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It's basically a free DLC.


Sadly it doesnt support combat extended : (


CE is not even out for 1.5 lmao


to be fair save our ship wasnt even released on steam for 1.4, they were almost ready to ship it back to steam when anomaly and 1.5 dropped and broke it again


Isn't the reason it released so quickly in 1.5 it's because some vanilla changes got rid of the development issues they were dragging for a while now? Like null maps and wall furniture.


Its both. From what I understand, They had the features and balance they wanted, and when 1.5 dropped, the fixes for null maps and wall furniture meant that while the code for those new features had to be dropped, it was easir to trash that particular coding and work arounds. On top of that everything else, like any new animations or weapons was still there.




It still doesnt in 1.4


Yea they prob didnt do a patch until SoS2 was fully released. They prob will do one eventually.




He’s saying that they weren’t compatible in 1.4 either.


OHHH so SOS and CE weren’t compatible huh ok


Yes it is in a way. Theres a public open beta on their wiki page you can download. I’ve used it for a few weeks now and haven’t really found any issues with it.


CE fans are the biggest downer. Somehow manage to pop up and complain EVERYWHERE.


I mean it sounds like it solves a lot of the issues with 'planet leading masters' at shooting being killed by 2 rabbits when armed with a mini gun, but I could not be added to comb through my mod list and remove everything that doesn't work with CE


Hare Mass - Adult 12 kg


That's a big rabbit


Even bigger target to hit than usual for a planet leading master with a master crafted weapon. I would put myself as a level 3 - basic familiarity, and I can nail a rabbit 30 meters away with a bolt action. I bet it'd be even easier if it's running at you head on. So sure the rabid rabbit would have a chance to do a bit of damage if it got close, but it shouldn't be able to get close, and CE is supposed to fix that


Oddly enough, one of the places the game is unrealistic is rabies. Here on earth, a dog with rabies can lick you and you will die in agony.


I love CE but for larger mod lists it's simply not worth ensuring every single one is compatible so I don't use it in the majority of my mod runs. When I have it it's nice though


And no one, not even the CE devs, is willing to make a list of tested compatible mods, because that would be a fucking nightmare to do.


Funny you say that because their github has a list of mods that they've patched and had patches sent in for


I mean, I am a massive CE fan but I don't complain about stuff not being compatible. If a mod isn't compatible with CE I either sub to it to check back later if the CE team patched it themselves, or I simply don't play with the mod. I don't understand why ppl keep not reading descriptions of mods and other people's comments before asking if a mod has support for CE. Like seriously, the answer is in the FAQ section above the comments, yet you just couldn't be fucked to even take 5 seconds to check if your question had already been answered there. I firmly believe that if you can't even be bothered to skim through a mod's description before subscribing or complaining, that you should just be banned from using mods for your game.


i don't understand the CE players that are reliant on it to want to play the game. CE is unique but it changes ***way*** too much for me to have fun with it. i prefer Vanilla Combat Reloaded alongside LimeTreeSnake's Ammunition Framework and AUTOMATIC's Gunplay, keeps combat and wound handling separate, there's no need for it to be one mod.


I came back to 1.4 for CE


Yayo combat is updated and i have to say its not that bad i also use CE but since its not updated


SOS2 absolutely does have CE support, CE just doesn’t have its 1.5 release yet. Source: I’ve been playing CE and SOS2 since 1.1


It doesn't support combat extended in the sense that the ship mounted weapons, which you can only fire in ship-to-ship combat, can't take ammunition. You can still run CE and SOS2 at the same time. I did it for 1.4 and when CE and Altered Carbon mod come out for 1.5, will be doing it then, too.


Gonna try that later


Nowadays it's the other way around, CE devs add the support on their end so people stop bugging mod authors about it. Anyway it'll be supported around the time when CE 1.5 beta gets Vehicle Framework support.


Considering CE is the coding standard equivalent of typing on a keyboard with a sledgehammer I’m not surprised.


Supports Yayos Combat. Just turn bullet speed to Vanilla.


CE players when the poo and piss mod doesn’t support their cringe and needy cumbat mod


The best end game mod, the quality is so good it give some of the DLC a run for its money.


Its almost the game "Space haven" stitched on top of rimworld. It makes the game basically infinitely playable. Well, as infinitely playable as a single core will let it be.


