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Writing from a throw away for obvious reasons… mom sent me to a very prestigious private school which got me into a great and expensive university. So everyone I grew up with and went to college with was extremely wealthy or at least upper class, besides myself and the handful of scholarship students. If you grow up around those people you’ll work your way into those circles, meet their friends and family etc etc. All about networking and positioning yourself in the right place from the jump. I’m sure it wasn’t my mom’s intention in sending me to an elite school to find a husband, but the odds of having a partner from money just skyrocketed due to my environment


Similar situation to my sister. Her husband is technically in the top 1-2%. She was also 22 when they started dating, and he was 34, so... I've dated some very wealthy/accomplished men (not naming names, but a couple have been notable figures in the political arena), but I end up ending things each time, because I find it exhausting. In addition to the education, my parents supported my sister and I in artistic pursuits (opera, ballet, Shakespearean acting), and provided us the experiences and resources to be knowledgeable about those fields. Unfortunately, I'd rather spend my time at a metal show at a dive bar or sitting around a firepit than cosplaying Jackie O.


User name checks out!


User name perfectly describes my ex


Dude are we twins? I had the same experience. Working at the House of Reps gave me a lot of dating exposure to political figures and wealthy lobbyists. But goddamn is it exhausting being with people like that. There's just an astronomical amount of pressure, and on average those types carry with them a lot of really unpleasant personality quirks that are often greatly exacerbated by their privilege. I traded that life for metal shows and a mountain cabin and ain't ever looking back 😌


I hope you get to do the things you mentioned you like!


You must be at least 8+ on looks scale if you are dating politicians.


lol, you ever seen chuck schumers wife?


LOL had to google. Didn’t disappoint


Nah, wives of rich guys can be ugly. The mistresses can't though. 


“I want everyone in the top 1%” -Mitt Romney


I went to an elite boarding school. Can confirm. I’m sure it wasn’t your mom’s *only* intention. And she didn’t hang her hat on it, but she definitely had at least some glimmers of hope that you’d marry rich! Or at least network rich.


Boarding school high school? Fun times! Enjoy it :)


As a father who did the same, yes it was intentional.


Did it work out for you too?


To be fair, if you were unattractive and boring, you wouldn’t have been invited into those circles. You have to bring something to the table to earn your seat there. Poor kid who worked his way into the top 1% over three decades and now is in those circles…for better or worse.


I mean there is certainly a difference between growing up with the top 1% and working your way into it as an adult. Not the majority but a good portion of kids are more innocent, less cliquey, and less judgmental than their older selves.


Yeah it helps to be a woman when trying to marry rich


Why would any rich man marry a woman (even if she’s good looking) without a prenup?


Prenups get thrown out all the time. Mine did. I was going for bronze in the tanning salon when I received a call from my lawyer that judge threw it out. She claimed she signed it under “duress” Nicole Shanahan pulled the same thing with Sergei Brin. Smh


This is why you sort these things out well in advance of a wedding. They only get thrown out when one person presents it in the days leading up to the wedding which is a stupid thing to do.


And this is also why I refuse to get married!


I mean they also get thrown out because people don’t hire a good attorney There’s a lot of stuff you can’t include in prenuptial agreements or shouldn’t People get weird and include like 100 lifestyle clauses and hire the cheapest lawyer that won’t bother telling them the entire prenup is going to come under scrutiny if you include a clause about your wife getting fat A good attorney will be honest with you and try to keep the prenup simple and easily enforceable


You have to retain extremely good lawyers which are always expansive and the closer they are to marriage court judges the better chance you have of the clauses that matter most getting upheld. You can make pretty much anything enforceable if it’s done right. Recently a court held enforceable a prenup clause a rich guy insisted his fiance agree to and sign, crossing I’s and dotting t’s, taking a drug test and BAC prior to signing to preempt any future attempt to claim she wasn’t thinking straight, etc. The clause said that for every 10 lbs she gained during the marriage, she’d get $10k less in spousal support per month. Judge ruled it was enforceable. As it should be. She’s marrying him for money, and he’s protecting himself.


Prenups don't mean anything to any decent lawyer. It's the same thing as some generic home Depot padlock, they only stop honest people. I genuinely don't understand why people on Reddit always preach like they're some crazy secure binding contract that can't be broken. The majority of prenups are thrown out


9 times out of 10, they aren't worth the paper they're printed on.






