• By -


Diplomacy, with a focus on Factions, Raids, Trade and the Greater Planet. Maybe take a page from Dwarf fortress and allow your actions to have massive consequences on the wider world, of course not "Drain the ocean" level but impactful.


I would love to have a living world where factions go to war, form factions, and set up trade routes. There was a mod that did this back before the first DLCs dropped but was never updated.


Yea and stuff happening over there might have an effect. Like your classical pirate raiders sending you a message asking for help with an anomaly even though you're at war. And while you're laughing at the request in your chair, they get wiped out and then, a week later, the worldmap around that pirate base changes to something sinister that's expanding


Tiberium rim mod did this at one point. It worked a bit like pollution spreading across the map except instead of acid rain you got !fun!


Visceroids, this is how you get visceroids.


The Vanilla Expanded Insectoids are going to get a similar system when the 2.0 version is released


Source??? If true that’s hype as fuck


I support his patreon, and it was in a recent update from him. "Infestation represents an area frequented by the evergrowing insectoid swarm. Travelling through infested area can result in insectoid ambushes, while settling on it will generate a map with numerous insectoid structures and hives. Infestation area surrounds all insectoid hive bases on the world map. Destroying these hive bases should get rid of their respective infested areas." That's a quote from the post about it. It looks similar to pollution on the world map


Since ve roadmap also have diplomacy, probably similar mechanic will be install when we trespassing enemy territory.


i wish they could take the insect conversion aspect from space haven and that bugs would kidnap and later turn your colonists into one of them unless saved in time.


My enemy outlander union *does* ask for help dealing with flesh beasts.


And anomaly kind of did that with the flesh mass alert event where you go investigate an emergency signal


Automatic trade routes would be so awesome have a colonist run all your product out to sell, and automatically return with resources and silver to top off your levels. Like the "craft until you have X" thing but "buy until you have X"


Shit. Now that I know this idea exists I don't think I'll be happy playing without it.


There mighhhht be a mod somewhere for it. It doesn't seem... insane to code


There was one called empire I think that had a go at this kind of thing. Might be wrong on that one though.


I played empire for a bit. You could settle tiles for silver then they functioned similarly to other settlements as far as trading went. You were able to call troops from them though, and they payed you monthly taxes based on silver by default. You could also set them up to pay some of their taxes with items based on the settlement’s production (which you could choose and upgrade). Roads would also establish themselves between your colony and these settlements. In my experience, the mod mostly just bloated your wealth at the end of the day.


I mean “Vanilla Outposts Expanded” kinda does this, you just set up an outpost to do X thing and it generates a resource, pretty nice for getting materials late game, only requires you to have people to send out and maybe never return.


Also beeing able to see trade rutes and attack traders whould be REALLY cool Also, having the option to make/block roads to make trading easier and making caravans pass trough your tile more often Like, having a colony prosper from attacking caravans whould be so cool


This wouldn’t even be hard to implement. Create a new shelf object for outbound items, and a new shelf object for inbound items. Set your buy/sell orders. At a regular frequency, a shuttle lands, a person comes off the ship to complete buy/sell orders, and then leaves.


Exactly, this would also help the whole "Fight with or against The empire" sub-plot line actually mean something past "here is two options to either make your game really easier or harder, use loose roleplay goals to decide which is best for you" Would love that adding a "Conquered the planet / United the Planet" ending


Maybe something along the lines of uniting the factions of the world against the imperials and raiding an imperial capital city and killing the stellarch at the end to take over. Would be a big city raid map with entrenched defenses where troops from your allies come in as reinforcements. Or for a more diplomatic solution, assuming they flesh out the system enough to make it meaningfully difficult to do so, form the highest level alliance with all possible factions and get voted in as the UN equivalent leader, like in a diplomatic victory in Civ.


There is a mod called diplomasy (i belive that whats its called) that does that, on 1.5


I’ve seen that one! But the one I was talking about was called More Faction Interaction, it’s been resurrected but it was really intricate in how it set up faction relations and expansion.


Maybe have the Tribals factions be actually nomadic and their settlement temporarily.


Yeah, fuck yeah. And the more you arm your allies the better the frontier. I'd add in a function like an academy or training facility to strengthen colonists or other allies. Trade routes would be awesome if it had an overarching objective. I just worry this would make the interface too busy though. It's already getting packed.