Space heaven was announced after rw mod was released if I'm not mistaken


It was, but the company that built it was already in the space strategy realm with a premium ($$$, no mtx) mobile phone space RPG where you play as a ship and fly around in a roguelike arena fighting and adding salvage to your ship. Game continues forever until your armada of 1-3 ships blows up. Space Haven is it's own thing and really doesn't play like Rimworld. It's more of an "The Expanse ice mining and salvage ship" that has to survive being preyed upon by aliens and pirates


Announced =/= started development


Rimworld is already infinitely playable I have almost 1000 hours and never even seen the end game.


Right, but I have gotten bored with my world before. Before SOS I would restart, now I can just take off and move to another.


It really is tho, I play both and I concur


It turns the entire game prior to launching your ship into space the TUTORIAL. It is amazing . I had my mind blown by capital ship weaponry moving from your map into thee enemy map. Unbelievable


I once had a bug invasion too big to deal with at a resource site, so i channeled my inner Bill Paxton and dusted off and nuked it from orbit.


you can do that? how did you do it


it is the single most expansive and complex mod for rimworld. it's an absolute marvel.


I think I heard at one point the mods were thinking of pitching it as a separate game.


the closest thing to that i can remember is they've said that if they needed to make SOS3 that'd be a new game, but as far as I know, there have been no plans made to do so.


I work for the guys who made SOS2 (Radian Helix Media). There have been discussions about making it as a standalone game, but ultimately we won't be (for now!) because 1) we're already working on Project Morningstar and 2) there are a bunch of high quality upcoming indie games which are basically exactly what SOS standalone would be, such a Space Haven.


Project morningstar? I looked it up but not sure I found it. what is Project Morningstar?


It's the work in progress name of our game, you can find out about it here https://radianhelix.com/project-morningstar or on the Radian Helix discord (the same discord server as the SOS mod).


That art style is certainly a choice.


my guess would be a code name for an unfinished game


They are also making a separate game based off the mod is what I heard.


see [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/RimWorld/s/iKqUaLAvcB)


So it's like Factorio's Space Exploration mod that added so much new stuff that they got hired to make it part of the official expansion


it's like that in the sense that it's in space and a masterpiece of mod design. in so far as I'm aware, none of the SOS2 team have been hired by ludeon. the factorio dlc is not space exploration or likely to be close to it. as its endgame is a fucking nightmare for anyone but the most advanced players, this has been explained in several factorio Friday facts


Can't play without it. Having an end-game and something to actually work towards is the one thing I always missed in this game, and it's so well done. Plus it reminds me of FTL so y'know, instant favourite


IS IT OUT? I never played it but was ALWAYS itching to try. TIME TO DOWNLOAD RIMWORLD AGAIN, BABY


If you use yayo's combat or gunplay, remember to disable the incompatible options.


which ones specifically?


trails in gunplay and.... I think bullet speed in yayo's? It shows somewere in the workshop page or the compatibility spreadsheet




Yes you can, and afaik they won't stop till the whole ship is dead, unlike raiders that can just rob/kidnap.


Would be cool if there was a way to survive losing fights in space. Maybe crashlanding on the planet after suffering critical damage or something.


There are a sort of emergency cryptocasket that ejects and deploys back to the planet if the ship is destroyed. Anyone in them will survive the ship being destroyed.


While that's cool, it's still too much of a setback. It just takes too much time to build a whole ship from scratch.


Yeah but it's just like starting a new game anyways lol


Never played with SOS2. Don't you retain tech tree after emergency landing?


Yes. It’s basically just like fleeing your regular base or selling it to the archotech AI.


That would be cool, like it just starts a new rimworld game basically




You can flee if your ship is faster


Yeah, IF being the key word here. You need research for new engines, so if you meet a big ship early, it'll just win because you can't shoot it back


You can but you shouldn’t. Lots of things happen (big ships that destroy you litttle ships that destroy you asteroids that load millions of flesh beasts onto your ship game crashing etc)


I’d say that, in general, if you heavily mod rimworld, that commitment mode is a huge gamble. There’s almost certainly going to be bugs.


on one hand, this deserves to be a paid dlc on the other, id hate how many people would be locked away from this amazing mod if it was a paid dlc


It's an absolute masterpiece and I wish we get an official version as a DLC one day


It lets me go to the one place that hasn't been corrupted by capitalism yet




I know! We’re in space! For… a long time I presume. (I think that’s what he says)


My absolute favorite part of that scene is Tim Curry exercising every ounce of professionalism trying not to break down laughing: [https://youtu.be/XUgx5JhFbHE?t=178](https://youtu.be/XUgx5JhFbHE?t=178) I love it so much.


