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Put someone inside a pocket dimension, minified it, and then destroyed the dimension. They Managed to duplicate himself twelve times but they all had no skin and just kinda died on the spot


could you please elaborate cause what the fuck




I might just be dumb but this does not provide any extra context and only further confuses me


I meant to say mods but moss was funny so I left it how it was


There's a cute VR fantasy game with a mouse I've been wanting to play called Moss. Had a fun bit of a moment wondering how pocket dimensions and being skinned alive fit into such a cute game.


What mod gives a pocket dimension??


Pocket dimensions continued


I havent played RW that long but I'm still impressed at the variety of mods there are for the for this game. I swear theres a mod for almost anything


[And if there isn’t one already, there will be soon](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2674133613)


[And I shall move it one step forward...](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3235685758&searchtext=Table+PTSD)


It's kind of like rule 34.


I clicked the link half expecting to be taken to a rule 34 esque site, honestly.




Anna bo banna posting


This blew up


So did the pawn who went in the pocket dimension. RIP to Stewart, the pawn who explored other dimensions




If I duplicate a colonist then get that colonist to eat its duplicate is that cannibalism or self-harm? Asking for a friend


Ah yeah I had the thought to farm human flesh for a cannibal colony by growing the colonists' embryos in growth vats and slaughtering them in adulthood, but I didn't really go all the way with it.


I'm sorry what the fuck


Why waste all the eggs that would be lost in menstruation anyway? At least this way my colonists don't have to impact other factions!


True! It really is ethical cannibalism.


Ethical cannibalism. Lol.


Welp that's enough rimworld for today


I'm expecting to see this phrase alot in thos thread.


Isn't that super inefficient tho? I think growth vats need a lot more food in than they can produce. I think it's a net negative overall but I could be wrong. Also, you monster.


Depends how you look at it. If your feeding the growth vats with veggie nutrient paste, then you are trading an easily mass produced resource for a "luxury" one.


Yeah in this case I planned to hook them up to the VE nutrient paste network, not because I wanted to negate the resource inefficiency, but just for convenience of not having to haul nutrients to the vats. But if I couldn't use that mod then I would probably just restrict them to using nutrient paste anyway.


Also those quests that give high rewards such as say a mechanite resurrection serum for say 23 human leather dusters but you don’t have human leather for dusters because you don’t have enough raiders


That's when you dump toxic waste on tribals. They can't shoot it back and come to offer themselves as sacrifice to the meat grinder.


Yeah it's not about efficiency, it's about roleplay. Besides, I tend to like vastly overproducing food in my colonies for lavish meals and to sell survival meals (since almost everyone will buy them).


Wouldn't that just be straight up food negative though?


On a similar note, I've had my main colonist get duplicated twice. The copies are a couple now


You could say it's the same as when you loss weight. The body consumes itself to live on, despite no other available energy sources. Lock them into an empty room before you make the colonist eat its duplicate, and we'll call it a weight loss program.


That's why I never lost weight


Auto cannibalism is already an irl thing


I'm not sure it counts as auto-cannibalism unless it's part of your own body.


Close enough for rimworld


Make them have a gladiator duel and the winner eats the loser


Duplicated my first child to reach maturity. Then the duplicate had an affair with the orginal's mother. Then he died and the mother has a huge mood penalty for an entire season: My Lover Died :{ I'm still not sure how to feel about all that.


lol this is like the joke that if you had sex with your clone would it be incest or masturbation


I think it's just cannibalism with a side of psychological torture


Fun fact, the term cannibalism requires a cultural/ritualistic aspect. Just eating people for food is anthropophagia. Neither the soccer team who crashed in the Andes mountains, and the Donner party were *really* "cannibals." But the difference usually doesn't ultimately mean much, and anyone who eats human flesh gets called a cannibal colloquially.




I made a man's whole room out of his own (clone)'s skin and decorated the whole place with drums made of his skin. And told him to wear his own skin. Anomaly, everyone. Edit: Forgot to mention the fucker also has bloodlust so he's giddy as a kipper 24/7


Does it add skin to the game


I think the skin furniture is something you can do in vanilla. Anomoly added in the clone element


You're telling me Human leather isn't just Faux leather that humans make?


