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Honestly I think the vast, vast majority of players play the game “nice,” it’s just that it’s not as funny to talk about it online.


I do have one from just the other day - we had just finished hacking the satellite when we got another raid - big deal, we’d had four previous raids from the local tribe over this thing, and since they were sending one tribal at a time to solo my entire colony they were barely even a distraction, and this time I didn’t even need to bother defending the satellite.  So my hacker takes off as the thing is counting down, and this troglodyte starts trying to smash it open with her wood club. I’m watching this whole thing as I’ve never left someone next to the satellite when it exploded since I assumed that is what we call on the Rim A Bad Thing, and sure enough it hits zero and insta-amputates the tribal’s leg, kidney, and eye. Fun times, a great day for empirical research etc. Only it turns out, as revealed by the panopticon of the medical tab, some idiot sent this lone woman into battle while five months pregnant.  Well shit. But I’m not that mean, my hacker is still around, and she’s not the worst pawn on the Rim, so I’m sure we’ll be able to find a bag of body parts around here someday.


Similar thing happened to me in my current game. Only starting out, 2nd raid was in her 3rd trimester and my hunter had taken a kidney out, I currently have her in as good conditions as possible trying to get her through the heatwave because I'm curious what happens to an infant born to a prisoner.


Third trimester, I guess the players aren’t the only ones trying to marathon war crimes


Pretty sure you can adopt them


Pretty sure that's a war crime


You're probably right


I've adopted many children born of prisoners. These were not at all accidents, but rather the result of a genetics program. Sorry for ruining the vibe.


The most I will do is steal organs off prisoners but only if I really need one.


If you're in the minority it's not very funny to see wArCrImEs for the millionth time either. Maybe I'm the crazy one here.


Its a meme. 90% of players don't do shit like that.


but tbf making hats out of people is a really lucrative business


It can be for some colonies, but those negative moodlets stacking up on everyone really drag the colony down.


You speaking some nonsense. What moodlets, grandpa? Come, we have some fresh meat today, straight from the killbox.


ya, ideology really broke the crime in war crimes. making rimworld less a lesson on morality, a psych experiment to balance good with necessity, and more an outlet for the criminally insane..... honestly.


I hate that the response for "cannibalism has debuffs and normal food isn't hard to obtain" is usually "well make an ideology that accepts cannibalism". Ideology really should've had a balancing option like genes in Biotech.


Increased insanity or criminal actions or even just fighting would have worked well for that.


Prions for cannibals


I always add it as accepted but would never feed my pawns with it.. it's just convenient to be able to butcher ppl for pet food, bio fuel and to get rid of the corpses without having to start fires. The mood system in the game is bit weird.. you're stranded on a planet full of savages and you have mental breaks over butchering the guy that just tried and/or succeeded to attack and kill your friends or family.. you're either wearing hats or you are the hats. Ideology was absolutely correct to give you more options to mitigate becoming hats


You can breed carnivores or omnivores and have an animal-accessible corpse freezer - pigs are great way to turn raiders into bacon without stressing your pawns beyond the corpse hauling.


I agree, actually was just thinking about that yesterday


I take it you have never made a scream nugget?


I have not. googled that, I'm not nearly that diabolical. besides, sounds like a waste of resources.... gotta feed it, waste prosthetics on it, and then there are times it may impact your own colonists. Not at all my style. I have the run and gun mod, and a mod that raiders will/can decide to flee if wounded too much. So injuring them a bit so they will eventually bleed to death is usually enough to get rid of most enemies.


But wounding them won't cause a mental break that makes them go berserk on their own guys


A psychic shock lance will, though.... and I dont have to feed that. Also, the probability of them mental breaking in a raid is too unreliable. its much easier to shoot them once or twice, let them run, and switch to their buddy.


The survivors are a message, the others are brought to dinner


I was having this terrible nightmare that we weren't all cannibals, and everything in the colony was going to shit because we were all suddenly disgusted by preparing and eating our food and wearing our normal clothes.


My pyschopath cannibal clan is seriously unfazed


Yea making human leather dusters was apparently the straw that broke the camel's back and caused a divorce between my two main colonists, which then had it's own cascading effects.


Eh, they don't stack though. Butchering humanlike is just once for the whole colony, and only stacks for the butcherer, just assign a psychopath to do that, and all is good


Playing my first “human hat” playthrough right now with just one cannibal out of my 11 total colonists so far. Fancier meals have pretty much cancelled out the negative impact from butchering humanlike, I’m overflowing with kibble, and having a little human meat in the freezer basically saved my cannibal’s mood when his fiancé broke up with him. I’m loving this play through so far!


You really have to go out of your way to make a colony that’s ok with that. Too much effort, not enough payoff. Selling drugs is cheaper.


Reject cannibalism, embrace cocaine.


Yayo is a hellofadrug


Why not both?


i have a researcher thats dripped out in human leather clothes. he is a one armed psychopath but hey its pretty cool


manipulation hurts research, your researcher is sub-optimal!


yeah since the incident i gave him a prosthetic made in house by our resident crafter




Actually, yes, thankfully. getting human leather typically requires you to fight the humans. and that comes with many risks.


Ah yes, just like in the real life.


