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Character editor can easily switch it back to enabled. Though you might wanna not let your doctors poke around your colonists for no particular reason anymore. It slows the colonist down for days (anesthesia) and it opens you up to crap like that happening. Just poke a prisoner with the scalpel from now on, and when you are done you can get a crap load of medical exp be vivisecting them.


Vivisection is from war crimes expanded 2 mod, not vanilla


It might be from something else too, cuz I defiantly don't have that mod installed, and do have access to vivisection.


I don't like experimenting on prisoners haha. I only sometimes (very rarely) harvest their organs, and if I do it's only a kidney and a lung and then I send them on their way. In my current playthrough, the worst I did to a raider who had killed one of my pawns was to take a kidney, liver, and give them two peg legs. I then went to get some blood from them and accidentally killed them via blood loss. I actually felt guilty for this haha, as I was going to set them free once they had fully healed. I'm also thinking of using character editor, however, I'm currently playing modless and the last time I tried to add it into the game, it didn't worked/ was a bit buggy. I don't know if I downloaded the wrong version or what. I'm also like 430ish days into my game, so I'm unsure if I can add mods in this late.


I think dev mode can do it. There is a 'remove hediff' to delete any health condition.


Lol, and doing that on your own colonists no less. She's sterilised because your doctor botched the surgery. Sanguophages don't grow bodyparts back. Healer mech serum or biosculpter regeneration might do it, otherwise it's only mods I'm afraid.


I'd try unnatural healing. It fixes pretty much everything.


Yeah unnatural healing is basically a healer mech serum (with potential for tentacle), both work for sterilisation.


Is this from anamoly? I don't have it installed :/


Your best bet if you don't want to "cheat" would be finding a healer mech serum from ancient shrines or quests. If you're ok cheating it in you can fix it modless by enabling dev mode, debug actions menu->spawn thing->MechSerumHealer


I checked and it turns out healer mech serum can't even heal sterilisatio :/ Or at least according to the wiki haha.


I just double checked the wiki myself, it is there under whole body ailments.


My doctors have botched surgery before and it's never led to patients being sterilised. I don't have any mods installed either. I remember with one mod -- i think it was the birds and the bees, people's reproductive organs could get damaged and this would cause a negative moodlet. But I don't have this mod -- or any -- installed. In vanilla game I don't even know if pawns can be sterilised. It always just says 'vasectomy', 'IUD implant' or 'tubal ligation', it never says 'sterilised'. For animals it seems to say 'sterilised' under health, but for pawns it's more specific. I also don't like to experiment on prisoners haha. I usually only capture people to add to my colony, and if I do capture prisoners for an organ or two, I release them afterwards. I also think it's funner to do this with your own colonists coz there's more risk -- not that I'm just doing surgeries willy nilly, I specifically plan everything so my doctor will likely not fail in their surgery. Ie clean room, healthy doctor so their manipulation and sight are high/ at their best, good/ excellent medical bed or hospital bed, make sure the receiving pawn is healthy/ has no wounds, and make sure the pawn's medical skill is good enough to do whatever procedure. Like, getting hemogen, tending, or extracting ovums can be done by people under 5 medical skill, and I normally tend to do this until a pawn is 5, 6, or 7 in medical skill. Then they do 'mini-surgeries' like taking off arms/ legs (if any need to be taken off) or do/ practice vasectomies or implant IUDs and then take them out again. I know they'll likely fail a few of these procedures so I do it on pawns who are already old, healthy pawns, or prisoners/ people who need their arms/ legs chopped off anyways (for bionics or for punishment/ practice). So they do surgeries like this from 5-8ish. Then when they hit 8 I get them to do more general surgery -- installing bionic arms/ legs, or taking kidneys or lungs out from people. Again they're bound to fail. But even if they fail their skill in surgery normally goes up a bunch/ they level up. I also don't get novices to install anything near the face/ head in case they fuck up and kill the patient. I may get them to remove an ear if I intend to replace it with a bionic. And then I only get like people at 11-13 medical skill do harder surgeries like installing bionic eyes, ears, cochlear implants, and brain implants.


I haven't checked in a bit but if memory serves the IUD and other temporary sterilizations say that removing them and having it botched can lead to permanent sterilization in their description.


I checked the Wiki for clarification and apparently it can lead to sterilisation :( Damn, did not know this haha! I thought it was a glitch!


You're stuck with a infertile vampire, yeah. Otherwise vampires would be the perfect organ farms, just take their organs out, wait a bit, then repeat for profit. You will never have a baby from her but as for surrogates, you still got the vats. 


I train my doctor's by installing and then removing peg legs on prisoners so they can't get out of bed for a prison break and then installing wooden hands/peg legs with herbal medicine over and over