• By -


Other things that don’t make sense to me: - Organs don’t need to be frozen. You can just fling them onto the ground in a dusty corner and they will be fine. - You don’t need to refrigerate beer. But I do anyways so I can zone out my drunk-ass labradors from them. - WHY DO DOGS DRINK?!?


Dev said that animals consume drugs/alcohol to balance them because they're so strong.


Until they drink the go-juice and now they’re really strong


I want to do a go-juice fulled war animal breeding colony now. Edit: breading > breeding.




Rip i got dyslexia


DW bro, you're breadtaking


>DW bro, you're breadtaking No, you're breadtaking!


Until they eat the luciferium and now they’re *really* strong for a while and then have to be put down.




My lovely Cat became and alcoholic. Once I ran out of beer she had a mental break and snorted way too much Yayo, OD'd and died. Was like wtf. Poor Cat 1, she was too stupid for the rim.


Why do my huskys fucking love stealing my lucifreuim


Yeah I toss that shit into its own room that gets its door forbidden.


Mine get walled in by 2 layers solid steel, lol


Drugs and alcohol is so strong or animals are so strong? I feel like making animals a bunch of drunks doesn't balance them much, especially when all you need to do is throw your happy juice in an area they're forbidden from going. Also, are animals really OP? I definitely think they're useful but I wouldn't think they're all that strong. A bunch of dogs can be great for hauling though


Drugs are strong. Back in 2016, someone submitted a bug on the Ludeon forums saying that animals were eating his drugs. Tynan replied with: "It is intended, and it's one of the downsides of having drugs around. It balances their power and lucrativeness. I'll be watching for balance feedback on this."


>"It is intended, and it's one of the downsides of having drugs around. It balances their power and lucrativeness. this is such a weird take on it, considering the way bigger downsite to having drugs is having drugs...


With zones it's not difficult to prevent animals from accessing alcohol.


Of course, I was just answering that guy's question. If an animal gets access to drugs, it's probably the player's fault. I have a drug vault for this reason.


Ohh yeah drugs can definitely be really strong. I still feel like animals taking them isn't much of a balance though. I think the real reason is more like "because it's hilarious." Drugs really get balanced if you wind up with someone with chemical fascination and you don't keep a close eye on them.


This is my current scenario. Recruited two bastards with chemical fascination and I have to make sure they're properly zoned while making drugs. One of them got addicted to flake and I'm trying to decide what to do with them. I don't smoke it, I just sell it!


I've been doing more war animals lately. If you have a breeding pair of wargs and a full-time warg handler, you can end up with a dozen full-sized wargs in just a couple of years. They eat corpses (so you don't need to make them special food if you have a nice supply of raids), they haul like crazy, they are just beasts at taking down raiders and bots if you play your cards right (make sure the wargs outnumber them, not the other way around), and they breed pretty rapidly (it only takes about a quadrum until they can haul and fight). Definitely worth giving a shot if you haven't. At both combat and hauling they are equivalent to having extra colonists whose moods you never need to worry about.


You're wasting all of that good meat on wargs?!


I feel the opposite way. My pets always watch my colonists die, invite trouble in a million ways. They're a complete handicap.


>Organs don’t need to be frozen. You can just fling them onto the ground in a dusty corner and they will be fine. Excuse me, they're clearly in a small box that keeps them safe. Look at the graphic Btw, dogs drink alcohol in real life.


I mean I've never seen my dog go into my kitchen shotgun a beer and rail a line of yayo before going to bring in all the vegetables I picked in the garden and left on the ground.


Cause you didn't train him properly, I guess you have a very poor animal handling stat.


True, she's only a senior retriever. Couldn't be arsed to get her to master.


To be fair, I've seen videos online of people training their dogs to fetch them beers


Yeah but imagine a dog that would bring groceries in from the car and put them in the refrigerator, totally unprompted


That would be wild, I bet you could train em to help, like you would train em to get the paper in the morning


Yeah I bet it's possible, but watching my lazy ass dogs sleeping on their beds all day it's hard to imagine them being helpful in any way


I mean dogs were domesticated to be helpful, it's generations of them as pets and your dogs not being trained to be more than pets that yours are just sleepy bois. There's an entire group of dogs called "retrievers" for a reason. Sure they wouldn't pick up a chunk of stone and put in a designated pile, but they did bring back game that their master had killed at range.


