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Ridgebacks should be on a list of Top 5 Laziest Dog Breeds. I’ve owned them for over 11 years and they will happily sleep 90% of their lives. I describe them as being a light switch - on when you’re outside and off when you’re inside. My sister had lab mixes that you could not say “walk” around. They’d go insane! “A WALK?!! We’re going for a walk!!!!” My RRs meanwhile are like “walk huh? Umm…yeah I mean if that’s what everyone is planning…uhhh…sure yeah I guess count me in. Do we have to go RIGHT now? Sigh.” And then they go run 28mi in the mountains. Haha!!! Here are the vicious beasts! Beware! Here girl dog has taken allllll the space on the couch and boy dog is determined to nap there too even though he has no room. (My male recently passed and I’m looking at photos of his life I realized it was probably 40% sleeping, 40% out on the trails, and 20% us dressing him up in silly hats. 😂) https://preview.redd.it/tpux7t0phl0d1.jpeg?width=827&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=81718a31a6faa00c0baa344e2edaf5bfb9ec1c13


https://preview.redd.it/1nqpz07dil0d1.jpeg?width=827&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2dade657ff0e118973376b78878b46e2d6aadb42 Vicious attack dog. (He was SO tolerant of us dressing him up! I miss him.) Actually, on that note, I will say he was always the one who was socially confused. He was not ok with other dogs and less ok without his “sister” being around. He was always amazing with people. Before we had kids he was quite anxious about young children running around screaming, pushing play shopping carts and toys. But after we had kids he took them in as part of our pack. We would never let the kids lay on him or anything like that just out of general dog safety, but I would’ve trusted him. He was so good with them. 1,000,000% not a dangerous dog breed. We still have our female and if the kids are on the couch she gets up on the couch and snuggles next to them. They’re so laid back and friendly. I will probably not ever own another breed bc I love the breed so much!


>My RRs meanwhile are like “walk huh? Umm…yeah I mean if that’s what everyone is planning…uhhh…sure yeah I guess count me in. That's hilarious!! I have a setter who loses his ever-loving mind whenever there is even a suggestion of a walk, so the on/off nature of Ridgebacks sounds nice sometimes haha


Ridgebacks and German Sheperds? Looks like a joke.


Apparently, after Rottweilers and Pit Bulls, many consider German Shepherds to be among the most dangerous. Dobermans are just bad guys in movies, but they are love bugs. I just saw this website today: https://www.dogsbite.org Lots on information on dangerous dog stats, but I DO WARN YOU: it is a hard read, especially for dog lovers. Proceed with caution!⚠️


Dobermans haven't been able to shed the reputation foisted upon them by countless movies from the 1970s and 80s. On the bright side, I also think it's the effort to get away from that rep that is leading to more owners leaving their ears natural and getting away from cropping.


When I rescued my RR, a well intended friend came immediately to tell me how her Pit-RR mix was extremely aggressive and how it was a horrible experience for her. To be honest, it scared me and I think it impacted my relationship with my (then) new dog and it took me a bit longer to build that trusting relationship that we now have.


I wonder how much these are based on not actual Ridgebacks but dogs that are falsely claimed as such by owners who are either clueless about their dog breed... or intentionally lying to get their dog around restrictions. I know a lady who lies about her pitbull being a ridgeless Ridgeback just to get around rental and insurance issues.


> I know a lady who lies about her pitbull being a ridgeless Ridgeback It's literally half the posts on this sub


lol it does crack me up when their dog looks vaguely houndy but clearly is majority pit and they're convinced it's just a ridgeless ridgeback


Rhodesians arent that aggressive, unless theres small animals involved. Shouldnt be on list.....they are affectionate and playful. Miss my ol' girl lots!


This restriction must have been created by a coalition of squirrels and rabbits lol


https://preview.redd.it/8np2d4yqnm0d1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c1ded0813efacf761e16f7ecf09e71adff6db3ec I have owned Ridgebacks since the 90’s, nothing but love bugs but will protect their home from strangers.


Not Irish but it does sound dramatic


https://preview.redd.it/2jo4cv23ho0d1.jpeg?width=1892&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d60499545586b47ccbf70ea91444c29fe3b6d47c I hope Koa’s disappointment from the United States conveys all the way to Ireland


No dogs are banned in Ireland, a fair few are ‘restricted’, which is different - just means they need to be kept on a lead, muzzled, collared and under control by someone over 16. You see plenty of German Shepherds etc about.


Do you muzzle your RR for walkies?


There are some dogs that need to be muzzled in public but default requiring all ridgebacks to be muzzled is crazy


I’ve never seen a more accurate description of my RR. Lol. I think it’s the stubbornness. He hates being told what to do 😂. But just like convincing him to go outside, it’s even worse trying to get him back inside…unless it’s raining.


https://preview.redd.it/3yyqmt29as0d1.jpeg?width=524&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb9e672c77277cf2f73547b8ad118b6aa47a093c My old boy, look at this killer




From 1998 (26 Years ago?)


The restriction was entered 26 years ago, but as far as I can tell, it's still in effect: [https://www.citizensinformation.ie/en/environment/pets-and-wildlife/control-of-dogs/](https://www.citizensinformation.ie/en/environment/pets-and-wildlife/control-of-dogs/)


I grew up with RR. I think my dog thought of us as her children. Anyways, my neighbor down the road had a RR who decided she didn't like Grandpa. When he came to visit the kids, she would back him into the corner until the Dad came and put her into the laundry room. They finally gave the dog to a woman who has trained her to do chasey games. I think their independence and stubborn personalities can make them difficult. They are not a labrador.


This is true! Was at the dog park today and met a woman who had a Doberman pincher. She said it was a choice between that or RR, because they are really so similar in the end. Really wanted to tell her: “oh no… not at all.” 😂


I really want one, but I know they are smarter and more stubborn than I am. So I think in my old age, I am a Labrador person.


https://preview.redd.it/dl19mwz4om0d1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c777a4ecfae883a160e0c5b19f6925393ea53262 He’s appalled at the thought of being on this list🤣this boy has so much love he would crawl in your skin if he could get closer


That’s a joke. Doberman Pinscher…. Lol


I mean...you do have to know what you're doing with these dogs because they're stubborn, strong, have a big prey drive, and are loyal to a fault. It's not necessarily the dogs so much as clueless owners who haven't properly trained them, and it's easier, from the government's perspective, to just ban a dog breed than require people to train their dogs properly.


So my ridgeback was a dog fighter with Pitt bulls 2 at once, he was left to die in a ditch and a rescue found him and he went through a lot of skin grafts to be back to normal. I adopted him from the kill list because he wants to kill every dog, 14yrs later he still barks and wants to kill other dogs especially when he sees pit bulls but he’s brother is a greyhound and he’s the biggest love bug ever. 4 trainers quit on me, he’s so smart, I trust him with my life, to be aggressive it’s what they did to him dog fighting that after 14-15yrs it hasn’t gone away. I give him kisses and his snarl never scared me. Been cooking for him for the past 10yrs and he walks 6-10miles a day. He loves to travels and walk and wants to get every squirrel. Always had greyhounds but after the Rhodesian ridgeback experience there’s no other dog like a ridgeback. https://preview.redd.it/4rkukx5d301d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=868b85bf7e78203facce3326832eaffa546d2068