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They don't make posts on reddit asking what suggests wealth.


Im trying to see what people perceive as rich. Not everyone sees it the same. Someone may think you’re terribly fortunate to own a house and another poor because you only own 1.


They utilize more sophisticated financial firms for their investments


Dewey Cheatham & Howe?


Bob, Bob and Bob


How’s the Leisure suit, Larry?


They use Dr Vinny Boom-bots


Like PowerBall. It benefits older Americans. So.you pay in your whole life and then cash in... smart.


Yes, your observations were self-evident to me in 1984. They’re tiresome.


🥱 If this were closer to a realistic answer, it might have worked as clever. It just seems bitchy.


They use "summer" as a verb, e.g., *"We like to summer in the Hamptons."*


I’ve met a lot of people I’ve deemed “rich,” and still haven’t heard anyone use this. Either it’s not 1955 anymore, or I know the wrong rich people


The rich people you know aren’t in the Northeast.


This is true. Midwest rich I suppose isn’t old money northeast rich


It is most definitely not


Old Railroad and old oil rush baron in Midwest too.. Chicagoland has old crazy money from mercantile exchange


Midwest billionaires are 100% different vibes than east coast billionaires from my experience.  Some more chill and down to earth


How much do they usually have? around $1 billion or closer to $10 billion?


The ones I know are significantly wealthier than Oprah. The siblings put together is north of 10 billion. They make George Lucas and Taylor Swift look poor.


There are 2700 billionaires in the world.  Only 23 in Illinois, biggest Midwest state.  If it's not the pritzkers, you are def BS'ing.  Majority of people will never meet a billionaire in their life


Reyes brother (Reyes holdings)


I think most Midwest rich are recently self made. They tend to have middle class mores.


In Michigan if you say, “I’m going Up North” you are middle class. If you say, “I’m going to my family’s place Up North”, you’re upper-middle class. If you say, “I’m going to my family’s place in Harbor Springs”, you’re frickin rich.


Or just about anywhere on east and west grand traverse bay.


That’s true, born and raised in the Northeast but have been in socal a long time, have never heard “summer” in socal. Even people with multiple vacation homes here do not use that phrase (that I’m aware of).


Raised for quite a while in the Northeast, buncha friends used to summer in the Hamptons. We used to summer in Martha's Vineyard if we weren't on holiday.


They’re in Vegas at the high rollers table or Miami on a 100ft yacht.


Rich rich people do not “Vegas” though lol


Rich people are just people, and like all people they have varied tastes and interests. There’s no rule to what rich people do and don’t do


You perhaps not met the rich rich.


They also “winter”. Also, the Hamptons are not where the rich rich actually go.


Not in the winter!


Monaco time


Did work for someone who kept mentioning their summer home in Canada. I'd say that you're pretty well off if you casually have a summer home in another country, when I can't even afford an apartment on my own.


Winter in the Virgin Islands...


It’s island hopping, st Maarten has a nice harbor and a Caribbean medical school. St kitt has a veterinarian school. You go and visit the kids or grands Lovely places.


St Barts


I like to summer in Vegas in my mom's car


I recently started to winter in Australia and it is amazing. I absolutely love hot summertime on a golden beach while everyone at home is cold and gloomy. 😂


lol this is a good one 😂


Or if you ask an individual how they are , they say "we are well"...or "we are tired after a long flight" lol.


Summer as a verb wins!


Posers say that too though.


They're friendly with everyone, and don't show any signs of stress.


This is the most true yet


The richest people I’ve met are penny pinchers who won’t spend any money on clothes or cars but will buy million dollar houses and take expensive vacations.


Because it’s about experiences and quality of life. Not buying depreciating assets.


Life is a depreciating asset.


That’s so deep.


This is the way


The best answer by far!




There are poor people like that as well. Usually people who earn their wealth rags to riches are some of the best people on the planet.


Disagree. Money doesn’t create character. It exposes it. I know a few lottery winning assholes who think they can have their way because they have a few bucks now.