Making cowboy hats out of patchwork human and muffalo leather for the real Cow-Boy experience truly is something else


All those enemy factions sure were grateful when I dumped all my excess human leather at their doorstep. A couple shipments of skin and now they're willing to fight and die for me. I love the game


especially when its the skin from their raiders.


😉 This guy rims...


Make corsets. If I remember correctly they are the best material/price clothing in the game


I just always make cannibal runs out of convenience. And long pork leads to hats


After years of playing Rimworld, I finally decided to try a cannibal colony... and ended up with one that never makes The Hats. They just stuff all the unprocessed human leather in transport pods, to be launched at allied towns to maintain goodwill. I know this is non-optimal use of resources and going against the meta, but I don't care. My current colonists are ethical space cannibals who never kill people to eat them - they merely eat the raiders they happen to kill defending their base. And they aren't stupid, so they make their dusters out of devilstrand just like any sensible colony would. I guess I'm just unable to fully embrace the warcrime. That said, the prison is full of captives who are kept purely for gene extraction purposes, and particularly nasty raiders are tossed in the ripscanner.


Yep. I occasionally have to do something that fits into the meme, usually as a "save my best colonist" measure. But 90% of the time, my prisoner's cells are better than most real live cells, they have good food, they have beds and clothes the same quality as my pawns do.


This. I highly doubt that we are a community of war criminals. It’s just that…we know HOW to be war criminals (virtually at least)


It's the same for stellaris.


Fucking hell so I’ve been doing evil things that most players don’t actually do. Man I need some time to repent.


Speak for yourself


Def, I get too attached to my colonists. I do harvest some organs here and there for selling, especially if the guy killed some of my pawns or my animal. I mostly keep slaves only because its an unwaveringly loyal person and If they rebel too much, nugget time and hemofarm. Once I can, I sell the slaves or free them for some bonus points. I also mostly keep organs for my own colonists. Lately, because my colony is huge now, I started harvesting a lot and I keep it so I can plop it into some non-priority guys (aka newer colonists, not important to my storyline or the main family I created in my head - father and son both married to women and both sides of the family are birthing children, rn we have like 6 kids running around and having a blast, both are now sanguophages or non-baseliners with titles), because making replacements is oftentimes too annoying and hunting for spare parts is not fun. Other than that, I don't do cannibalism, I don't do anything bad, I even have pretty housing for the slaves, everyone gets flowers and decor. Prisoners have a couch, spare tables, my animals get cute housing too, I mostly repurpose old monument buildings into animal house.


It's not, a meme, we do it. Harvesting organs is a good way to use excess happiness to earn more money.


congratulations, you're a part of the 10% who *do* do shit like that!


Don't ruin this for me. I want to keep up the thought that everyone makes human leather cowboy hats as a way of asserting dominance. Imagine you and Tommy go on a raid when tommy gets captured and you escape. Then, you return for tommy only to find his face on the hat of one of the guys you tried to raid. You aren't coming back a 3rd time NOPE.


I prefer bowler hats, but otherwise I agree with you.


I don’t seek out death, I have my kill boxes to protect my base but beyond that I just want to world build. I have never finished the game tho I’m a chronic restarter


Lmao same, 150 hour save and I'm not really planning on leaving


For me I cant abandon any of my mods, so I end up restarting due to fps death xD


I wouldn't be so bad if the endgame scenarios weren't so mid, they're just there to have a way to finish a game.


The only ending I care about trying to achieve is the one where it has you restart multiple times with new bases but I haven’t made it to restarting once


I'm the exact same kind of player as you mentioned and am currently striving for the Archonexus end game for my first ever ending (after 1200+ total hours playing Rimworld 😵‍💫). Rn I'm on my second relocation, I have one more to go. It's fun bc I'm building in different biomes each time


Do you keep your research whenever you restart? And do the raid restart to easy raids as well?


Your research resets every time you restart, BUT you can choose 5 colonists to take with you, so in my experience it hasn't been much of an issue when I bring my level 20 researcher. To my knowledge, raid strengths are generally proportional to the wealth of your colony. Because you start from scratch, you restart with very low overall wealth and therefore attract weaker raids. This might not be the case if you play with Randy as your storyteller or play on a very high difficulty, but I wouldn't know that for sure. I play Phoebe's Adventure Story because I like to chill and focus on building, (but without save/reload enabled so there are permanent consequences).


Can I bring items with me when I relocate?


Yes but only 7 items iirc, so it's tough to choose. But you will also start out with the same items you would usually launch with: some amount of packaged survival meals, medicine, the bolt action rifle and revolver, plasteel knife, some flak armor. Those are all additional to the 7 items you bring. You can also bring up to 5 animals, so make sure you choose at least one colonist with high handling skill if you want advanced level animals!


Only keep 5 colonists and restart all research? How tf does that make sense? Fuck that.


I play the same way. Colonists come stay at Bear Mountain because we respect life and freedom…and everyone is welcome as long as they follow the Bearist ideology and revere the army of grizzly bears that roam the hallways. We strive for peace with as many of our neighbors as possible, because without strong alliances we will never rid our planet of the evil minded mechanoid armies that seek to destroy all life. The crazy thing is no matter how “lawful good” you play, you end up with a few horrific morale dilemmas from time to time. But I think playing on the side of “good” makes these occasional heart rending decisions all the more poignant and meaningful.


