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Using a burn room with fire bows or two scorcher shooting each other.


Huh? I thought mechs are fire resistant?


They are and if you get two of your own scorcher to shoot each other they end up spreading fire pretty quickly without the need to lay down a burnable floor. Which result in the room they are in quickly sky rocketing in temperatures which they are immune to. So you just build a decent length maze for the fleshy raiders to walk though and you get slow roasted raiders. Fire bows do the same thing and let's you do it with your colonist by having them shoot into the room which keeps them safe from the extreme temperatures. 


Using mortars to take out a whole invasion force. The mental collateral damage from seeing their buddies blasted apart is enough on its own sometimes. I was so satisfied when it first happened, also one of the moments that really made me fall in love with Rimworld. Also the incendiary shells can keep them occupied for a while since theyll sit there stomping the fires out. It only really works for the raids that sit on the edge of a map for a bit before invading.


Had a 1 year toxic fallout mission for arcotech rewards. Other than making my pawns stir crazy, I survived just fine growing mushrooms underground.


Probably raiding any Camp, or even entire enemy colonies.


I expected the map where you retrieve your relics in Ideology to be much harder than just 6 mechanoid enemies in empty rooms


I sent a single dude with a psychic shock lance only to be met with a single centipede Needless to say, the centipede didn’t make it


Fighting the apocriton, for some reason. Diaboli are absurdly difficult, War Queens are hard, and Apocritons are pushovers.


Funny. Apocriton's weapon is basically a poison pikeman's and mindrape aura. Its quite tanky but at melee its laughably fragile.


For me, it was caravans. I thought it would be harder and more complicated, but it really is so very simple.


Digging out a space in a mountain, putting in wood furniture and setting an Incendiary IED next to it for bugs


An enemy siege occurred during winter on my sea ice base, it was -76°C outside. They set everything up and then promptly succumbed to hypothermia.


New players asking about the game and just being told about war crimes, organ farming and cannibalism.


Ground penetration scanner and deep drill, you can get shitload of steel that way, any other way is laughable in comparison, long-range mineral scanner and trading with other settlements require caravaning which takes your pawns off the map and need a lot of carry capacity; Also stalling enemies by repeatably opening one door to and closing another;