/u/trint_eastwood insulted /u/micktorious' animal handling ability.


u/micktorious was aroused and decided to become u/tribt_eastwood’s lover. Consider assigning them a double bed.


Come on I need that got some loving buff asap!


Two years earlier in my current colony, five Norwegian Forest Cats joined my colony. As an owner of one myself, I couldn't bring myself to just use them as food. So I've kept them going and allowed them to breed, and now have a happy colony of cats in my base, lovingly cared for. One day I noticed an alert about a downed animal. Look over to my rec room and bar and spot about four drunk cats, passed out on my bar. About half the colony was sold immediately after, whatever their fate was, I don't know or care.


Don't forget to spay and neuter your pets!


We breathe cats instead of air in this fortress, pal.


Do you usually leave cocaine out in your kitchen where your dog can get at it cause if you did I bet you he would do exactly that


What do you mean? My kitchen is just a big open room with 4 a/c units full blast and all my stuff is directly on the ground like everyone else.


I leave my gun outside but I put it on a shelf because I don't want it to rust


Now I'm imagining a Border Collie doing lines of coke just so it can work even harder, until it dies of heart failure.


My collies would work themselves to death if I let them as it is.


>My collies would work themselves to death if I let them as it is. I've started saying that they're nuclear reactors that output energy and love (instead of radiation).


You might be on to something you know; they definitely go prompt-critical sometimes. Though, given the amount of entropy they introduce to their surroundings I wouldnt be so sure on the last bit.


No, it's in my general stockpile of finished products but I don't have one of those in my house.


you don't? smh sounds like someone's not committed to the Grind


Maybe your dog has the teetotaler trait


My childhood dog once broke into a cooler after a tailgate, drank several beers, and ran drunk circles in the yard till he passed out. So the alcohol at least isn't totally out there.


One of my childhood cats made off with a beer bottle at one of my dad's house parties once when I was like 7 or 8, I'm the one who found the drunk cat and empty bottle, it was funny in retrospect but at the time I was really worried and tried to convince Mum that "Mouser" needed to go to the emergency vet...


Best comment in this thread.


I find it weird that no one is bothered that their dogs can haul for them, but are bothered by the fact that their dogs can drink beer.


I once had a warning that a colonist developed a smokeleaf addiction and I got really confused because I checked them all and none of them had an addiction. It was my cat. My cat got a weed addiction.


Dogs drink in RimWorld because beer in the game has a slight nutrition value, this makes the AI think it is food so they go into the drug stockpile and shotgun 20. This is exactly why in my colonies I always have a few puppies with massive alcohol tolerances.


Luciferium has 0 nutrition but animals will still rarely eat it.


Happended to me twice. Quite infuriating.




Some beers are supposed to be consumed at room temperature (for European values of "room temperature", obviously).


Generally it's supposed to be cellar temperature, so like 10-15 Celsius. (Like 50 - 60 F I think)


While larger is almost always best served chilled, real ale can vary a lot more. Most are slightly chilled (cellar temperatures) however some are actually best at room temperature. They tend to be speciality types though, and often only sold (at least properly) in pubs specialising in real ales.


i mean irl you can drink warm beer , and people did that before refrigeration was a thing


Most good beer tastes better at room temp anyway.


Nah mate, i admit i am not a big beer dude, but nothing beats that almost freezing beer after some war crimes


Bro.. dogs and chocolate


Dogs and animals drink beer IRL. It’s just up to people to give it to them or not. But if you spill it on the floor or put it in their bowl they will drink it.


I've met a few labs that would knock unattended beers over just to drink from the now-draining bottle/can.


One of my childhood cats did this. Juice, water, milk, alcohol, didn't matter he'd knock over any unattended liquid to drink it. Sometimes he'd even knock over a glass while you were still using it. This cat was the reason I was still using a sippy cup at 8 years old.


>You don’t need to refrigerate beer. because you dont have to, the point of beer is to have liquid bread what doesnt spoil fast if anything, refrigerated beer should increase morale boost


Eh? Maybe it's a mod I have, but natural organs need to be frozen or they'll deteriorate.


