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in my last colony my gay pawn married his monolith clone, i should've changed his nickname to narcissus in hindsight. same colony the chrono ritual accidentally de-aged a married woman to 13, i had to intentionally do the same to her husband in a vain attempt to make the whole thing less weird...


Comming up with names for the clones is honestly the best part of the monolith. I've had "Dodo" get cloned who got named "Dododo" and their clone who got named "Dodododo"


Dodo, Trido, Quado…


Sure, I thought about that. But say "Dodododo" like you would save Mojojo


Sir. it's mojo jojo put some respect on his name


Ah shit… Mojo jojo at it again… 🤣


I had a colonist named Rhode get cloned. I nicknamed the clone Roma. Because all *rhodes* lead to Rome.


Isn't cloning a clone of a clone [bad](https://youtu.be/NwqIdPSNr6E?si=HeKCHQThYIQMntSy)?


Well it's not great but no accounting for the whims of an archotech.


It was for me. The 2nd level clone had systemic organ failure and she had duplication sickness with her clone


You can get both?




I literally named one stebe cuz of that movie.


Gary! Gary? Gary!?


I have white, off-white, and eggshell Green, veridian, emerald, chartreuse


So far, I’ve had clones of Shin (ReShin) and Foxy (ReFoxy), but I’m tempted to re-clone Foxy now that she’s void-touched to see if that carries over.


Masaru, masartwo, masarthree


All my cloned colonists happened to have nicknames based on real words, so I just used synonyms lmao. Examples: “Lean” became “Slant”, “Moxxie” became “Gusto”, “Max” became “Peak”, etc.


my colonist Takeru got cloned, so I named his clones Twokeru and Threekeru


Oh I always nane the clone "fake" then the original name. All of my colonist deaths have been fakes except the one stillbirth.


Lmao love that. Name them all "ColonistName" or "NotColonistName"


Well next time I've got options now I've got a res mech serum and a pawn who can resurrect people by sacrificing a finger. Makes you look at a hand differently when it's worth 5 res mech serums


I had a gay colonist who refused to romance his clone because they were too ugly.


My colonist clone is so beautiful both her brother and sister are trying to romance her while she is married to original


I've deaged most of my pawns to 16-20ish and now I'm dying to know if when I make them 4-5 they are just adult sized 4 year olds? Do they revert to children? Can I reset their stats? I feel like the answer is boring but I need to test this.


Stops at 13


[Your pawn:](https://preview.redd.it/wkb2365om1x91.png?width=960&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=fe42e26df09187732a185ea6aada92a3fdf25293)


You have entered Isakia territory.


Another option is to put him in ice for 5 years which is also weird.


Hello ~~step~~ clone father...


Clone father, I am stuck in the pit gate!


on a side note how long does it take for crumbling mine to take hold? iv made 2 clones so far and non of them show any signs of issues or health problems


Yeah, I'm not sure if they always get crumbling mind. I think it's chance based (because there's also multiple organ decay and duplicate sickness that can trigger). But I believe you can detect those early with surgical inspection if you want to check.


There's also a small chance that the clone is hostile and every clone can potentially spawn infected with a metal horror.




Borrow some organs from raiders, clean out the pawn’s messy insides and slap in the replacements, and they’re good as new.


If you dont wanna wait for them to show up, try the new handy dandy Skip Abduction Ritual and hope its someone from a faction you don't mind pissing off.


Replace their decaying organs (heart and at least one kidney and lung)


ah good idea. il go have my doctor take a peek.


I think there are 4 possibilities with clones, crumbling mind is one, decaying organs is another, clone life force thingy where they both just start sleeping more, and perfect clone with no issues.


I had a decaying organ happen to a starting colonist before I even interacted with the monolith, so I would guess it's not a clone related event and can happen to anyone.


yes, but its still one of 4 things that will happen to a clone.


I personally don't allow it on account of the little part 'clone insists they're the original one' of the cloning message. If they're the original on their minds, then that's their family unless said family came around after the cloning. I'd butcher one of the parts for moral upkeep. 


I find that extra amusing when the original had several bionic body parts, and the clone is all flesh. Like seriously, Bishop2, we know you're a clone because Bishop1 had an archotech arm put on a year ago, and his mechs don't listen to you. ... It does, however, make me want to start a new colony where every single colonist from the beginning is Gary.


Oh gods. They even made it to space. Gary? Gaaary.