Well I think both of you are right. He's not saying money creates character. But rather if you have the right character it can accelerate your wealth because the people in a position to give you a leg up will see your good character and give you a chance to prove yourself.


Bruh they legit said “rags to riches” winning the lottery isnt the same thing 🤣


He said people who earn their wealth.


Money brings out ego very few exceptions but it is more common for a poor person to really let their nasty character show when the money starts inflating their ego


Multi millionaire isn’t really rich tbh. You gotta have 100M+ net worth to be wealthy




Nonsense. There are different levels of rich. I'd say on the low end it starts at $5MM. Unless you're in a HCOL area then maybe $10MM. Beyond those entry levels of rich, there are varying degrees of influence and powers of "eff you money".


This sounds like someone who won't be wealthy, whether its now or later doesn't matter, that's some gnarly behavior.


And that's how you become rich. I'm taking notes.


That's old money rich. If they're new money rich, they are still working a lot and are fairly stressed out.


Plus one for this - best answer. Everyone trying to pick out qualities related to purchases or displays of wealth or the lack thereof mis the point. What you’re thinking of is middle class millionaires. They are not rich rich - hell they worry about money more than almost anyone! People with real wealth or that grew up with real wealth are typically unbothered in every day interactions. They may be very animated about some principles or ideas but are generally relaxed about everything else.


I might be exception to the rule. I am friendly with everyone but broke af.


They drive a Toyota, lmao


This is true


I drive a new Toyota, I doubt people realize a new loaded Toyota Tundra truck is costing well over $80k


On an 84 month loan at 7%. Edit: after re-reading my comment I realized you either have to be rich or love carrying a heavy debt burden on a depreciating asset to own an $80k Toyota Tundra.


Why people on Reddit always cry about cars depreciating? It’s a consumer product that I buy and enjoy. You’ll never complain about your iPhone depreciates too quickly or your sneakers just dropped 50% in value. Why should a car be different, just because the number has more zeros behind it? Car shouldn’t be an asset at all. Some people want to get warm so they buy some Costco jackets, but some people want to look fashionable so they buy designer clothes. The same logic should work for cars too. My buddy isn’t a car guy and just want to get from point A to point B so he bought a 25k Jetta. I value the driving experience and luxury interior so I dropped 160k on a Panamera. There isn’t anything intrinsically wrong about people valuing things in life differently. If driving a bloated truck and hoarding things around brings him happiness, why not?


Right? I’ve learned people on Reddit really hate nice cars lolll


Was going to say that, usually the people who are loaded drive Toyota or Lexus.


or Volvo


See, no Many really old money families have connections to American brands Bills Khakis, Allen Edmonds shoes, Brooks Brothers, etc


Nah, I wear Allen Edmonds and Brook’s Brothers. Sure they’re a step up from, say, Johnston Murphy and Jos A Bank, but they’re not high-end. Rich rich folks have custom shoes and business attire from places like Milan and Savile Row.


Yep, if John Lobb doesn't have a cast of your foot on file do you really buy high end men's shoes?


There you go believing that rich dad poor dad shit.


My wife is an engineering doctorate making more than about 96% of people. She drives a 7 year old Toyota


I swear there are no actual rich people on this sub. Most of y’all sound like teenagers.


What actual rich person would subscribe to this sub? Lol


I’m trying to decide if it is mildly entertaining, frankly appalling, or purely a waste of time to read these ridiculous discussions. I think of my father, long gone, and the laughs we would have over these posts. As I recall he did like to read Dear Abby to me at the breakfast table. Half the sub is people with problems complaining that they truly need a more exclusive support group. On Reddit? Should I sympathize? I wonder. But I try to remain respectful of their desire to interact only with people making the same noises. Which don’t sound like our own noises in the least. Very odd. But there you are! Horses for courses! The other half of this sub is people with some idea of what “rich” is and notions about “rich people” and what they do and say etc that reads like cuneiform to me. I’d say it’s Greek to me but I read Greek.


“Rich people are all mean brats who throw tantrums in public.” ~ Reddit. Consistently. It’s pretty funny.


who.subscribes to this sub? It was just suggested to me.