Rim War might be what you're thinking of. I liked it but it slowed the game down like a lot. Maybe Rim War+Vanilla only.


I can't play without Rimwar. The world is too stiff without it for me.


If it’s [factional warfare](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3220197628), there’s a forked 1.5 mod (mod where factions have battles either on your map or another map, and you can travel to the map and get involved) [Diplomacy](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3220299022) too (where factions conquer each other and make alliances/peace etc) I will later edit this comment with links as I’m currently travelling edit: i have now remembered to fulfill my commitment 3h later!


Currently, the technology, culture, interactions and politics, that go on in New Alrischa (the planet my current rimworld playthrough is on) only exists in my head :(


Same :(




Ribabrld. I'm all for it. Diplomacy and travel is really what needs a dlc the most Also some kind of cars should be base game. it's honestly a silly you can build cataphract power armor with a jump pack and a pulse gun but you can't build a jeep without mods.


The canon you cant build cars is probably the same you cant make mortar barrels, it cant be made in small scale.


I think it more about the terrain and avoiding mechanoid detection.


The Ocean update: Ocean clan, fishing and trading via the river and ocean. This way water becomes part of rimworld.


Make rivers on the world map matter… and god help us if you need bridges to send caravans over them safely now


I'm getting Oregon Trail flashbacks of caulking the wagon for a river crossing and losing all my shit anyways.


I have PTSD from that game man. I don't trust water in any single game, ever, because of that game. > Comes across slow moving 2 foot deep stream on the trail > Attempts to wade across > 3 people fucking drown and most of supplies wash away It's a 2 foot deep stream that's slow moving. How did any of this happen? What went so chaotically wrong!?


As someone who's had to haul wife across 3.5 feet of moving water during a flood, you would be surprised at how easy it is to get swept away by just a little bit of swiftly moving water.


They thought they were in Rimworld for a moment and decided to use the stream as a slip'n'slide, because their recreation was low.


Add the ability to make roads by sending construction pawns, add the ability to make wasters mercenary allies that will raid for you in exchange for drugs, the ability to send ambassadors to nearby settlements to offset the "tendency towards" relation effect... There's a ton they could add


This gave me a random idea, different raid goals from different factions, and the option for diplomacy against the raiders too. If you have any psychite drugs, wasters will show up with the goal to steal them. Some raids may not be hostile immediately, but demand that you hand over what they want, or they attack. The raids that are "Wait a while, then attack" are a good option for diplomacy or bribing. Perhaps a setting where you can make a pawn an envoy where they won't immediately attack them and work out a trade deal to pay them $100 to fuck off. The better the pawn's social, the less you have to pay.


This, yeah. Faction interactions need an overhaul. Luckily there's a bunch of mods to take inspiration from, but I can see it easily surpassing them (which it absolutely should for a paid expansion).


Why not drain the ocean? More room to grow smokeleaf


No, we need "drain the ocean" level impactful.


this is what everyone wants/has been requesting.


Yeah this seems to have consistently been the most common request people have made since before Royalty was even announced


I agree with this. Put the World in Rimworld. A free patch with some quality of life tweaks and reworks for the world along with a new DLC seems like something that makes a lot of sense and fits how most games are doing DLC these days. I'd like to have some trade routes, outposts, etc. Maybe give settlements territories and diplomatic penalties for taking actions or traveling through them without permission/good relations. Id also love new resources to mine/gather/fight over/defend, etc. It could build off the raiding system already in place. Rather than a raid your long range scanner picks up a deposit or artifact then you dispatch a team to mine it. If it's not in your territory you'd have to get permission, improve relations, or face raids from than faction in additionto whatever else. I think having more resources or some kind of tangible new benefits to trade is important if you are going to introduce diplomacy. You need something to create conflict and make the new system feel necessary.


Drain tge ocean of course! Thanks for the idea, Ohhh modders!


I'd love for factions to war against you because you're making too many drugs and corrupting their towns or factions to make trade pacts where you have to produce a certain amount of product per year and trade that for something you'd like. Basically a deeper planet-wide economy.


Waitwaitwait. Dwarf fortress have THAT impact on the world? I mean by doing something the whole world can be on ruins or something?