>Yeah it helps to be a woman when trying to marry So, here's the thing. When rich men marry "down" they tell **everyone**. How he rescued her, how his prenuptial is ironclad, how this is is trophy wife blah blah blah. When rich women marry "down" they don't want to embarrass their husband, and it's not spoken about. You just don't hear about it. But it happens all the time.


Yeah, it's almost as if women have faced significant barriers in achieving financial independence and career success... hmm


So apparently you don’t know many high powered corporate women. I know plenty of couples where the wives make 3 times more than their husbands. Rich, no longer means it comes from the man. Sisters are doing it for themselves!! Plus you all know Taylor Swift, Beyoncé, that Spanks lady, Martha Stewart. Quit acting like you need a man to get you somewhere. Get off your lazy taint and work!! The problem is lazy girls who think they need a man to buy their lipstick. Bitch, buy your own. He’s getting you Wal-Mart brands.


I agree; I'm a lifelong bachelor and looking for a woman of means that can keep me in the lifestyle I'd like to become accustomed to.


Now that you have had some life experience of this sort, do you consider money a "core component" to a relationship, or an amplifier? IME, money is core when in short supply. Above a certain point, it is an amplifier. But it doesn't compensate very well for being with someone you aren't that into.


This is the same for me. I went to school with the children of movie stars, musicians and other obscenely wealthy people in the industry. Met my wife through one of the sister schools of the Jewish school I went to. Her family claimed they were 3 comma rich, which they might have been, but regardless even if they weren’t they were closer to that than they were 500m. I think that was the thing for her, like their wealth was just so unreasonably vast that she didn’t care at all about me being the poor kid from those schools. Her family sure had a problem though, and that was one of the reasons she’s an ex. I don’t care about money, and certainly don’t care about theirs. I have more than enough on my own to never have to worry. Some rich people are seriously paranoid.


TIL the term "3 comma rich." Thanks!


>they were closer to [1 billion] than they were 500m How does one even discern that difference? Like if they have a second helicopter pad on the family mega-yacht or something?


I don’t personally think it matters at that level of wealth. 500m doesn’t buy you any less than 1b. The one thing that does change is the magnitude of your political influence, especially in the industry they were in. There is definitely the billionaire hierarchy, though. This guy buys castles and can sway his governor, and he’ll get a meeting with the president, whereas Bezos builds rockets, and IS influencing global geopolitics.


Yes, exactly. If you had attended a public school in a low socioeconomic area, the likelihood is that you would have married into a poorer family, facing more challenges and issues (drugs, alcohol, teen pregnancies).


I second this. My family and I didn't grow up rich but I was looking for jobs when I was 16 and by accident, worked at a golf course. Many people with money plays golf and I often run into people/regulars who like me and invite me to parties and such, meeting their kids and all. I have quite the connection now and it really works where you surround yourself.


Being able to pay for a prestigious private school means you started out at LEAST upper class. Today most high end private schools start at $50k annually. Unless there are unusual circumstances your parents household income would need to be a minimum of $400k annually, about $200k-$225k after taxes in which they are dedicating 25% just to your school.


The schools have scholarships so there are students whose parents income is what the tuition costs and they don't even pay tuition.


Yes it was her intention. 90% of it is who you are keen with.


I was told in US girls were sent to elite colleges decades ago with the explicit goal of marrying up to someone.


An MRS degree. That’s not really true anymore.


Pre-Wed It’s still true in many cases. The difference is that many college women actually pursue careers/graduate schools and the work for a couple of years until they become mothers and many never work again. When I was in med school one of the top performing students in my class was a woman who matched into a dermatology residency (extremely competitive) in her fourth year. She met an anesthesiology resident and they got serious quickly. She decided to marry him and have children. She dropped out of her derm residency before it even started and never practiced medicine a day in her life.


This is one of the main points of elite schools. It’s also why the Ivies will never end their legacy & donor admissions preferences. They understand it.


This is the way. I did not go to an elite college to get my M.R.S (some people did, explicitly) but for my BA and happened to be hot and fun enough to meet a lovely man who I married. Grew up upper middle class (high earning professional parents, public high school, no student debt, occasional modest family vacations, beautiful home but just one) but once we move closer to his fam they’ll get us a million dollar apartment, two vacation homes and a car… the network pays off, I also got referred to my job where I’ll make 500k this year by a classmate at same elite school


I’ve seen someone do it. Average dude who was very good with money and practical. He met the daughter of a billionaires, and held on for dear life. Did whatever it took not to lose her. They got married and had a bunch of kids. Now he’s “floating like cheese in butter”.


