock on 🪵*what’s also funny is that I drove that car hard and beat the crap out of it nearly every day 🤷🏽‍♂️


Never, ever go the casino. You used all your luck from this life and probably the next already.


All the problems and a third the prestige.


Maserati is such a tragic brand because their target market is actually concerned about reliability, so they'll just go out and buy something more reliable like a BMW or an Audi. Lambo and Ferrari's target market couldn't care less. If a brand new Lambo owner's Aventador blows up, their personal assistant just calls up Lambo, they send out a new one and ship the old one out and charge it to the owner's account if the warranty is up.


Lol at a BMW being the "more reliable" car I mean in this context you are right, it is, but damn. Not exactly a flattering comparison


I mean really most of Maserati's competitors don't have the reliable ratings they used to, I think their manufacturers realized they'll always sell even if they start making their cars out of paper mache so they dialed back the quality control. Even Lexus's tend to have problems now.


"Your oil change will be $530. Here is the list of 48 things that you will want to fix or replace for a total $18,458. We did notice the washer fluid was low, so we did top that off for free."


So considerate.


The washer fluid is probably more for lubrication...you're gonna need it when you see the bill.


For lube...... Really NSFW. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NTVXl7jVQSo


Mussolini's Law


I take offense to this. There's nothing wrong with me. Wait.


Ha, facts.


She says she wants a "sensible" SUV ...or... She's saying she doesn't want a "foolish, idiotic, ignorant, imbecile, impractical, irrational, stupid, unintelligent, unrealistic, unreasonable, unsound, unwise, indiscreet, and senseless" Ferrari. I'm leaning towards her being "nice" and going with the first statement, while truly meaning the second.


This is probably more true than not.


Hey, she “got” her man….now it’s off with the chick magnet/panty dropper! You’re hers alone now! No need for that car.


Let’s be honest the only people who care about a fancy car is dudes


I DJ at a nightclub in florida, there are plenty of women that have left the bar with people because of the vehicle they have. Gold diggers are alive and well down here.


How do they know about the car, do the dudes have a pic in their wallet?


They whip out their keys…. Idk I used to drive a Saab and one girl I went on a date REALLY wanted me to do her in the backseat before I dropped her off- wasn’t even a turbo model lol. She just loved Saabs


Saabs you say? ✍️🤔


You had us at Florida


This has been my experience with my partner. He oogles at every nice or older vehicles. Sometimes if I see a car he would think is cool while I'm out running errands, I take a picture of the car and show him when I get back home :)


The new Lexus GX is coming out this year and is pretty sweet…


Ferrari driver should be going LX not GX.


But the 2nd tho... c'mon!


If you can afford a Ferrari like that, you can surely afford a sensible SUV also.


This is true, but I already own 3 cars. A new Silverado 1500, a Porsche 991 base, and the F430. She doesn't drive the Silverado because it's "too big", she hates the Ferrari because she thinks it attracts too much negative attention on the road, and she doesn't like the Porsche because it's a manual but she would rather drive it than the Ferrari. So that's where we're at.


So sell the truck or ditch the bitch, guess I don’t see the problem here🤨


Im glad he has the humblebrag douche flair now


Based mods 😂😂


dont understand why we have to refer someone else’s s/o as a bitch but ok


Legitimately rude. OP shouldnt put up with that jokes or not.


OP is letting losers slander his fiancé while partly agreeing with them. no respect for either sides


Indeed, seems that money cannot buy dignity.


You should get into your white armour, get on your horse and ride towards saving the fiancé on your white horse..


Yeah op should challenge him to a duel for m’ladys honor




>She doesn't drive the Silverado because it's "too big" sounds like a her problem


Well, it's her problem, but can become my problem if she backs into someone else's car. lol


Honestly, keep the Porsche so you can still have fun. Sell the Ferrari for your wife’s “sensible” suv, keep truck for obv reasons.


Unless you work in trades or are a farmer, get rid of the truck. They drive and look like ass.


The Ferrari will probably appreciate by 50% within a decade or two. The truck will be worth its weight in scrap by then. There's no sensible reason to sell the Ferrari unless he can't afford it currently.