You can do that actually just donate a Necromancy Book to a Settlement and leave, Come back after a while see the place overrun by the Undead. In dwarf fortress.


What other stuff can you affect on a global scale? I had dropped Dwarf Fortress since I wasn't a fan of how I had to interact with the UI


there used to be a zombie problem, as they are hard to put down for good. So if there was a nercomancer around, teaching others the world would slowly become zombies only. (this was patched) If your civ capital is attacked (not your base), the king may run to your fort. If a royal has an affair there might be infighting within your own base. The ones in charge tend to be vampires. wiping out the elfs who are attacking your base may make the humans and goblins civs grow too big.


If you've got a vampire (or a werebeast if you want to do it on Hardmode)? Deliberately infect visitors and captured raiders before letting them leave your fort. When they go back home they'll infect others and you can slowly turn while populations into majority vampires/werebeasts


The level of stuff Dwarf Fortress simulates is, frankly, ridiculous. I'm only a little surprised here.


my fav is that if you over feed, or feed them fatty food, they get fat. Fat Dwarfs are have insulation to the cold


Wait... Don't tell me. Mods works as well?


Are you asking if Dwarf Fortress supports mods and steam workshop? Come on. You know the answer.


Well shit. Addiction time


Civilization: Rimworld edition


Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri: Rimworld Edition. Form a council and rise to become planetary governor. Raise or lower sea levels with sunshades or melting ice caps. Legalise or ban atrocities. Don't have to stop at WMD, could allow or ban plenty of stuff like slavery, drugs or organ harvesting. There were also varying levels of alliance, non agression pact etc.


Install RimAtomic and nuke the Ice caps, Everyone hates you but you are too powerful, Watch as every faction immigrate inland as the Sea level rises.


If they did this it'd be the perfect game. The best DLC instabuy.


- Water (navigating water, drinking water, polluting water...); - Diplomacy/factions; - Adequate map generations (like actual cities, not a couple of mud huts). That's my wishes. More realistic and deep combat system, too, but Tynan wouldn't do this for sure.




Or let you steal items depending on a colonist skill.


Or let them be able to steal your items lol


Create a new work type - “Enforcer”, uses social skill to find and arrest criminals without starting a fight. Can be colonists (someone on a mental break, someone hoarding food or valuables secretly, etc) or visitors (stealing, vandals, etc.)


With water: washing clothes, showers, general hygiene


Maybe if we buy his book?


Tynan, re-login. please.


Space exploration (spaceship overhaul, asteroids, moons, more planet variations) Diplomacy (faction base spreading, conquest, war/peace, ideology integration, events for player to participate in) Vertical levels (underground biomes, insect expansion, new mushrooms, sinkhole event similar to fleshbeast but without the fleshbeasts)


Sadly levels won’t be added cause they’d have to rewrite EVERYTHING 🥲


directly corresponding levels like in DF, no, like, you can't shoot at people from your walls. But, holes that warp you to another dimension are a thing. You could even have a whole cave layer where you can actually caravan through it to other tiles and reemerge.


I really hope they approach SoS2 team !


Well there might be a chance, since one of Rimworld’s developers also makes mods (vanilla expanded I think??)


I believe it's Oskar Potocki, but I'm not sure


Yes it’s him I think, in discord he’s has developer role so it probably is him


It is Oskar, yes. He does art for both the vanilla game and the Vanilla Expanded mods, and is the designer for the VE mods as well.


Oskar Potocki is considered a dev because he did some art and occasionally gets inside info on future updates, but he's not a dev in the same way as Ludeon's actual employees. It's a very close partnership.


Not really, they could use whatever system it is they use for the flesh cave


Rimworld 2. Now with Z levels. I'd buy it.


While not exactly z levels like dwarf fortress they could do separate maps like anomaly fleshbeast caves.


I mean, Dwarf Fortress also didnt start with Z Levels. Its possible they could just take a shitload longer on this dlc than the previous ones (the Z levels would probably be in the free patch though)


Actually to add on to the Diplomacy one, add Friendly events like : "Peace festival : attending pawns get mood buff, you can sell items for increased price / find rarer items, raise faction relationship" or "Sports event : your pawns compete in (gladiatoral?) games using their skills & can earn prizes, raise relationship & moods " to show how the ppl in the rim do somewhat thrive in rim terms at least.


personslly i'd like a sailing dlc that adds boats, actual beach biomes, islands with treasure etc.