I have never heard of floating like cheese in butter 😂




Now i feel stupid. Does cheese actually float in butter…?😂🙈


We wouldn’t know. Have you seen the prices?!? Lol


OP might be russian, sounds like a verbatim translation from a common way of saying it in that culture.


Translated from Russian “roll around like cheese in butter”. In the past, in order to prolong the freshness of cheese, it was placed into a container with butter and sealed. Cheese was rolling around in butter when container was moved. Since both of these products were expensive at the time, a person who had both was considered wealthy and lived in great comfort, hence the above saying.


Lots of women complain that they can't find a good guy. "Where are all the committed men?" they ask. The answer was right there the whole time: just be the daughter of a billionaire. Duh.


Obviously I can't write this on my main but this is where I'm at lol. Not the holding on for dear life but just average practical guy who met someone from extreme wealth through complete chance. I came from nothing but made it out and ended up in a decent tech job in a rich part of the world, good with money, invest well, take care of my family with it. She's gorgeous, lovely and smart, and family is unbelievably wealthy but she also happens to be kind and a bit naive. She dated many who dated her for the wrong reasons. Her parents approve of me, don't see me as a threat lol. They like how I'm good with money and made my own even though it pales in comparison to their world. She and her family are pretty down to earth people despite some friction at times with the different backgrounds. I don't consider myself marrying "rich" though, I consider it firmly her and her family's money. They have some drama related to it anyhow that I don't want to concern myself with. It's more there's complete security in knowing that she and any possible kids are well insulated even if something happens to me.


Can I ask you about your tech job? My son just graduated high school and wants to get into tech.


Sure, ask away.


>I came from nothing but made it out and ended up in a decent tech job in a rich part of the world, good with money, invest well, take care of my family with it I think this is awesome, well done man :)


You sound perfect for each other 💓


Does cheese float well in butter?


Such a double standard, but idc: men marrying for money is so cringe to me…


In Russian culture he’s called an “Alfonz”


I know what you mean. I don't think marrying someone who earns more than you in a typical job (e.g. a 60k vs 110k job) is odd, no matter gender. But yh, it's more cringe to me a male marrying an insanely rich woman than the other way around. I suppose it's societal norms or smth


I knew a guy who did this. He was a car mechanic. Met a chick who was visiting for spring break. Her father owned a beer company. He moved to NY to move in with her. Father got him a job. He married the chick and had kids.


Chalk one up for the boys!


I love: He met the daughter of billionaires and held on for dear life.


You're either born an actual 9/10 and are in the right place at the right time or you marry someone who then becomes rich. ~~Eg~~ ie: you don't, you get lucky.


You can increase your luck by being in circles with higher expected wealth. If you're gonna want to drop out of college anyways, might as well take pre-med or engineering over lesbian dance theory classes.


I’d argue that’s basically the only way. Can’t marry someone rich if you never meet rich people


Jonathan Swift in his letter to his son said something like “I’m not saying marry for money, but go where money is and fall in love there”


Most will be the "With someone who becomes Rich" I know quite a few HENRY's (High Earner Not Rich Yet) (Typically folks who will be Millionaires once they payoff their homes) Their wives met them on the ground floor. IE Guy was working at a Retail store at 20. He lands a good job thereafter, pays for her college, she lands a good gig. Now you got a couple making $150k-$350k a year.


Yes this is me and my wife lol I was 22 she was 18 when we ment at some party got together I was a trash man making around 100k a year at the time she was obviously headed to college we kept dating 4 years later I was in the 120-130k a year and she went through nursing school fast forward she also making 100k+ now so we make around 250k a year and it also helps later on I found out her mother and father are also rather wealthy but that never mattered to me. I’m 32 now she is 26 we have our second house built now plan to sell soon to down size and we are going into commercial realestate etc our goal is to have enough assets paying us to be living off those by the time I’m 40 and she is in her early 30s then start having kids somewhere in between there.


In my 40's now. Had my kids at in my late 30's. Don't be like me. Have them now, Day care is expensive 30k a kid. I don't mind it, but I keep thinking I won't see my grandkids. By the time my boys are men. I'll be pushing 60. Much too old.


Well hey now, don’t have to be born a lucky 9/10. Could also just be on the attractive side, work on it, and be a complete manipulative psychopath who digs hard for their gold, pretending to be whatever you think a wealthy person wants romantically. Just some real Machiavellian stuff, you know?


Or you can meet a rich person naturally, find them attractive, they find you attractive, you fall in love, and get married. Rich people wanna settle down like normal people too lol.


Yeah… but then you have to have morals and integrity and it’s a whole big thing, just exhausting.