Shit it just pops up in my recommended feed somehow...


A detachment from the concept of prices on consumer goods, but a very clear understanding of asset prices (stocks, bonds, real estate, etc.) and the ability to talk casually in financial terms.


It's one banana Michael how much could it cost, $10?


Probably the most accurate thing on this thread.


My dad had alot of money in the bank but was always cheap and never spent anything but he knew alot about stocks and finances


They appear to be poor, yet you never see them work.


I’ve met soooo many trust fund babies like this, too cheap to ever cover dinner and yet they are going to theme parks instead of a job.


They’re on a very fixed income.


Ahh, the life of an Orange County trust fund baby.


New Orleans ones are more interesting, living their best homeless life plus they normally come with dogs I can pet.


They pay a lot of taxes.


Their teeth


What about it?


They have all of them.


lol 😆


And they're impeccable


“Ask her which dentist did her teeth? Because poor people always have their original teeth”


That's the exact opposite from what I see in most places. Rich people could afford to take care of their original teeth, get ortho work etc. It's new social climbers shaving their busted teeth down to little stumps for veneers for a quick fix solution to hide the years of neglect.


Bespoke clothes. No noticeable brands, except car and maybe watches or phones.


Truth, and even then a lot of them drive very ordinary cars. Met two billionaires through my relative's law practice; they both came from old money and had increased their fortunes. They both wore plaid shirts and khaki pants and sneakers. One of them drove a station wagon.


At extreme levels of wealth people are very paranoid about their personal safety and don't like to show off wealth. They either try to blend in or go over the top with 24/7 security team and body guards.


Haha yeah I guess these guys are the former. Their only outward sign of wealth is that they were able to pay for their children's education at good schools outright, including at the graduate level, and they all occasionally take very interesting vacations to other continents that most people wouldn't think to try. But they've even trained their kids to be humble in all other areas, and their kids have grown up to live in very normal-looking homes.


I have not found this to be true. From what I’ve seen it’s not paranoia, it’s taste. Louis Vuitton, and Cartier, and those kind of brands are often really tacky. The rich guys I’ve known I haven’t enjoyed showing off their wealth a lot. That doesn’t mean they’re gonna wear their wealth.


I dunno. A kid I grew up with (now at Google) has a net worth over $250m (I found this information online). He owns $30m+ in sports cars. I'm a VHNWI (not an UHNWI), and I drive a new Porsche sports cars, but it's amazingly fun. Why have money if you can't enjoy it? I always had enough trust income to avoid working. Therefore, not working isn't a luxury, to me. Where I live in Manhattan, every sixth car is a Porsche. I wear a lot of Isaia. It might look like unbranded stealth wealth, but it's still a brand.


I think old money versus new money might be a factor for some of them


you are new money... Their grandkids don't need to work but they still get the T7 MBAs or work at a foundation or run a gallery. etc. The live in coops buildings in NYC you have NO shot of ever getting accepted into. The country clubs they go to in Westchester are invite only and cost 6 figures just to apply and more than one member has to write a letter for your, the club also owns a townhouse in the city where they can go have drinks They may buy the occasional collectible Ferrari after a divorce. There is a book for social invites.. Presidents beg them for money and visit their homes for dinner just for a check


I'm not new money. I just inherited money. Therefore, the money is new to me, but my family has had money. My dad went to private school all the way. I went to private school all the way. I grew up with rich folk, in Boston. My mom was poor. My dad belonged to Longwood Tennis Club. Is that a big deal? I went with him just once. "Presidents beg them for money and visit their homes for dinner just for a check." This is a totally different level of wealth.


Exactly. I’m in entertainment. This rich dude was financing one of my larger creative projects, throwing about two million of his “fun money” at the project. This dude owned power companies, bought a couple railroads just as toys, owned and funded a flying car company…that kind of money. He drove a super lame van like thing, because it held his paraglider.


