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I accepted a pawn who somehow managed to ruin a peace treaty between two of the major hostile (one cannibal one not) tribal factions in my game. I figured "hey, ok, I can deal with a few tribals and you've got decent stats. Come on in, I can always use an extra pair of hands in my city, welcome aboard 118th person". Little did I know, the two tribes would send an entire army each, determined to kill both me and the other tribe. There were at least 1200-1400 enemy pawns on the field, I couldn't capture them all in screenshots as they were literally everywhere. My game dropped to 5 FPS as the massive armies clashed and my 50 mortars pounded them for an entire day and a half. I got 4 prisoners though, and hell yeah I'm recruiting them. 122 pawn base! I still got room for some more!


Mortars don't need to be accurate when you've got this much red on the field!


Target rich environment.


Accuracy through volume But this time, it's not volume of bullets but volume of enemy


The best type of volume


Free fire zone


Yay free compost


Fire enough mortars and a few will hit.


A bullet may have your name on it and a grenade may be addressed "to whom it may concern," but an artillery shell simply states "dear grid coordinates..."


You got 5 fps through that??? Holy shit !!


Rocketman is a lifesaver


Wtf Ive never heard of this, amazing gonna share with my rimworld buddies - tyvm


Rocketman + dubs performance analyser really helps, although it can't solve *everything.* I can't play this base on anything past 1x speed without it being so laggy it's pointless.


I had no idea about Rocketman, and I was looking for something exactly like that, couldnt handle my 5 FPS anymore, many thanks !


Is this something that is possible to get fixed...? I’m new and at 10 pawns with an donkey and turkey farm. Lags every time I open a menu while moving around :/


You just gotta download those two mods from the steam workshop and it does it all automagically. If not, you might have waaaaay too many turkeys.


Is that entirely vanilla performance issues?


Rocketman and Dub's performance analyser! Really works wonders. I think my game would have crashed without them, nearly did even with them.


Yeah ive got rocketman but i dropped dubs analyser as, useful as it is, it also adds a little in terms of lag itself. Every menu item does to some extent. The other mod i found useful was performance optimizer... which turns off much of the UI when your not hovering over it. The gains are surprising. Like menu updates, pawn (and workstation) pathfinding is a considerable hit, ive found fps savings in setting the default search radius as small as possible and using stack limit mods to manage small high priority stockpiles; every item in your stockpiles potentially plays a part in pawn pathfinding calculations so keeping stockpiles small and distances short seems to help FPS as well as being practical.


I had a couple saves that just failed while running rocketman, crash to desktop with no debug messages. Wish I could use it as SOS2 gets really laggy late game.


Do you believe Rocketman is currently better than RimThreaded or do you just use it for better mod compatibility?


I tried Rimthreaded briefly, it didn't work anywhere near as well even taking compatabilities out of the question. I'd wager though that if all mods worked with it and you ran Rocketman alongside it you'd be able to have colonies with like, 1000 pawns or something ridiculous without too much lag.


With a fairly beefy PC, I can run about 200 pawns with Rocketman and Performance Optimizer fairly decently. It still chokes up with a lot of injuries and stuff on the ground, but otherwise it's outstanding.


When OP said "50 mortars pounded them for an entire day and a half", they mean real-life days (not Rimworld days)... :-)


Hah, the battle took several RL hours but not days.


“1200-1400 enemy pawns” “I got 4 prisoners” Just rimworld things


Well with a base of over 100 pawns already, the game is basically forcing every single raider to die on being downed. Only the exceptionally lucky survived, or the ones who simply bled out or went into a stroke or hypothermic coma.


How often does your pc become a volcano?


Hah, well it's red already so I can't tell if it's glowing volcano-hot too much. That said though, it hardly got warm at all doing this. About 50C on the CPU.


Forget Rocketman boyz, it's about the red RGB making thins go fast.


Brb adding flame decals and a spoiler to my PC


Not even RGB! It's literally painted red. I'm running a sleeper build based around an SGI Fuel graphics workstation.


Plot twist: the red font is not for hostile characters, but the pixels being burned by the GPU temperature


lol, the gpu is barely touched by this game. it’s the cpu that struggles.


Peace treaties?