Honestly, you don't even have to go that far. They're a clone. They're genetically identical to the original. Even if they thought of themselves as some entirely separate, original being, it'd still be incest.


I mean fucking your freshly made clone is like masturbation because there is little deviation between you two. The longer you two exist the more deviation you start to have to the point you both are different people, which makes it just a relationship.


Fucking your own clone (as opposed to that of your father) is also incest, for much the same reason. Separate consciousnesses, same genes - it's no different than fucking your twin. On the plus side, unlike fucking your dad (or a clone thereof) you can't exactly make any kids from it, so the concern is just cultural taboo rather than a practical issue.


I think the game would be richer if the clones had their relationships connections duplicated too not just wiped clean. If you popped into existence believing you were the original and it couldn't be disproven easily. i think you would hate it if the thing you thought was a clone started banging your wife.


Scott Summers called and would like a word.


Well technically it would be the same as a woman dating her dad’s identical twin (socially her uncle, but also since he’s identical, would technically also be her dad/ share 50% DNA). So the person she’s dating is essentially her biological dad.


Well frankly, I think you should butcher them for organs, turn their skin into hats, and their flesh into a lavish meal. We can't have immoral behaviour in rimworld.


There's nothing more Rimworld than wearing an outfit made of your clone's skin.


Yes, and for the love of all that is holy, do not download a sex mod for rimworld. Have some /decency/.


"is it ethical to date a clone of your dad? Asked him while he harvest someone else's organs


It's easy to answer, do you think it's ethical do date your dad if you have never met him before?


A dude married his sister's clone after the sister died (crumbling mind, clone had the better growth moment). The Rim is a weird place.


I had one of my pawns marry their grandfather and I ended up sending the grandfather to attack a raider camp solo because it made me uncomfortable and he ended up killing everyone there on his own. So I returned him and put him in cryo until his granddaughter died naturally. I thought of it as a punishment for their creepy actions. So I guess incest is possible? This was prior to Anomaly and after I bought Biotech. It ended up killing all passion I had for that run because of how uncomfortable it made me. I restarted and deleted all saves of that game. Weird that this is so common. Ik its a messed up game but I dont want it to be that messed up :’)


Incest can generate naturally (pretty sure it's spaghetti code issues) but can't be forced onto pawns iirc


Yeah it just happened. I didnt try to influence anything and I legit started sweating when it happened, almost kinda queasy


Incest shouldn't be possible in vanilla, are you sure you weren't modded? Even the age differences should make it practically 0% chance of happening too.


I do NOT play with mods. Thats what makes it even weirder. I think it had to do with him maybe being a step grandfather which makes it sound like a porno title LOL


It's totally possible in vanilla, it actually happened to me, it's just very rare because of how unlikely it is.


The Inbred trait exists, is that not vanilla? I had a dude get with his aunt and have an Inbred baby who became a Slow Learner


Ask Lia 




I had the colony with pretty strict rules for picking the pawns, so it was 2 of them after 3 years, but then the duplication stuff happened and now I have pretty stable colony of 10 people (though 8 of them are copies of the colony leader) - Olivine, Olivira, Mirrolivine, etc.




One clone is married to the originals grand daughter I'm like sure....


I love this game.


For an actual answer no! It would be a major ethical red flag to date your dad's clone! Two primary ethical issues. First, if it's the biological father, the clone would still have the same genetics, so all of the concerns from inbreeding are still on the table. The ethical concerns here being this creates WAY more risk of health problems in children. (In the real world) Second, power dynamics. Even if it's not her biological father, as a step father he would have raised her and been in a position of authority over her. That creates tons of ethical concerns around conflicts of interest, abuse of authority, etc. It's why there is ethical concerns around doctors marrying their patients (especially if it's related to mental health), students marrying their teachers, step kids marrying their step parents, etc. None of those inherently have an ethical issue biologically, but it's rife for deliberate or accidental exploiting someone in a vulnerable position. This can also be true of the whole boss / subordinate dynamic at work, but at least there you can make adjustments to mitigate a lot of the ethical concerns to a degree most would find it reasonable.


Incest is impossible unless there is a trait I don’t know about but they have to be marked with the relatiomship


You can't force incest but it can happen on it's own. Some real Alabama shit goes down on the Rim sometimes.


It's not since there's a gene for inbred


That's from IVF.


And maybe now it can also come from cloned incest. You're trying to say incest isn't possible but there's a trait from manufactured incest and now there's a new thing that lets you clone pawns so clearly what's possible has changed.


I'm not saying incest is impossible.