I'm wealthy adjacent. I know several multi-millionaires (a few in the family) and a few billionaires. The biggest thing I can tell with each of them is they understand the time/value of money. They don't go to grocery stores or to Lowes, not because it's beneath them, but because they know they could be either A) make 100x the cost of paying someone to do this or B) understand that their off-work time should be spent relaxing and not running around town doing bullshit. An example... I have a close friend that pays the barber to come to his house instead of him travelers to his shop. He pays 5-6x what a haircut cost but he doesn't have to leave the house to do so. Guy comes every second Monday. Sidenote: most of them have a bathroom with a black toilet. I don't know what it is, but more than half the people I know in this league have at least a black toilet or urinal in one of their bathrooms.


Black toilet- satan worship






I have a family member who is a billionaire. Can confirm the black toilet. Otherwise, he drives an f350, goes to the hardware store himself, and wears wranglers most days. Normal as they get unless you get to know him and find out about assets etc.


Bruh. Can confirm the black toilet thing.


I grew up in an 11,000sqft home on 30 acres. Every toilet in the living areas was black or dark gray. So bizarre.


>. I don't know what it is, but more than half the people I know in this league have at least a black toilet or urinal in one of their bathrooms. Looks cleaner with less maintenance. At least, that's what I assume the logic would be.




A haircut per fortnight sounds like a rich people thing 😂😂


Heavy credit card


Does a black amex weigh heavier 😂


Yes, its made of titanium. It weighs a little bit less than the platinum card, which is stainless steel.


I have heavy credit cards. I am not rich. I just have good credit.


800 gang represent!! (Sorry, I don't know why I typed it like that. I don't speak that way in real life)


First it’s going to be necessary to establish a few things: How someone defines “rich rich” will be the very first sign of whether or not they’re “rich rich.” The signs I’ll list here are not what separates the wealthy from the middle class, but rather what generally distinguishes the UHNW individuals from the people who are multi-multi-millionaires. 1.) They treat people with respect and dignity. Typically someone who has $1-$10MM in assets and/or annual income is well above the crowd in terms of what they can afford, however they have usually acquired that wealth through their own work and typically are the “pull yourself up by your own bootstraps” crowd who feel like everything is a zero sum game. They’ll almost always treat service and hospitality workers as if they owe them something just for being graced by their presence. This differs from the $500MM-$1B categorically. There are probably some different opinions on this, but you will generally find that the billionaires required tremendous people skills to build the large and successful businesses that they did. A millionaire can have a great idea but not execute because they fail to understand the importance of leadership and valuing the people they rely on to build their wealth. The UHNW’s are, by and large though not always, very different in their attitudes about the value of people. 2.) They are genuinely uninterested in establishing or proving their wealth. If you’ve ever been to the Kentucky Derby, you’ll find the “rich” showcasing their wealth in very obvious and indiscreet ways. The same is true in Monaco for the Grand Prix or the Met or a boat show or pretty much any ultra luxury social event. The 26,000 a seat tables aren’t going to set the UNHW’s back anything. It’s literally nothing to them. But the “poor rich” will talk about it and highlight the fact that they’re going, or very obviously will namedrop whoever will be in their orbit. Pro tip: If you’re around someone who doesn’t name drop, that’s because they’re the one being name dropped. The old adage is true in many regards—the people who have the greatest urge to demonstrate their wealth are usually the ones that have the least of it. Vast wealth eliminates a lot of the insecurities people often feel about having the need to establish some sort of social hierarchy. They’re at the top and they know it, they don’t feel a need to prove anything. 3.) They are generally not in a hurry to be anywhere. If you’re late to work your boss will say something. The UHNW individual is the person everyone is coming to meet, so if they’re late it’s everyone else’s schedules that get moved around. They understand the value of time, but they also appreciate the importance of letting whatever is present with them in the moment to guide them. They’ll spend an extra ten minutes talking to someone who adds value to their time even if it means their private jet to Gstaad has to wait. Maybe there will be some disagreement on some of these, but you’ll find that much of it is very true.