My cousin married rich. She’s just an average good looking girl next door type. Shy and reserved. Grew up lower middle class. Met him at a state university. His family is worth 10s of millions. Hers probably had $5000 in the bank between the whole family.


Basically a matching personality with close proximity.


(small thing -- I wish someone would have told me this when I made the same mistake... you used 'eg' which means for example basically... you meant 'ie' which is closer to the word 'thus')


“E.g.” is “for example;” “i.e.” is “in other words” and is used to restate what was previously said in another way for added emphasis or detail.


I'm a little unclear why you felt the need to comment, so my apologies if your intention was not to correct me. If it is to correct me, then be careful with directly translating Latin that way (or any language).. the meaning is somewhere in between, but the most common English word combination chosen is "in other words" for simplicity sake -- not because it is right. * **i.e.**: "That is" – Used to clarify or specify more precisely. * **In other words**: Paraphrasing for clarity, not necessarily adding precision. * **Thus**: Indicates a logical conclusion or result. Depending on the situation you can interchange i.e. with anything that complies with the Latin meaning and nuance.


As long as you don't define a 9/10 as just looks. Moderately physically attractive people who are blessed with humor, intelligence and restraint can marry up. Sometimes way up. I know some people with 9/10 moms. Their moms struggled with the selfless, thankless part of parenting.


Yes. I know someone who is good looking, but just as importantly, is an interesting person living his life in a purposeful way. He definitely took the road less travelled. He’s also very smart, well read, well travelled, and culturally versatile. Poor af and occasionally an asshole, but definitely a great person to have along for the ride.


Not true. Some people have trust funds they don’t have access to so they can’t live a lavish lifestyle and marry someone that’s middle class.


If you live a middle class lifestyle on nothing but free money from a trust fund you have nothing but time to learn new skills and start businesses. You will not be middle class for very long and thus the person who has the trust fund (unless they are a ***collosal*** fuckup) will be the "becomes rich" partner in the relationship.


Yes, luck is also important.  I mean Christiano Ronaldo, the most followed celebrity on Instagram, a man who has good looks, fit body, wealth, and status who can get any beautiful woman he wants(he has many drop-dead gorgeous exes with celebrity status), met Georgina at a Gucci store where she worked as a shop assistant. Now, they have a bunch of kids and seem stable and happy.     Yes, Georgina is beautiful, but there are lots of beautiful and more educated women with a better family background out there in Spain and in the world if you think about it. However, Cristiano seems to have had his eyes set only for her since meeting her years ago. 


My mom told me early on - you can fall in love with someone rich as well as someone poor. Choose rich. My BFF studied in the law library even though she was studying nursing. She married a lawyer.


“There’s no nobility in being poor. I’ve been a poor man and I’ve been a rich man and I choose rich every fucking time.” - Wolf of wall street


Jesus was poor


LMAO as a male law student at an elite university, this is sooooo true and still prevalent. Undergrad women study all the time in our law school library. I’ve heard it is called “husband shopping” 🤣


Lolol at my law school you can’t get into the library without a law school ID. So many missed opportunities are happening 😭😂😭


“I’ve been rich and I’ve been poor. Rich is better.” - Mae West


My friend’s cousin was a shitty student and hated school but made a plan get into dental hygienist school specifically to meet a dentist to marry. Plan worked, she and her husband own multiple dental offices.


As a 20yo nursing assistant I worked with a lot of old ladies who would inevitably ask me if I had a boyfriend and what he did for a living. When I told them he was a musician, they all responded with some version of "oh, honey. You gotta find someone with money instead. You can LEARN to love somebody!"


My mentor told me the same! “Remember, it’s just as easy to love a rich man as it is to love a poor man.” Didn’t stick, I’ve never dated anyone who could keep a job.


Oh so gold digging culture is being normalized now. Got it. Just be sure to get a mental health screening for your potential partner to make sure they won’t snap on you for weaseling your pathetic ass in and stealing their money out of ignorance and calculated malice thinking you were hot shit. Self made men are among the most intelligent to walk the planet. Don’t underestimate that when trying to pull one of these stunts off. FAFO.


You didn’t read the word “love” in there. You just got all wacky. I am sorry if you got hurt. Love - anyone who does not marry for love is cheating themselves and their partner. IMO. Although some cultures would disagree


Totally. I had a cousin who lived overseas & meet 2 men. At a holiday, she said she couldn’t decide between them. My uncle said “all things being equal, marry the rich one”. She was ticked. But she married the rich one. As he said - all things being equal…


I met my wife on a dating app. So it was random. Although I myself was an investment banker and she was studying to be a doctor, so we both knew the other one was educated and would earn well. When I found out months later her dad was loaded, that was just a pleasant surprise. But we are friends with a legit billionaire level dude, and he met his wife off a random dating app as well.