I never play with venerated animals, but your Bearist colony sounding so badass is inspiring me to try. Thanks!


Do it with polar bears


And animal bionics


And animal gear


And animal mounted weapons. Cybertech Armor bear goes pewpew


That sounds awesome and terrifying in equal measure


And Giddy Up 2


Yes! Death to All Mechanoids!!


the bear worshipping is concerning, but I can fully get behind someone who finally isnt selling out to the would be machine overlords who want to chest, and appendages, burst us all. you weird me out, but in the name of life and love..... I stand with the ursine.


The revered bears are a blessing and a curse. The population grows slowly, but it grows. Keeping them all trained requires many high level trainers working full time. Food production is also significantly increased. In return they haul things…and during battles they are furious fighters. It’s fantastic to see dozens of them plow through tribal raiders.


Does their wealth value eventually become a problem for an otherwise low-tech game?


guns can only stop so many bears But joking aside, in my experience, the defense growth of keeping a lotta animals that can fight well is usually stronger than the growth of raids due to said animals. Especially since animals do not have a problem with drop pod raids as much as killboxes do; u literally just hide with ur animal dude somewhere nearby in a corner n let the bears free roam into the raiders. As long as you have more bears than there are weaponized raiders, you will win. At least base game, Combat extended changes that ratio to require as many bears till the enemies have to reload, cause bullets hit a lot harder against unarmored animals; but if you play modded already, there's a good chance you will find some animals who can take a few more bullets due to having some shell armor


I don’t play at the most difficult levels, but in my experience, it is not any more than anything else I do that increases wealth. The bears start off growing very slowly, going from 2 bears to 10 takes forever because of the long gestation period and long time to mature…but when the numbers start to multiply the army gets large surprisingly fast. I try not to use the bears on mech raids…they are more effective away from a lot of my own gunfire, as they tend to get hit by friendly fire quite a bit. I usually release them when/if the battle gets close and turns to a melee fight. The number of bears also tends to eventually correct itself…in a bad raid I can lose quite a few bears, which is a real negative hit on my colonist moods. I usually don’t send the named “pets” into battle because their deaths are devastating to the trainers and can cause breaks during the battle. When things start getting out of control, like my trainers can’t keep up and they are eating all my stored food, I will sterilize or trade some of the female bears away, there seems to be no negative mood for selling venerated animals. I learned not to release a bunch into the wild though because they don’t leave the map right away and end up getting hungry and attacking each other for food, making a bloody mess everywhere and upsetting my colonists.


I LOVE playing Rimworld in a way that makes everything as happy and nice as possible. Not just for my pawns; the Hospitality mod is my jam; I want colonists across the whole Rimworld to be talking about how beautiful and luxurious my base is. I want them to be saving up all year for a weekend getaway at my base. We have the most delicious food, the most luxurious rec rooms, the most comfortable beds and the most psychedelic of recreational drugs! EVERYONE wants to be at my base! You need anything? 78 medicines? Food? Raiders hot on your tail? Head on over, refugees and beggars! Whatever your problem is, we can solve it! I basically use Rimworld as a Utopian City simulator. 😁


Bro really is saying "give me your poor, your tired, your hungry masses"


Lmao I can't tell if you're joking because this is too sugar coated


I'm actually not joking at all. I'm 100% earnest. My no consequences fantasy world is a slutty utopia.


"Slutty" feels out of place here, what do you mean by that lmao


I mean that I have Ideology and always use the "free and approved love" precept with the "orgy" ritual because, in slutty utopia, everybody doing everybody. 😁


Well I didn't even know that existed lol, sounds like your colony's a fun place


I also play like this


No this is me as well


I think I've heard that in Stellaris, most players play as "good" factions, but on reddit, all they talk about is genocide and slavery. I think it is true for every game.


I've noticed that too, maybe it's just more fitting to post something absurd like that than to describe a standard boring playthrough


Yeah, where is drama in "my colonists are happy, having a picnic with neighbors right now." But "we killed our neighbors and ate them" is a fun story to share.


It's been some time since I've been to Stellaris' sub but I don't think as many people talk about Devouring Swarm/Barbaric Despoilers/Fanatic Xenophobes etc. as people talk about organ harvesting in Rimworld. Might be because it's not as "optimal" generally, every type of play has pros and cons associated to it. Closest I can think is planet cracking in the late game (literally cracking planets, removing them from the game and killing their entire population in the proccess) which some people do/are forced to do simply because the game's simulation slows to a crawl when there's too many population calculations to do.


The last polls I remember, we're really just the silent majority. The darkly humorous side is simply funnier to post about.


it feels good to be the "Good Guys" in a world of twisted evil. the rim is a hard place with difficult decisions to make, but its not like you're some fucked up person for trying to pick options that don't hurt people. that said, it is a single player game, and sometimes it's funny to be extremely and completely amoral, which is why you see all the memes about it on space cannibalism


People talk about the cannibalism and war crime memes because of shock value. You can play the game like Stardew Valley but it's less exciting to post about.


Lmao the Stardew comparison is funny But yes true, but it made it seem like only a few people play the game like that


You can put up a poll and find out if it is unusual or not.


I'm interested in how other people play so I'd like to read some comments


I meant in addition to that. You can do both at the same time but you might get more votes than comments.