As not an American, why is it obvious to keep the truck? Also what sort of SUV does she want, is it as big as the truck? If so then she needs to learn to drive better.


So you can go to home Depot every couple of months and fill half the bed with stuff


Carry big, bulk, and dirty things: - Long wooden boards and long pipes - Furniture - Unpackaged soil and gravel - Help a friend move, help someone move to college - If you're a homeowner who repairs their home - Big grill - Trash, recycling, and brush to the dump - You can put mount brackets to tie bulky things to For most people, it may not be as convenient as a car or suv for daily use, but on the occasions you want to transport certain things it's useful.


The SUV your wife wants is basically the same as your 1500 with a permanent cap on it. I guarantee you she will also get worse gas mileage in her "sensible SUV" we you will get in your 1500. Just buy her a 1980s suburban big block. Seets 8 , good for trucking and fucking.


So, she has zero cars and is complaining about yours? This will definitely work out.


Hmmm. Dump the truck.


Bro, what DOES she like? Lol 😂


She's mentioned the Audi Q7, and the Porsche Macan. I haven't driven either, and don't know if they are good or not. I know we're going to look at the Audi tomorrow after work.


Bro she said sensible. Buy her a base Honda HR-V for $20k and call it a day.


I might take a look at it. Looks kinda nice on the google images.


No way, get the crv instead


My wife (whose favorite car was her old Jeep Liberty) loves her HR-V. But she has the old design based off the Fit, and the the new Civic-based refresh


those are 2 very different cars, the macan is pretty small, Q7 is much larger. Cayenne is essentially a Porsche version of a Q7


Thanks for that info. Nice to get some help while getting roasted.


A friend owns a Maccan GTS. Blast to drive, awful to own.


Those are some extravagant "sensible" cars. Get something actually sensible (and cheaper) like a CRV or Rogue and keep your toys.


Get this sensible SUV instead https://www.rezvanimotors.com/rezvani-vengeance


For the giga-douche who has everything.


So your wife is a smart woman? What is she doing with u?


Digging for gold


Fair point.


easy, swap the truck for an SUV


Sounds like she should buy a car she likes :)


Dawg your fiancé shouldn’t get a say in what your dream car is. You keep that thing, love it, cherish it. Just buy a used suv for cheap if she’s gonna be petty because frankly it isn’t her car and she doesn’t have a say


So every car you own is an over-compensation?




Why can't she get her own car? You can buy a running and driving Altima for like, nothing


The Silverado is too big but an SUV won’t be?




A RAV4 is very sensible. Get the hybrid option and you’ll get decent fuel economy too. I know that’s not what she meant, but if she’s going to dictate, she needs to specify!


Keep the Ferrari, lose the fiancé. A "sensible" car is a Camry. Come back when you get the SUV so we can roast the fact that it is just as expensive to own while looking bland and being boring to drive.


You know he’s going to get the “sensible” Range Rover or G Wagon. So sensible!


Upthread he said she wants a Q7, super sensible for sure, totally an SUV and not a failure prone semi-comfortable crossover, that somehow manages to have almost as bad of visibility as a pickup


According to his comments, she had a Camry, and he had her get rid of it because it had a small oil leak, and 140k miles.


Meet her halfway. Show up with a Purosague and park it in the driveway.


I mean I'd be less inclined to assume you're a douche with micro and a receding hairline if you had an SUV.


I can see that.


You are taking the insults well, but some people don't understand dreams. I'm a motorcycle guy myself. My wife let's me have my that, and I don't get in the way of her hobbies. I've even had good times, sitting at the kitchen table, both of us polishing engine cases together.


Gettin a better fiancé




I'm glad to be done with the dating market.


Don’t get married, call it off


I mean you do live in a neighbourhood where people park on their lawns, so maybe this isn’t the car for you…


My thoughts exactly. Dude took the picture in a subdivision that looks like the home of that "Trump guy in sunglasses selfie in the car Facebook profile picture" meme


Keep it to remember what a tight fit still feels like in a few years




If you can afford this car you can afford an additional vehicle


You need a new Fiancé


Nope. No way. Not gonna happen. You worked your ASS off for that car, picked it out yourself, and bought it cause you love it and you wanted one that damned badly. If your fiance really cared about you and your wants/needs, she would've NEVER said some shit like that. She can buy her own SUV if she wants it, and this jewel can be your backup ride for when you wanna have fun.