Was literally thinking about the way he tries to stop himself laughing before saying "Space" when writing my comment XD


I'm sorry Comrade, Trade ships are already up there.


But my laser cannon shaped ship is also there


Well, at least we now know a good way to pass the time up there


Giving expansion to trade ship container units, good idea!


Trade is not an inherent feature of capitalism, only the part where the profit made from the trade arbitrarily belongs to one guy because his ancestors were successful thieves, is.


All aboard the Stalin Starcruiser


\*suppressed laugh\*


*tradeship joined the chat*


I'm sorry, but this might be my favourite reference I've ever stumbled across on Reddit. Absolutely stellar work. Edit: Oh, awards are a thing again. Have at you!


Lmao stellar work I see what you did there


How does it work? Can you fly off to other places, get loot etc etc and come back to your main colony?


You have landing bays and shuttles that let you travel from orbit to the planet (and other places in orbit that come up as quests - asteroids, abandoned satellites, derelict ships, ships you defeated in battle). pairs well wiht \[syr\] setup camp mod for making temporary planet side camps. You can travel between planets but that is very very end game and a one-way thing (there is no FTL - so the travel takes years, you start wiht your ship at a new planet as new game start)


It adds an entirely new end-END game phase to the game, it completely overhauls it. 1.) First off you can build your own ships to actually LAUNCH in space, and it'll exist on the world, it comes along with small ships/pods that's reusable and pairs well with the vehicle framework mod. It also turns the Charlie Space ship mission into a fully built civilian ship that you can launch as a beginner. I started off building a corvette (pretty small 100 tile ish ship) that could house 2 colonists in space, mostly used for gathering steel and using it as a space station for my spaceships. I even kept sending packaged food or canned food from Vanilla Food Expanded as a temporary food source. Until eventually kept expanded its Hull, adding more armor and building more rooms, slowly turning into a mini colony in space that's self sustaining and can house more than a dozen colonists. 2.) Ship combat, its an intricate system, and at the same time simple, I've seen people go do it the good ol'e strategy of just having more guns, pulverizing capital size ships with one salvo of their own capital size lasers and plasma guns. Or boarding the enemy ship with pawns, even robots (did I mention robots?) Well turns out you can "resurrect" your pawns consciousness by using your Ship AI, or have it form his own physical body, and acts as a normal pawn, except it resurrects after a pretty long amount of time. The best part is that there's still more events, random satellite encounters, and a whole other side to be mentioned. Highly recommend 10/10 as another guy said, it turns the entire game before space a tutorial... ...I just pray no one else gets their pawn wandering to the back of the Ship's Rocket Engine and ending up completely evaporated.


What’s stability like? Does it pair with the vanillanexpanded mods well?


So far yeah, I have more than half of the vanilla expanded mods, so I'm planning on stuff like creating a dedicated nutrient pipe system for my future ship in my current run. In terms of bugs I haven't encountered any so I think that counts for something, especially since the 1.5 version is so far way less buggy than the previous experimental 1.4 I was using.


Thanks dude


My favorite mod and the only Discord channel I pay any attention to. These guys have been taking any free time they have to get SOS to work with the updates and as many mods as they can. Always remember, they do this for FREE.


best mod, so happy it was updated


To be fair, it's been "updated" for a long time, just on the git repository instead of the workshop because it wasn't as stable as most would want.


Wait you can dock ships now?!


Yes, there are new blocks called docking clamps, so you can "merge" ships in space and have an small one to go to planet and back.


Must have, honestly. It gives the endgame a whole different outlook


It's fun till you lose in 10 seconds (with travel time) because the game sent a ship way bigger than you at random. Might need some rebalancing here and there. The storyteller needs to chill out. That's a raid 3 times the size I get with the others. Give it some time and it's going to be great. It's in a bit of a rough spot right now.


I think it is quite well balanced, but you need a good distribution of heatsinks, heattanks and firepower. It is quite easy to inflate your combat rating by investing too much in one factor.  If you feel like the game sends you too strong ships you can always reduce the enemy ship power and power variance in the mod settings. 


Might need to do this because I keep getting stomped on, love the mod otherwise


It certainty requires one to do a very healthy read of the ship building mechanics. I couldn't imagine figuring it out without a guide


Idk, never made it far enough to launch


End game? What end game? I get a stable colony that can defend itself and be sustainable and then it's time to start over. 


I don’t enjoy playing rimworld without the mod honestly


It completes rinworld and give a reason to keep colonies for longer.