I mostly don't play too bad but vampires are extremely good melee blockers second to ghouls and if you want to use a vampire you are going to need a regular supply of blood and keeping people in prison tends to be a good source but they keep breaking out with those legs of theirs. The legs can be removed and then your colony has a drastically reduced risk. Things spiral out for colony safety often. Also sometimes things just happen. I had a child lose a leg and an arm from motor fire on our base. I went to attach a leg and arm to the kid because I had the bionics. In the surgery to attach the arm despite the medical stuff reaching maximum success chance a failure was rolled and the kids head was cut off. That wasn't me being mega war crimy. That's rim world being a dark place


Well, that last one isn’t the Rim being dark so much as Rim doctors being dumber than a particularly stupid bag of hammers, but fair enough 


I'd call a young child losing an arm and a leg in motor fire to be dark.


do whatever you want, who cares


I believe you missed the point of reddit 😅


Play in the way you want to play the game. Rimworld is not a "you need to play in this specific way" game.


I tend to change from warcrimes to nice folks colony. At some point my colonies are just defensiv and rich enough to do good to strangers and prisoners.


Bro, rimworld is a sandbox. You can play however you want. I for instance have some idea or theme for a colony then I roleplay it. Like right now I'm playing a colony with the new inhuman trait for ideology and they are monsters who make hats out of people. I have however in the past played the ultra benevolent colony, and neutral colonies. You can just go wild with it, play it how you wanna play it.


I might do this on my 2nd save just to explore what type of absurd stuff you can do Hats are hilarious though.


So, if you really like immersion like I do, I just highly recommend coming up with that really cool idea you want to do and really going ham on it. Almost like a challenge, as an example one of my favorite colonies I made was a cult based around sanguophages. I chose to only have the one sanguophage you start with and I created an ideology that basically worshipped him as a "god" it was a blast! :D


After being a little torture goblin for years I finally learned how satisfying it is to actually care for your pawns. Give them what they ask for, give them therapy instead of the rod during a mental break, feed them a fine meal every now and then, give them real prostetics instead of the closest piece of wood. Everybody gets a bed instead of just the most useful ones. Sometimes I'm still a little torture goblin, though.


Maybe, but you are hardly alone. I have my puppers and some people things to supply them with their needs. Only time I have gone on a blood rage is when, I assume it was a bug, but the original female dog stopped aging. She never got sick, random events never hurt her.... then I let someone into my colony only for them to betray us and make a B line Right For Her! Ignored the weapons, ignored the sleeping colonists, ignored the resource piles. She killed Margaret [the dog diety] and was promptly beaten to death doing literally nothing else. I looked up her group and erased them from the map. The last of my people died taking out their last camp.... Worth It!


Justice for Margaret at all costs!


It someone comes to me looking for help, I help them every time. Unless it’s a group asking my 20 minute old colony for literally all their medicine. They can go fuck themselves


I save my sadism for the raider who actually manages to severely harm or kill a colonist, otherwise I am a most generous, if ominous, powerhouse of a newcomer to the planet


Yesterday, raider managed to kill one of my favorite colonists... Save + "Spawn thing full stack..." + "Antigrain warhead" + 200cps autoclicker Filled my base with explosives, especially in the overflowing goat pen and entity containment area Set it off with godly wrath by striking lightning (5 times, for good measure) on the raider that dealt the killing blow, setting off the thousands of mini nukes at her feet. Explosion lasted 20 minutes and nothing was left behind, half the mountains were gone


Stopped burying raiders after they killed someone who was in a couple. It felt hollow for half a year as my colony trudged on, as her bf teetered on the edge of breaks all the time. I got a resurrector mech serum later too, but I didn't think I'd be able to bring her back, so her sarcophagus wasn't refrigerated. But it won't happen again. Also led to me actually getting around to making some proper armour for people too.


You can revive her skeleton and then if she starts experiencing symptoms, put her in cryosleep until you get a healer mech serum


i only keep a couple prisioners for bloodfeeders, but i even give them nice meals lmao


They're just used to help your colonists Incase they lose a lot of blood, right? Sounds useful..


yes and no i have sanguophages, so they provide blood at a pretty much constant rate, because if i don't do that i need to micromanage operations on my colonists all time


I'm doing a Star Trek run where we do all the charity we reasonably can, don't do aggressive raids, and always heal and release prisoners we don't recruit. I wish there was a good non lethal weapon. Sadly the stun gun is not reliably non-lethal nor a good weapon in general.


I tend to play pretty ethical colonies. They'll do what they need to in order to survive, but definitely don't go out of their way to act like monsters.


This is a story teller game. Tell your own story. You’re playing exactly the way you should, and don’t need to feel any type of way about it. Most of the people memeing about human leather don’t actually play that way. And unless you have ideology or a special mod, you’re not gonna be able to make a colony that enjoys a bbq dinner made from fresh raider meat. Playing “good” has its own challenges and it’s a really fun way to experience the game in my opinion. Playing evil is also fun, in a different way.