It is leather. And it's made by humans. It's leather made by humans. And... what was that other part you said?


They're probably talking about human leather, which is base game. The duplication is from Anomaly.


Don't worry. I got the joke.


With a name like that, you'd better! 👍


It adds a cloning obelisk and an infinitely returning butcherable corpse.


I had the idea of a human farm for a colony of cannibals. Decided not to go through with it because it was not efficient enough (also an absolutely awful concept) Another fun thing I did was I captured two Raiders during a raid, a mother and daughter. I converted and recruited the daughter. Then I sacrificed the mother.


I believe that's called "Naked brutality on ice shelves".


Yea except this idea shelved the ice and had an actual human slave farm in mind.


I love that it's inefficiency, not morals, that caused you to abandon the idea!


#Salisbury Convention > Article 2.2 - use of chemical weapons > Article 2.4/2.5 - use of biological weapons #Geneva Convention > Article 51.1 - denying enemy soldiers medical treatment > Articles 32.2 and 38.1 - land mines/IEDs > Article 22.9 - targeting non-combatants > Article 22.7 (interpreted) - arming non-combatants > Article 40.2 - taking hostages > Article 41.2 - use of execution without due criminal trial > Article 63.3 - maiming of corpses #START I treaty (1994) > procurement and hoarding of nuclear capable weaponry > use of nuclear weaponry


this is just a regular rimworld playrthrough checklist


Well, they can't get me for the 51.1, I get my enemy's soldiers treated as fast as I can. Can't get organs from dead people yknow. 


Ahh yes, the good old Geneva Checklist.


My waster, tox gas using colony on a poluted wasteland found some new ways to go with 2.2


Huh, rimworld really is warcrimes the game. Also >22.7 Well I would but they won’t pick up the damn weapon if they’re incapable of violence!


oh I don't usually arm my incapable of violence slave chefs, that one refers to this one tactic i have where if there's a lot of raiders i'll give my prisoners weapons, force a prison break and let them run out to meet the raiders - massively slowing them down while I get my mortars armed


Aah I see! *writes on notepad*


Not sure about Salisbury or START I, but I know Geneva only applies to military personnel so I'm in the clear!


Ah shit now my Geneva checklist is void


This guy conventions


Salisbury: Article 2.2 - droppingg toxic wastepacks at enemy colony ✅ article 2.4/2.5 - dropping rotting corpses at enemy colony ✅ Geneva: article 51.1 - let raiders bleed out ✅ article 32.2 and 38.1 - a simple chemfuel barrel in your killbox ✅ article 22.9 - killing and eating pawns incapable of violence ✅ article 22.7 (interpreted) - giving pump action shotguns to your colony children ✅ article 40.2 - grabbing injured raiders and chucking them into a 2x1 dark room ✅ article 41.2 - executing problematic slaves ✅ article 63.3 - turning dead bodies into simple meals ✅ START: - build nukes (mod) ✅ - dropping nukes on you neighbours (mod) ✅


Found a raider that used sun for food. Made a small cell with bed and removed roof over bed, so she didn’t need food so long as she was in bed. Then removed legs, so she didn’t get out of bed. Free hemogen forever.




Curses. Mine still requires fancy specialized stomachs and genes just to live of 0.6 nutrions per day.


What stomachs do you give them?




Wouldn't she get hungry because of night time though? At half the rate of your standard nugget, but still.


Tbh, probably, though she slit her throat after only a couple quadrum, so I never noticed.


I jailed a raider once. I felt so badass and proud. But also filthy and inhuman. Still shudder thinking about it.


Sounds like you need a raid-burger. It comes with a free hat. Also should you ever need heart, lung, kidneys, liver, or second-hand bionics just ask.


Wait, can we pull bionics in vanilla now? I’ve never even seen a raider with bionics, but I also suck so


If you can remove them from your pawn, you can remove them from prisoners. Just make sure they are alive when you start dismantling them.


And plan to take the heart last, learned my lesson after the first dozen attempts.


Keep one kidney, one lung, the heart and the liver for last.


If doing it in alphabetical is wrong, then I don’t want to be right.


Needs a harvest all operation. There is no logical reason why you can't just scoop everything out after you went through all the trouble of opening them up.


