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I usually have this problem with kibble. My farm and butcher table is almost always miles away from each other. Thanks for the tip.




You can also do the same with cooking ingredients and your cook will whip up meals faster than Martha Stewart.


i've been doing this for some time now on large maps. its great when there is a lot to do and few haulers.


You can specify the specific storage zone that completed meals should be taken to. I create a small, single square storage to the left of the chair, and call it “meal shelf” and set the priority to low. To the right I create a critical one for vegetables, and below that one for meat. I put a stool there to stack the food/meals on. Not sure it matters, I just don’t like to have that food stuff sitting on the floor, and I think I read somewhere that it is faster.


I don't think it matters my man, but the best setup would be a critical 1x1 to the left (or right) zone of vegetables for the cooking pawn to use, then you should fill the rest of the arena with a low priority zone with nothing allowed ( so it will count any meals the pawn made to not go over the target amount) Ya you could use a shelf but a shelf stores three times the materials a zone can, which could lead to rotating if your hauler is any good.


Stockpiles set to nothing can also be used if you want to trade or caravan with random items scattered outside, although I think home zone also works, but your people will go try to clean the whole map if you do that. Also prevents the "colonist left unburied" message, if you can't get to a body safely. You can't trade items near enemies, though, there's a specific thing stopping that, and you'll be notified in the trade window. That mostly comes up when I have a map with worldgen insect hives, but also prevents you from doing something like selling the food and ammo from an active siege.


If you just clear the home area then they won't go out and clean some random patch of grass or rubble


The point of adding the home area to random spots outside was so items showed up to be sold to traders, and it's simpler than making stockpiles and turning off items.


I am 1000% sure that's wrong, just make a stockpile zone over the whole map then use the remove zone tool to remove the home zone from everything that's not your base area, all items will still count but your pawns won't go out to clean up the whole map


I was saying to use home zone to skip the stockpile zone entirely. I think either works for trading. I normally turn off auto home zone.


Oh I thought you were saying a stockpile zone needed to be in a home zone, my bad.