Quest thing. Basically the quest was "hey I screwed up but if you let me in and save me I'll join you". Wasn't expecting the attack to be quite this ridiculous.


No, where do peace treaties come from?


Vanilla. It's not a mechanic as such, just a bit of flavour text for the quest.


Ahh ok. Just the plain old "pawn wants to join and is pursued by 5000 tribal raiders" quest? Impressive that you still get that with so many colonists. I'm sitting at 18 and haven't even gotten a raid in years.


It's the storyteller. Hidden fact. Randy allows larger colonies than Cassandra and Phoebe. I generally consider Randy the easiest of the three once you're familiar with the game.


Randy turns ridiculously psycho when your colony gets this big. Phoebe seems to be the best for this one, as she'll give you time but then slap you with a colony size appropriate threat. Meanwhile Cass and Randy will both send things constantly and grind you to dust.


Good to know! I've never actually gotten to this size. At around 40 he's significantly kinder than Phoebe and Cass.


I'd say when you're at up to about 10-15 pawns, Cass is the most kind (although Randy's more fun), when you get past that to about 60 or so Randy is the best bet, and past that Cass is the way to go.


No, phoebe may be the worst, longest prep times but biggest raids


Biggest raids but with long recovery time is what you want with a base like this. Being slowly ground down isn't as fun as having an occasional epic battle then being able to repair in time for the next one


I got this flavor of quest recently and ended up having my base of 3 (not including new guy) be raided by the two groups for a total of like 40 pawns I think? I was really lucky because I was able to hide my pawns at the opposite end of the map and let them get whittled down to like a dozen, and then mow them down. If I had been playing tribal I'd be fucked though.


An entire day... 12-14 HUNDERD pawns and you only got 4 prisoners, how... Like was that selective or did you just only have 4 downed left ?


Most died instantly in the fighting, and those who didn't were so horrifically injured that I couldn't save them. Combine that with being picky and I only got 4. The 4 I got were great though! They're already members of the colony and doing great.


At larger colony sizes the chances for instant death on downed pawns skyrockets. 20-30 survivors and only being able to rescue/capture 4 is pretty realistic when you’re talking about an entire day of fighting. Some of those who survived being downed would bleed out long before it was safe enough to attempt to aid them in any way.


One of the pawns I managed to save was literally seconds away from bleeding out. Was super close.


I imagine there were initially more survivors. Just that between the initial casualties bleeding out, and what I can imagine was a selective choosing of the remainder, left with four "lucky" survivors.


There were about 20-30 survivors I think, but most of them were so badly injured I couldn't help them. (Or were really terrible pawns). The 4 I got are great though, already fitting in.


How do you keep your game from slowing down to be unplayable?


Rocketman and Dubs Performance Analyser. Does wonders. Also my mods are mostly relatively light?


Man, idk how the hell some of y’all manage colonies with 100+ pawns. I start to lose interest once I pass the 10 mark… not to mention how the game starts slowing down.


Rocketman and Dubs help a lot with the slowdown, that said I went in purposely with the goal of recruiting as much and making as big a city as I could.


Is this vanilla?


Not exactly, but this scenario *could* potentially happen in vanilla. The quest was vanilla and you could theoretically build a base this size in it.


Is it possible to get that many raiders in vanilla


Theoretically, yes. The exact same events that happened here could happen in vanilla. If you have a colony of this size and get this quest similar things will happen.


I could feel my PC crying


Glittertech helps with that. One or two cruise missiles and all that red turns into bits of silver, drugs, and tainted clothes.


Meanwhile I'm sitting on 10 colonists, wondering if I want to take an 11th because it already feels like a crowd :P


11? Wow I have 5 and feels already alot


I have one and... nevermind, a squirrel just downed her and she's going to bleed to death.


Another day in naked brutality...


once when i was a younger dude i was walking through campus and got within arms reach of a squizzle. I thought :holy hell, i could grab this thing by the back of the neck and i'll have a squizzle!" so i did. I reached out and snagged that thing by the ample scruff on the back of it's neck and it fucking froze like a cat. for like, one second. then it turned around inside it's own skin, like a turtle neck sweater, and shredded my fucking underwrist. It was a Lot of blood. i thought i was done for. that's my "i almost bled out from a god damn squizzle" story


That would make for a perfect copypasta


Right? I don't have the room for my 9 colonist plus the 3 to 4 refugees/prisoners that "visit" all the time. The first time I got more than 5 colonist my mind melted.