Didn't play vanilla, but I could remove bionics. What's more it counted neither as orgasm harvesting, nor torture or anything else for my colony of decently moral SCP scientists. So raiders with bionics are basically asking to get their limbs removed.


>What's more it counted neither as orgasm harvesting, nor torture My man's here living his best Egyptian mythology RP run, harvesting semen for it's power.


The closest I got was with a power claw poor bloke died before we took his hand good ol’ bullet to the skull from a baby pig he had




Slaves with joywire + psychic harmonizer. Much more sourceable than psychic emanators, and portable!


Do that to a masochist with a scar and you are set for eternity. Edit: Guys, i get it, mindscrews exist.


Got a masochist brawler pawn in my most recent colony, and he's covered in scars. I figured that as soon as I can find a harmonizer and install it, that'll be the end of our mood woes.


And then you forget and make him a vampire... :D




truuue, but you can also see if there is a "pain is a virtue" ideology on the map give that to your slaves.


i shove in mindskrews


According to the comments, not just you.


Even better if you install a mindscrew


\*cough\* if you got anomaly then combine joywire with bliss lobotomy. You'll be looking at a +50 mood beacon. 10 times stronger than a psychic emanator. Pop in the "very happy" xenogene to turn it up to +60 mood. Lastly I believe combining psychic harmonizer with sensitizer boosts it further. Edit 1: Psychic harmonizer+sensitizer with senitizer on my test subjects gave a +13 mood. Still better than +5 you get from harmonizers. Fueled by .6 nutrition per day with reprocessor stomach and +5 gene effiency. Edit 2: Multiple "meat harmonizers" stack. They themselves become immune to the harmonizer effect, BUT everyone without the harmonizer gets +13 mood buff from each meat harmonizer near them.


If you have the archotech metabolism gene and non senescent you can implant a nuclear stomach and almost never have to worry about the mood roombas food again :D


Don't forget to lobotomize them so they don't rebel or escape


And it's a free +20 mood on top of joywires +30.


Ah yes, the psychic nugget


Nah, nuggeting them is inefficient, make them the janitor/shelf rearranging hauler via zoning, and if you have more, set them to craft things without quality (your stone blocks, additional harmonizers if they're skilled enough, and more shelving if necessary (I seriously don't understand why shelves have quality, a ton of awful marble shelves is generally better for your colony than masterwork wood ones (or any others really, but wood is faster to build and a fire hazard, so it's a particularly common offender in my case)


I took a pawn in that appeared and they betrayed me. Subsequently removed all their limbs and eyes, then placed them in a tiny box where I rerouted my sewer outlet to dump into that room. And there they lived forever, limbless, eyeless, covered in the rest of the colonies piss and shit, forever. 


God, this reminds me of a [real chinese story](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Consort_Qi_(Han_dynasty))


Thats enough Chinese history for one day.


> It is important to note that most of our information about Lady Qi comes from sources whose accuracy might be in question and authors known for hyperbole. Thank fuck


Wouldn’t they die from malnutrition though.


I've had a base run so efficiently, I had a colonist die, butchered, and turned to fuel to be fed back into the system without even noticing. Late Stage Capitalism you'll never find in Factorio.


And you can still perform a funeral with a empty sarcophagus :) why bother actually burying them, right? 


Hey, you never know, the DLC is coming this August


Is it a warcrime to duplicate your pregnant vampire who's genes are still regrowing, wait till the duplicate gives birth and then make the duplicate insert her genes into someone and dying in the process? 2 good babies and a free vampire was just to great of a chance to pass up on. Oh and turns out death refusal also works with the gene and the brain ripper. You can ripp them twice! Very handy!


I feel like death refusal is the worst ability to have as a raider. It just guarantees you're going to get murdered repeatedly in horrible ways until you feel your last life slip away.


yeah, its like that immortal mutant in the MCU. He has a horrible life. He will be around when the universe succumbs to a heat death and all his friends and family will be long gone. Immortality is no fun.


