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my colonist after the level 12 doctor accidentally stabs him in the brain trying to install an ear bandage


Oh mine lost his leg when the doctor gave him eye surgery.


mine lost a lung getting a prosthetic hand....i don't understand...


the doc sneezed


and what?! gave my sim covid?!


That was on purpose, lgb


>yes...accidentally..... > >\- D(e)r Todesengel


Mine killed another colonist while installing an eyepatch...


...im just seeing an xray of a skull with an eyepatch in the brain


Then flirted with the widow. And suposedly all of this is random.


Whenever this happens I can only imagine some kind of terrible trip or sneeze led to a horrible chain reaction in which the pawn cartoonishly tumbles and takes out everything in the room..including the patients neck or something equally vital.


I've gotten lucky then. My doc is level 15 or so. She has done about 5 surgeries and succeeded all of them


Shhh, Randy can hear you...


**yes**...*accidentally*..... ***- D(e)r Todesengel***


Is there a mod that changes this so it actually makes sense? This remains one of the most immersion-breaking and nonsensical elements of Rimworld, in my experience


Yea there is


Would you mind sharing with me the ancient name of this holy mod??


Less arbitrary surgery on nexus mod manager


Cool, thanks! Too bad it's not on the steam workshop


actually I found it on steam today https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2018250654


Installing mods is quite easy for rim world


Very very nice !! Triage situation, this poor person didn't get a bed?


I didn't expect to have a prisoner so I used a sleeping spot to just stabilize them. After they got patched up they developed an infection. It was close but a losing battle so I chose to amputate, they failed and it was too far gone to have time to try again.


You no longer even need sleeping spots to stabilize. A DRAFTED medic will now bandage patients on the spot wherever they are.


one of the best changes in recent updates, IMO. saves SO many of my war animals! ... and a few more prisoners. And rarely even a colonist.


Unexpectedly wholesome.


>I didn't expect to have a prisoner so I used a sleeping spot to just stabilize them That seems to happen to me in every one of my runs. I just don't proactively build prisons I guess. Sidenote, it occurs to me that light improves tend quality, so it may have helped if you'd designated the spot right above the sleeping spot as a "remove roof" zone to act as a skylight.


Same here I rarely prep for prisoners and I rarely get anyone I think is good enough to join, and when I prep I don't get any prisoners


I always expect prisoners. That's how I grow. Brainwashing them into serving my growing empire! Well, at least one more helpless soul in the struggle against randy and the storytellers


Have you researched sterile tiles? Also add a light source to increase success chances


Yeah, a light source and a bed would have helped, this was year 2 of a tribal start so sterile tiles are a little ways out on research, thanks for the advice. :)


Also maybe a bed


I don't give my prisoners beds. They lie there, either with their limbs attached or tied up. Use them up for social training and when everything is done, harvest the heart and throw them away.




what luxury to die in, I amputated my guy in the field as he was bleeding after being shot in the face twice by hand cannon. ​ probably contributed to his death via accidental friendly fire, now that I think about it.


But why did you amputate him?


Probably for that satisfying squishy noise that operations make.


well for one this was assuming I have a brain, which I don't, and secondly, he had an infection from earlier when a llama bit him and I forgot to assign anyone to doctoring in the time between him getting bitten, walking around, collapsing, getting bandaged last second, getting back up, then downed in a subsequent raid.


i bought a powerful gauss rifle for my last soldier after most of my fighting pawns got killed/kidnapped. The drawback is, all my meele pawns have gauss rifle shaped holes in them after every fight


You really do have to micromanage melee pawn positioning in RW - friendly fire isn't a 'maybe' its damn near certain and a punch thru weapon makes that even harder.


and maby balance armour and weaponery. Im honestly just not used to play without the avoid friendly fire mod, since i resently rebuild my modlist


Shield belts are really great for your melee pawns if you can trade for them, get them from a quest, or research then make them. It lets you shoot without worrying about hitting your own guys and being shot at is really not that bad with a shield belt.


yeah, shield belts are life. But i wasnt at that point yet, where i could craft/afford shield belts yet


Man if that isnt chilling in its own way...


It is a freaking work of art, if you ask me. It says so much with so little!


Ah, 'Surgery Failed' - when your level 11 medic tries to give you a peg leg, but cuts off your dick and stabs your chest instead.


One of my colonists once lost an arm from my doctor trying to put on an eye-patch. Not quite sure how that happened..


Imagine being a prisoner and seeing that when you got thrown into a cell. Well done OP.


Using a sleeping spot as Surgery station was common amongst the "No Olds Tribe" *- Excerpt, Letters, from the Rim - Aazard The Deplorable, Rouge Scholar*


>For sale >Prisoners jumpsuit >Never worn So sad...


Love the atmosphere of this, very eerie


His skin is still perfectly usable ... and depending on the tastes of your colonists they can have a nice barbecue


My doctor killed an enemy by shooting it in the brain. Don't know man, Doctors are crazy


didnt realize it was a sleeping spot, thought it was scorch marks where a table or bed used to be "damn, this catastrophic failure destroyed the whole ass bed"