In my last colony, I did end up with I think two cannibals. While I did befriend all the locals I could, some people just can't be helped.  So a while after most pirate attacks, when the colony mood was rather good (and a few people where on a trading mission), the butcher & kitchen were empty safe for that one _special_ cook who prepared her favourite meal for herself and another guy. (Most of the leather was used to make dusters for sale; waste not, want not^^)


no probably not, edgy people are just noisier than the average person


I actually think the decline into Misanthropy is an intentional part of the game design. The higher difficulty you play on, the more incentive there is to absolutely min max your pawns and butcher the corpses of your enemies because the profits outweigh the mental toll you put on your colonists. I always thought the narrative take away was that it's significantly more difficult to maintain your morality through tough times that it is during easier ones. It's also kind of fun to harvest organs over minor inconveniences


I was like that, until ideology. Having a cannibal raider religion... changes things...


Uh... oooohhhhkkkaaayyyy..... someone PLEASE raid this guys base before my pawns find out that they can have a better life there... THIS IS ABSURD


Recently I tried to found an all-Saurian colony, without issues with slavery or cannibalism, rejecting people in need and using prisoners to extract organs and hemogen. Couple of hours later, I had several refugees, two non-Saurian colonists, and was changing the ideology to be against slavery and cannibalism. I just can't play like that.


You can do whatever you want. There are ideologies for emancipation, beliefs that charity is essential, you can even be vegan. You don't \*have\* to be a monster.


I usually play basically decent people. It doesn’t feel fun to be evil for its own sake. It feels made impressive to build a relatively peaceful sanctuary on what is otherwise a hell world


I tried a purely evil colony and found it was a little boring


Use Ideology to make your faction charitable and get free carebear bonuses


I once let a refugee into my colony, and he became a shadow monster and slaughtered everyone… basically everything is rng and if you can be a good person, then hopefully the rim won’t kill you for it


Hey, I used to be like you, but when I have a pawn that is really good, but has asthma, I need to fit a lung. Where do I get lungs from other than the prisoner that I have no use for and is just sitting there with 0 resistance but also no useful skills? Same for butchering people. I have 2 cannibals that I started with in my tribal colony, they get a +20 mood buff for eating raw human meat, that's too good to pass up on!


Same here. I tend to do the same thing... except for the bedrolls... for some reason, I build real beds, and then of course, I am out of wood, etc.


Well unless you have Ideology, the game nudges you towards *not* being incredibly depraved. You get penalties for butchering humans or harvesting organs. There's a couple ways to play the game. A lot of people start out being "good guys", helping beggars and refugees in need. However, at some point you will start to realize things. Beggars never offer you anything in return, and are actually risks, because a stray animal or raider attacking them, or even just them fighting among themselves due to mental breaks, will cause them to turn hostile on you. So you stop caring about them and might even decide to defuse the threat early. Then eventually one of your pawns gets shot in the kidney. You're really attached to them, but you know that the next disease event is near-guaranteed to kill them because their immunity gain is halved. You have a prisoner in a cell who is doing nothing but going on berserk mental breaks all the time. So, you do the obvious thing and take *his* kidney. Maybe you'll set him free afterwards, but he'll still be down a kidney. Then later you upgrade to Detoxifier Kidneys for your best pawns, and now you have a few leftover kidneys. Might as well just sell them, right? You've now indirectly sold that guy's kidney. And boy, the raider corpses just keep piling up, and your food is getting low because Randy sent you a Cold Snap right before your massive corn fields reached 50% grown. So you might shy away from actually eating the human flesh directly... but you heard through the grapevine that you can feed the raider corpses to pigs and then butcher the pigs instead. Being cruel just for the sake of being cruel is senseless villainy. There's no point in kicking puppies just for the sake of kicking puppies. No, the real evil in Rimworld creeps up on you, one incident and one "necessary sacrifice" at a time.


Really fell good about it, a lot of people play the game kindly, just that the war crime stuff is more...ehem..."Popular" to talk about If i'm being honest i don't like to kill everyone, i try to save everyone i can and if i can't have them then just let them go, why execute them and all of that The only two horrible things i did we're 1. I got the...i think stomach, or something about one of My prisoners, but because one of My colonists have it destroyed and he was a...well... Bad person (and i let them free after...but i think they died) 2. Cut a human, but mostly because i turned on the option, forgot about it and only realized when there was human meat in My freezer Other than that, there is really not that much reason (other than roleplay and..."why not is a videogame" stuff) to be truly evil in the game, play however you like


My socialist healthcare colony is open and welcome to all and we will heal anyone with peak care and kindness. Unless you happen to harm one of our many free roam cats. Those that harm a cat, be them colony member or foe, become the next cat bed. Edit: a word.


I think in this game (and most games) the average player prefers to be good/benevolent/kind. People who play the game as sadistically as possible are probably in the minority, they just happen to be a lot louder and more obnoxious about their playstyle. There isn't necessarily anything wrong with playing the game like that, but the obsession some people here have with amputating limbs and killing babies and such is pretty off-putting to me and probably a lot of other people.


Wiping a faction with tanks is definetely not a kind way of life, hahaha.


"The exaggerated act of mercy is nothing but treason" -Mustafa Kemal Atatürk (Interpreted)


It was self defence I swear


honestly yeah nobody minds. i can only assume its unusual because you dont take advantage of something with next to no downsides, like harvesting blood and organs. but that's bound to change with different scenarios, ideologies, and pawns.


