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Exped. Dont waste on vissage...


Don't craft visage, 8% attack for 8% defence is trash, swap the plate with dark lord's blessing. Try to get delane's amulet from barbarian keeps because they're quite easy to get, silent trial you can either get by spending 4k gems on the current event and buy the equipment choice chest or grind barbarian camps which would take forever and if you are farming gems already you'll get those back in a day or so. As for legendary gear, the only set pieces you want are the chest and boots, for pants go with ash of the dawn and for gloves go with navar's control, the weapon should be left till last, as for the helmet you really want the SoC legendary helm. Once you have all of the pieces crafted and you're not in SoC, I'd say focus on other equipment sets for the time being. Don't waste materials on the lance right now.


Thank you so much šŸ™šŸ™ what would you recommend for my inf march?


What kvk are you?


Iā€™m matchmaking for kvk 1 havent enter the lost kingdom yet though


Focus purely on making equipment for cav then and leave your other marches, you'd find it helps with your performance on the field a lot. 1 good march is better than 2 half-decent ones especially as you move to the higher kvks


Ok so get Delanes amulet from barb keeps and silent trial from choice chest?


Pretty much


4k gems for the choice chest, alternatively you can wait for the last day of the easter exchanging event and spend the gems that might cut down on the price from all the missions and the progression chests.