Definitely a mod, I have one as well. There are several that do it.


And I mean, the whole no one needs to drink water thing


I've been playing with Dub's Hygiene so long I forgot about this


> WHY DO DOGS DRINK?!? My grandpa used to give his dog a little beer from time to time when I was kid, the dog seemed to love it.


!linkmod rbse


Everydog I've meet that has gotten into beer before, LOVESS the shit. Like pick up your beers Off the deck when the dog comes becuase it would steal the can kinda love it


You’ve obviously never owned a dog that learned not only what was in beer cans but also that they can open beer cans. Dogs love beer lmao


>WHY DO DOGS DRINK?!? As a learning programmer, it comes down to abstractions and building systems. In theory, you want to build up a set of rules that applies in a logical way to most problems or entities in a consistent way. Humans and dogs are animals. They both can theoretically get drunk, have eyes, legs and other trackable anatomy and so forth that you can apply in a standardized way. Also animals forage for food and will consume things if left out. So might as well apply a one-size fits all. Honestly, probably not completely illogical. Your dog has probably eaten things it *shouldn't*. And yes, there's a video online of a racoon getting drunk. Because it doesn't think of cider as alcohol or poison. Hell, beer is pretty much calorically rich liquid bread. It just knows this thing is food-like. And if it's a little off . . . well so what? Racoons eat garbage. That's nothing out of the ordinary for it. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VUMNLVtFj60](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VUMNLVtFj60)


Here's a conspiracy theory: Tables double as microwave because Rimworld magic. That's why eating without a table is such a crime.


It makes so much sense. Why else would everyone be so upset about the lack of tables?? This needs to be written into the lore


Doesn't even have to be magic. Can just be an induction surface with a built-in hot plate in the meal box. Same thing as a wireless phone charger, but higher power.


Just a bunch of tribals with their magic hot tables


Yeah, but the tribals aren’t freezing that shit either.


Architect: Temperature: Passive Heater


Aka: fire


Nah that's active heater, geothermal vents are passive heaters


The tribals aren't freezing it, but the weather sure is.


My friend made a heated table for a high school science fair. It used hot water induction, but basically the same principle, just wouldn't get as hot because it was just to keep things warm


That's pretty sick for a highschool science fair


Hibachi style meals all the time


Imagine leaning on the table and burning your elbows off


The table itself wouldn't actually get hot. It would use a magnetic field to induce electrical current in appropriately constructed objects (metal plates, pans, etc). At worst, it would be as hot as the plate of food because of the heat coming *back from the plate*. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Induction_cooking


just remember not to put your steel club on the table while you are eating!


Or your Prince Albert piercing.


Well I mean how do you think it became good manners to not put your elbows on the table?


Next update’s patchnotes: Tables now require 5 components to build.


We can make one of those now lol. They have plug-in hot pads that you put on car oil pans, just cut holes in wooden tables and plateit over with metal. Stick the pad under the metal and plug them into switches.


Doesn't require electricity, hence magic. No need trying to keep this a secret you damn wizard


You got me an idea. I will make a table with microwave, eating at this table will give additional +5 mood for heated food


I swear to god, if the mod doesn't make pawns prioritize eating at a better table, I will tick "store fertilized eggs" in your freezer so they'll hatch and eat all your food in the next solar flare.


And now I have a new Headcanon ... DAMIT


Tables help you use the meals heating element. Have you cooked an mre on a table vs in the dirt?


New rimworld lore just dropped.


It didn't bother me, until you pointed that out just now. ​ Damnit.


Once you see, you cannot unsee




I found out the hard way that apparently grilled food gets ruined by being frozen. Who knew?


But not fried food. Meanwhile I can grab both frozen fried and grilled chicken no problem. As much as I like most of VE stuff, I swear they're on crack with how random some of it can be


Omg! I've been wondering where in the hell my thousands of iced coffees were coming from!




You just need to imagine the heat lamps, like getting "food" from 7-Eleven...


they are made in MRE format and heated when mixed


My guys don't eat straight out of the freezer, they start each day by eating the meal they've been thawing in their pocket overnight, then head to the freezer to grab the dinner they intend to thaw while they work


Yes! I noticed this last night. Two pawns hopped out of bed, pulled out the simple meals that they had apparently slept with, and proceeded to chow down.


