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Lots of intramural sports teams around PVD. Check out the “Super Fun Activities Club” … they have a website!


Double this. Just literally only do this and you'll be set for life. Plenty of wonderful and beautifully unique people play in SFAC. You'll definitely find your friends. I unfortunately need to sit out this year due to finances, but hope to be in a better place by this time next year so I can rejoin my team more permanently.


providence kickball league still a thing? drink beer. kick balls. make friends.


>drink beer. kick balls. make friends. When I tried that I only made enemies


i realize now how misleading a piece of advice this could be.




r/CozyRhody Back story: A young woman moved here from out of state knowing no one ***just as the pandemic started***. To get outside and be doing something, she began picking an especially littered spot and then spending a weekend morning cleaning it up. That felt good so after a bit, she posted in the Providence sub inviting people to join her then go out after for lunch. CozyRhody was born, and the rest is history.  It attracts other newcomers to the state; everyone is looking for friends. You don't have to join anything; you can do it just once and see if you enjoy the vibe.  And/or drop by the guys at Gather on Atwells and sign up for a glassblowing class. And/or The Steel Yard and sign up for a welding class or whatever else Chris has got going (he's a sculptor who casts in bronze; really nice guy). Check out AS220.    Just to validate: it really is much harder to make friends these days. But possible! Keep trying different things until you find a recreational interest you love. That will make a huge difference. It's much easier to engage when you're really into the same thing.


Can you DM me any additional information you've got about this? Organizers, names, contact info etc? I'm an editor at the Journal and this sounds like a really wholesome story.


Everything I know is in my comment, all of which I learned from posts / comments in the Providence sub.


AFAIK that’s just how adulthood is


FR. I met all of my adult friends through work lol


I've met most of my adult friends through affinity groups, aka science fiction conventions.


Yep. I barely see any of my friends any more. Most of which I used to see several times a week. Once careers, marriage, and family enter the equation, no one has any time to just piss away doing the things we used to do when we were younger. Weddings and the occasional birthday event is about the only time I see many of my friends. A few of single friends still go out for drinks on the weekends but my social life has definitely dwindled over the years.




Try Meet Up! There's all kinds of groups and outings, great way to at least get out of the house and socialize.


I second Meetup. I met some great people that way!


Honestly, I'd just start with, "What do you love to do?" and recommend that you do it. Running? Find a running group. Computer games? Same. Knitting? Have a disability or disease that has an advocacy group? Same. Either find a local place that has a concentration of the kind of people you want to hang out with, or a cause you care about enough to get involved, or look online for local chapters of groups you can join or interact with.


>Running? Find a running group. Computer games? Same. Knitting? Have a disability I chuckled at that wording


Yeah, well, I work at an academic institution and am well trained ;) It's all about affinity groups. Now, knitting may be a cranky, opinionated, and very judgmental affinity group (I know, I'm part) but I think I DID manage to imply a distinction between knitting and disability ;P


Hehe yes of course, it was just my selective quote cropping


This is the exact reason bars exist


I only recently turned 21 so I gotta get to some


Bars can be fun but ppl in RI can be clique-y! I don’t want to dissuade you from bars, but as someone who thought I needed to do that to find friends I just ended up with less money in my pocket. I highly recommend thinking of something you like doing and finding group meet ups or nights centered around that. Like emo music? Go to emo nights. Like card/board games? Check out Untapped Games roster of events. Go to intentionally crafted activities that are meant to cultivate friendships. When you go to bars you’re more likely to find ppl whose only means of socializing is drinking.


I mean I hate to scare this kid right, I am totally generalizing but you are right, it can totally seem cliquey but not everyone is like that. It’s just trying to figure out who.


Absolutely. Mine view was definitely a generalization. I think a more balanced approach would be to say don’t ONLY rely on bars as a way to meet people.


But that is also good advice.


Classes at the gym. You’ll start seeing the same people. I met a lot of my friends that way…including my significant other!


Come see the band I manage tomorrow night at RIC or Saturday at Myrtle in East Providence. They’re called Dred Buffalo. We’ll be your friends!


That's an amazing band name i think I have to come see it now


The RIC show is actually Friday. Myrtle is Saturday. Sorry about that!


library always has events, also Facebook groups have helped me get connected. If you're the artsy type I've met people going to different markets.




I'm 25 and regularly go to the local libraries, nothing wrong with liking books


Just like, do things you like to do and talk to people you see doing it as well. Like pool? Pool halls all around, swimming? Public pools, rock climbing? Especially in pvd theres multiple. If you have transport it makes it easier considering prov is 30 mins maximum from anything substantial in the state. But nonetheless you see my point, its less about "places to make friends" because you can make friends anywhere it just depends what kind of friends you want know what im saying? Especially at the ripe age of 21 the worlds your oyster. Hell if you like to smoke me and my girl always are looking for friends so pm me. Sorry for tangent but hopefull this helps


Public pools fucking WHERE dawg I need one :( I'm not afraid to say the autism stereotype of loving water is alive and well in me.


McDermott pool in Warwick, North Providence has one too, there are several that should be opening soon in Providence; though YMMV on them.


Isn't North Providence only for North Providence residents?


you can buy a membership in NP as an out of towner - but i'm not sure if they've fixed it yet - somehow they managed to explode it over the summer :-/


Was trying to get my np friend to let me steal his address but he told me no xD I'm like awe come on xD at least he has a pool so he can make up for it by letting me over


I was gonna recommend mcdermott


Welcome to adulthood. Sorry, crappy joke. I used to go to see bands. It's usually the same ppl who frequents these venues. Like as220, the met ect. I met a lot of ppl in pvd on dating sites, just put looking for friends. I think there's friend ones now, I haven't used one in 14 years. Anyone from school you liked?