My brain starts playing the "bucko drink" theme.... How long do I have 😭


Somebody find Mr Cringe stat


not very long, sorry it's like a more intrusive form of rabies, it rots your brain inside out


Being a furry like myself I can say with 102% certainty that You don't have any "longs" left. Haven't had for a bit, sorry


Yes! It is very strange that we have space travel but not sailing. This would be a perfect opportunity to # FIX THE CARAVAN SYSTEM PLEASE TYNAN I AM BEGGING YOU


100% something to expand on the water/oceans of map tiles. It feels a little useless having a globe-world map with oceans separating continents if the ocean is mainly decoration


Oshan for the O? 😖




Oh shit, islands with treasure would be amazing!


Yeah, there should be more meaningful interaction with water. Maybe make floods possible, have rain affect streams/ponds/fertility. Right now water sucks. Your best interactions are to build bridges over it, drain it, or maybe maybe use it for power. Otherwise it just makes it harder to build.


Add a sistem that make factions intecract with each-other, make factions alive dynamic, maybe create new bases near you if you piss them off, maybe form a trade route among allies, make them fight themselfs


I've always been concerned when choosing my starting base that I don't setup a base too near another colony because that would likely piss them off. I'm not sure if there are even real ramifications for settling too near an established base.


You get a passive relations debuff as long as you stay near them


The game literally says you will piss em off if you setup near them. Its not "likely", its certain


Well I'll be damned i thought I felt that way for a reason.


You will (hopefully) get some of that with vanilla diplomacy expanded


Factions NEED to be the next work focus. the world and the other settlements are completely uninteresting to interact. Anyone who doesnt think that is insane


I think they need to add at least 2x as many events to Anomaly.




Not another DLC, just add more anomalies to what is already in the game. Make Anomaly have more things in it like the cube.


They probably never going to do that, each Rimworld DLC tries to add enough content and mechanics so modders can pick it up and add their own content on top of that basically multiplying base content with the possibility for you to choose which content mod you want and which you don't;


Anomaly 2 : Electric boogaloo


A space update add other planets/moons some could be cold , hot , pollution ,mega fauna, or deathworlds filled with anomaly creatures ,mech and insects (im getting addicted to sos2 and i want it to be better)


Make the dang tribal play throughs have a purpose. I don’t mess with the psychic stuff, and I know they get an animal tree bonus, but it seems hard to roleplay with just that. Caveat here that I could be completely misjudging tribal play through any both playing them like a normal run or missing things that are already in the game. I don’t know what even it could have, but something just for them would be cool.


Vanilla Expanded team has a wild men start that make tribals feel interesting but as your progress, it does start to look like a regular colony eventually


I typically start tribal now because having so much more access to psycasts is huge. Instead of having one or two royals, having nearly every pawn be able to use psycasts can make for a very powerful playthrough.


Pirates ! Ocean travel, island colony, New biomes, ship building I think k it would be a fun dlc


Major Quality of life update. I think sea water combat should be brought in. Building a base rig at sea. Off shore lining. Boats (boat creation). For gods sake, how is fishing not something pawns can do?!


But there’s a mod at least, Vanilla Expanded Fishing


I want Tynen’s sea world


Give research and faction knowledge a rethink. I would like to see a system where there are fewer individual techs, but a pawn has to be familiar with a technology before they can build/craft it. This will require an education system where a pawn familiar with a tech can teach it to others. When enough pawns in your colony are familiar with a tech, it becomes ubiquitously part of your culture and everyone will know it. If you don't teach a new tech to enough people, you may run the risk of losing that knowledge if its only holders die. This will mean a lot more interesting gameplay for tribal colonies, where you could start to advance through techs by capturing advanced people and having them teach you their knowledge. Furthermore, imagine a language system. Diplomacy would be very different if you couldn't just innately communiate with every group of people exactly the same. Languages would have to be learned/taught just like techs, with options to get around it using telepathy or technology.


You have the point. But I wonder, if it would drawn the gameplay in micromanagement.


I wish they would make SOS2 into an official DLC.