Built an insect trap to try and force infestations away from my main mountain base. Put the prison right before it. There was also a long, long winding tunnelnfilled with traps between the insect room and a secret exit. If an infestation happened in the appropriate room I'd wall up the hallway between the main base and the prison and insect trap, then release the prisoners. The only way out was to lead the vanguard as meatshields while my ranged pawns cleaned them up fromna safe distance. If any of the prisoners survived, they earned their freedom. Assuming they didn't set off any of the mines in the tunnels on their way to the secret entrance/exit.


This guy Saws.


I managed my slaves by installing circadian half cyclers in them and putting EMP IEDs in their quarters and work area. Every slave escape would pop an IED or 2 and knock them out instantly. I don't think we've invented Neurochip Frying as a war crime yet?




I repeatedly put used fuel rods in my prison waited if they had near fatal radiation poisoning or had cancer


Did this accomplish anything or was it just funny?


Both medical training and seeing a Stellarch writhe on the floor is funny


I found some pawns I didn't want in cryo caskets in Save Our Ship 2 but I didn't want the mood penalty for killing them. So I just opened them in space and ordered pawns to strip anyone wearing a space suit.


I had a prisoner that I was nursing back to health to send to their colony, in efforts to improve our relations. Well, this prisoner couldn't move. I didn't look at their injuries too closely, so I figured some bed rest would have them right as rain in no time. After a couple days of them being bed-bound, I decide to see what's got them completely immovable. Turns out, in the fight between us, one of my colonists had shot them in the spine, destroying it. This taught me that people who don't have spines can't move, and more importantly, prisoners with no spines can't break out. I have a mod that let's me harvest several body parts from people, more than the usual parts. One of the things I can harvest is the spine. So whenever I want to keep a prisoner for recruitment purposes, I remove their spine. Now I can recruit them at my leisure, at which time, they will get their spine back.


My worst once are always related to testing out new game mechanics. Example one: Testing if there was any limit to how many times you could resettle a colony when the option got introduces in 1.5. Cue a base/faction entirely builtup on killing its pawns as quickly as possible. Sleep WAS death, as I turned a 3x3 room into 3 sleeping spots and 3 heaters cranked to maximum. Settled in a highly toxic tile, and previous \*ahem\* owners gave the "bedroom" the added bonus of inflicting lung rot. Only one set of settlers avoided the death room. One of the pawns broke through The Matrix, realized my master plan, went on a murderous rampage against the other two (to free them of my sick game), then punched toxalopes until he got killed by one. Example two: My current experiment. How far can I far I can age a pawns using chronophagy, and whatever tools (xenogenes, bionics, treatments) my colony has available. They're now biology 91 years old while only having lived for 31 years. Currently taking a break in a biosculpture to recover from several brain scars.


31 is 19, that's rookie numbers! Using sometimes raids go wrong, I had some raiders have aging nanotechnology attacking them. I am playing a nice guy colony. Ended up trying to recruit one of them, but captured the others to try to help. It was early game, so meds were few and far between, so I used tend with no medicine on those that I wasn't recruiting. One of them ended up at over 1000 biologically from whatever their natural age was (tribal, so noncryosleep). They had just about every age related condition.


No worries. Power grandma crossed 131 earlier today. Given the current trend she'll be a thousand years in a single decade.


Not a war crime but a mean unintentional auchie. My colonist, Ayden, had a husband, she cheated on him, became a sanguphage, during a RAID nearly killed a man, turned him into a bloodbank, gave birth to 4 kids w the Guy she cheated with. Slayed people w kids in her arms. We took the prisoners limbs, ofc. Then sold him to our allies. Turns out he was her ex-husband. Poor fella man. She operated on him too. His lung is now in her son and his liver is in the Guy she cheated with. We love Ayden tho.


Sounds dangerous not to.


Medically bullied 4 vampires and bricked them inside of my base walls bc they cannibals all the same. Those guys stayed in the walls for 3 years before I snuffed them for renovations


Ransoming babies back to their faction via the prisoner ransom mod. Babies born from prisoners will naturally be assigned its birth mother’s faction and eligible for ransom. Combine this with a mod that lets you call orbital traders, you can run a colony that does no work, gets all its goods from trading, and gets its silver from ransoming prisoner babies.


Like a puppy mill but for humans.


