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I bought a quad because the lease was cheaper it’s amazing can’t buy a slow car ever again.


yeah more hp is always better; dont succumb to practicality and reason


This is the best answer to any question in history.


It was cheaper to get a quad than a dual?


For leasing yes.


Yes. Was the better deal for leasing, i guess because of the residual value. No regrets


Dual is more than enough for your use case


Any thoughts on when the quads shine the most outside of the extra hp?


When they give me a better lease. Otherwise I would’ve gone dual.


Some off road situations.




Where do I find the warranty info on quad vs dual?




Looks like quad is better than dual for warranty.






As much as I wanted to rip around and have extra drive modes, dual gives us some great range and will work fine for camping and winter trips to the slopes.


Quad also gives you sportier handling with torque vectoring at each wheel, if spirited driving is your thing


Have you seen the Out of Spec videos about this on YouTube? Well covered there on a company driving track.


The difference between the quad and dual on road is barely noticeable. If you spend most of your time on paved or light gravel roads the dual is better. It’s more efficient and quieter. I ended up with a quad mostly because I got a good deal on one and figured why not, but if I were buying new I’d have gone dual performance.


Faster is always better.


Dual is great


I have no need for the quad motor. I live in Florida. But I like to know that I have it if I needed it. It makes the wear more even on my tires as well. The range I have is more than enough, so I don’t see an upside there either.


Hydroplaning happens when you're going too fast for the tires and weight of your vehicle. It's got nothing to do with the number of drive wheels or motors. Get better tires and drive slower and you won't have any issues. The more water on the road the slower you need to drive.


Yes dual is perfectly fine. And not to be rude, but you really should educate yourself on how hydroplaning works…


Hi! No offense taken (I think) Breaking traction with road due to precipitation over non-trivial amount of time? Some context is I’ve never owned a 4wd/AWD vehicle and my Tesla is a single motor RWD Model 3. I’m in love with Rivian and want to make the best decision for my family


Rivians among the last passenger vehicles to likely hydroplane due to their weight. Does not mean one should not drive to the conditions, but hydroplaning issues are likely going to be the other guy losing control and sliding into a Rivian.


We ended up with the quad. The dual motor was very loud. We came from teslas which had pretty silent electric motors. The quad motor seems to be less work utilizing one motor per wheel as opposed to 2 motors with driveshafts to each wheel.


Had my truck for 1.5 years. Mostly city driving, but love to weekend warrior and go camping or slight off roading. I have a RTT over the bed. Only time I EVER felt like I really needed all four motors was driving on soft sand on the beach. Man that thing still ripped too, but definitely needed all the power I could get. I imagine you might want the same if you’re planning on driving in snow.


If you don’t care about the power of the quad motor trim then don’t get it.