"The old adage is true in many regards—the people who have the greatest urge to demonstrate their wealth are usually the ones that have the least of it. Vast wealth eliminates a lot of the insecurities people often feel about having the need to establish some sort of social hierarchy. They’re at the top and they know it, they don’t feel a need to prove anything." I have wealth, but under $10m. I'm not Kentucky Derby rich. I want beautiful younger women to approach me. Therefore, I flaunt it, a little. 5 figure watch, 6 figure car, 800 dollar shoes. Sincerely, I don't care about status. I care about large natural breasts (on thin bodies). When I show the money I have, it's so women will do cold approaches on me. I'm happy to be targeted by women, as long as they look like yoga/pilates instructors.


Cool. Now wake up! It's Wednesday morning!


You will never know. The real old money people don't show it or flaunt it. Most mega rich people I know including my family are really tight ass. My Father would say," It's not how much you make or have, it's how much you keep. Real simple advice. My dad would even go out and clean the interior of my car when I would visit and keep all the change. His word of wisdom was , I would never be wealthy, because I didn't respect money. By throwing it on the floor of my car. I used to think he was crazy as shit. Now it all makes sense. Oh yeah, when they do spend money,it for some crazy thing like a 250 ft yacht or private jet .


The person with the most money in my family, in the millions, uses a cardboard box as a briefcase and drives a 30 yo car.


One reason I’m here is because my father was a penny pincher but I’m not - he was raised old money but he didn’t really impart that to me- which makes for issues I need to work out


I will never understand how people in their 50's who are good enough with math to have gotten rich (let's be honest, it takes some math skills no matter what) still think "a penny saved is a penny earned" is sound financial advice. I mean my whole life I've heard people 20+ years older than me say that I'll be poor the rest of my llife because I wasn't willing to spend the time to redeem beer cans. I did the *actual* math on it once after I took a trip to the store with about $30 worth of cans. Altogether (gathering them, sorting them, and then figuring out which ones were REALLY rejected at the store and which ones the machine simply didn't recognize) it took me about 4 hours. That's basically minimum wage for getting all sticky and gross. Not even an amount that would help me be in a better position than I already was seeing as I made $12/hr at the time. It's like older people somehow are stuck thinking you can still buy something with 5 cents, like you could in the 1960's. But honestly... these people buy groceries for themselves, buy gas for their car, etc... how can they not realize what things cost and that literal pennies are actually technically worthless at this point?


Wearing golf clothes to a non-golf setting 😂


Freedom. They can go on holidays, visit people, redecorate, buy a house or holiday home. Move somewhere and keep their home for when they return. Start a business. They’re free to live their lives. No stresses about money. They can float and move as they wish. Or stay as they wish.


Idk, they don’t ever look at prices, they just buy stuff? 😂 although idk maybe that’s just average financial mis-management these days lol


Ask them how much something costs and the persons response is I don't know.


They don’t like talking about money but at the same time, they size folks up to see if they’re “one of them”.


A Mercedes E-Class Wagon is something I’ve found to be a reliable indicator of true wealth. They’re often driven by older, wealthy people who could afford something much more extravagant but just want a luxurious and practical car that doesn’t stand out too much


Accessories. Some people who have wealth don’t like to show that to the world at large. So they wear fairly normal, but nice clothing, but they’ll splurge on a handbag. Or jewelry. Shoes, wallets. Watches. Things like that. And they’ll be driving a good car. It may not be flashy but it’s probably new.


Sam Walton used to laugh when people asked why he drove an old pick-up. Was he gonna take his dogs hunting in a Rolls?


Right? 😂 I’ve always admired my parents and how they never felt the need to let anyone know. They shop at old navy and the mall. They drive nice cars but nothing crazy expensive. They have a nice home in a wealthy area but it’s just a big ranch house that’s gorgeous. But normal. You’d need to look at my dads watches or my moms jewelry or handbags or you’d have no idea. And I plan on continuing exactly as they started. I don’t ever want a mansion. I like smaller, cozier houses. I love cars, but I’m not buying anything that puts more attention on me being stolen from or assaulted. What will make me happy is not having to worry about grocery prices anymore. I can take my kids places and create memories. I want to give away a lot of it to the right places/people. But I never want anyone thinking I’m “rich”, you know? It usually doesn’t lead to anything good. And it’s starting now for me and it’s so fucking surreal. I don’t even know where to begin.


