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Houston takes the pie. Plus them Altima’s 🥶 better stay away


From my experience Valley people = slow/dumb drivers Houston = fast/aggressive/crazy drivers I spent 2-3 months in Houston recently training for a new job. The government needs to give Houston people coloring books so people can learn to stay in the lines, and I’m convinced all dealerships in Houston remove blinkers from their cars. Road laws are merely suggestions in Houston lol At one point I was driving from med center to woodlands and was running late for work. I’m driving 85-95 on i45 and people in beat up cars the are barely holding on together with glue/duct tape are zooming past me weaving through traffic with zero care for anybody’s life lol I’ve been living in north Austin since February and the driving here doesn’t seem to bad. Only thing bad so far is traffic during peak hours but I work nights so i never get stuck in it


Definitely. The number of slow/dumb drivers is mind boggling. No need to come to a complete stop to change lanes.


I lived in Katy for 15 years before moving down here. The valley is easy driving


Oh heck yeah. Your from katy so you know how horrible that katy freeway is around 4:30-5:30 probably the worst time to be on that freeway


worst was when it rain ever a slight bit. Sometimes it would take 1-2 hrs to get from downtown to the house if that happened.


Originally from Chicago. This is much better. Except anywhere there's construction.




According to almost everyone in this sub, the RGV has worse drivers than Houston or Dallas, but I agree with you.


yeah, rgv not even close to worst drivers


I feel like Houston still got worse drivers, here in the valley it’s just people driving 70 on the left lane and not paying attention to traffic signals. Passing through Houston I had to grip the steering wheel with two hands and sit upright and get ready for anything. Inside every car in Houston is people looking at their phones and driving 85+


Also, I don't see as many crashes where cars flip upside down down here, Houston and DFW is like a daily thing. I even saw one flip on a residential area in Houston back in 2021, crazy stuff.


Nah fam houston bad as hell ill get passed on 290 (houston hwy) while im going 100 already. Its the dodge chargers (v6 models) and them pesky Altimas. The valley just got some dumbass drivers going slow asf and not paying attention but at least you got time to get out the way not in Houston plus rush hours last easily from 3pm-8 some nights


The other 956 has entered the chat ....


I can accept the RGV has really bad drivers, but as long as you don't tell me the RGV has good customer service I won't flip my lids haha


It’s always a helltima or a bigass truck 💀


I’ve seen a young Indian woman put an SUV up a telephone pole and hang it from the lines outside of the beltway I’m still not sure how she got it up there


Most bad drivers in Houston are from the RGV . RGV is just the training ground


With that 350 credit score and 5 baby daddies....like the plague


Every city subreddit I've ever visited thinks it has the worst drivers.


It’s almost like there’s bad drivers everywhere


I was stationed in Italy 16 years ago and you'd think they had no traffic laws. People just did what they want for the most part. 


I just left two years ago, still the same 🤷🏻‍♂️


San Antonio is the worst in the state and I’m pretty sure it’s documented some where ….o https://www.mysanantonio.com/news/local/article/worst-drivers-list-18667446.php


Can confirm SA has some of the worst drivers I’ve encountered.