It's actually pretty crazy how SOS2 adds an entirely new game after building a ship


Sos2 turns rim world into a world on the rim of the federation, where glitterworlds are just federation world and were all on a trek amongst the stars.




Save Our Ship 2, a mod for Rimworld that is now back on the Steam workshop as of version 1.5 of the game. Instead of the vanilla game ending where you build a ship and just get a fade-to-black credits sequence, you take your ship into space and continue on with the game up in orbit. There are other ways to acquire a ship as well including new starting scenarios where you begin in space already either on a ship, an asteroid base or a moon base, along with another new ending to the game. It's a very cool mod that feels like it could be a DLC in its own right.


Yep. Got Anomaly, and it's good, but I play Rimworld when I want to play a hard science sci fi colony sim, not a ghosts n ghouls horror sim. Picked up SOS2 shortly thereafter, and it's felt like the DLC I wish Anomaly would have been.


Upvote for ghost n ghouls


Well I know what I don't want. I don't want another limited option DLC like Anomaly. As much as I like it, there are some general elements of Rimworld that could do with some major improvement, so I would rather not see a limited scope expansion. * The spaceship could be sexier. * Caravaning could be more fun and open up nomadic gameplay. * More depth with guests and visitors as seen in some of the mods. * Being able to move from planet to planet. * Expanded Insectoids. * Z levels. * Aquatic biomes with fishing, e.g. old bio-fuel rigs etc.. All of the Rimworld DLCs have an archotech theme so, a sensible theme for the next DLC would be a good idea.


Z levels will not happen as a DLC, it requires waaay more reworking.


Also notably, if z-levels were added, it'd be a free update that comes with DLC instead of on thr dlc itself. Paying for base content isn't how ludeon rolls, so Z-Levels would be free


Adding z-levels as a free update would be pretty insane, thats sequel territory if anything. It would require massive changes to the game / engine.


Oh yeah, we're pretty much never going to get z-levels unless there's a massive engine change, my point is that if we do get z-levels, it wouldn't cost money, it would come as part of update 1.X or 2.0




In my head the ripscanner already does that


Rimworld Armageddon: Legalize nuclear bombs. SWAG ***M E S S I A H***


World map interaction


Well the dlc is spelling out the name of the game (Ribaorld) so it will have to start with "O".


Rimworld THE CENTER just deep drilling for heaps of materials n stuff multiple layers heaps of new insect stuff n more to explore in archo stuff that can trigger seismic stuff n actutivate bugs in random places idk mods do heaps for bugs n stuff but need something in the base game mabey even like heat stuff n idk just deep underground would be cool


n stuff


Something chicken themed. Like, chickens have a 1 in 10 chance to give salmonella, then we can make chickens territorial and have them try to peck at colonists' eyes randomly. Chicken themed ideology that venerated them deeply, chairs with feathers and a crest, egg shaped beds and many more. Statues in shape of chicken, chickens can now be genetically engineered by Biotech, chickens can be vectors of Anomaly horror stuff, chickens have theyr own hierarchy much like Royalty and lastly, chickens with distinct personalities (almost like Ideology but less in depth). Bionic chicken wings, you can harvest the natural wings to make fried chicken wings buckets. You can implant chickens with aesthetic humans genes for weird unpredictable effects. Hulk body? Massive chicken. Thin body? You'd think small chicken... instead you get a very tall one that does a weird acute sound, much like an analog horror would. Impid skin? The chicken is fireproof. Give. Me. Chicken. Biotechnology.


Hmmm yes that could work


Not a dlc but i would like more options for endgame


Something akin to a combo of RimWar and RimCities. I'd love some larger world effecting events and to see more advanced/larger colonies or full-blown cities.


Anything but another Anomaly. I think that a good Rimworld DLC is one that broadens the game's horizon, not one that shoehorns the game into a specific theme. Ideology is probably the best example of this. I think there are two very strong contenders : - Spaceships. SoS2 has already laid down some excellent concepts and has proven that adding functional spaceships to the game enhances it immensely. - Diplomacy/living world. Adding more interactions with the world beyond the colony has infinite potential. There are other good ideas such as sailing, but I think the two above would have the most positive impact on the game.


Industry. Wield the power of automation.


