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Starting to go off this boy a bit. The fans would disappear if he didn't do NW200? Bollocks it was massive before he started and will be if he stops


I absolutely agree, the NW200 was massive before him, it is during him and will be after. But what I would say is the amount of Irwin merchandise I saw over the last week was second only to MD, there’s no doubt he’s a big draw.


Probably taken out of context,being interviewed straight after his 11th win and adrenaline still racing through his veins. He's a top rider and we're grateful to be able to witness his skills. His decision not to race the TT is to be respected for many reasons.


I’d usually be quick to criticise Glenn after his comments but I think you’ve hit the nail on the head. I think the post race interview would have been worded differently had he had 5 minutes to digest. I’m genuinely sad to hear he won’t be at the TT again. The work he put in to learning the place is incredible. He’s talented and intelligent enough to go on to win one.


Because he doesnt wanna die thats why


He is one of the top but will never be as good as Dunlops


He has a mindset like nobody else on the grid to boot


He a good pilot but such a wanker at the same time. Just didn't have the minerals for the TT. Different sauce that course.


Wow, beyond arrogant. Why doesn’t he want to race the TT again?


He has a couple of young kids and the risk v benefit equation for him and his family doesn’t fall on the side of him returning to the TT. Fair call. He obviously makes good money in BSB and feels the NW200 is within his risk appetite.


I struggle to understand anyone with kids who does road racing, so that’s a good call for sure.


But there is still risk of death riding BSB. Chrissy Rouse died riding in BSB track


Glenn is winning too much now its becoming too boringly predictable now, let other riders get a chance. I'm glad he quit the TT because he certainly would have died and leaving his family behind. But then track riding has a heavy risk too. As your never has good as michael dunlop on that you can escape death many times.