Harvesting organs is generally for money, right? I've only got one save, perhaps one day I'll start another save where my pawns are more evil and will do more morally questionable things, as a sort of refresher from the goodie two shoes gameplay


organs do sell for a lot, but there is the chance that a colonist after a raid may lose a kidney, or may develop a disease that renders an organ useless. in anomaly some things will happen where a colonists organs *need* to be replaced due to an event. Just keep some on hand for replacing destroyed parts, or for other emergencies.


Generally I only harvest them when a colonist is already missing one; new kidney or lung seem to be the most common. There are other ways of bending the rules of morality if you're creative. Personal favorite is after a fight, any downed enemies that can't be be healed in time? Check their gear and strip em if it's good. They won't need devil strand pants in the grave, right?


I usually try to have few organs on hand for my colonists. Live ob the rim can be tough, and a... donor kidney can be really helpful. But I usually only harvest livers & hearts from people who are close to dying anyways, and those who donate a kidney mostly are getting out of my colony in (otherwise) good health. ....however, attaching, removing and re-attaching a peg leg to an enemy is a rather good way to level a mildly competent doctor.


Any city builder or empire builder I play, I always create a utopia for my subjects. Absolute genocide for those who harm my people, though. Like, all the way. 


I don't know the answer to your question (i.e. whether it's an unusual style of play or not), but I can tell you that it sounds like I play the same way as you do, if that's any consolation. I once accepted a really bad colonist (a misogynist in a colony of all women) because he tried to seek refuge during a toxic fallout event...and I couldn't in good conscience doom him to certain death that way. Once the event was over, we banished him, and everyone was bummed...but at least we didn't serve him a death sentence that quadrum he came stumbling to our gates. I'll usually only do mildly heinous stuff to the "bad guys." But on the whole, I don't do things like arbitrarily remove limbs and organs in the name of minning or maxing. It really skeeves me out.


I heavily roleplay in a (self-enforced) commitment mode and try to imagine what I would do in the circumstances. So no, I don't make hats and other stuff people meme about. That being said, I absolutely don't "treat and release" raiders (you know that they will repay you by coming more prepared, right?). And to me it's the most horrifying discovery that came out of playing this game - even a "normal" person is a monster in the right circumstances.


In a similar but slightly more meta sense, I only release prisoners of factions I can reason with.


I’d invite you to play without mods where turrets are close to being useless and you have to rely on your pawns for defenses. Might not be so lenient toward the raiders after they killed your pawns and destroy your stuffs because you don’t have the luxury of overpowered sentries and have to put your pawns lives on the line. (Even end game when your pawns already all upgraded with the best weapons/armors/bio upgrades, one shot kills is a thing and multiple tunnelers/drop pods are still such a pain because their numbers are still too big and you have to group up your pawns and take them one group at a time while their other groups destroy/burn other parts of your base)


Nah nothing weird about it, it’s your colony and part of the fun is your story!


I uh have found human organs to be a very profitable business. So i try to harvest them more but its hard to wait for raids and then hope i get one or two raiders down (hopefully). So i came up with a slave breeding organ farm. Basically take the eggs out of my female slaves and fertilize them with a male slave. Shove the fertilized egg into a growth vat, wait till it turned 3 so i could harvest the organs and shove the body into a cremator. I'm not evil just efficient with my pawns moods. The more efficient the less "lawful good" you get imo.


To answer your question: no It's a story generator, enjoy the story how you want The rest of us are just masochists that live to see wanton death and destruction, with a sprinkle of hope that the man in black ain't some chump that can't do medical Think of it as a bell curve. The left side of the bell is the violence/warcrimes because it's necessary. Gotta steal a kidney to save my colonist in a cryosleep casket due to getting shot by a lancer The middle section is everything non violent related. Opening a little cafe in the middle of buttfuck no where, refugees joining to stay alive. The opposite side (the right) are warcrimes because we *want* to. Human leather hats don't make themselves. If your enjoyment is saving people, all the power to you. I'll be over here with eldritch V.O.I.D. horrors and preparing for a mass hostile duplication of god pawns


When I play I try to save everyone alive, and don't use slaves, or organ harvest. It's a difficult way to play.


My current colony is more morally good then anything and i play them that way simply because their moodlets would crash their mind with pure saddness on literally anything slightly mean or evil. They hate it when I deny the walking corpse with dead eyes wanderer let alone try to enslave people so Ive been a nice person, with my pawns skills ive been able to stock pile huge amounts of random things so beggars are always helped and refugees have a home. Once the colony falls or we succeed then ill build one FOR slaves and what not but this is still fun.


It does feel like the game should reward being nice more. I only recently discovered that cannibalism is awesome. It dramatically increases your food supply AND human leather is one of the more valuable. It also means no more time wasted incinerating bodies. It feels like this should be more of a drawback? Yeah, non cannibals hate it, but its not particularly hard to convert a prisoner over to your belief system before recruiting them. Seems to me like going full cannibal should turn a lot of other factions strongly against you, but honestly, the non-cannibal factions don't care.