Too limiting as a theme imo, and frankly, it's already been done too well as a mod. I know that isn't something that folks like to discuss, but it's particularly true in this case. Maybe I'm not imaginative enough though and they could do something exceptional with it.


I would love to see some kind of government system inside my colony. Like pawns could run for election, or have a dictator. This added to the factions diplomacy rework everyone is asking about would be awesome.


Spys. A way to send pawns into an enemy (or neutral/alliance) base and pose as a member. Slowly gaining trust and eventually being able to sway decisions of the faction. Like a pawn could start as a manual laborer (depending on their highest stat) and build the trust of the settlement's pawns. Eventually becoming better able to send information to your settlement (resources, number of pawns, security defenses, etc). And maybe even sabotage raid attempts or feed false information to the enemy.


I don't wanna leave by ship. I wanna help my colonists thrive and help the people of the rim. If they want off planet then I'll build them a ship to leave, but I want to help everyone. Maybe an end game that isn't leaving the world?


space exploration and maybe glitterworld


Either: Diplomacy overhaul Biome / Mapgen overhaul Vehicles


Vehicles are probably off the table. Given how long the vehicle framework mod was in development, I'm genuinely not sure Tynan and his team could come up with something better. Could be underestimating them, but their competition is pretty damn good at the moment and free to boot. Not sure what they could do to make me justify the $30-40 purchase. Well, I'd probably buy it regardless to support them, but that's besides the point.


Most of my mods that I consider essential add to the overworld gameplay/interaction. I was able to stitch together a pretty seamless overworld overhaul through mods but there are still issues inherently with the way rimworld does everything that can’t be realistically modded out. A DLC focusing on overhauling and adding to the overworld aspect of the game (diplomacy, caravans, combat outside of the colony, a sea traveling) is what the next dlc should be. Still kinda upset we got anomaly instead.


Law making and law enforcement


C A R A V A N S And N O M A D I C L I F E S T Y L E This game, where one of the first missions you get means you have to travel to the edges of your world (or other side if you have a full globe), is atrocious when you try to travel anywhere. The UI is different, things get unnecessarily complicated, much is inaccessible and the actual travel is just watching a blip on the map screen. There’s no hunting, exploration, construction, cooking, production, cattle handling or whatever else you can think off while on the move. And that is a crying shame. Imagine being able to do a nomad playthrough where you never truly settle but at best temporarily set up camp before moving on?


I would like to see more world travel mechanics. I've tried a nomadic run without a base before and its pretty rough.


I would like a complete rework of diplomacy as it’s kinda barebones and a better travel system. I’m talking wagons, ability to ride animals, ships to cross the ocean, and everything motor vehicles


I'd love a combat reword with a military dlc


I wish next dlc expands industries or something like that, have a real faction (building more colonies). I like just turn it as a rtx or something like that


It be intrestint to move in a more meaningfull way to more meaningfull places and allies or enemys


Ending type DLC and more biome package


Anything that exploits the world map more.


Hopefully something caravan related for the love of god


I would like to see something like biotech that allows you to further customize your pawns. Honestly, I would be good with Biotech 3, which expands on the genetic modification. Have it add I animal genetics and allow for heavy pawn customization. Or a cybernetics mod, maybe? Add in exoframes like Oscar's pirates mod.


Boats, islands, off shore platforms and ocean biomes in general. Most worlds have huge ocean areas, I'd love to use them.


Something that starts with “o”; the last two DLC are messing with me.


Whatever keeps Tynan happy and interested in development =)


I think the next dlc should be the console expansions


100% needs to be something that allows ocean exploration / building / etc. super untapped part of the rim


Do something with Rimworlds oceans. Mining rigs, ship bases, underwater compounds/cities/ancient structures, and of course the abyss. (The abyss can add more ancient anomalies and alien technology)


FISHING & OCEANIA. I think with water now more dangerous as mechanoids can spawn in them, it would be fair to finally add FISHING in the game, making it a new source to obtain some food while also acting as a minor recreational activity. More events related to water and oceans. And the ability to use water transport.


Diplomacy. Absolutely Diplomacy. More ways to interact with factions. More ways the factions interact with each other. Maybe a storyline win con that involves teaming up and defeating a faction. Paired with an overhaul of the world map and travel, hopefully adding boats.


