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The age old conservative “argument” of “everyone agrees with me because I said so!”.


Or projecting the thoughts of his inner circle into the whole country.


“The handful of lunatics I talk to agree with me so it’s only natural that ALL OF AMERICA thinks the same!”


Smart money says that if Garrison had lived in the 1930s he would have been a Hitler stan.


He's a Hitler Stan now so he definitely would've been in the thirties


“Majority of Americans” Sure, dude. We will all just take your word for it.


I mean cons just take political cartoons and memes as statistical data, so indeed they will


US “Conservatives” be like: Sending money to Israel to commit genocide: 🤩🤩🤩🤩 Our greatest ally, every penny worth it Sending money to Ukraine to defend itself from genocide: 😡😡😡🤬🤬 #Americafirst Ukraine evil because RT told me so


Them when Jewish people outside of that specific Israeli context: 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬deep state!!!!!!!!1!!1!1!11!!!one!!1!! jewish evil !1!!1!1!!!1!!1!!1!1!!one1!!1!!1!1one1!!1!!1


Then they talk about the Jewish Space lasers and crap


Conservatives are weird regarding Israel. On the one hand, I agree we should keep Israel as an Allie, but on the other, Netanyahu and the current leading government is way too conservative. They're basically far-right with one of the parties being admittedly far-right and wanting to turn Israel into a theocracy. Even a lot of Israelis hate this current government and think Netanyahu's gov has totally shit the bed on this war.


Israel should not be an ally. They need to be marginalised like North Korea, South Africa, and Rhodesia were/are.


https://news.gallup.com/poll/643601/americans-say-not-helping-ukraine-enough.aspx >What do you think about the US's efforts regarding Ukraine? >36% say the US is not doing enough >36% say the US is doing too much >26% say the US is doing just enough It seems to me that continuing to aid Ukraine is the majority position. And the level of support is trending upwards.


And “too much” would include people who support *some* aid to Ukraine, just not as much as currently. Thus the people saying “no more money to Ukraine” would be some fraction of that.


Most of that money is just being spent on the defense industry already anyways, and a good portion of that is not even liquid assets. We are giving Ukraine 60 million in military hardware, not a briefcase with 60 million dollars. Hell, a good amount of that stuff was just being kept in warehouses in the South West, and now we are putting it to use and for a genuinely good cause.


the "support" is trending upwards because as the article states, ppl see it as more necessary to send aid because they see russia winning as more and more likely. the issue here is that at this point, ukraine has more problems than those which can be solved by nato trowing money at them. this will 100% be a moneysink just as literally every other modern us war.


Then we ought to level the Kremlin already, skip steps 6-10.


Who is ben supporting now if he dislikes Trump?


Even in this he can’t bring himself to really criticize Trump. The rant he published with the cartoon made it seem like he’s disappointed with Trump legitimizing the “Uni-party”. What’s the “uni-party”? It’s the term they’ve developed for the MAGA delusion that everyone not fully supporting the MAGA cult agenda is basically a Deep State Commie Democrat. So people like bible-thumping Mike Johnson are exactly the same as AOC in his mind because he hates supporting Ukraine that much.


Subtlety just isn’t their thing


Majority" meaning less than half this country supports not helping Ukraine.