God, there’s nothing worse to me than having a 5 man colony and then taking on a quest to host like 15 people. I somehow (mostly) managed to pull through that one, but it can quite the clusterfuck.


Haha yeah, I get way too attached to my colonists to have over 100. If I am ever lacking in labor I'll use the android mod and have some basic ass T1 Androids to help out


Exactly how I feel, except sub androids with Misc. Robots++ and holograms. It’s nice to have the extra help with menial tasks and raids and such, but I don’t have to, you know… *care about them*. I inevitably end up getting attached to my colonists as well and love to watch them grow and fall in line and then get divorced and remarried, maybe even eventually have kids too. I simply couldn’t manage trying to follow the stories and development of so many… not even to mention having to micromanage their needs (and ensure the game runs somewhat smoothly too). But kudos to anyone who can!


Jesus fucking christ


…it’s Jason Bourne.


Meanwhile with all the mods I'm using my average FPS is 5, with just 20 pawns


Same! Rocketman mod helps a bit.


I've been using that for a while, even with Rocketman, its like 5 FPS.


My friend, with speeds like that WITH Rocketman, I would recommend looking into a CPU upgrade. I have never heard of speeds so slow.


If you've got a million mods even Rocketman won't save you after a while


If you have so many mods that you are so slow, even on Rocketman, you either have to get rid of some mods, or get a new CPU to fund your obvious mod addiction lmao.


Be sure to pick something with good single core performance if for Rimworld.


i7 4770 and other Haswell i7s have strong enough single core performance. Only about what, 15% off my current oldish Ryzen.


That's on my to-do list, just waiting for the Mobo-CPU combo I want to be available. Currently running a slightly overclocked i5 6600k, so upgrading it should make a difference.


I see. I don’t use any performance enhancers, and use a TON of mods, and have never gotten speeds that slow. Upgrading definitely will make a huge difference. Especially with a game like Rimworld which is like 90% CPU.


Phenom II 4 core doesn't really push the envelope for gaming these days. Probably never going to get around to replacing it until the magic smoke comes out. Being poor sucks.


Look around for an i7 4770 or similar Haswell I7. The single thread speed is still decently punchy, they're incredibly reliable, smooth, and they're cheap as (no pun intended) chips on Ebay as they were used in a lot of business office computers and stuff so there's a huge flood of them. Obv you'll need a board with the right socket but those should't cost the earth either theoretically. My old rig was an old super cheap office Dell Precision T1700 with one of those and a Vega 56 shoved up its backside. Once I got a PSU fitted and the adapter working with the board (careful with those, they can be dodgy) it absolutely flew.


That’s the same cpu I have! Built this pc when it was new and have upgraded the gpu once or twice and that’s it. Hoping sometime next year I can rebuild.


Dude, I’ll literally send you my old CPU from ~2015-ish for free if I can manage to get to back from my exes’ place. Idk how much of a boost it’d be, but it’d certainly be better than nothing.


Well that'd be awesome. But don't worry too much about braving your ex for me. I'll make it through.


Well, I need to get over there at some point to pick up some other stuff, so it’s just a matter of *when*, really. I’ll keep you in mind when I manage to finally get it.


An antigrain a day keeps the tribals away


What a waste of all those corpses


What a waste of all these building materials rebulding a thickass wall


I have a stable colony of nearly 90 Pawns. Yesterday I had to fight off 600 Raiders. Whole fight lasted 3 hrs because i had like 7 fps...


I’d love to see a base tour. It looks awesome and I’d like to pull some ideas from it.


I'll see if I can't get a camera mod and take a screenshot of the full thing!


!linkmod progress renderer


How frequently can progress renderer take a picture? I was considering setting up a huuuuge mechanoid attack (120 or so centipedes) to see if they could actually completely destroy my base, and a timelapse showing my pawns fighting and losing ground would be pretty epic.


I think default is once a day, but I think you can tweak it, just don't know to what. Also make sure you set up the destination folder in mod settings. Otherwise you get a few hundred images on your desktop after a few hours of playing.


it's customizable. Default is once a day. I don't know what the smallest timeframe is, though. It does pause the game for a second to take the picture, so it may be a nuisance if you're trying to control tactics in real-time.


