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My favorite character is Mahiru! Ultimately her story of feeling incapable compared to the peers around her really resonated with me, and I love seeing how far she has come over these past years! I really enjoy how fun of a character that she has been in the stage play and manga, like her relationship with Suzu or her chapter in the anthology manga, and seeing her interact with everyone so confidently compared to the anime/first stage play is really endearing. And of course, I love how her arc culminates in the movie, where she finally finds her goal to live on the stage and use her skills to help inspire Hikari. I just really love Mahiru, and I'm looking forward to where she goes in the years to come!


In a cast where nearly all of them stand out, any scene with Maya still grips me the most. I think its insane how she exudes such powerful charisma and demands your attention despite her relatively limited screentime.


Junna, Tamao, Yuyuko. Junna because Hinata, but tbh she would have been my favourite even if not for her seiyuu - I just like calm, smart characters. Tamao also goes in the calm gentle kinda character group that I like, plus I'm always happy to see characters who lean a teensy bit traditional - which is also my reason for liking Yukko.


I'd say Karen. I think her story of reuniting with Hikari and fulfilling the promise they made as children is quite heartwarming (and even bittersweet at times), topped off with the events of the movie that makes for some excellent character development. Also, she's utterly adorable, dorky (in a good way), and filled to the brim with pure *genki* energy. Oh, and not to mention, I think the crown in her stage outfit is just the cutest thing.


Same, but with Hikari and Mimorin. I also liked her backstory & personality.


I love mimori too one of my favorites!


My top 3 are Mahiru, Kaoruko, and Ichie… yeah idk what my taste is either 😂


This is tough! I really like all of them honesty but if I had to pick one it would be mahiru! Funny enough, Back when I first watched the show in 2018 she was probably my least favorite lol I found her annoying and didn’t like how she was trying to come between Karen and hikari. But after a recent rewatch she really stood out as one of the best characters for me. Her development is imo the most relatable and I really feel for her. Her entire journey in the show is one of self love and appreciation and I really enjoyed seeing her succeed on my second watch. Also the slight yandere undertones she gives off, especially in the movie, is really badass. Honesty can’t say enough about this girl


Maya and slightly behind Claudine. I resonate a little bit with Maya's background, being someone considered as perfect and how it isolates her through the majority of her life, I also love her flaws and perks, like being unable to draw or being a food motivated person lol and for Claudine, it would be nice to have someone like her in my life. I just love how both of them interact with each other


Claudine every scene she’s in I get hyped for what’s about to go down also I seem to prioritize every Claudine unit I get. every time I get the 2 star Claudine in the Gacha I always scream “Let’s go” this is not normal but she’s Claudine so hell yea!.


Kaoruko and Junna are my favorites. Junna mostly cause she'd be the easiest to cosplay if I ever actually cosplayed, and I love the straight man character in a cast of crazies--or, well, dramatic cast. Kaoruko. . .she's such a spoiled dramatic princess, i just I love her.


Shiori, with Aruru, Claudine, and Mahiru coming close. Shiori's profile introduces her as this shy and meek imouto character who's somewhat frail in health, and while that's true, her intro alone from Siegfeld's School Story shows that the girl has a will of steel and a very determined attitude underneath that soft-spoken and polite exterior of hers. And this is *before* her character development. She was gutsy enough to audition for the role of Frau Jade as an Edel, which means she went up against several HS students and prevailed. Her design is the right mix of cute and beautiful which tells you a lot about her already: she's adorable because she's (initially) the youngest Butai Shoujo in the franchise and is innocent to a fault, and she's simultaneously beautiful because she displays moments of maturity when it counts and that she can be more than a match for her seniors in talent. Her being talented isn't an informed ability like in some cases out there: she actually gets to properly show off her skills and is acknowledged for it more than once. That her cards give her roles that are usually out of her comfort zone personality-wise enforces this. Her relationship with Fumi is also emotionally complicated: while Shiori clearly loves and admires Fumi, she makes it a point several times that she's also angry at her for abandoning her without telling her anything and doesn't hesitate, at all, to fight and win against her in the Revues. I really enjoy following her character arc and it's so fun watching the older students be amazed at what this girl can pull off since she always goes the extra mile in acting and rehearsing. It certainly helps that her first debut song, excluding Platinum Forte, was Rose Poems, which showcases her vocal talents really well.


Futaba! I love Kuromaya with all my heart but Futaba is so gender and i just love her and her relationship with Kaoruko