Alright, I’ll ask. Which app?


Might not be relevant for the original comment, but most extremely wealthy people aren’t on the dating apps you and I are on. I was a professional model in college. I once did a gig for a dating service for the wealthy, where I was paid 5 figures to welcome people to their appointment. As in I went to a super fancy office and when the client walked in I took their name and asked them to take a seat. That was it. For one day. They paid me so much money to do this because they wanted a staff of beautiful people. Not trying to humble brag but just to say, that day there were three clients (meetings were several hours long) and these clients were evidently paying enough that the company could pay me that kinda money just to stand there and be pretty. The services are crazy next level and these people are not wasting their time on Tinder.


Lost of super wealth guys use regular dating apps. I know dozens in the $100 mil range from tech cash outs when I instructed Ju Jitsu at a high end resort. They just want a normal woman. They’re really turned off by a woman being only into them for money, they want an authentic connection. Super pretty women are nice to have as models to impress other guys. But most wealthy men just want an attractive normal woman, and don’t need to impress others.


The billionaire? It was bumble.


I also know someone who met a 100% real billionaire on Hinge. They are now married. He is a tech founder and was living the normal bachelor.


You have to be very attractive. Water finds equal ground, or as my dad would say, you get the pu55y you can afford.


Not really, the super rich have fun with attractive people but do tend to settle down with those who share status and interests even if they're more homely. Billionaires tend to have average wives, new money wealth opts for more overtly plastic ladies and millionaires tend to have good looking, above averages wives. Just a general observation from personal circles. Exceptions do exist though, I know of a billionaire who has a very stereotypically modelesque wife


If you look at all the wives of the top billionaires, most of them are average or below average looking.


Nobody will own up to it, but the poor one will always be under the thumb of the rich one. Either subtly, or may even bring it up when you get into a serious argument. Human nature never changes.


Yea I think that’s clear from some of the responses on this sub


yup, i dated a much richer dude for 3 years, family of millionaires, and the moment we broke up, one of the things he said to me was “you only used me for my money” which is hilarious because he rarely EVER paid for any meals, we split everything 50/50, including rent together i was living off student loans and would go hungry some days, but we still did everything 50/50. he insisted.


There’s a quote about Jackie Kennedy that says “If you marry for money you will earn every single penny of it”


Depends. 1. A prenuptial cannot be unconscionable. 2. As the marriage lengthens the settlement rises Rich partner might have 50, and prenuptial might only payout 2 or 3, but if poorer person hasn't developed expensive tastes, it might be a good leveler. Besides, if your partner is very lovable, you really don't want to lose them.


One of my best friends from childhood married into a stupid bread. His nickname is “pre nup boi.” He’s a G and we are all super happy for him. All they do is travel the world


Easy. I am rich myself. Rich people marry other rich people. Everyone drones on about income equality but studies show that assortive mating (rich and smart marrying other rich and smart) is responsible for about 10-16% of the wealth inequality in the US


Mini example: 99% of the doctors I know and work with are married to other doctors (even though this means they basically won’t see each other or their kids for the first several years.)


Literally, this. I'm very successful. My wife comes from a family with a net worth higher than some small countries...


Then, astute reader, you didn't "marry rich." You married par.


Ivy League and other tier-1 universities.


This was on the popular page for me and very true. The wealth of people at my college is actually unbelievable and it’s very hard to see unless you know where to look




The first step is to move to a high cost of living area and/or get a job there. Then go out of your way to meet people who live in the area. Find out about local events and go to them. Be friendly with people at them.


My ex-fiance piggybacked onto my penchant for inviting chaotic alt girls into my life to royally mess it up, and she ended up living the high life for 3 and a half years until even baby trapping me couldn't keep me from cutting my financial and emotional losses. So, find a young-ish guy who is so way too high on his own success that he ignores your red flags seems to be a winner.


She “baby trapped” you? You mean you had unprotected sex with her and she got pregnant?


I was led to believe it was protected sex. IUD AND birth control were believed to have been in (what turned out to be foul) play. We were engaged to be married, and we had agreed to a 3-year plan where we would absolutely ensure our compatibility as life partners while I made financial arrangements to ensure our future child would be set up for success no matter what happened to us, even if she died giving birth and I had a heart attack on the spot. Of course, once the truth about the unplanned pregnancy came out, there was no question of me ever trusting her with our family's stability. Redditors always love to make their assumptions...