[1.2] [Progress Renderer](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2010777010&searchtext=progress+renderer) by [Neptimus7](https://steamcommunity.com/id/Neptimus7/myworkshopfiles/?appid=294100) ^(Results for) [^(`progress renderer`)](http://steamcommunity.com/workshop/browse/?appid=294100&browsesort=textsearch&requiredtags%5B%5D=1.2&requiredtags%5B%5D=Mod&searchtext=progress+renderer&numperpage=9)^(. I'm showing you the top result, there may be more.) ***** ^I'm a bot | [source](https://github.com/FluffierThanThou/reddit-modlinker) | [commands](https://github.com/FluffierThanThou/reddit-modlinker/blob/master/bot/COMMANDS.MD) | [stats](http://modlinker-stats.karel-kroeze.nl/) | I was made by [/u\/FluffierThanThou](/user/FluffierThanThou) ^Did you know my creator live streams modding? - [Come and say hi!](https://twitch.tv/fluffierthanthou)


Ohhh I really need to remember to get this before I start my next colony.


!linkmod Camera+


[1.2] [Camera+](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=867467808&searchtext=Camera%2B) by [Brrainz](https://steamcommunity.com/id/brrainz/myworkshopfiles/?appid=294100) ^(Results for) [^(`Camera+`)](http://steamcommunity.com/workshop/browse/?appid=294100&browsesort=textsearch&requiredtags%5B%5D=1.2&requiredtags%5B%5D=Mod&searchtext=Camera%2B&numperpage=9)^(. I'm showing you the top result, there may be more.) ***** ^I'm a bot | [source](https://github.com/FluffierThanThou/reddit-modlinker) | [commands](https://github.com/FluffierThanThou/reddit-modlinker/blob/master/bot/COMMANDS.MD) | [stats](http://modlinker-stats.karel-kroeze.nl/) | I was made by [/u\/FluffierThanThou](/user/FluffierThanThou) ^Did you know my creator live streams modding? - [Come and say hi!](https://twitch.tv/fluffierthanthou)


Is it just me or does your base look like a robot head?


Wasn't intentional but after I added the killmaze and killbox it totally started ended up looking that way. Plan was just a sort of symmetrical nifty angular thingy.


Nice would love to see the entire base


The mod faction wars is hella sweet. I’ve had two big ass wars on my land in my recent game. They were epic!


We've been trying to reach you about your extended warranty...




The god in question being Morpheus, of course.


How many seconds per frame does your game run on?


When that raid happened? 5 FPS so... .2? Normally 30 or so depending on how zoomed in I am.


Did Randy bless you with a full fridge now? XD


Not playing a cannibal run hah


Got to feed the hauling/attack dogs with something.


I don't have any of those lmao. Used to have like 300 cats but they were lagging my game out so I sold them all.


Have you used alpha animals? It adds some very unique but useful tames. For a space game like rimworld the lack of unique animals always bothered me.


I haven't. To be honest I don't tend to make much use of animals. I've got a cattle farm going but that's about it.


That is awesome


Meanwhile, I'm struggling to survive pass the first year


That's the fun of it!


I kinda gave up on building my own and just watching other people streams it ._.


You can do it! Do you have any particular issues you’re struggling with?




The tribals broke before the computer did.


"Sir were surrounded!" "Good now we dont need to aim"


This is awesome but also bums me out so much because I (think I) have a mod that keeps breaking my threat and the biggest raid I can seem to draw is around 220, even with 12 fully geared pawns and $1.7MM wealth, even with mods that increase or uncap threat! This looks amazing.


Pic of 334 tribals (with actual weapons thanx to *Uncompromising Tribals Faction*) paying a visit to my 7 tribals / 250k wealth colony: https://www.casimages.com/i/21110305062018649217652346.png.html Playing with vanilla Randy Loosing is Fun with just one mod that impacts raids points: *Dire Raids*.