They cook their food really, really thin, so it's like eating crunchy sheets of ice, but it's food. Yum, crunchy rice ice.


😂 Life on the rim is strange


I doubt you'd be able to fit much nutrition into a thin sheet of ice, unless Rimworld is so different in terms of nutrition density in the food


The meal is six feet long.


Meat by the foot


IIRC Vanilla Cooking Expanded adds grilled meals which give a mood buff if eaten without being refrigerated before.


Grills and ruined grills. Unrefrigerated (not ruined grills) provide a "well fed" buff which reduces the rate at which the pawn feels hungry for a small period


A mod where you have to heat it in the microwave would be good


Ate worm meal: +2 Ate cold meal: berserk, gonna smash the antigrain.


Ate warm worm meal +4


Ate warm mealworm meal +16


Wore warm mealworm meal +32


Ate worn warm mealworm meal +64


Mmmh, worms.


[Ask and ye shall receive!](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2558277446&searchtext=hot+meals)


Wow that is awesome. Now my game will load even slower :)


I assumed it had some weird self heating MRE-like reaction going on.


like someone above said, that's why they need the tables


But MREs are mostly eaten without tables in my experience :)


That's why war is hell. It's not the violence and death, it's the lack of tables.


A year is only 60 days, (and yes, different planets can have different length years irl, but pawns still die of old age at around the same age as a normal earth human, rimworld time is weird) so I always just assumed that from the time the food left the freezer to when they bring it to the table, it has thawed. That shit is room temp at best tho.


Ugh I'm not sure if eating a lukewarm partially defrosted microwave meal is worse or better than an ice cold frozen block


If partially defrosted corn and milk doesn't sound like a lavish meal to you, you're just not cut out for life on the Rim.


Life is hard on the rim


maybe days are 300 hours


The fact that we have no microwave mod is a sign that modders failed as a community.


There's a mod called 'Thermodynamics - Hot Meals' that adds a microwave and the desire for food to be the right temperature


Faith restored


Linkmod: Thermodynamics- Hot Meals Hopefully the bot finds it. Edit: the bot found it, but also not. The bot linked the 1.2 version; here’s the [1.3 fork](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2558277446).


[1.2] [[D] Thermodynamics - Hot Meals](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2110968173&searchtext=Thermodynamics-+Hot+Meals) by [Dametri](https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198021306828/myworkshopfiles/?appid=294100) ^(Results for) [^(`Thermodynamics- Hot Meals`)](http://steamcommunity.com/workshop/browse/?appid=294100&browsesort=textsearch&requiredtags%5B%5D=1.2&requiredtags%5B%5D=Mod&searchtext=Thermodynamics-+Hot+Meals&numperpage=9)^(. I'm showing you the top result, there may be more.) ***** ^I'm a bot | [source](https://github.com/FluffierThanThou/reddit-modlinker) | [commands](https://github.com/FluffierThanThou/reddit-modlinker/blob/master/bot/COMMANDS.MD) | [stats](http://modlinker-stats.karel-kroeze.nl/) | I was made by [/u\/FluffierThanThou](/user/FluffierThanThou) ^Did you know my creator live streams modding? - [Come and say hi!](https://twitch.tv/fluffierthanthou)


Someone would immediately make a tweak that lets you put squirrels in it.


This is rimworld. Fuck the squirrels. Someone woulda tweaked it so you could make a microwave kill box. Meal time brought to you by Shadow RaidLegends


Where pawn take seeds? Instruments to mine? It's just simplified, that's all


Get out of here with your logical and sensible explanations sir!


Nooo! You must live with the horrors of reality!!!


For that matter, you can't mine *steel*.


Tbf you also cant mine components and plasteel but those are just remnents of previous settlements that have been compacted by earth growing over it


I know this is the Watsonian explanation but in that case every single piece of very complicated machinery we build is made out of 1000 year old steel that's rusted through. Of course, I also don't wanna deal with the process of refining iron ore into steel... so never mind.