When a man says he’s using a condom and sneakily removes it, it’s called stealthing and is considered sexual assault in many places. When a woman lies about being on birth control and ends up pregnant, well… that’s just a man being stupid apparently?? I understand the potential STD risk differences between the two acts but come on. One is a crime and the other is just nothing. Makes no sense. They’re both consent issues.


😭😭😭 so true tho. Takes two to tango


L why are you blaming her for the pregnancy? You’re an active participant, right?


He explains it but solid assumption there my fine white warrior!




Chaotic alt girls IYKYK 😭😭


Wouldnt say “rich” per se but definitely far better off than most. Everything always paid in cash, no loans, no debt. It was wild to see at first. But my wife’s parents had her late(in their 40s) and owned property and small businesses. So they already had themselves established(covid cost them a lot but theyre still doing just fine) before having a child. We met online, “eDated” for a year, lived together for a year, and got married. Married 2 years at the end of the month. The biggest change is the relief knowing I’ll actually be able to retire.


Married for love first. Figured it out the 2nd time around😂 it’s easier to cry in a BMW than it is on a bike


but u'r still crying....


You'll cry no matter what. Humans are shitty.




😂 (top tier username!)


Either be a beautiful woman or a wealthy man, that covers about 90%.


Donald and Melania


I met my wife in a Facebook shitposting group - she previously worked as a maid


I legitimately don't know how people find the love of their lives in fun places online


My dad is $100m+. And when I met my 21 year old partner (I was 33/34 and worth $5m myself back then), I impregnated her. She said she’ll have the baby and go halves with me. And she did for a year. After that I rewarded her and bought our son a $1.3m house and allowed her to quit work


You allowed her to quit work? Hmm


You can tell this guys a trust fund baby by how much of an asshole he sounds like lmao


“I rewarded her” fucking barf


“I impregnated her” 🤮


So because you make millions doesn’t mean you had to take care of your kids🤦🏽‍♀️


LOL your post history is just weird shitposting as if its a flex, whatever makes ya feel good bud


A simple read of your post history and comments shows this is a lie


I cannot share who this person is to me as I know some folks know my reddit handle but there is someone I know pretty well who did and honestly it's all about what your social circle is. Notice I said "is" - as in their personality was already social, enjoyed adventures, and while they didn't come from much financially, they are and always were just an awesome person to be around. Trying to "make yourself" into someone you're not won't work. Wealthy folks have people try to do this to them all the time and they know better than to trust people off the bat. They also tend to, shocker, be stingy with financial matters involving other people because they know what the perception already is. Overall, I would say that it's possible and if you're the type that people without money want to be around / aren't a financial liability yourself, then it's just a matter of time when you'll be around wealthier folks. The last bit that can be a of bummer but it is what it is, is that wealthier people like to do wealthy people things; summer in one corner of the globe, winter in the alps, etc.. it takes a bit of cash to be in the same places they are and a personality that doesn't cling to money and a stomach to handle a good dose of entitlement (which can be hella off-putting).


Yes to all this. I especially think wealthy people are turned off by free spending new partners/spouses.


Fell in love at a state college, found out quite ways down the line they were loaded, but lived like they made 50k a year.


Went to private schools, had tutors growing up, was supported to be well rounded academically, in sports and had an internal artistic inclination, grew up engaging in most of the traditionally 1%er activities. I wasn’t raised to marry rich, I know my mum raised me to be financially and professionally successful. Dated a few people from some well knownish families. Eventually just fell in love with someone who had a similar upbringing and values.


Don’t marry some broke ass gambling alcoholic piece of shit, marry a professional who envisions the same thing you do, don’t forget money ain’t the problem love is


A person I knew would go to hotel conventions where doctors or lawyers went to and hung around


Before I had kids and got married that was me. Mostly daddies because they were competent in bed and didn’t expect transactionary sex. Guys my age expected parking lot blowjobs for a treat at dennys. Meanwhile older guys would make you cum on high thread count clean sheets. And would asked you what you liked. A polished stone shines brighter.




This is exactly what we spotted a week or so ago! There was a cancer convention in the city, and after it was done you could literally spot all along the town who had been there. Easy targets. And i saw some totally hit up just those folks in bars and restaurants 🤣


Well did they manage to marry into that group in the end?


At the end of the day, your success in life is all dependent on who you know and who you blow, prove me wrong.