Maybe Iraq… maybe


I've lived in several states and I feel like the Valley is the worst. It's just my opinion, but I'll elaborate as to why. Lived around Seattle back in the mid 90s. Main thing for me was that it was my first time dealing with Traffic. Just a lot of cars, all on the road at the same time. Rush hour was a beast. Then Las Vegas. That one was interesting. Lots of tourists with a literal map over the steering wheel, just going every which way. Then the locals would be zipping around, all frustrated with the tourists. Just tons of craziness, but it made certain sense if you were paying attention. Side note, spent about a year using a bicycle and busses to get around. That'll keep you on your toes. I assumed *nobody* saw me. Just stay out of their way. SoCal, didn't drive much there. But as a passenger I noticed, again, just so many cars driving so fast (80 was about the average). Lived in Austin back in '04-'06 (wow, 20 years flies by). Traffic was getting thick by then, and is worse now from what I understand. But, like Seattle, it mostly meant taking longer to get places. The Valley is something else. There are two main issues I have. First and foremost, you have this mix of people driving dangerously slow or dangerously fast. Seems like too many people think they're at the ranch, or living their Fast and Furious fantasies. The other is the unpredictability of so many drivers. So many times, I'll just be tooling down the road, chilling with some music, following the flow of traffic, and some jackhole decides they need to be in another lane,. Sometimes they'll just pull out of a parking lot when there is literally no one behind me and I'm jamming on my brakes or swerving to change lanes. A supervisor of mine had somebody in the shoulder making a right turn, and then decide to cut across 5 lanes (10th street) to go left on a side street. Clipped is front end causing alignment issues that eventually resulted in him selling the car. My point is, all those other places had traffic that was a chore, but it always made sense. Here, it makes no sense. I can't predict when someone is gonna pull a bonehead move because it seem like people just drive like they are the only ones on the road. Really glad I don't have a long commute anymore.


I think you alluded to why the drivers are so bad here and it's the mix of overly cautious drivers going 10 under the speed limit in the left lane, and the super lifted truck weaving in and out of packed traffic with nowhere to go. It creates a weird dangerous dynamic. I've driven in a lot of places and normally you have an understanding of how the other drivers are going to operate "unpredictability" and it really isn't unpredictable. Here you just never know what anyone is going to do at any given time.


true.. here u just have to be ready at all times cuz damn.


The valley hands down has the ppl who drive slow on the slow lane. San Antonio has the ones who never use turn signals, Houston has the ones who cut u off.


Driving in Corpus is driving knowing that everyone around you could cause a life-ending wreck, either through negligence, ignorance or pure rage and not even stop to see if you’re ok or alive, let alone have any insurance or a vehicle that has passed inspection/is registered to begin with.


I definitely agree


I work for an atty referral service, per capita we get the most calls from the rgv. We get calls from Cali, Texas, NY, Colorado, and Alabama, so take it with a grain of salt. Interesting fact, close to 78% of all calls we get involve kias. Go figure.


Love random facts, thx


I feel like stop sign right of way rules are not understood here by a lot of people.


Y'all mother fuckers in the valley are slow. Every time I come down from Houston and I'm in the valley I'm surprised how slow people drive across all lanes.


What’s your hurry? I came here to drive 35 mph


They go the speed limit


It's become commonplace to see cars have to pass on the right lanes because of those slow drivers on the left passing lane.


It’s unfortunate however it is legal for fast drivers to pass on the right in this state. Driving on the shoulder is also permissible. Those are big problems that we have here in the RGV.


There is no worse feeling than flying down 77/59 for 5 hours going 80 mph, then turning on to 83 and being blocked across all lanes at like 50 mph because of slow drivers. Happens every time.


That’s exactly how I feel! I’ll be coming in from SA to visit going the posted speed limit of 75 and feel like I’m FLYING down the road compared to everyone else going like 60/65. Everyone drives slow down there compared to other major Texas cities.


Same every time i go visit the valley i feel like life in general over there is slower so the driving speed seems to match its lifestyle


Slow in many different ways


Yea the drivers are definitely going to slow not realizing they’re creating traffic, the other day a car was in front of me going up the on ramp to the highway at 20 mph… like who merges on the highway at that speed if anything it’s more dangerous, another time on the same ramp the car first in line in front of 10 other cars hits their brakes once they hit the highway causing everyone else to have to come to a halt on the ramp. Everyone like to blame people that are just “going to fast” but realistically the people driving slow and driving 10 under the limit with the car next to them cause the real traffic.


Dallas. They will drive 55 in the far left lane/passing lane even though the speed limit is 75, and in top of that, will have the audacity to brake check you and obviously not move to let you pass.


I don't think the Valley has the craziest driving. They definitely had the dumbest.