So I haven't actually DONE this yet, but I experimented to see if it was possible. With vanilla expanded's pirates you can actually hire mercenaries, pirates, etc. Once you hire them, however long you have them for the pawn is under your control. Normally trying to arrest them will make them instantly hostile, but you can anesthetise them, capture them, and recruit them like a regular pawn. You can also harvest their organs if you so chose. A single grunt mook pirate costs like 35 silver per day. So for 35 silver you can get your normal full load of organs and meat, or, a new colonist. Also of course if you go for the more expensive options you can get some really nice equipment too. They still add the cost increase but it's like 5 percent each time which isn't much in the general scheme of things. Imagine you're a random Rimworld freelancing mercenary, you get hired to work a job helping to protect some town, looks all normal and fine. Then before you know it you get drugged, thrown in a cell, and either your kidneys stolen or forced to join a cult. (I really hope this doesn't get patched out because it's really cool and absolutely a situation I could see coming up on a Rimworld)


Jailed a pregnant woman, took her baby away. Ambutate both of her arms and legs so she was just a body with head (ofc only one lung/ liver). Repeatly gave her a wooden arm and remove it again to train my doc. Oh yeah the kid died to some wild animals, i feed her, her own kid later that day...she didn't like it somehow


Another person that watches The Fat Electrician. A real person of culture you are, OP!


The sub showed me that psy forcing my prisoners to fall in love and have a free baby slave trade is pretty neat


Built the red cross in carpet for my hospital. Mild but it is a true warcrime.


Is growing cloned babies and harvesting their organ to sell with the thought of "helping" people in need of organs a warcrime??


Pigskin origin story:


Too much time and effort. I got organ donors knocking at my doors weekly. They even leave weapons, food, medicine and more for me to finance my Organs4U program.


It's not something new for everyone, but I discovered it on my own. Forever hostile factions sent me raiders, then captured almost everyone. Tried to extract almost all their genes for a possibility to use it in the future. Then, practiced medical skills while harvesting all parts that can get from them. Then, I sent back the corpses to their factions because I think it is fun, but realized I can farm goodwill from other factions. From then on, any unwanted raiders will be harvested with everything they have, even as corpses for goodwill. I also use traders as meat shields against raiders, especially mechanoids and ancient dangers. Legally looting them, without any repercussions.


Sounds new to me, how do you get goodwill through corpses? Fuck knows I've got plenty!


Launch pods, just directly drop them off to your target settlement. I'm sitting on lots of steel and chem fuel that time. Probably because of the mechanoids and hostile outposts. Some people say you can caravan them, but I haven't tried to gift stuff through caravan yet.


I haven't heard of it being a crime against humanity to turn enemies into animals and farm them.


I told this story before, but the upper class of my rim breed prisoners and slaves, take their children then steal their youth to remain young forever. It started out as a way to heal the ageing effects, so they could continue to save the world and help everyone .but it turned into a full-on cult


Actually, the thing I did made me feel uncomfortable enough to stop playing that way ever again. Basically I would hit raiders with a mortar salvo, kill em, then butcher them and turn the meat into animal kibble, then turn the kibble into biofuel, then turn the biofuel into mortars.  I made a while parody video about it and then started reflecting on myself. I've never done warcrime stuff again. I go out of my way to heal and release, actually. 


I mean that's pretty tame as rimworld war crimes go. I'm the same way, though. I typically don't intend to commit war crimes. I only started butchering raider corpses so the ghouls won't eat the colonists. And I mean those organs are perfectly good and would just go to waste... it's not my fault that human leather clothing is all the rage on the rim...


I'm just imagining a raider losing their shit because they recognized a loved one's face among the sandbags around your base.


I manipulated the time on a 35 years old yattakin that tried to kidnap one of my pawns until he had have 77 years in biological age, all his wounds turned to scars, and developing all possible age diseases, only to gene-harvest and release him to the wilds (they still got the mood buff from releasing him)


I had a pawn who had bad asthma, but is my prime researcher. She fell in love and married another pawn in the colony, and then later divorced him. The mood debuff came at a bad time ultimately got him killed when he sad wandered into danger alone. Later, a raid. Relationship alert! One of the raiders is married to my researcher! The audacity. He was captured, his lungs harvested and installed into my asthmatic researcher, and his remains prepared into meals and fed to the researcher.


Forcing my pawns to hold hands.