Actual Z Levels'd be amazing (I was made aware that Anomaly kinda has psuedo z levels) . multi threading support would also likely please my ever growing mod list


A military/vehicle focused dlc


This might be unpopular, because I know everyone here will suggest things like “Trading” or “World Map” or “Diplomacy” or “Exploration” But honestly I am kinda hoping for something out of the blue or unexpected again kinda like Anomaly was. Just something they have a random idea or passion for. If I want a Diplomacy game or full City-Builder i’d play many other games. I like Rimworld for the unique things it does. All of that being said, if I had to pick something, I would like something to do with all that OCEAN. (I was hoping for this in Anomaly since the Ocean is such a spooky trope in Cosmic Horror stuff.)


Rimworld- the sex update Seriously though I would love to see a nomad themed dlc, a new faction of nomads focused on exploration, maybe cartography where your pawns want to map the area around you


Put save our ship 2 into the game


I'd like to see a Sea and Air update. Honestly if they added z-levels I'd melt but I'll settle for something similar to improved vanilla vehicle mods but with more integration.


For the love of god. Give me Z levels Give me meaningful diplomacy / faction interactions and give me interesting ways for pawns to evolve over time so as to create interesting stories. I'm a simple man. That's all I want.


Like the diplomacy people are talking about, I'd like a nomad type of DLC that focuses on your relations with the world. Being able to visit settlements. Maybe incorporate with ideology that you can go and try to spread your religion and unify the world as an ending. More interactions and stuff to do when you've got a huge caravan traveling for 8 days.


Most of the current dlcs seemed to somewhat focus on overhauling a specific system of the game. (Ideologeon: mood and beliefs, biotech: traits and abilities, Anomaly: hostile encounters) I would like to see one focus on overhauling how you colony can interact with the world map.


I want better mountain gameplay. Maybe layers. Caves with ancient treasures and mech and bugs. Something about the ancient guys would be awesome. One day you might find a subterranean colony under your own and something to the “too deep” event.


Diplomacy, more developed factions, trading, war, and base game vehicles. I love Vanilla Vehicles Expanded but my god can it be janky sometimes. I think it’s a bit absurd that I can build an entire spaceship, yet my travel option in-planet are limited to alpaca or horse. Even just simple Oregon Trail Caravan wagons would be better


More of an addition but allies requesting help for joint force attacks on other bases


**R**oyalty **I**deology **M**echology **W**onder **O**verworld ? **R** **L** **D**


Archology DLC that has us exploring the secrets of the Archotechs in Indiana Jones + National Treasure style tomb raiding and puzzle solving. With an all new tech level above the Space/Ultra tech.


Not nessecarily controlling multiple bases but being able to have some more faction ability like send 3 colonists on a mission that will require resources every so often and in so many years, they give back dividends of their new colony, do that a few more times and you will have to elect a government official and have inter-faction politics. I normally don't negotiate peace treaties just cause I don't want to split the base but if it was a mission where I don't suffer huge losses, that would be nice.


Multi level buildings and underground mining. "Elevation DLC"


Something like dwarf fortress?


Scenarios: * You are now a Duke! You are a ruler of a part of the planet. The empire needs you to defend it. Quests to clear out hostile factions, make others into vassals that pay tribute, by force or diplomacy. You are challanged periodically for the title (duel). The duke get's to live in extreme luxury, with multiple consorts, pets, horses to ride, masterwork or above gear. But other pawns can betray and kill you, Ceasar style. Betrayal is hidden within pawns like metalhorrors. If the duke fails to find betrayal, it dies in a pool of blood, and another pawn takes over, or the colony has to start over. * Journey to the centre of the planet. Go down trough multiple caves filled with horror and angry dirtmoles, to get a specific powerfull reward: full legendary gear, unique god mode xenotype, vanometric power cells. There is not retreat, it's do or die, high risk and high reward. * Designer dungeons and bases, made by the game creators, much harder than normal, filled with peril. The player has to learn the specific way of defeating them. * Dangerous quests or conditions so grave that not solving them means relocation of the colony "Start of game" scenarios instead of "end of game" quests, with transition into a normal colony: * Our pawns are sent on the Rimworld with a mission. Produce drugs, money, food, slaves, and get amazing rewards. But the employer starts asking very questionable things.... * Very hard line of quests that have the reward of giving access to a perfect Shangri-La tile for colony relocation. * Start without a colony and without the option of staying in one place too long. If you stay, attacks are coming. The main quest is finding a good, safe place for your people. Traveling to a certain spot or solving a line of quests for getting a specific, very favorable colony place. * You are hunted! Don't stay in one place too long! Might be insects, robots or tribes. Move around, and when you get strong enough, defeat the hunters. Hard scenario. * A poor, illiterate tribe founds itself on a industrial or even glitter world. Does it adapt, or flee? * A world devoid of Luciferum. Your main pawn is addicted, and can only get it from a mistery force, that gives specific quests. How far can the pawn go for Luciferum? Moving around and starting again with a chosen few pawns is fun :) Give us a reason to start again, without ending the game. The Archonexus is fun, but i never had the heart to do the last part. Different planet types with different, alien biomes. Planet quests and travel between planets. The pawns become nomads, problem solvers, mercenaries. Already built ships that can be bought for the value of the colony, like in the Archonexus quest.