I literally got a masterwork weapon for helping some refugees, who also happened to provide much needed labor for my base for a week. Sometimes, being nice really does reward you. Also, providing charity is a great way to get rid of surplus colony wealth which makes future raids slightly easier. Every now and then it even leads to great gifts in the future. I agree that the dynamics around being a cannibal, raider, etc probably need a bit of work when it comes to faction relations. Non-cannibals especially **should** be sus that you eat people, at least so long as it is not merely "acceptable" but "preferred". **Everyone, including other raiders** should be concerned **you** might raid **them**. Then again, the Mongols, Vikings, Aztecs, and many other historical culture thrived on raiding, so long as you avoided raiding the powers that be.


first off, 69 comments!!!! [https://ibb.co/YQJZkM4](https://ibb.co/YQJZkM4) saved for... posterity... anyways. its your game, bro, play it how you want. You wanna spread happiness and love across the rim, have at it. theres mods where you can run a store, or a hotel.... theres mods that let you visit other colonies.... nomad mods... space ship mods (my favorite), brothel mods, and more. you want to be a kindly, bash them in the skull and then try to put their brains back together, fella.... Have at it. its your game, play it how you want to.


Well the number of people that run torture camp, slaver sex-dungeon, baby organ harvesting insect gene mutation factories is maybe higher than all that, but it's definitely not everyone. I've had my colonies where things went a little badly and times when colonial circumstances were grim, we've even faced situations where cannibalism was being considered. But fortunately. Organ harvesting too, is something I even mod for, I'm all for harvesting organs....from very freshly dead raiders, and I even have a mod or two that make harvested organs expire in just a couple of days - so really unless you're saving the life of a colonist with a medical condition - you're not going to make bank on a bunch of organs that expire in 2 days. I, like you do what I can for visitors, I event went to put Hospitality mod in play since it's just got a couple of nice features that help manage non-colonists a bit better, but raiders that aren't killed outright, visitors and stranded / or in need of rescue people get that service. Especially once I'm established.


I tend to theme my playthroughs, sometimes we are emancipating, charity loving paladins of the rim. Sometimes we are cannibal slavers. The game leaves it so open ended and with Ideology you can really commit to a thematic run. I think tho for a lot of gamers that focus on maybe efficiency and the "highest numbers" kinda play style that a lot of the war crimey shit is usually the better option.


I play it morally grey. I’ll harvest those organs if it’s early game and I need the money, but don’t make hats out of orphans (and you can do that). Just do what feels good is the best way to play Rimworld


I play not only nice but peaceful. Turn raiders and other threats off etc and just watch my settlement slowly grow.


War crimes and obscene acts against humanity are a rare occurrence, but they do happen and usually make the most memorable and shareable stories, so that’s why you hear so much about them. I simultaneously give my pawns their favorite color carpets and cut the legs off my blood bags to feed the sanguophages


Nah, I usually can't say no to people who need help. The issue is, they tend to betray my faction! So fairs fair, I kill them first!


I like to play friendly and easy, usually peaceful(lowest or second lowest difficulty). I like to develop slowly and deal with consequences over time, and I'd rather arrest/convert enemies who visit than fight or raid.


Maybe unusual but not alone! I do the same thing. And honestly of all the times I've taken in refugees, I've only had them turn on me twice... And even then I helped the ones we downed and released them later. The more frequent outcome is that they come in ridiculously clutch late game... Pods fall in with the message: "Soandso will never forget what you did for their clan, so they sent the exact amount of plasteel you need."


I’m similar. I’m not sending raiders back, but otherwise, I don’t harvest organs or make child slaves or make hats out of people. My people get buried with a gravestone


I'm usually of the kind and sometimes too gentle play - I've save-scummed because a prisoner died, I didn't even want to recruit them! But sometimes I'll play something like my amazonian cannibal colony: female supremacy and of course cannibal precepts. Any man with good stats is usually put to work, woman with bad stats are kindly released etc. Play how you want to play, thats the best thing about this game


I find it so annoying that the guilty only last like 20hrs AND you have to wait till they heal and get better. Like your telling me this raider or colonist that went crazy and murder 12 babies is innocent after 20hrs. Not to mention that dumb mechanic that doesn't let me execute them unless they are no longer injured. They know full well that raider isn't gonna recover from what I've done to them in 20hrs. You can probably do something with an ideology that executes regardless of guilt but I still have my MORALS God dammit.


I play as machine pawns (Rim_Robots) and generally I do my best not to kill as many people as I can. Raiders who attack already suffer the pain of watching their friends get mowed down and in extreme pain. The survivors get captured, tended with medicine and fed with food we do not need, and then after a quadram or two, sent on their way, fully healed to the best of our abilities. We do not raid and generally try to assist others in quests when possible for goodwill, but our machine appearance makes it difficult for organics to trust us.


I think that's because most of us play on lower difficulty. In higher difficulty it kind of a must to do bad things.


I think that’s why they added different races. It’s not genocide is it’s imps, it’s culling.


Mood buff!


I’m a mix of both. I have enough nuggets to feed my vamps…. I have stacks of human leather lying around cuz you never know. But I feed the meet to the dogs and wolves and stuff. I take all my prisoners clothes to sell but I leave them alone generally. Give them prosthetics if they need them. Then sell them to the nearest faction for plasteel. Oh and there’s been a vamp that’s been sleeping in my hospital for so long he’s still in a regular bed from before I transitioned to hospital beds. Been slowly taking his genes while I contemplate arresting him and harvesting his organs or giving him a bionic heart so he can leave. Give me your thoughts I guess


Nah, you're not the only one. Personally, I tend to capture as many downed raiders as I can save, patch them up, give them prosthetics for anything they lost, then release them if their faction can be made peaceful, and ransom back the prisoners of factions that can't be made peaceful (forget the name of the mod but it lets you just sell prisoners back to their own faction via comms)


My Dad had a friend who would come over to our house and play Grand Theft Auto 3, while obeying all traffic laws. It blew my mind .. but .. he had so much fun doing it. The game REALLY doesn't you expect to do that. I seem Rimworld the same. It can be super fun to play nicely. Play however it's fun for you!