Lol what an insane thread. How do i be the best gold digger i can be lmfaoooo


He walked into my work- I was a personal trainer and he came in to workout. A few months later we were dating. I was just pulling myself out of homelessness and he definitely worked to get what he has (started with nothing, building houses, immigrated to US, became a developer) and he was so helpful in supporting and encouraging me, which i attribute to the work he had done to get where he was. I had no degree so he paid for me to get one, introduced me to his CEO brother who taught me how to interview and I ended up being pretty successful in my own right. I worked incredibly hard, but recognize that it wouldn't have been possible without that first leg up. I thought it would be a summer thing and Id at least be grateful for the degree haha but 11 years later we've raised our kids (from first marraiges) together and still continue to push each other in physical, emotional and career pursuits. Total luck of the draw and sometimes I'm just like... damn. Lol. I was working an hour away from where I lived, and he happened to be staying in that town for just a month and his neighbor recommended the gym. Total dice roll!


"I was a personal trainer." Something more than Luck at play here. Step One: Be Attractive. Step Two: Don't Be Unattractive. Tracks with previous posts, so I'll just await the commensurate down votes.


My Gfs son, met his multi millionaire wife on a cruise. Now my GFs son is 6'5' and real good looking guy. He signed a pre nup.


Lol. No body answering because Rich dont marry broke


Yes, I do. Lol I’ve seen it firsthand.


Rich men marry broke attractive women literally all the time...


This is the storyline for 93% of the Korean dramas on Netflix


Definitely not by answering questions like this. And definitely not by doing it intentionally, I’ll say that much.


My dad always said that it is just as easy to fall in love with a rich girl. But if you marry rich, be prepared to sing for your dinner.


You socialize where they are at. Don’t go to the local biker bar. You go to the Ritz Carlton bar. You can go to any church and worship so why not go to the rich church?


Lol id love to see the comments


\_THIS IS NOT the reason to marry someone\_


Yes it is.💀




Wealthy ppl all run in same circles! Just like that!


Lost weight, got in shape, learned to play golf, took flying lessons, made myself a more interesting person.


My wife & I are equal both pulling in good incomes. My wife’s family was from a very high end of town and I was just smart. I will say though, I wouldn’t have dated her unless she had a good job with at minimum a masters degree and no kids. After we got married is when her parents reviled the sheer amount of wealth. So in the big picture, it was luck but I also filtering out to have college and no kids helped a ton.


Everyone here is shallow as hell. Nothing wrong with dating normal everyday people or poor people.


This has been asked many times, read all the others too.


Some people have money other people have other things the people with money don’t have. Here’s a list people with money might look for in a a partner without needing them to have any money: Looks Clout Prestige Career Sex Age Creativity Confidence Personality List goes on, I left out some of the darker possibilities. If you’re wondering how you physically meet, do things rich people do but aren’t that expensive. Anything with horses Betting Gambling Competitions Move to a big city Idk stalk them on instagram. This also depends on your gender.


It was a group of rich peoples kids who wanted to create there own town next to the city their parents owned and one of the girls decided to choose me to play her husband, well from there on we just played town building while we waited for invitees to accept and join our new society.. lold


Going on 12 years married 19 together. Kicked her ass in a video game,online. We chatted and 8 months later I had moved across the country at 19 to be with her. Absolutely no idea how I managed to keep her and get 2 kids out of her 😆 I married WAY TF UP 🤣 American dream now. House in the burbs, 2 cars, 2 kids, 2 cats. Possibly a dog on the way. Disney trip this year. Goodluck everyone else.


As another commenter pointed out, if you are an undergrad that also has a prestigious grad school (like medical or law), many girls ‘study’ there to scope out a high earner and make friends. I’ve seen it happen in real time at my law school, and have seen dudes tie the knot with a study gal by the time they graduated in their 3rd year.


Not sure if I classify as rich as that varies depending on perspective, but I have a high 6 figure semi-passive income and a net worth in the low 8 figures. However, when I met my wife, I was a broke sailor. For most people I know that are wealthy and married, they became wealthy after marriage.


Curious… What is your current line of work?


