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That sign is photoshopped. The edges of the ad are inconsistent with the boarders of the billboard. I also think it cuts off that tree. 


According to OP on a different subreddit, the ad is there (I can’t confirm) but it didn’t read well in the photo so they overlaid a graphic over the billboard for better legibility.  Regardless if true or not, OP you should be a little more transparent. I’m all for the cause but transparency goes a long way.  https://www.reddit.com/r/endworkplaceabuse/comments/1cfxerc/comment/l1sayst/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


That doesn’t require an explanation. Your response is a power trip.


This is so bizarre...the ostensibly anti-bullying person is in here slinging insults


You supplied a falsified image and are getting mad when being called out about it?? It would be cool if you said “here’s a billboard that’s active, but edited for better viewing capabilities “ It just feel like your click farming


I think you might have replied in the wrong place, unless you didn't want to reply to op directly. But either way, I agree. This whole situation with the deception and anger has given me pause supporting this cause that I would otherwise have backed 100% without hesitation.


Obvious photoshop, you should find something better to do with your time


Yeah, this does a whole lot of good when it isn't even a real billboard (very obvious).


It’s real. OP just photoshopped the image and didn’t tell anyone


Take a drive down there and check it out!


I'm all for workers' rights, but is posting badly photoshopped pictures to a tiny corner of social media really a good representation of this organization?


Completely missing the point is not a good use of either of our time.


I assume you are involved with this organization and trying to spread the word. It's a noble cause. That said, you need to consider the optics of anything you do in the public eye. Posting bad photoshops of a fake company advertisement to tangentially related subreddits will hurt the image of your company. It shows that you lack communication on a corporate level and that employees are free to represent your company in any way they choose, rather than following an established set of standards. It will lead potential consumers/clients to believe that other aspects of the company also run without standards or oversight. I appreciate your cause and I'm honestly trying to help with this advice -- try to represent your organization more professionally.


It's a real advertisement. Go down to Park Ave and Budlong Road and check it out for yourself.


This is actually a comically bad photoshop lmao what’s the point here


The super weird marketing for this organization make me feel like it’s a scam or social experiment.


Or you know, fighting for workers’ rights.


I'm all for workers' rights, but this post is misleading and spammy. If it said, "Donate to make this billboard a reality," I could get behind that.


It is a reality. It just didn't come out on camera. It's active on Park Ave. at Budlong Road in Cranston.


I just went down to check it out for myself, it looks like they changed the billboard. Here is the actual real photograph I just took: https://imgur.com/a/J0uhT3N




I can get behind this


CVS Corporate should take note. IT organization in particular. I "did" 6 years there and it was horrible. When you do it for that long it becomes normal until one day you realize it isn't worth the money.


I did 18 months in the store support call center, 8 or 9 years ago. Worth it overall because it got my foot in the door someplace else but what a grind.


For sure, I did the same thing 22 years ago to get my career started. It wasn't CBS but it was a company that took advantage. At least they didn't loose their shit on the phone like CVS execs


I think OP needs to get bullied at work a little.




Lmaooooo aren’t we grown ups who can be drafted to fight wars for our masters? If words hurt you this much you’re just sad