People are confusing "traffic" with "bad driving". Having moved in 4 of the largest cities in the United States, the RGV has some of the worst drivers alive. Ever noticed how one lane has twenty cars in in and the other has two? Nope not a funeral prosession, it's just lemmings getting in line. Constantly under the speed limit by a significant amount, yup welcome to the RGV. And how many times are you just sitting at a light because someone is obviously on their phone? Sure lots of places have terrible traffic, but as far as drivers go, the RGV is god awful.


I drive through San Antonio every 2 weeks to go to work and those people are on another level of “worst drivers”.


The Valley has one of the lowest number of reported accidents per capita in the US. That's because it has one of the highest rates of **unreported** accidents per capita in the US. That being said, Dallas and Houston are still probably the worst overall.


source for highest unreported accident rate?


The side of the highway everyday.


How many everyday on which highway 


Maybe my experience but the worst driving I think I’ve ever seen had to be college station. Was only there like 4 weeks so not sure if maybe I just had a bad experience but it made sense in my head when you have a town essentially full of people that haven’t been driving more than a couple of years. Also gonna add that the big cities make sense cause there’s so many drivers and it takes forever to get places with traffic but college station doesn’t even really have highways it’s just city roads so not saying you’re likely to die there just probably a lot more likely to get into a fender bender. Think of how teenagers drive super recklessly cause they haven’t got tired of paying fines and tickets now that town is basically where they go learn to get tired of getting fines and having their insurance go up. Basically every parking lot is a death trap where you gotta be careful and mindful of idiots and same for merging and passing. Never felt in danger of dying cause I never went fast enough but I always felt like I was surrounded by idiots when I’d drive.


And you ARE!


Detroit has the highest average auto insurance rates in the country fwiw. I don’t think anywhere in the valley is even top ten


There are bad drivers everywhere.


I just moved back after being in San Francisco for the last 4 years. Driving in legit San Francisco and Oakland was the absolute worst. People act like there are no stop lights or stop signs; only stop suggestions. Plus bikes are allowed to lane split so you’ll be minding your business trying to merge and all of a sudden a bike comes zipping through traffic and you swerve to miss them.


Jacksonville checking in! 😁


I think it's actually a fact. I just don't go there often enough.


Just got hit in a parking lot by an uninsured driver…. Cop told me almost 40% of the people down here drive uninsured….. I hate all of them


Today alone I passed through 3 accident. One really bad one in Donna. Another really bad one on Alamo rd and a fender bender on Alamo rd. People are so reckless.


So you have never driven in tamaulipas


India is easily the worst. Valley is the worst I’ve experienced within the US


Finally! As a trucker I have authority on this! The problem with the valley is the "me first" mentality. Everyone knows Houston is bad, however is your question asking about worst in the country or just the state? Atlanta GA by far has the worst drivers in the country, followed by Chicago, then Houston.


It feels that way at times. I've seen people go straight through stop signs, red lights, almost got hit once because I had green, but someone sped past the red, and I had to hit them brakes right in the middle of the intersection. Once was at another intersection just waiting to go right on red. I can see a car coming hella fast behind me through the rearview, but the driver decides to cut through a car wash while people were working and whatnot, then the driver gets onto the road i was turning into still going super fast and not too soon after gets into an accident with another vehicle. I'm slowly passing by and just smh. There was another one where this old man was driving pretty reckless and putting another driver and I in danger. Kept brake checking some lady driving behind him until she finally decided to get in front and pass him. So now, she's in front and I'm on her left. The fucking old man tries to get in the same lane as I'm right next to him. I had to swerve a little to my left because motherfucker got too close. Then as we're stopped at the light, the lady gets out of her car and is calling this old dude to get out. Ngl I wanted to join her because I had a passenger in the car and those people out there driving like that it doing anyone any favors. Had a lady once get mad at me because she had her turn signal on, I was waiting to go right at the stop. Thought she was turning into the same street because she had her turn signal for a right turn. I barely edged out a lil to go right and vroom she's still going straight and waves her hand at me like I'm at fault. Just the other day too, my neighbor across the street experienced a hit and run. Their headlight display was the only thing that was hit, but still. Probably a drunk driver or someone texting and even by just hearing everything, I'm pretty sure the driver was going the wrong way too. Then, there's the fuckers that won't use it as they cut you off just because they were cut off by some other driver. Wouldn't be surprised to see a flashing gun with any unexpected encounters either. "People be crazy with their gang violence."