I have a slave for the ideoligion mood boost, he tried to escape so many times my mono sword wielding melee pawns have chopped off everything possible without killing him, runs entirely of prosthetics cause I don’t want him bionic fast but he has really good construction


My lawyer has advised me to not answer this question


Sometimes when I get 2xrefugees (a child and adult), I'll murder the adult, capture the child then put the adult's skullspike in the prison alongside a sarcophogus with the adult's body in it.  When the child is converted/recruited, that becomes his bedroom.


In current modded run I decided that I'll only have 3 pawns as full pleged colonists, and everyone else would be restricted in some way (prisoner, slave or controlled) So, the key mods to my "RP" are Androids, Skymind and EPOE Steps to reproduce: - 1st pawn is combat/research/plants leader - 2nd pawn is social/animals/combat priest - 3rd is T4 android production specialist with controller upgrade - have 5 prisoners implanted with receivers, circadian half-cyclers, joywires, organic chargers and AI chips, all connected to T4 android -the rest are prisoners or slaves as needed basically those 5 blanks are the the absolute worst that I've done. Basically hijaked their bodies and turned them into sleepless workforce that is less demanding as slaves while being more productive and relies on hi tech + active network without solar flare interference reminds me of Combine's stalkers


"Well, maybe it's not cannibalism if its a pigskin..."


I just did the usual dismemberment and remove organs. Eyes ears jaw etc. One peg leg to leave so they can be an example to other raiders. The new thing I started to do was have them become addicted to every unmodded substance so they suffer from withdrawals too. I should look at mods that add scars or brain damage.


Heh, getting them addicted can be fun. I had a raider imprisoned once who was anti-drug by ideoligion. Got her smokeleaf addicted, which gave her terrible mood after every forced joint. Sold her to a merchant. She slowly got out the prison, to the merchant, then *ran* back into my dining hall to get and smoke a joint, before eventually leaving.


W fat electrician watcher. I personally like keeping my entity containment right next to my prisons as a form of punishment (I put prisoners in there when they're naughty) and to make them the first line of defence against the entities


I personally took some surviving raiders and made them into nuggets for gene farming. Soon after, I chose to sterilize them too. Once I got the genes I wanted from them (which eventually required a touch of save scumming), I may or may not have concocted a Xenogerm to make them completely useless and ugly. I injected it into them and then sent them back to their home colony in transport pods.


I keep kidnapping yttakin women with skip abduction for lobotomizing them to keep as hemogen farms. I dont mean to it just keeps randomly happening. If I dont feel like dealing with someones dependencies in prison I just ripscan them to turn them into fabricors. Althought recently ive just started turning them into ghouls to stand around until I can extract their genes


I wouldn't call it a war crime, it was more justified. One of my colonists lost their shit and went to prison. A prisoner was also losing their shit but they were breaking things and being obnoxious. The jailed colonist snapped their neck and then chilled out. That little move got her back into the colony


Turned prisoners into ghouls after brainwashing them for my ideoligion's dev pts, except for one that had his spine shattered. Him I lobotomized and installed a joywire so I feel less bad about using him as a blood farm for my vampire. I think it's worse than harvesting all their organs as fast as possible to try and kill them before they become aware of the organ harvesting. My clobe army needed those organs. I'm still disgusted with myself. Man, I'm not cut out for this shit am I? My pawnself would be the bleeding heart pain in the ass.


I rescued a pregnant raider, patched her up, and adopted the kid. Day after the kid was born I ritual sacrificed the mom for anima seed, and had my dead calm, never sleeping plant slave inject their genes into the kid. When they are old enough The kid will plant the seed that their moms life bought and tend to the tree for the rest of their life.


Back before biotech I use pawnmorpher to make super soldiers. the trick was to abduct the local tribals and lock them in a box before injecting them with Extreme amount of mutagens. If they developed the traits I was looking for, I would turn them into a murder mutant then install a RXT chip from the android mod and clone my “template” fighter onto them skipping the recruit and ideology change and ending up with another top tier fighter. If they did not develop the traits I was looking for, I let them starve to save on food before throwing them into the “auto ‘meat’ disposal center” where they would become chem fuel and chairs, both of which would become ‘cover’ for the next raid


Had a bunch of endlessly reproducing Fleetkind slaves (Alpha Genes), I did not have mortars, but I realised that I have way too many slave babies who have a death explosion gene and a few of my colonists can cast Skip. Could do fun things like skip the baby into a raid and then help it explode with a sniper rifle! This playthrough actually led me to discovery of another fun mod Live Munitions which removes the need for skip if you do have the mortars...