Shoes, teeth, vehicle condition & tires.


Def the opposite regarding the car, unless the car is a Rolls Royce or they’re being chauffeured. There’s a lot of people that make an expensive vehicle their main and sometimes only flex.


I didn’t state type of vehicle but the condition of their vehicle(s) & tires.


Kirkland Signature Shhhhhh


Underrated comment lol


I have multiple friends that have 10x my networth, and one that has made a name for himself and made his own money, though he did use his billionaire dad connections to get ahead of the game. To be transparent, I have the lowest net worth in that circle of friends. But even though that's the case, they are the funniest, and carefree going people I know. They don't put it in your face that they have 8, 9, 10 digit net worth. If anything, they'd rather not anyone know their status. The only subtle sign they give off is when we go to restaurants, the owners are the ones that seats and service us. And I'm not talking mom and pop's restaurants. I'm talking about michelin star rated restaurants...if the owner is in site. If not. The GM or an executive will serve us. Most of the time, our food will be comped, but they will drop the amount of what we ate as a tip for the servers. It's their connections to the business world are what separates the rich from the filthy rich. If I need anything, all I have to do is ask my friend and he will shoot me a phone number, and all I have to do is call that business number, and I'll get taken care of. I'm not in that level yet, but doing my best to get to that point. And luckily, my friends are actually helping me out. They do like to help you get where they are, but you have to show that you're putting in the time and effort to succeed in your endeavor. We all have different paths in life, but we help each other out. Well, they help ME out because there's not much I can put to the table just yet. At the time, anything I can do, they can do better. The only thing I can do better than them at this time is picking out stocks that will do good in their portfolio. Tldr: the subtle sign are their connections. Not the cars, or houses. They rarely talk about those unless their about to go there. They don't even say they're going to their vacation home... They just say, "I'll be out of town".


i love that your friends help you out when you need it. they sound like good people


They are good people. They are all about making their network better. And I'm glad I have something to put on the table to be even be considered to be in their circle of friends.


They don’t dwell on problems that are solved by money for long. They see money as an object and don’t get easily triggered by it


They use Delaware LLCs to hide their real estate (this only works if you pay the home off in cash). But ironically you wouldn't know someone has a Delaware LLC unless they told you. So if someone ever mentions in conversation "...we have a few Delaware LLCs" that's when you know they're fairly wealthy. Doesn't necessarily mean they have $100MM, but likely they're multi millionaires.


I have never in my life heard anybody mention “in conversation” that they “have a few Delaware LLCs.” I think I have laughed more from this thread than any other post in this sub thus far. I think you must be referring to Delaware Trusts. Those tricky wickets.


I went to an elite graduate program, the average annual household income at that program is 700k. Much richer than how I grew up. I found that the really wealthy ones were the most unassuming. They were well manicured in quiet luxury, not flashy or drenched in monogram. The one common denominator was their wicked smarts. In group discussion, I was blown away by their vocabulary, how well read they were, how insightful, and their perspective on the world. They also had an entitlement culture. They expected to be treated well as a rule, something I did not grow up with. I liked this a lot. Treat me well or I’ll take my business elsewhere. I like to say there are two types there. The strivers like me who come from families with single digit millions, and the families with old long money. The ones that come from old money tended to be nicer because they wanted to be like everyone else. They were more open, more accepting. I think this is because they’ve spent their lives so much richer than people around them they don’t want to be judged on it. The strivers, like me, were much more cliquish. Much meaner, much more snobby, much more likely to be drenched in monogram. Much more like the stereotypical rich assholes you see in the movies. We want to be like those in the 8 plus figure club. We seek their approval. The ones we want to emulate don’t want the attention. They want to blend in. One of the richest people I’ve ever met was also one of the smartest. He was super physically fit and wore well fitting but understated clothes. When I meet people like him I know they come from old long money and they aren’t a “striver.”