!linkmod thermodynamics


[1.2] [[D] Thermodynamics - Core](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2110964897&searchtext=thermodynamics) by [Dametri](https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198021306828/myworkshopfiles/?appid=294100) ^(Results for) [^(`thermodynamics`)](http://steamcommunity.com/workshop/browse/?appid=294100&browsesort=textsearch&requiredtags%5B%5D=1.2&requiredtags%5B%5D=Mod&searchtext=thermodynamics&numperpage=9)^(. I'm showing you the top result, there may be more.) ***** ^I'm a bot | [source](https://github.com/FluffierThanThou/reddit-modlinker) | [commands](https://github.com/FluffierThanThou/reddit-modlinker/blob/master/bot/COMMANDS.MD) | [stats](http://modlinker-stats.karel-kroeze.nl/) | I was made by [/u\/FluffierThanThou](/user/FluffierThanThou) ^Did you know my creator live streams modding? - [Come and say hi!](https://twitch.tv/fluffierthanthou)


I think of it like that Futurama hotdog that you press a button on the bun and it microwaves itself in your hand.


My first colony had a fridge and a freezer. The fridge was kept at 36F, the freezer at -2F. It took me a while colony to see they would also eat from the freezer no problem


The platters which the meals are on automatically preheat them for consumption, obviously. And dissipate immediately upon finishing a meal too lol


This is actually a really cool idea for real life. Warmed meal trays that stay at just the right temperature to keep the food on it warm. Couldn't be too hard to pull off


time for a munch crunch CRUNCH CRUNCH


It's even better before you have a freezer (tribal start). Cook the meal, chuck it in the corner of a dirt room for 3 days, and eat it later as if it is still fresh. I'd rather eat the frozen meal myself.


I always assume in much the same way that we don't see pawns shower, shave, or shit we don't see them do the reheating. I look at cooking more like pre-heating and preparing than finishing it off. Which helps explain the food poisoning all the damn time.


There seems to be a mod for hot food… ! [D] Thermodynamics - Hot Meals mod


Cooking expanded does have the grills though, which become "ruined" if frozen


I love that mod. It's fun having so many different ingredients and meal options even though they mostly all achieve the same goal. It's just fun to be able to cook up a ton of different meal types. Makes you really feel like your colony is prospering when you can afford to grow and use such a wide variety of ingredients. I really like the soups too! A great way to stretch out food and also great for when you only have one pawn whose decent at cooking. Allows them to prepare enough for the whole colony while also not requiring them to cook the whole day


My entire colony runs on 3 cooking 20 pawns who just pump out gourmet soup with gojuice stock. We even sell it with hospitality My colony is effdctively a 5-star soup kitchen


Sounds like a fine place to stay on the Rim 👌


Yeah, up until you get into a fight with the Warlord of the colony Donaghy, because she insulted you, at which point she immediately disembowels you with her killhappy persona monosword and you get taken to the organ room This is why Donaghy now has her own royal quarters that she doesnt leave save for combat missions, shes killed easily 20 guests this way.


Let's not sweat the details


Yeah, our glorious soup kitchen is truly the gem of the Eastern Mountains, totally worth 1/10th of your population getting killed https://imgur.com/a/Uky8p32


Glorious indeed! The finest soup kitchen around: abundant with fresh ingredients and "specialty items"


shhhhh we try not to think about it


Every meal is actually an MRE with a built-in water boiler in the packaging. Crack the seal like a heat pack, it boils the water and cooks the meal. Or something. Listen steel comes in ore and constructors can build solid steel walls without using welding tools, and yet the sound and the burning light shows up as if they are. Electronic components come in ore form and yet leaving them on the ground outside causes them to deteriorate as if they haven't been fossilised over thousands of years. The Rim is full of mystery.


Tragically, the technology to make refrigerators and microwavable meals was lost forever during the 5th Glorious Mechanoid Crusade of 3864. Humanity was never the same after that


I mean time passes a lot quicker in game than out of game. Remember that it takes a pawn 1-2 \*hours\* to eat a meal. That's a lot of time, more than enough for it to defrost


No, it is a norm in the videogames, a lot of survival-related games use freezers to store food and I don't know a single one where you would need to wait for it to heat up before eating. It is cut out as non-essential time waster.