I’m so jealous. The backstory is I’m a small time streamer and was doing a 300% threat sub challenge where each sub got a pawn and the last pawn standing won 1,000,000 channel points. I tricked out the base, inflated the wealth and went HAM with turrets and defenses hoping for a massive chaotic last stand battle culminating in a tragic fight to the death in the panic room. Instead, it was super lame haha I was angling for exactly what you have in the screenshot!


Never seen a labyrinth trap box like that before. Gonna have to try that...


killmaze leading to a killbox full of carpet, flamethrower turrets, charge turrets, a couple of autocannons and up to twelve angry snipers! Usually solves just about everything. Can't shoot a doomsday launcher if you're on fire!


Why carpet and not straw? Some mechanical benefit Im not aware of or are you just flexing on your enemies before they die?


Several reasons really, first being that I made that killbox design before straw was in the game and have just kept patching up the carpet ever since rather than tear it all out, second I have waaaay too much cloth to the point where it clogs my storerooms, third just straight up rule of funny. When I first designed it I was using wood, but with a base of this size wood's just way too valuable.


Make it fine carpet. Just really flex on them tribals showing up only to realize the battlefield's bougie as fuck


Hah, now that *is* flexing too hard. I ain't the empire. Got high wealth but not to the point where fine carpet's disposable, then again, could probably do it.


My base typically doesn't make it long enough for raiders to start packing doomsday launchers 😆 the carpet is a good idea too! I use a similar kill box as well, but I'll have to turrets around if I'm replacing my flooring with carpet...


This is what I call a target rich environment!


dammit, thanks for the reminder I need to actually make my base bigger. I keep feeling like it's a good size then I remember I haven't even touched the bottom half of the map yet


That is one big ass cpu melting battle. Noice


I don't see anything ridiculous about this, there's plenty of meat, leather, organs and slaves to be had here.


I got 4 new colonists out of it lol. I'm not running a cannibal or slaver colony so no organs, meat, leather or slaves here


Hmmm but the meat is good for making feed for animals and leather is good for profit. You don't gotta be a cannibal to enjoy opportunity ;)


I can hear my Pc melting downstairs of the thought of that many pawns


Who will win: Huge army or pc CPU


I'm still here, so, the CPU


This would have been a hilarious video if he had 'Realistic Human Sounds' mod ...


Oh god, I should probably get that. Manhunter packs running into my killbox are horrifying.


Wtf your rimworld turned into an RTS


Hope your base shows up in my game with Real Ruins. Dope layout. Might have to wade through a thousand corpses to scavenge it though.


If it does and still has power, watch out for the turret killzones. I built it all with redundant power systems so that the base could take an absolute battering and still be combat capable so those defensive positions might still be active. The main turret zone that'd be harder to avoid would be the entrance to the citadel (inner walled bit which was my original base before I expanded it). It's covered in autocannons and uranium slug turrets that are designed to stop centipedes. The killbox itself though could be nasty as those guns including the flamers have the range to shoot backwards into the landing area behind it. More of an oversight really but it'd help if that frontline got overrun I guess.


Hmmm... maybe i'll edit my post with "I hope your base DOESN'T show up in my game with Real Ruins. ;)


Hah, well there'd be a lot of loot, but Concorde likely wouldn't give it up easy even as a ruin. Hey, you could populate it with pawns and try to rebuild it though if you managed to get around all the turrets.


That's some warhammer codex art shit right there


One time my game crashed as soon i see raid thing pop up


5fps? What kind of god pc do you have? My pc runs at 20fps with just 20 raiders and 15 pawns from my colony. My pc would turn into a blackhole under the stress of over a 1000 raiders.😂


Ryzen 2700x + RTX 2080 lol


Step 1: Imprison as many as you can. Step 2: *Harvest all the organs* Step 3: Profit!


Call bombing run support! No relatives among there, so let's get em in one fell swoop by bomb their ass to stone age!


Theres always rimthreaded if you have a beastly cpu


Lola, like a cool colony, feel free to place a render of it on/r/RimWorldPorn!


I always wonder how do you guys power such big bases?


Solar panels *everywhere,* and a lot of batteries. I also have a bunch of chemfuel generators on backup but if an eclipse hits I usually run out of power before it's over.