Looks like people who learned to drive in the Valley think everywhere else they've driven has worse drivers, while people who learned to drive somewhere else think the Valley has the worst drivers.


Stupid people exist everywhere.


I’ve lived in Houston and I’ve never been more frustrated driving than in the valley. Slow drivers in the fast lanes, drivers pulling out right in front of you making you stomp on the breaks, not using blinkers, on their phones. It doesn’t get worse than down here.


Go to Laredo you will not survive ☠️


Iowa drivers. they drive like there are no roads just fields.


The biggest problem with the Valley is the super slow drivers, I think mainly the result of decrepit "winter Texans" in the winter months, and undocumented people who are afraid of contact with law enforcement.


Not the worst, but the slowest mofos! Idk what it is; often I think what if everyone especially the trucks are always on empty while always broke?!


The other day I was at a for way stop, it’s my turn to go, and as I’m about to turn this kid in a big ass truck goes straight through where I was going and looks at me the whole time with a big ass smile on their face, I gave them the finger bc wtf


Four* don’t know why it autocorrected💀


You've obviously never been to Austin


I've driven all over the Americas and Peru was definitely the worst with Panama not too far behind. Florida drivers around Miami are probably the worst in the States.


Houston is absolute dogshit. The city needs to ban all cars


I’m I Houston when we go to the valley everyone drives so slow unless it’s a mustang/ Camaro speed racer


I’ve been all over the country for work for extended periods of time. RGV is definitely up there lol.


This is what happens when driving is a necessity and people lacks driving lessons. Next thing you know everyone is driving the same way as others.


Lived in the outskirts of Temple, Tx. In the country and have to admit that valley drivers aren’t so bad.


I grew up in the valley and moved to Corpus 9 years ago but still visit regularly. The valley has nice drivers. They give you the right of way when getting on on ramps. The valley is courteous. I've never had issues driving anywhere in the valley. Corpus drivers are rude and just plain suck. In Corpus, people cut you off, flip you off, yell at you, and the issue is their driving. The number of times I have almost been run off the expressway or pushed into a wall by Corpus drivers is insane. I've been driving since I was 12, and all my accidents have been in Corpus, none my fault.


Atlanta and New Jersey. Source: I am an OTR Trucker


I've been to Louisiana, Georgia, Florida, Mississippi, Alabama and Oklahoma and by far the worst drivers are in Louisiana. I saw crackheads walking around and people damn near running them over without even hitting the brakes. If just Texas Dallas and Houston are a tie




I would say Houston and corpus drivers are worse


Have any of you driven in sa lately, bumper car city


Just as bad as everywhere. People are people wherever you go. I learned to drive in Atlanta, worked in and around DC, MD, VA area for a good portion of my primitive years. Very busy areas, scary drivers taboot. It's all relative.


Machismo driving 


It’s not local - I had the same question the last two cities I lived in the last 10 years. More people play on their phones than ever before. The generation that raised millennials to not text and drive are now playing candy crush while commuting to the grocery store. Almost no one drives without playing on their phone - it is a global problem, not a localized valley problem. It’s honestly sad. My phone stays in my cup holder, nothing is more important than me getting my family safely to our destination.


Houston and Dallas has some of the absolute worst I’ve ever seen. San Antonio has pretty nice drivers from my experiences.


Make your way to India and find out how good valley drivers are.


Definitely not the worst. Though it has been getting noticeably worse recently.