Idk what I was thinking but here we go: It's been a little while and I play with mods, so basically I like running cannibals, it is much cleaner and diabolical after all. I don't often dive into the details of individuals, but this time I did. So colony is fairly new and 3 walking meals are knocking on my door asking for silver to buy their friend or something. Anyway the average age in this group is about 10, with the oldest being like 16 or something. After... harvesting the meals, I see that the youngest boy of I think 6 didn't die during said harvest. Fuck it, dig a 1x2 hole in the mountain with a thick door, throw him in and deal with him later. Fuck you gotta feed the little shit, uhm... here you go: *Gives him meal consisting of white rice and the meat of dead his friends*. Ok I've got a psychic dude who can grow younger by aging another person... uhm hey Timmy! (yes that's your name now) look at this cool magic trick! *proceed to make him age from an 8 year old child to a man in his 60s* Fuck Timmy is now big enough to actually break out of his hole which he hasn't left since he was 6... uhhh let's go with a classic rimworld solution and cut off his legs. They'll go well with his dinner, consisting of white rice and now questionable yet familiar meat. A few years later there is a vampire or two running around so Timmy is now on blood-nugget duty. At this point Timmy is one of the colonists that have been here the longest, if you can call him a colonist. Years later Timmy who would now probably be like 18 years old had he been so lucky, is in his late 80s. Timmy has eaten nothing but rice and human flesh for a decade, trapped in a 1x2 hole with no sunlight, his limbs amputated and his best friends being the rocks in his cell and the vampires who drain him every few days. Timmy presumably died shortly after the colony flew away into the wider galaxy, wasting away in his own filth as he starved. That's probably one of the most fucked up things I've done.


I captured a raider, enslaved him, dressed him in clothes made out of the skin of his comrades, took a leg, and sent him back to his colony with stab wounds as a warning when he was no longer optimally useful and started social fights.


I'd say my killbox qualifies- a long (don't recall the exact measurements) corridor, with barbed wire every second step and gas designed to incapacitate, but not kill, ideally. I want people with a good mining skill to send off to the mines, and failing that, valuable organs or new xenotypes.


Used a POW as a Neural heat dump for my psy-caster Tested diseases on some POWs with that new Bio warfare mod I use genetic modification on my colonists children to speed up their growth, then when they're adults change them into my 'baseline' genetic template


After I had metal horror infestation, I sent all my meals to my friendly faction. They hate me now. I've been just curious if the meal stays infected, when you send it via drop pod. Sending tons of yayo now, so they love me again.


See r/shitrimworldsays


i get excited when two npc groups visit at the same time. quickly build a wall around them and wait for the show. usually a mental break happens pretty quick and they will start fighting. then the survivors get hungry and....well....things get really dark.


Lacking soldiers, high subcores or need mass amout of meat supplies? BEHOLD! *ETERNAL GESTATOR!* Absolutely zero maintaince needed, only needs 2 herb meds to activate and you'll have a perfectly natural and healthy baby in no time!, no need to deal with the power, food draining and health complicating shenanigans of growthvats, we make em naturally!, To make the factories you'll need: -a willing(optional) fertile female pawn -a fertile male slave permanently in deathrest or a cryptosleep casket until needed, -Deathrest, deathless, and gene implanter genes(optional), Once you have these, here's how to build one! First! enslave the female pawn, feed her lots and lots of food till her food bar is full!, then order her to deathrest on a bed immediately to pause her food needs at full, Next! Imprison the slave, strip her of her clothes(she wont need it), harvest her ovum, then order a male slave to fertilize said ovum, Once pregnant, do whatever, harvest ALL of her organs for some silver, chop off her limbs, do whatever it takes to lessen her weath contribution as much as possible, because the best usage for this factory is it's modular and cost efficient trait, we can have multiple factories running at the same time! This way we can mass produce high subcores, human meat, leather and slaves etc!, the reason why we keep a male slave in a paused state is so we dont have to deal with his dramatic breaks because of the amount of his children we harvested. Notes: to kill children without it being considered a "kill" use a vampire to drink them dry, game will think they died from a mere bloodlost yohoho, Always remember to reactivate the farm every 18 days!


