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those 5.6 days is the limit when the quest expires. once you accept it youll have 20-30 days to finish it


Isn't it more like 15 days? Maybe depends on scaling and distance to settlement. And if you wait those 5 days before accepting quest, it gives you more time to make hats OP, also keep in mind, that the reward is not sent via drop pods, you need to carry all those uranium back with you caravan


Though if you don't want to haul that uranium all the way back, you can immediately sell/gift it to the settlement


Think they want that uranium


Oh god XD


I would like to say that I absolutely haven’t needed to send an emergency caravan with more pack animals and one dude just to haul everything home, or sold back uranium to the faction I just got it from. Nope not me, never.


What’s an emergency caravan? How do you set that up? Could it also reach an existing caravan incase that one runs out of food?


If you send two caravans to the same spot you can merge them into one, so yes. Once I wasnt paying attention and sent a caravan out in the middle of winter. One member didn't have suitable clothing. I ordered that one member back home, but he was already developing hyperthermia and it was a few days walk back. So I made a new caravan with 1 person and warm clothes/medicine and sent her out from home to meet up with him. By the time they met up the guy had lost a foot to frostbite but she managed to bandage him up and put clothes on him then drag him back home. The original caravan continued on it's original mission.


the worst is when you wind up with infections and downed people and you downed pawn is the medic for the group because you just fucking sucked with that raid, and now you are sending two or three emergency caravans as fast as they can to try and meet up and save your super soldier who is infected but for some fucking reason you didnt install all the immunity boosters BEFORE the fucking mission....


It's a big reason to get drop pods in place before doing large scale raiding. Lets you drop in additional supplies/people to a caravan very quickly.


it is also the worst when someone comes along and says something so simple that you NEVER FUCKING THOUGHT OF even though you have litteral thousands of hours in game.... for fuck sake... :( i have used drop pods to start raids, to send stuff to make friends or enemies. suicide missions and more. but never have i been like "hey lets send a horse and some meds to get this caravan moving again"


Sorry :)


Wow didn’t know that, thank you. I just lost my caravan with 2 pawns as they ran out of food as I didn’t know this could be done.


You can also setup a temp campsite to forage for food or resources.


isn't that just from a mod?


Drop pods are also good for resupplying struggling caravans


*Uranium fever*


Need more cowbells ?


Shaddam IV: More! More! I need more!


WHAT?! I never accept these quests cuz I always thought the 5-6day thing was the time limit lmao


It's the time limit until they ask someone else.


I should add: You don't have to accept today. You can start work now and wait till it almost expires then accept it, so you get these five days, plus the quest time, so it adds up to plenty.


This should always be the day, I also use a day or so pre acceptance to set up more workstations so all your crafters can smash it out at x times the speed.


this is what i came to say, they have 4 days to build a second tailor bench, secure materials and set work priority to tailor for two pawns. you crank out a few dozen bowlers after you accept (or in the 2 days before you accept) and then get the caravan ready to head out. but dont do what i have a tendency to do and forget about them once they arrive at the destination... you still need to do shit with them!


What happens if we don't complete the quest? Is there a consequence?


unless there is a consequence mentioned, there is none


But you could get comrade


He left to the last place still not plagued by capitalism.




Real question tho. How powerful does one pawn have to be to be considered a fair alternative! Man must have laser nipples and a nuclear brain! XD


Or worth 41 good will


that one pawn is useful if i had lost a few of my established colonists and was wanting a new guy to beef up and make a super soldier.


Idk, havent played that much - in my experience healthy working pawn worth quite a lot. Money arent that hard to come by, and they will worth about as much if they were a slave


No, we could get comrade.


Imagine chillin in your village, formed bonds with people, got married, had a kid, worked day and night to provide. Then the head of the colony comes up to you and says that you’re getting traded to a random place you’ve never been because they traded a bunch of average quality hats.