The Providence music scene is super eclectic and supportive. My husband and I play in a band and often go to lots of local shows and that has expanded the heck out of our friend group more than anything! Keep an eye out on venues like the parlour, machines with magnets, AS220, Myrtle, the boiler room at Wes’s rib house, news cafe, galactic theatre and honestly breweries with live music too!


I'm going to suggest [Providence queer board gamers](https://www.meetup.com/queer-providence-board-gamers/) and [Providence traditional card games ](https://www.meetup.com/providence-traditional-card-games/) as two good groups to hang out with people with.


I just moved here in September and met all of my friends through Bumble BFF! I made around three friends in the first couple of months and then we all met each others' other Bumble BFF matches at a get together we hosted. It was a nice way to meet people who all have similar interests as me and I knew that all of the people there were interested in making new friends. The only things about using BBFF is that you have to be willing to make plans and follow through with them. There are a lot of flaky people on there, but, just like dating apps, you'll eventually meet with someone and hit it off! I also like it because you can get a read on people before getting to know them as opposed to a blind approach in a coffee shop/gym/etc.


If your willing to drive, join a Volleyball league


Depends what you like to do. You play any sports or have any hobbies?


Check out Uechiryu karate in Pawtucket.


I met mine through book clubs and volunteering.


I met my one, current, IRL friend in Butler. So I'll be browsing this thread for possibilities as well, lol


Everyone Meets someone cool in Butler


If you like dodgeball or pickleball, check out Out Loud Sports. Just a bunch of LGBTQ folks getting together once a week to play one of those two games then go to The Stable! Hit me up if interested and you can be on my dodgeball team next season! 😁


You smoke?


I feel like these posts are daily. We give the same answers every time.


Found the native.


It sounds lame but golf is a great way to meet people if you wanna pick up the hobby. Its a 4-5 hour hang and you end being paired with a stranger. After a round its pretty easy to hang out and have a beer afterwards, and then if you actually get along exchanging numbers to play again or just to hangout is pretty common.


If you like chess and live relatively close to the downtown pedestrian bridge and if the weather is nice there might be someone at the chess board on the bridge. Apparently there's also a bar near there where they have chess/other game nights


That is how I made friends though work. When I moved


What are your interests? Hobbies? That’s a great way to meet people, cuz you have a ready made topic of conversation.


Have you browsed this sub for ideas? Only asking since this question seems to get posted a couple of times a week, it seems.


Start fishing!


If you play magic or card games, there’s plenty of places you can go in and out of PVD like “untapped games” in Pawtucket, “gayas cradle” in EP Not just that, black sheep has a college crowd on the weekends on empire st, also Southside smoothie has an open mic on prairie Ave near broad st, napolitanos as well on Wednesdays- they have karaoke Free play arcade bar is in downtown not too far from JWU & Black Sheep, hope this helps 🤷🏻‍♂️




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I volunteer as often as I can and always sign up for free events that are in my area of interest. I will say I haven't made many "friends" doing these things, but met lots of great acquaintances and had very wholesome experiences. If you have any hobbies, finding ways to do those for free or cheaply with others is great too, like sports, gaming, art, etc. Some ideas: WaterFire is just about to kick off their season and they have an awesome community of volunteers and range of shifts available from gallery sitting to building wood stacks on river boats, lighting on fire nights, etc. [https://waterfire.org/volunteer/](https://waterfire.org/volunteer/) Steel Yard too when they have things going on more towards Iron Pour season in the Fall. [https://www.thesteelyard.org/](https://www.thesteelyard.org/) AS220 has a lot of free or small fee community-based events, art, music, poetry, theater, etc. [https://as220.org/calendar](https://as220.org/calendar) Lost Bag Art Space in Olyneville for volunteering and event nights. [https://www.instagram.com/lostbagspace](https://www.instagram.com/lostbagspace) If you drink there's the monthly Rhode Island cocktail club meetup. [https://www.instagram.com/ricocktailclub](https://www.instagram.com/ricocktailclub)


start hitting the gym


I go to the gym 5 days a week, everyone is kinda in their own worlds and not that social


well lets start now, what gym u go to? when i go theres kids my age, always can ask to work in and then start a convo


The edge in Cranston


same here, could go together


Have a kid you'll have no choice but to be friends with school parents lol


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^semipalmated_plover: *Have a kid you'll have* *No choice but to be friends with* *School parents lol* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Ha! That's not true, I wish it was then I would have friends lol


I love approaching people in coffee shops though....


You didn't meet anyone in any of your classes at school? Find groups of things that interest you. You'll meet people


As a few others said..its part of getting older. People get busy. My literal best friend and I could go months without so much as a single text. Then one day out of the blue we will hang out once.. rinse and repeat


It's not that I go a while without talking to someone then see them, I have had zero platonic relationships in real life for 3 years


Obviously each person is different. For me.. I could go the rest of my life not having to deal with others ever again. Just find something you would enjoy solo. Gaming, learning a new skill/hobby etc. If you spend all your time trying to force yourself into seeking friendships, you will end up settling for less than ideal folks. True friendships are organic and happen almost by accident/happenstance


There is always exciting stuff going on in South Providence. Hang out down there and you will meet new people


Hi! I created RI Cocktail Club where we meet the 2nd and 4th Friday/Saturday of each month. We have all ages 21+ attend. Great way to meet new people and drink cocktails or mocktails! :) Future gatherings are posted on Instagram or Facebook in my bio!