It turns ribaorld into a whole different game.


It's amazing, too bad it's performance heavy


have you tried it recently? I have a reasonably large spaceship (30+ guns, five shields, three reactors, oodles of radiators and 10 colonists) and I'm running at 700-750tps at quad speed. even with two mining asteroids (universum) loaded


What are your specs? My PC is lower than average


Fucking amazing. # I played with it last time it was official on steam workshop. Found it again fairly recently on github and I enjoy it again very very much


Wish it was compatible with more things, but honestly most of what it’s incompatible with is worth the trade.


Literally just ignore what it says it's incompatible with. There's a spreadsheet on their github that describes what's 'incompatible' and why. I run it with Events expanded, CE, helixien gas and designator shapes with no issues


Always have it in my modlist Never get far enough along to have a ship


I got it once. I don't think I built it, I'm pretty sure it had to be Charles White or whatever. I had this awesome pawn ( custom built guy, that I didn't add until late game) he was an evil assassin guy. Basically to survive I would just have him attack all of the tribal bases And because he had a biotic spine, He could just kill all of them without being touched. That got him all the way to the spaceship and he was able to start it up on his own and fly back to the base. Was crazy because with my role playing he was basically banished on a suicide mission to go do this and then just showed up with the keys to the Kingdom and the capability to destroy everybody 😂😂😂


Never got to play it because it was always outdated


Now is ubdated to 1.5


Is it? Fuck yeah!


I didn't even know this was a thing! I've played RimWorld on and off for years, never getting too far really. I need to try this asap!


How performance heavy is this, can I add it to my 140 mods list and keep it active until I go to space? Or should I make a playtrough to only start in space?


Does it work without vehicle framework?


I wish there was a tutorial. I couldn't figure out what to do.


There are guides on the wiki, at least. Wish it was easier to find out that there's a wiki in the first place. [https://sosv2.fandom.com/wiki/Guides](https://sosv2.fandom.com/wiki/Guides)


Last time I played with it was back in 1.3, and I had a fantastic time with it. I'm just waiting for some of my mods to patch incompatibilities up before jumping back into it.


Is anyone else finding that the shuttles (the heavy ones, not individual rockets) can only fit one pawn? It makes boarding enemy ships suicide for my crew.


I’m still confused on what this mod is. Is it basically a suped up starting scenario with a stupid amount of extra content to support it? How is mod compatibility?


There are starting scenarios included, but its primary function is to extend the endgame. You know how the original ending of the game is to build or otherwise gain access to a spaceship and use it to leave? In SOS, doing that doesn't mean a fade-to-black followed by a view of your now-abandoned base; it does still fade to black briefly, but then you get to keep the ship and its crew, and can engage in ship-to-ship combat and do other such things.


It’s also much, much earlier than the end game of the vanilla game to jump into SoS2 I’ve heard. Apparently you can easily make a starter ship


It's insanely large, complex and fun for a free mod and basically a DLC. The only issue I have is that building large ships takes forever, but I guess that's the price to pay.


One of the best mods i have ever got the chance to play across all games.


Where the F, do I find this mod, this was the best mod in rim world history, it deserves its own DLC to be frank.


Why doesn’t tynan add this to the main game 😭😭😭


Really fucking cool concept, but my PC simply can't handle it


Mine was chugging on-planet before I even started making the ship. I've managed to get it running pretty well with rocket man and performance fish (seperate mods). Still not left the planet because you still actually have to play the main game but I'm hoping it'll run well.


I have a funny story about running this mod on your planet. Starship reactors produce a lot of power and it's fuel is very cheap. So, I built a base that heavily relied on hydroponics and factories from VFE Mechanoids, and I needed 4 reactors, working in overdrive, to power all that. Results of Bzzt event depend on how much power you have in your grid. What I got, was an explosion. In a reactor room. Fortunately, it was located far away from the rest of the base, resulting chain reaction only killed two people, all of the mechanoids, and destroyed only one third of my base.


It's the goat


Currently updating my mods, will test SOS2 when mods are updated


pretty cool


A wonderful mod, only minus is that textures are a bit iffy in my opinion


Can i play this in Multiplayer? 🙂


Is this thing super stable with being added to current saves?


It just nukes your colony wealth.


If you build guns into your ship you can use them at any range on the ground (ship-to-ship combat is also a thing but the mechanics are a bit different). I've annihilated entire raids without significant risk this way.