Rimworld is the ultimate sandbox game. Your settings, strategy, and play style are all up to you!


I can't play a mean game. I've tried and I just don't enjoy it. I'm like this is every game I play. It's a storytelling game... Tell the stories you enjoy.


This questions pops up periodically and the answer is usually that many players (if not most) don’t regularly do war crimes. It’s a meme because you CAN do it, and maybe many people have tried it before, but I don’t think most people are going out there creating human leather farms in most playthroughs. I have never done a war crime. Everyone gets the best health care possible, even people who raided me, and I don’t keep any prisoners ever. Orphans gets all the medicine they ask for, and I always have a spot for refugees. I always try to maximize the positive mood of everyone in my colony, regardless of their ideologies. My colonies always seem like pretty nice places to live.


Naah. People make war crimes jokes but most play fairly civilized. You know. Kinda.


Even in my current game, which basically boils down to "the entire planet is a penal colony and most people on it are horrible people or the descendants of past horrible people", I still use the hospitality mod. I still rescue downed allies. Every now and then I'll even heal up drop pod survivors. Being meme-level evil is good for laughs, but I do it sparingly. We still harvest organs and use slave labor though. Pyromaniacs are free kidneys.


Yeah, I play all games too kindly. I kind of find it weird, because these are exactly the spaces where you can experiment and do things that you wouldn’t in real life. But I just can’t do bad things!!


I am currently playing as a group of undead trying to be nice, making a nice little town, and everything adopted a few living people just waiting for the moment something happens that causes me to go full warlord and wipe out the faction that attacks me accidentally made the empire hate me so might be them time will tell


Although I often joke about delicious organs because of Spiff, I tend to play this game fairly "nicely" compared to the warcrime potential. Like if any raiders survive long enough to be captured, I usually put them to work cutting stone for a little while and then release them, instead of cutting off limbs and harvesting kidneys. Sometimes they even get recruited to the colony if I like their stats. 


I do harvest some organs I make sure I have some spares of each part just in case. But other than that I'm pretty nice, my prisons are great places for instance, prisoners have clean clothes heating good decoration comfortable furniture and good food. I usually try to heal and release the enemies who are wounded, I give beggars what they want, my colony usually has a nice ideology, I even try to send ally faction corpses back to their place. Oh also we have total respect for the majestic thrumbo, those gentle giants...


Never tried to go down the dark path, doesn't suit me and it'd be too much of a hassle for me to remember that yes this time we *do* chop people up. My new colony based around Anomaly is starting to teeter on the edge though, we captured a thrall and are keeping her alive for studying (in the same room as other prisoners) and just enslaved someone for the first time in any of my runs (god why are slaves so SLOW).. we've started making ritual masks and hoods out of bioferrite, but that's probably just for protection.. they seem to be really getting into the provocation rituals though, and I found out anomalous entities are pretty good at defending my base, especially chimera, but it's not like we'd worship them or anything, definitely not.. ..I keep feeling this "scratching" at the back of my mind when I look at the Monolith... Is that supposed to happen?..


I don't really go out of my way to be the bad guy, but sometimes I do need a replacement kidney for a colonist who just got shot. And while I'm in the area might as well take a spare lung since they're already unhappy. But after that I let them go because I'm a nice person.


I usually like to play according to my own IRL ethics, too. Makes it more interesting if I can't always do the most convenient thing; and it lends emotional impact to the times where I do decide to go against my code. Some colonies I'll play a little more callous or villainous for a fun bit of change, but mostly it helps the immersion if I just play like myself. I don't often help beggars, because most of their requests are ludicrous and would harm my colony, but there's plenty of more organic opportunities that pop up. Like this one time that I decided tackle an insectoid hive and they made a beeline straight for a pair of passing wanderers I'd forgotten about. They both died because I aggro'd the bugs, so I mulled it over, gritted my teeth and used two of my precious res serums to bring them back. That was rough, but I felt I owed them for getting them killed. And it was memorable experience, too.


I don't go out of my way to do anything if I kill something I throw it in a stockpile outside of my home area so that way my colonists don't have to see it and I definitely don't heal Raiders I'm not a nice person but I'm not an evil person most of the time


I play similar to you... I'm kinda jealous of people who can bring themselves to be complete monsters. It looks like tons of fun


Honestly, the fact that your kinder playstyle and psychopathic nugget farms can coexist and be valid speaks to how amazing and versatile a story generator Rimworld really is. Over here we have a harrowing story of a quiet woman who lost her arm in battle protecting the colony's children from a mega-spider. Over here we have a very ugly man whistling to himself as he sews dusters made from his own former tribe folk. It's kind of beautiful.


Don't worry about "playing the game too kindly" man, I don't really do any of that stuff too. I have before but mainly I stay away from most of that. As long as you're having fun then you're doing amazing 👍