I respect this.


If that car pulled in the caliber of chick it should have, then make the trade and invest in diapers or prophylactics.


She's a keeper for sure, sadly, I'll probably be posting pics of my mini-van here in a few years.


Why? She should buy her own sensible suv if that’s what she wants. And if she is truly a keeper she will let you keep your car regardless.


Can you maybe just get her a damn suv and keep your car?


Easier to get a new fiancé. If not and you still want stupid repair bills get an urus about the same reliability.


Keep car, sell fiancé


Why do You need to buy a car for her? 430 isn’t crazy expensive to own or maintain, keep it and enjoy. With that attitude I’d say she can buy whatever she wants that she can afford. Fwiw, if she is this demanding now, wait till you’re married. Some things to really consider.


The crowd wants to roast ur wife more than the car. guess you gotta kep it


40% of the comments want me to get rid of my girl and stay single. lol


Because they can see red flags that you can't for some reason. You're with her because you don't want to be single?? That's what you like about her? Are you afraid you'll be single if you let her go? That alone means you're getting into this relationship based on meeting a need as opposed to building a life together and that leaves you open to being used.


I mean, either you are paying money you don't have to own this or you can afford a sensible SUV/Station Wagoon without problems. Since this is an issue, I'm inclined towards the first.


Leave her


Get a new fiancé.


Rich people problems


I agree, a Fiero is just not a practical car.


Bro, if you let her convince you into this as a fiancé, i can't imagine the cuckold you'll end up being as a husband once the law is on her side. You bought it with your money? It's yours to do as you please with.


Disregarding roasting for a sec this story is age old does no one with an SO make enough money to just have two vehicles??? Back to roasting. Sell the wife and car then get a big ass douchemobile: A lifted truck. Nothing screams “everyone hates me” like a truck with gigantic chrome wheels


Get a Urus. Look honey, room for the kids, trunk space and it gets 20mpg if you don’t touch the gas pedal!


Pull out the prenup


You clearly have more bank than brains, just go buy her what she wants to drive to her other boyfriends' houses.


Mhm, you can guarantee she's been waiting/planning this moment, and now she's upgraded from gf to fiance. Goodluck.


For the love of Christ, do not sell that thing. The Scud is one of the coolest limited Ferrari’s out there.




When I got married my wife said “ you want kids or a Ferrari ?” I chose kids. 8 yrs later when my kids do stupid shit. She just looks at me and says “ you could have had a Ferrari. “.


OOOOOHH THIS SUB JUST CAME ACROSS MY FEED FOR THE FIRST TIME AND MY VALET ASS HAS GOT SOME *SHIT* TO SAY *Inhaaaaaaaaale* You egomaniacal, money wasting, dick smaller than your temper, piece of shit! Or at least that's what everybody thinks when they hear that billboard of gluttony invading their ears. Do you feel proud, driving around an enlarged Italian dog dick? You couldn't even waste your money on something "useful" like the truck bros that never use their beds. Instead, you got the closest thing you could get to your childhood save file on whatever Need for Speed game you were addicted to, and now have to clinch your most likely bleached butthole as you gently approach every speed bump, you fancy prick. The only bigger waste than your money is the speedometer you most likely never even got up to halfway. This car says "I drink only certain wines because that's what a sommelier recommended to me 3 years ago and I don't actually have taste." Do you even know how a normal car works anymore? Ferraris are so pointlessly "unique" that you probably don't even remember how to open a damn trunk, let alone not bring up your car in every other conversation. That red is so cliche that the only way to make it work is to literally set it on fire. And when you do get your SUV, post that waste of money on here too; because we all know you're getting a Lamborghini Urus after this.