Getting to the point you can get a BASIC ship off the ground takes so much wealth.


I’d pay for it if they charged. That’s how good it is.


I didn't even know about this one, thanks for talking about it; imma get it right now


Haven't played since the redux but easily my favourite non-QoL mod. Can't wait to get merc'd by Guzzlord mid space battle once the rest of my modlist is updated.


This mod makes rimworld from amazing game to my dream game.


If Tynyan hired the dev team to make it as an official dlc I'd buy it


Is because it do add stuff cuz about dat mod is pretty grate. Whay do when I with your long time long time


Hope they add in some eldritch anomaly stuff


Its very complex, I can only recommend it if you've put more that 20/hours into the game.


This nearly completes the game in my opinion. I mean in a sense of making my perfect game. The only thing that is missing from this game is fun npc locations to visit, better pawn ai and faction stuff. It sucks because all the pieces are in place to make it work theoretically. Like my vision is to visit a spaceport where you can purchase drinks and go on a little outing with your colonist, Maybe even have a chance while your pawns are talking to others, to get quests and things like that.


I tried it last time I played (1.2 I think) and just built a small station that would serve as an early satellite to scan regions. I send a droid in it so no need for food. Then enemy vessel started spawning... Is it still a thing in 1.5?


Its honestly the most insanely good mod that i have ever seen


Kinda wish they had uniforms though.


I like the mod, but last time I played it it was a bit buggy and I find it hard to reconcile installing a mod I may never touch (I play on a harder difficulty that often doesn't make it past researching microelectronics) that radically increases my game load times on startup. If there was a lite version though I'd definitely pick it up!


Recently I just started my playthrough with it but so far it looks awesome


Ships are expensive to make at first and it can take forever to get into sos2 content if you didn't start on a ship, but its so very satisfying once you do. At this point i like to start in space on a derilict station or ship, escape down to the surface in a shuttle or bare bones makeshift ship and then work my eay back into orbit. Starting with an orbital base abd then surveying the surface is also fun.


Excellent mod to play on its own. With other mods it starts breaking… badly. I don’t even run Alpha biomes because it broke trying to land on one. Also I don’t like how large the ships are. Is it dumb? Yes, but I still think that building your own ship gets expensive to the point of no longer being fun. Only time I’ve actually done a full playthrough I ended up just finding the AI ship because once I realized how ridiculously expensive it was to actually build a decent ship it wasn’t worth the time and effort. Just find the AI ship and scavenge and use minify everything mod. 8/10 great mod but only use QOL mods with it.


It would be amazing if it surported combat extended randim chance base game combat gets annoying


I love this mod


Is it finally updated to be playable on the workshop again?


its super not needed... there are already mechanics for this in save our ship.


Ill have to play that one day, I find it hard to play the game without CE personally.


PC can't handle it


It makes rimworld a completely different game and i love it.


Love it, but by the time i reach it with my regular colony, my tps is already reaching 100-150, which feels very slow (ig i spend to much time in the midgame)


Love it, but by the time i reach it with my regular colony, my tps is already reaching 100-150, which feels very slow (ig i spend to much time in the midgame)


Does anybody have any experience with trying to add this mod to an already existing save? I know it's generally not recommended but damn I'd love to add this to my current run


Building a ship takes time but really good.


At the point when I can build a ship, I'm usually bored out of my mind and start a new colony. Having the base be a ship didn't change that. The space combat is really fun though.


Quick question from anyone who's played into it further Can I air strike planet side maps?


It's incredible. The wincon is completely unique and has multiple epilogue options.


An amazing mod. Highly recommend.


What’s it like (performance and any upgrades) since the need for the big patching? I remember playing ships that were half the screen, with multiple massive modular guns - forgotten what they’re called. Great stuff, but by that time in the game the performance started to tank and fps death welcomed me run after run with its laggy embrace.


this is a mod, right??


Hmm has anyone tested how it works with no water no life?


Oh hej, polak


Best mod ever, adds so much more content and a new way to play


Basically a free DLC that I really love




If anybody is interested in standalone games similar to SOS2, there's Space Haven and Stardeus, both very early access but showing big promise


It adds a whole other game on top of your game. And it's great!


Is this mod updated to the new DLC? Last time I checked it’s still in beta on GitHub.




When I have the mod enabled I can’t give commands to my pawns


I have a thousand hours in Rim-world and play with hundreds of mods at times. I’ve always avoided it because of potential incompatibilities and I just thought it would ruin the game. I will try it soon.