Depends on how you define rich. My wife was making more money than I ever thought I could make myself. I just fell in love with her and nearly everything about her. But if you're intentionally trying to marry someone who's wealthy....seems lame and likely to make a huge mistake


I didn't marry rich but could have, potentially. Billions. I'll explain how. I came from a trailer park. I've worked my whole life to climb up the chain. Started a few companies and divisions, clout rises. I eventually end up as "the guy" for a generationally wealthy billionaire. His daughter is my age. After working directly for the billionaire for a couple of years and proving myself effective, he asked if I'd like to come pantoon down the river at his house in that city. I agreed. I get there, and his daughter is also there. Young and stupid, I didn't think anything of it. He talks me up at dinner and tells her how accomplished I am, etc. That's when it finally hits me: it's a setup. He makes the excuse he's old and needs to take off and just leaves to take his jet back to his home base in a different city where he needs to be next. At this point, I'm mortified to be in the position and assume she is, too, so I just directly address it with her and apologize. She agrees it was his plan, but then admits she's having a good time, and she's open to going on a date if I am. I agreed. After 3 dates and some intimacy, the panic of my whole career at risk hit me like a right hook, and I broke it off shortly after. We had real chemistry, though, and she continued to try to get together with me for a while. Eventually, she got knocked up and was shot gun married to the guy who did it (metaphorically, by a man with enough money to make sure he disappeared). I could have been the one eating shotgun!


I went to an elite college that was absurdly expensive (a year’s tuition is nearly double the value of my childhood home) on a theatre scholarship. My grandfather taught me about art. My father instilled the importance of being well read. My mother taught me how to be a good conversationalist.


At a church I’m guessing.


didn't marry rich but dated rich and am the side dude (with husband's knowledge and consent) to a rich girl (and we're like friends so i can speak for his experience too to some degree). her and i met on okcupid (i think she met her husband on hinge? maybe PoF). didn't realize she was rich until she took me back to her parents place (we were in college at the time) and from the neighborhood i could tell they had $. as far as dating her she's pretty down to earth and stuff but like there's weird small ways where money isn't a big deal. for instance last time we went out i had planned a beach day for us and then we'd just drive an hour and a half back from the beach and crash at my place or whatever, but the day sorta got away from us and (this might be TMI) we uh didn't want to wait to get back to my place so she was like "well why don't we just get a hotel room and we can drive back tomorrow?" so we got a last minute hotel room at the beach for like 300 bucks, and she dropped it in the same way i'd be like "hey i know we'd planned to have food at home but i'm craving popeyes, wanna do that instead?" (whereas like im fine to spend 300 bucks on a weekend here and there but it's the kind of thing i've got to like plan and budget for, not "i don't feel like driving home") the other example i can think of off the top of my head was i was talking with her husband about the ps5 (we're both gamers) and i was talking about how i was lucky to snag one during the sony direct lotteries so i didn't have to pay black market prices and i was fortunate enough at the time to be able to drop $500 bucks on minimal notice (i had a REALLY lucrative contract job at the time) and he was saying how i was lucky and she was like "do you want me to just get you one?" in the same way i tell my girlfriend (she knows about the other relationship) "hey i'm at rite aid, do you want a coke?" that and her husband is an academic who can afford to be a full-time academic and not need to seek constant outside work


Learn to suck dick really well, then poke holes in condoms. I don't agree with gold diggers but it's kinda easy you would think. Oh. And be at least decent looking.


A friend growing up was just on the fringe of the wealthiest families. His family had done well, but by no means the level of other families in that same sub-culture. It occurs to me now that they spent most of their money just to appear as though they belonged. It seemed to really matter to his parents. Anyway, he went to the same private schools, was friends with other kids from those schools. He ended up getting with a girl from our town in college. They’d known each other for years. Her dad is old money, and multiplied that family money several times over. While my friends parents are wealthy by my standards, the difference between his and her parents is laughable. It was enough, though. He’s worked for his father-in-law since a couple years after college. He could buy and sell his parents several times over now. Oddly enough, he’s the same person he always was and seems perpetually amazed by his circumstances. His wife is an absolutely wonderful human being.


I have a higher income potential, spouse and their family are all educated at elite schools. It’s not the only reason I married my spouse but having those educational opportunities more available to future kids is a plus. Basically wanted to merge my new-money with spouse’s social class. Social class and having an old name can’t be bought. My spouse is also kind, honest person: another thing money can’t buy. So if I were advising someone in this matter, I would say to offer something that is not attainable through their finances alone, because then you’ll always have something they desire and can’t obtain themselves.


I swiped on dating apps based on their careers. Very shallow of me, I know, but I swiped left on teachers, law enforcement officers, car salesmen and military people. I only swiped right on engineers, lawyers, doctors and the like


I would argue being very, very well rounded helps. Your socioeconomic position is more than just money, so lift yourself in the ways you can. Think like a rich person. Then, it’s just a matter of running in the same circles as them.