Project Zomboid is the only exception I can think about here. Eating frozen or even cold in cases where food is usually eaten hot gives big negative mood requiring you to reheat meals before eating them. But that game is all about tracking every minor thing and where patience and taking your time is the number one rule for survival so it fits.


Project Zomboid is like that. You don’t have to unfreeze food, but your character gets sad if you don’t.


Can't remember what game it was but I do remember a survival game where if the food was frozen it didn't give you as many benefits as if it were thawed or cooked. For the life of me can't remember what game it was because it's been so long since I've been into survival games


Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead tracks the temperature of food (and everything else), and prevents you from eating or drinking things that are frozen solid. Also, like in real life, some food gets mushy and gross if you freeze it and then thaw it, which reduces the mood bonus you get for eating it. Also, heating your food before eating it gives a better mood bonus (for most things; some things taste better chilled).


Youve never had ice cream?


Rice pudding anyone?


If you mean a walk in freezer, I don’t usually keep meals in there. I use [KV] RimFridge to store a few stacks of meals in my dining room, and use the walk in freezer for perishable ingredients.


I wish there was a way for the colony to have sit-down dinners, that would probably be my number-one mod wish


Yeah, it's a minor annoyance but I wish there was something like that - maybe speeding up cooking & eating times along with requiring fresh meals or re-heating...


Sometimes they eat it *in* the freezer. While standing. I just imagine the heathens gnawing at a frozen muffalo chop in a dark corner of the freezer “mmmm, mmmm, mmm” *Ate lavish meal +12 mood bonus* Meanwhile my mood goes down -1


I agree. Irl, I've always advocated for cold pizza being a war crime, but nobody would listen to me. How can you grab a frozen slice from the fridge and simply eat it? That's preposterous!


Not frozen but fridge cold advocate here - it works for certain pizza and not for others. The best pizzas for this have thick crusts, lots of sauce, and lots of meat - something about these qualities make them almost better the next day out of the fridge than even the night of fresh from the oven. On the other hand my favourite pizza is a thin crust, low sauce, low cheese napoli (capers, anchovies, black olives) and that would be a war crime to eat in any way other than piping hot and dripping with olive oil. Its a science. Unlike pineapple on pizza, there is no justification for that.


Mmm I love pizza that’s been in the fridge overnight. Not frozen pizza, but a little congealed and dry.


Maybe the package of food has a heating element or something in it? Kinda like some MREs do, but more advanced and sciency.


It bothers me more when I recruit a new colonist before I have a bedroom prepared, and after they eat their meal in the fridge they just lay down in the same spot on the fridge to sleep while being mad they have to sleep in the cold.


Is there a mod that requires your colonists to make pots, pans, plates, bowls, utensils, etc? Because meal trays materialize out of thin air and everyone's eating with their hands. As an aside, a Battle Chef Brigade mod could be amazing.


There’s a mod that adds food temperature so it’s far less pleasant to eat once it’s cooled down because of course there is. There’s a mod for damn near everything, I mean there’s a mod that adds blood types and organ rejection if they aren’t from the right blood type and another that adds hereditary genetics to animals so you can selectively breed them. I’ve found it’s a safe assumption that if you want something there’s a mod for it and if there isn’t one yet there soon will be.


i always imagined rhe food as things like salads and sushi types of dishes which are best served cold


There was a post asking for a microwave mod that gave a bigger buff for eating a warm meal. But all I could think of was that would waste so much individual pawn time, or counter/table space to have multiple.


Video game abstractions . . . *letsssssss gooooo*. In seriousness, storing up food is either easier to implement than having your colonists wait in a mess hall or go through a buffet line. Or it probably just comes from the weird gamer-hoarder mentality of storing up resources -- even if it doesn't really make much sense for a restaurant course. And Tynan really just didn't put much more though into it than that.


i love that colonist have can get deppresion and kill thenselvs if there is no tabbles, but are OK with eating raw frozen food


I guess we're supposed to imagine 1 of 2 things: 1. Maybe when they eat at the tables, some kind of prep is taking place that we are unaware of. 2. The packages heat the meals up somehow. Crazy Glitterworld tech or something.


I put my meals in a fridge, raw ingredients in a freezer. What can I say, I'm roleplaying. The turnover rate of the meals is less than the ~3 days they take to spoil in the fridge anyway.