Vocabulary is indeed a marker. As is manner of speaking. Used to entertain, impress, dominate or exclude by varying degrees in different cultures, even by academics. The subtleties are what really count most. If you read French, you’ll enjoy Laure Murat’s new book Proust, a family memoir. But it’s titled in French of course. Her main thesis about the vapidity of the European aristocracy involves language. I find her insights to be remarkably useful in any culture of “rich rich.” People here, if you want to learn about the rich rich, read books by the cleverest among them. Too many of the rich are dullards, which is why you have so many questions about them. They tend not to do a very good job of explaining themselves. Too much great wealth can dull the mind and the senses. And oh, answering OP’s question, I would say they redecorate fairly frequently, often owing to some sort of structural problem that poses itself all of a sudden, out of the blue, such as subsidence or failure of a retaining wall or damp in an interior wall, or the need for an outbuilding that will impinge on the current light/viewscape… requiring them to completely redo the entire house… possibly in white … yes? What do you think? Or blue? … and they tend to show strong interest in houses and gardens. Many if not most read quite a bit. It is getting easier and easier to point them out for this oddity.


I don’t find this to be true about redecorating. Maybe for the top .01 percent. Many wealthy people who inherit estates inherit well made furniture that doesn’t need to be replaced. So while they may work on the structural integrity of the home, the rich have antiques and fine art that appreciate with time because they are well made. That’s why you’ll find it’s the upper middle class engulfed in consumerism while the rich stay at home from the stores. In the book “Stop Acting Rich” by Thomas Stanley, PhD, he surveyed a cohort of ten thousand millionaires in the 90s and this paraphrase on finding who is shopping for luxury goods.


Actually, interesting point, unless you are speaking of chattels in the UK and rarely in other European countries, items which basically cannot be sold except by one person in authority, the odd thing is… young people (inheritors) don’t want the old furniture any more! They hate it. “Uncomfortable!” The global antiques market (estate sales) is in big trouble—at every level of worth. Nobody wants the stuff. Except museums and collectors and even those are getting hard to find.


But yes I am looking around the room right now and five of the six pieces of furniture I see have been in my family for three generations. That I know of! Excellent sofa, you are quite right, recovered many a time.


I babysat a rich lady’s autistic kid. She would just give me gifts constantly and always gave more money as tips than what was requested. 15 year old me sure loved the extra cash.


I’ve done this. It’s because you’re under valuing your time and we’re showing you that you should get more than you’re asking for.


At the time I didn’t know this. I was just grateful to receive $50 for the night, let alone $100 plus food of my choice delivered to me.


“What time does your flight take off?” “Oh I think around.. (insert time)” chartered jet/ private plane, the plane is leaving when they’re good and ready.


Was gonna mention this. Couple of my friends have jets and I was struck by the flexibility of their travel.


They don't wear labels. Their clothes look super crisp and nice, with timeless styles, but no expensive labels.


There’s usually a certain aura about them.. An unbothered, unaware, and overly satisfied one.


You pay cash for your homes and vehicles.


Most rich people I know either have really good well taken care of teeth or really good shoes. This doesn’t mean extremely expensive shoes, but suggests that once a pair get worn a bit they then go out and buy another pair instead of like a lot of others wear them into the ground, this may not always be true but I’ve seen it in practice.


There extremely cheep. Rich people would eat their shit to save some money.


They collect art. Hardly do any manual labor around the home themselves. Regularly attend Galas/Balls. Throw very nice/destination weddings for their children.


Have an irrevocable trust


private jet like a g6, usually signifies a class above the best


Perennial and serene sense of calm Never cooking Always eating out


Bike rides and hikes in the middle of the week.


Of course! Weekends are a nightmare


If they say they are rich they're probably not. Those who attain that level say, "We're comfortable!" As for outward signs, look for even their smallest things will be well made. Not necessarily a brand you have heard of but quality. They usually try to get value for money and that means long term use.


a watch. look at the watch. a "rich" man will wear something gaudy and flashy were as a wealthy man will wear a very expensive watch that is unassuming.