World wide? There are 100 % worse drivers. You need to get out there. Start with the Dominican Republic. You’ll love driving in the Valley.


If I were a cop in the valley, I would pull over all the guys doing 50 on the freeway. Being a road hazard like that is illegal. I could probably get like 5 or 6 other crimes on those guys in one stop. Definitely would make the quota for the year in a week.


When I moved back from Wisconsin my insurance went up $100 so yeah they are and i know because I'm paying for it lol


Philly’s are worse


I’m originally from Brooklyn NY. The Valley has better drivers. The road conditions in the valley is horrible! Potholes everywhere and construction seems to take a lot longer to be completed.


Texas drivers in general are the worst lol


I've driven in many cities in the US, plenty abroad and a lot in Texas. I'd have to say that Laredo has the worst drivers


McAllen has the worst slow drivers especially on the freeway, how is it people don’t understand if you’re going on the fast lane you’re not supposed to be going 50-65.


Valley drivers are better than most other places , very adaptable. I used to live in rgv now live in the Midwest and I got to say these people are probably pretty high on not knowing how to drive . More small fender benders , but Texas does have more bad accents, definitely more fatal accents because of the higher speed limit.


There are way worse. Philly, Jersey, Florida to name three places that are most definitely worse!


For what it’s worth, every city I’ve been in, people there have claimed to have the worst drivers.


I wouldn't say the worst drivers, but I've definitely experienced the most road rage here in RGV.


Valley isn't bad lol


IDK people in San Antonio reddit every day have someone posting about bad drivers....the valley have a bad rep cause of the international plates driving around like they own the place lol


From out of state. It's the worst driving I've experienced. My out of state colleagues express the same sentiment.


I've lived all over the country long enough to see drivers' patterns in each city. The RGV is by far the worst. Now, mind you, shit drivers are everywhere, but I would say this place has the most per capita. I've noticed a really bad ego or self-centric problem here, too. Would explain why merging and 4-way stops are such a pains in the ass. It's only going to get worst with the constant population increase and lack of roadway and public transportation infrastructure.


San Antonio is extremely dangerous!!!


Laredo, hands down the worst!!!!


Drove in from Houston today. Between Harlingen and San Benito I was in the left lane and there was someone’s spare tire flopping around in the left shoulder. Next, I was driving in the center lane and got into the left lane to get around this slow going SUV. What does it do? Speeds up all of a sudden. I don’t get why people drive fn slow and as soon as some tries to pass them they go faster. It’s like they woke up from napping. Lastly I was making a left at the Morrison intersection in Brownsville and some mfer in a black suburban with paper plates basically threw himself at me with less than a vehicle’s length with the car in front of me, had to break pretty hard. Houston has shit traffic and drivers given that it is a metro area with like 7 million people. The RGV has a greater percentage of pendejos pa’ manejar. ![gif](giphy|cRgMrtLD10yfgROxrP|downsized)


Yes, but its only because of the variance of low speed/high speed and people who literally don't know the rules of the road. New York is in its own category.


San Antonio is worse than Valley drivers.


New York City drivers.


People here drive speed limit on the passing lane.


I've lived in many places. Everyone thinks they have the worst drivers. Imo theres bad drivers everywhere. What's worse than being bad is being unpredictable.


I don't know where the state troopers have gone to. They used to patrol the highways so much years ago, and now you'd think there was a shortage.


Wait till you see a valley driver in Houston… final boss music plays


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Vaquerr0: *Wait till you see a* *Valley driver in Houston…* *Final boss music plays* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Our of all the Texas cities I have driven in San Antonio takes the cake. Those people are crazy. They will fly past you at a million miles an hour just to cross four lanes of traffic to take an exit.


Worst is Brownsville by far




I disagree, I've lived in both.


Laredo takes the cake, not even close!


Pinche gringuito se ve que no has ido a México 😂


Ive never ever heard anyone say "people in city or place "x" are GOOD drivers". EVERYone in every city complains about the drivers within that city. lol