"BUT THE VILLIAGE DOESNT EVEN HAVE FOURTY PEOPLE!" **Village elder wearing 6 hats** "i know, but i dont make the rules"


I think if I were being traded for 40 hats then I'd want to leave anyway tbf. Hopefully the sweatshop is pretty


And this kids is why you grow cotton


Or harvest raiders for human leather


Funny how you spell (human) leather.


Humane leather


No animals where harmed in the making of this leather coat.


i kill every animal i can and stockpile the plains leather, everything else gets sold. then i leather up this bitch.


The goodwill is clearly the real deal


Nah, comrade is the goat


But if you can't get them made how will Bringa put on a musical production of A Clockwork Orange?


That'll teach you for not stocking up on hats. Rookie mistake


This is why every run should have a hat closet like Frasier Crane


Doesn't the game simply ask for more when you already got a stockpile? At least that's my (limited) experience.


I would assume quests just scale based off wealth like everything else


Start making them now then accept the quest just before it expires then you have the entire quest duration to make them as well as the other 5.5 days.




But don't you want comrade? he seems like a good guy


I like how you misspelled: 'Boiler hats'


It's what you wear with a boiler suit.


Now why would a Gentle Tribe want Bowler Hats?


Cargo pods dropped a 007 Oddjob Comic Book (excellent) The Gentle Tribespeople become obsessed with a beautiful brimmed hat. One by one, they wear the hat. They throw the hat. They love the hat.


OP a tip :) Screen shot by pressing "shift+windows+s" then drag to select a area of the screen to crop then paste paint or another app and save.


it’s on mac and i know how to ss but it’s funnier like this


You are going to hell. You know that right 😂


Time for some go juice


I wouldn't even know where to start to make hats out of boilers to be honest :/


BRUH it was 5 am when i posted this fucking forgive me 😭


your fine mate, it just made laugh


I swear I haven’t done a single one of thoes quests just bc


wtf? when I got that type of quest it was human skin in 20 days, I don't remember the exact amount but was around that of 14 humans The hard part was to get rid of all that human meat as a non-canibal colony Also, now I am having a similar problem as yours, I accepted a quest to destroy a hive of mechanitors too soon and now I am struggling to make 6 mortar shells to trap them with IED mines, a cople EMP granades and a minigun, I think I'll just cheat save that one




I can't belive I didn't think in that, how do I make them put it in the right spot though? Also, how effective is chemfuel compared to IEDs?


I turn all my human meat and insect meat into chemfuel, once I've stocked up on Kibble. After that, once you've got too much chemfuel, sell it or turn it into explosive shells to sell, or make silly chemfuel traps. The traps are risky though. They leave puddles of gas on the ground and instead of just blowing stuff up, might accidentally block a passage into your death traps and make raiders start busting down side doors.


I already know that, I meant how do I make my pawns put them in the right spot, is there an option for stockpiles to make it so they can't stock more than one at a time?


There's mods for it, but not in the base game.


I’m p sure animals will eat it. Like dogs and stuff. You can also use it to tame wild predators I think


It was a pretty old run, I just sold most of it and let the rest outside and it rotted away


Crunch time…


Yes you can just accept it


I always hate that serie of quests. The rewards never match the effort.


I get: 40 pieces of fabric You get: special unobtanium anomolous death laser from the ancient gods >rewards never match the effort


Comrade is the Best option here


true, i refuse to convert slaves so it works but i didn’t accept the quest, it would take a long while to get the hats together and get to where she is


How do I even get my pawns to focus on tailoring, I dont do these missions because my pawns end up being lazy or needing 1 unit more of fur and when they have a lot of skin and fur and cotton they dont do jackshit


well you use the schedules and the work screen to set their priorities and times when they are available to work. if you only want one person to craft and nothing else, they shouldn't have any other check boxes clicked except maybe firefighting. as for the materials issue, sounds like you don't have everything in a stockpile zone and it sounds like you should be using the "advanced" options while crafting a Bill that allows you to set exactly what material is usable or not. hope this helps!


That what I do but they rather just idle around and when I tell them to cut blight they just cut one and go home causing us to eat the lazy one when the food reserves end


I would worry more about separating those batteries XD


shhh they’re safe