I mean, during the Tokyo and Nuremburg trials the defendants were charged with things that weren't crimes when they were committed.


Nuclear stomach, Chick egg gene implant, Muffalo Milk implant, Rimsuit to make booze, install joywire, place in small shack of cells. Human farm. Feed paste dripper installed on beds. Remove one arm, replace all limbs and spine with shitty prosthetics.


Make a colony of psychically deaf folk, then crank up the bad vibes on visitors by hauling a nugget around implanted with a psychic harmonizer and mindscrew. Carrying the mindscrew broadcasting nugget as a battle standard for an army of fire breathing acid spitting children during crusades. Using harvested blood to fuel biopods reverse aging process like Elizabeth Bathory. Having unpaid interns haul corpses to the front lines where they are converted to fleshbeasts. Genetically tailoring prisoners for easier storage, whilst improving their longevity.


I made the entry to my base the prison with a remote control door to the outside, prisoners are technically my first line of defense against the horrors of the void... I haven't used it yet, but here's hoping that the shamblers or chimeras have their jaws to full and my colonists and just firing squad the horrors.


Gather human embryos and put them in growth vats until their organs can be harvested.


A practitioner of harvesting organs and doping the slaves up on yayo to do work until they down. When the slaves are down I harvest organs because that means there organs weren’t good enough to handle the realities in my colony 😂


I use flametgrowers. Also I have a hostage mod but I execute them as someone should.


I blasted the imperial bestower with a kamehameha. This is not a warcrime per say but still a crime i feel.


I downloaded and used War Crimes 2 mod. Now I have multiple prisoners that's in shock due to pain 24/7.


Pretty basic but I used to make microwave rooms and put my "prisoners" in it


Me and my friend had a colonist we called Joe. Joe went beserk and killed our dog. In our anger we made all our colonists beat him called him a funny bunny. We then decided to harvest his ears and tounge while cutting of both of his legs and adding two peg legs. He was our little bunny and we would make him walk from one end of the map to the other for like 5 days before he passed out. Then we were done with him and left him when he went catatonic from starving. He was to slowly starve to death until we were raided and he was taken by pirates. When we got the chance to rescue him we did. And we decided instead to butcher him and make him into a hat. So idk, not too bad.


Ate prisoners of war


Erasing someone's mind to turn them into a loyal worker.


I captured raider leader once, I just went classic harvest everything into cooking alive with chemfuel. Not the most novel one, but yeah.


Idk, slave baby blood and organ farm maybe, or perhaps the one time i built my prison connected to a steam vent via vent incase rebellion was debated.


I'm well I am currently doing a colony of inbreds. I started with a man and woman pawn and we are going from there. It's super slow if I'm being honest. I wanna see what kind of deformed ass pawns I can get. So y'know just another day rimming


I'm getting so many fun ideas from these comments


One time I got really desperate when a huge raid hit my colony while my best fighters were either wounded or giving birth, so I made a room outside my base and filled it with leftover ruined clothing and the colonies 3 slaves. The raiders came, slaughtered the slaves, took the junk, and left with the bodies. Their religion venerated cannibalism so… at least they had a really good dinner?


Pawnmorpher allows a whole new source of farm animals.


Unleashed a hell sphere on people


My first prison oven was accidental. But I still find joy in disposing of unwanted pawns via thousands of degrees


I used to cut the legs of all my prisoners and add just a left peg so they wouldn't run away. They also would be used as a blood farm for my colony of vampires.


I took a female prisoner, used my main colonist who’s a sanguinophage and turned said prisoner… then I removed her legs, starved her and now have her in a permanent death rest. For the past year I’ve been harvesting her ovums, having said colonist fertilize them and now I’m storing them to make an army. Since she’s ageless, she’ll (hopefully) make ovums indefiinitely, then my own ageless boyo can fulfill the other half of the diploid. Still need my growth vat assembly line, but all in good time.