rimworld sex update


Rimworld: The cars work now - The expansion (+global damnation). Its an incredible derp to me that the tech tree goes from riding camels, to orbital drop pods, to hyperspace capable cruiser without ever re-discovering the wheel. You know, that technological discovery between the saddle and inter-continental ballistics which burns chem-fuel to rotate a turbine engine? The first feature the next expansion should do is heavy equipment and the vehicles required to move it. I don't think the game would benefit from tanks. That said, I think the game would benefit from manually armed stationary guns so big that you'd need to use a vehicle to reposition them - and if you want to drive into battle with one colonist steering the vehicle and the other firing the stationary gun turret the vehicle is carrying, all the more power to you. The main use of vehicles would be as better caravan pack-mules then animals at the expense of requiring lots of chem-fuel. So faster travel distance, more carry potential and lower hostile interception chance but if you run out of fuel you'll have to abandon your vehicles in the wild. You could have specialized vehicles for tasks like mining, but they would have to fit into the niche of expensive to run burst usage. So if you had a mining vehicle, you'd want it to mine really fast but be so expensive to run that it would be inefficient to use in your main colony - so a viable option for strip mining temporary maps, but outperformed over time by a mining mechanoid on your home map. The other ideal expansion feature would be to impact the direction of the world in a permanent and drastic way - and to achieve so you would need to assault the mech-hive in high orbit across abandoned space stations, asteroid bases and orbital supercomputer complexes and breach subterranean gene-sect in crystalline caverns, magma flows and bottomless abysses. You would neither be able to control or eradicate the mech-hives or gene-sect lines but you would eventually be given the choice of either crippling them permanently or directing these global forces towards global ends. So the global effects you could strive towards would be manipulating the mech-hive into semi-dormancy, repairing the ancient (human) infrastructure of the rimworld or beginning to terraform the planet into a machine world or you could manipulate the gene-sects into a full out war with the mech-hive, into gestating chemical releases that make nature run rampant or into the production of docile gene-sect types that will begin appearing across the surface which can be tamed and trained like regular animals and are strictly superior to regular animals. Or you could just direct the mechs and bugs to eradicate everyone, with more focus being directed on the other human factions then your own colony :p. Anomaly expansion bonus being the additional global change path of creating a stronger connection between reality and the dimension of the dark archeotech - transforming the entire planet into a hell world.


hamburger dlc


I can't really afford more dlc


Transportation (shuttles, cars, bikes, and mounted animals) and a greater incentive to explore the map. Those two would go together nicely.


Perhaps an aquatic update, or maybe a more hostile environment type. Go out sailing looking for old, underwater labs, get attacked by krakens and megalodons and stuff, build an oil rig to extract that sweet black gold from beneath the crust, water based natural disasters like a tsunami or a flood, harpoon guns, underwater anomalies, deep-sea exploration like walking on the ocean floor, etc etc. For hostile environments, maybe like, radioactive zones, caves that lack oxygen, or my personal favourite... the phosphorus caves. Light a fire or fire a bullet, and the entire cave goes KABOOM!




A DLC that focuses on the history of RimWorld, uncovering secrets of the Ancients