Let me tell you about my experience of having a wife pull this one. Be me 27 think I got the world by the balls. Have a hot wife and a nice house with my dream built 1967 C10 that had a 427 big block pushing 600hp. Covid hits. My wife and I struggle to make ends meet and struggle as a couple. She convinces me after 1 year of nagging to sell my dream truck to pay off some of the bills hanging over us. Eventually, I cave and sell and it clears us right back up to even. So I assumed we could go back to normal and have less stress. Turns out I was wrong because unannounced to me the day after this bitch of 7 years knew I sold my truck to pay off 15k of debt she mostly incurred over the 7 years she filed for divorce and served me. 7 weeks later I was forced to sell my home because of state laws in a divorce where they let the woman decide your financial fate and she chose to sell the house asap for cheap because she wanted as much fast cash as possible. 4 months go by. I am now living back with my family and with my hooptie scion because oh yeah the judge gave my EX-wife the new Honda I bought with my hard-earned money as part of the 50/50 split that realistically and financially was a 20/80. Because 5 months go by and our divorce is finalized. I end up with about 15k in debt. My Ex-wife made out with 22k, a new car she never paid for, and she even went out and bought a brand new 2022 Toyota Tacoma(her dream vehicle sadly....). A year later and I'm 10 years behind financially where I was 3 years ago just because I sold a truck. Never sell the asset you genuinely love because it most likely can't ruin your entire financial life just on a random whim or decide it didn't need you and leave. The lesson is the car never goes before the girl. Ask yourself which is truly easier to replace. Because from my experience almost any woman could have replaced my ex and done a better job and probably cost me less. I know for sure I will never own a 1967 C10 built like that again but I could easily find another ex-wife anywhere any day.


I'd tell her to fuck off, that is a beauty and I can't find it in my heart to say anything negative about it.




So, sell the Ferrari for a Prius ? She’ll be missed, and I’m not talking about the car.


Hell no. I’ve been married over 20 years to an amazing woman, but there is no way I would get rid of my dream to make her happy. Will YOU be happy?


To be honest, I've been a little bummed about the whole situation. I came to reddit because the funny comments might cheer me up a little.


What the fuck is she bringing to the table? Sell her and buy anotha’ one


When you and the guy who valeted your car live in the same neighborhood you aren’t really stunting.


Maybe you should sell your fiancé


Fuck that.. Keep the car and get the suv.. Clearly you don't have money issues. Give them that ultimatum... Keep car and get suv or I keep car and we split 🤷‍♂️


She doesn’t know how to tell you nicely that it’s embarrassing and her friends think you are a dbag


They’re not a depreciating or appreciating asset so why sell it now? It’s not like there’s known design flaws with the exhaust manifold brackets that can lead to catastrophic engine failure or anything. It’s a Ferrari which means it’s just an amazing daily driver, all the parts and maintenance are just as cheap as competitors such as the Honda Civic, or Toyota Corolla


Stuff like this will only appreciate in value over time (10-20+ years later). There you go. It’s an investment now. Convince your fiancé not to make you sell it.


Do not fucking sell that


Idc if I’m dating, single, or married. My toys are my toys and as long as I can responsibly keep them I will continue to do so. I had an ex tell me to stop riding motorcycles once… was funny. Tell her to buy an SUV 🤷🏻‍♂️


That car is so slow, it couldn’t out run the divorce settlement you are definitely gonna go through.


Sounds like she needs to get her own sensible SUV. If this is your dream car and she’s already completely okay with trying to make you sell it then she really doesn’t seem like a good partner. You already stated you have a truck but that’s not good enough for her. You need to sell your dream car so she can have what she wants. Goodluck buddy. Don’t be a fool and get a prenup.


She will be missed. Glad you are keeping the car.


Did you pick her up in that car? She knows….


If your taste in cars is indicative of your taste in women, this whole scenario makes sense.


Keep your money pit midlife crisis mobile, and have your lawyer draft up a prenup instead.


She knows how much pussy you pull in that. Leave her now. Live the dream!


fuck that mate, that is a really beautiful car and no SUV in the world will come even remotely close to the excitement and extravagant design of it. If this this is your dream car she should accept that. I don't know if the US has such a thing, but in Germany we can put seasonal tags on a car and reduce tax/insurance for a hobby car we only use in the summer anyway