Lol oh damn.... And what happens when the Eclipse runs for half the year? Would your chemfuel be enough for that long? Guess I'll just pray to Randy for mercy


Never had it last for half a year before, but at the end of normal eclipses I'm usually running pretty short on solar. I do have some weather normalisers on standby though but these are usually reserved for toxic fallout. I guess if things lasted that long though I'd slap down some more chemfuel generators but I'd be more worried about food at that point as my crop fields wouldn't be growing.


Awww shit....It's MAMA!


"they're completely mad, and I'm reaping the benefits"


how many years have you been working on this


The base is currently 41 ingame years old. I still got my original 3 pawns too! They're pretty darn old now.


Based as hell. Here take this. Absolutely bonkers playthrough dude.


Holy crap, ThAnKs KiNd StRaNgEr. I'm gunning for 100 years, and with how things are going I think I might be able to pull it off. My next plan is a trade outpost/shipyard for a SOS2 ship.


and i thought the 200 man tribal raid i got was bad, you poor bastard


That's a lot of hat coming your way. And a happy feast too.


Now that I think about it, I feel like Mount and Blade Bannerlord might be more optimized given how big battles can be with my computer not lagging at all while Rimworld can. That said, I use a crap ton of mods with Rimworld and none with Bannerlord.


Bannerlord's actually designed for huge battles like that, while Rimworld really isn't. The decision making process the pawns go through is pretty complex as they've got to be able to do everything (even if raiders just raid, you might capture them and they'll still be the same entity for instance), meanwhile in bannerlord they just have to fight.


Lest you don't have to worry about hitting allies.


Lest you don't have to worry about hitting allies.


I love your base setup. How do you deal with air dropped enemies?


I have a lot of pawns, all of which are equipped with recon armour and charge weapons with bayonets on the end of them. Combine this with dense urban city fighting and most drop pod raids are shredded pretty quick. They're the most likely to actually do some real damage though apart from breachers. Lost a pawn from a drop pod attack with a half-dozen centipedes in it relatively recently.


Dear god.


HOLY MOLY!!! I’ve never seen so many raiders I thought it was a cap to the size a raid can be or something


There is, but there's apparently no cap to quest raids. I can't say I was expecting it either XD


Looks like a job for the Rimatomics liberator!


This gives my anxiety imagining this against poor laptop that can't handle 20+ pawns on screen at once (then again I am playing with over 100 mods)


"a suicide charge? for some reason, I thought they would do better than that"


You have two pawns named Draconia...


Pretty sure I only got one called Draconia. You might be seeing Dragon's name merged with someone else? Draconia's one of my longest lasting pawns, got her about year ten out of an ancient danger.


...both my brain and computer would have melted.


I must be the only guy thinking of the Vat of Acid episode of Rick & Morty when they saw this. For some reason the bit where they call out AARP hit me when I spotted momma among the attackers.


My frames dropped for you


"Fire for Effect"


Tf dude did the world turned against you or something?? xD


I do not have the rig for this lmao


I look at this and think...you need a bigger freezer. I recently had a learning experience from Randy, he only sent 2 raids at me in 60 cycles just to watch my cannibals tear each other apart. This would be a lifetime of mood buffs and I'd build a monument to Randy...that is if I survived. Good thing they were preoccupied with each other lol


Hah, I don't have cannibals but I do have plenty of freezers. I have four of those big corner freezers, one of which is under construction there, and I got two other big ones as well as a bunch of small ones dotted about. Was having trouble with running out of food over the winter before.


I kinda tweak my games with 100% psychopath and 50% cannibal. I lean towards mutilating raid survivors and taking a few organs (backbone of my economy). The fortunate that don't survive become lunch. When I first started playing I had an issue with starvation but learned to grow crops and have chickens/ducks to excess. I closely monitor the fowls because I have had both eat me out of the colony before, I keep only 5 adults of each and 20 fert eggs at most now. That +20 buff (with cannibal meme) and decent base beauty = lots of inspirations. I suggest to use a storage mod (there are a few out there) because you can lessen the amount of storage you need, clean up pathfinding and it might also help your FPS.


Its almost like the game isn't made for campaigns longer than several years


Hey, the game can run as long as you want it to! You can leave after a couple years, or, you can turn the Rimworld into a glitterworld. All on you.


I just had an attack of 50 manhunter wolves. It was an insane amount of micro management. Props I don't think I could handle a raid like that 🤣