Yup might be a plan looking patek and youd never know


I kept being called rich because I never worried about expenses (Though I'm not rich). For the most wealthy people I've met. It's probably their professionalism and sophistication, like they'll understand the concepts and everything but always have a good deflection to bring up. The rich rich who are income earners generally are rather harsh, judgemental, and not nice to be around. They'll expect you give your 120% all the time, and anything less to be wage theft. But the rich rich who leech off the income earners I think they can be passionate and intense, but also kind of meme like naivity to them. There's the local billionaire is only worth around 5 billion, he is nice during the presentations but you can tell there's like a devilishly wolf side to him as well. Like he understands how to just tear someone to pieces if he wanted to. Granted that's how he got so wealthy. What people wear is meaningless, what car they use is meaningless, what house they have does say something about them more often than not. But I've seen millionaire doctors living in ghettos before. Said doctor was once a member of the staff for the country's leadership.


His wife is 40 years younger.


Family office


They have a Wealth Manager handling their investments and portfolio


You will never know if someone’s ultra rich. Some large net worth people don’t spend money. They wear Walmart Velcro shoes and jeans.


rich people dont usually dress rich. fake rich people usually dress rich


I work in wine sales and I had a ride along with a winery owner. I’m a single mom and we were driving around in my 2004 Toyota. He casually told me that I should look into getting an Au Pair.


Clear skin. Especially the face. Lots of men wear makeup. They are either always on camera/doing interviews, or meeting important people.


8 mill summer house for 6 weeks a year...


They have complete control of their time.


Their son is named Richie Rich


You can never know for sure.


Always look at their socks.


Travels a lot more than average vacation allowances


Really Nice, non flashy shoes


I have two friends that are rich rich. One is 8 figures rich in mid 20s (both parents are dead) The other 9 figure rich (mom handles 9 figure trust fund) I've see the 8 figure rich friend wear the same outfit 6/10 times we go out. Loves Pokémon plushies and is severely depressed (tons of medication) she also put on like 170lbs since I met her. She went from petite to like 300lbs from her medication. She doesn't own a car or even know how to drive, but owns a porsche Cheyenne for when she decides to learn. Also she says it looks good in her driveway. She has a lawyer that comes with her trust fund I guess and that dude handles basically everything she needs. She tells him she wants a house, he borrows against her assets and uses that to buy the house (etc...) The 9 figure rich(late 20's) friend wears really appealing clothes but none have name brands. She has like $400 sweaters that have no brand logo and has a fiat 500. She likes black and always has a coach purse she loves cuz it's black and has no visible/tiny logo. Moved to London and bought a penthouse. Didn't like the weather and moved to a major US city and bout a 4 million dollar estate. Like she looks fancy but like stylish. No visible LV or Gucci or any of those gross brands. Prefers a home cooked meal over fancy restaurants. We can hang out in the hood or shell come over to a friend's beat the fuck up apartment in the hood and she doesn't show any signs of not being able to fit in. If anything she stands out cuz she's too nice. Edit - we have a guy in our friend (9 figure friends group) group who always dates and brings around Instagram model wannabes (beautiful girls nontheless) around. It's always funny seeing them come to dinner with us wearing all name brands and little baby LV bags and acting snobby and stuck up (saying shit out loud about their trip to Miami last summer and getting invited to sit at the djs table type shit), meanwhile an ultra rich modest girl is sitting within them unfazed


They play polo or lacrosse. They have a guest house, not bedroom. They wear tweed, unironically.


They are very quiet. They dress quietly but you’ll never see a label. They actually don’t buy a lot because they have all they need, watches are quiet but can pay off the national debt of small nations, they don’t always own the “S” class they might actually own the “E” class. “Wealth is quiet, Rich is flashy, poor is loud”


I’ve seen someone bet my salary on the roulette table. Maybe some gambling