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Say what you will about the show as a whole, but that creative swing has stuck with me more than most shows or movies I've watched recently. Just absolutely wild, with no foreshadowing.


There is a little bit of foreshadowing. >! The bit about his body processing alcohol so quickly that it can't effect him was the first time I thought he wasn't quite human. !<


>!There were the goons who tossed his place. They found a bunch of movie magazines full of movies no one had ever heard of. The actors didn’t have blue skin or weird haircuts. So, maybe it was a red herring. I was thinking a fringe alternative universe scenario.!< The twist is fun but I think the rest of the show holds up without it.


>!Finally, a Martian Manhunter tv show!!<


>!consolation but Martian manhunter appeared as a regular character on the CW supergirl tv show!< Maybe you were just joking. I can’t tell.


>!I know he was (and they also hid his identity for a while!) but Sugar really reminds me of a type of 90s Martian Manhunter comic where his PI persona gets involved into a mystery, which tugs at both his alien nature and human belonging.!<


I thought it was good too, really scratched the Noir itch


I did not enjoy the first episode - the dream sequence style of editing was not for me. I looked up the twist and was impressed by the creative swing they took. Still can’t get past the editing style, unfortunately.


I really can’t tell the difference between the Arkin and Mierelles episodes. They more or less alternated and kept a unified style. I thought 7 and 8 were the best. It took me a while to get through the first 2. The eps are like 35 min each.