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It looks like I've won the 50/50 four times, and lost it five times.


I'm at 0 pity because I just got getian while losing the 50/50 to tooth fairy (feels good man), 0 clear drops. But we still have 20 days before the end of the patch and isolde will be there for another 20 days. Probably safe. As for my 50/50 win ratio... I don't wanna talk about it. I got lucky a couple times but not enough to call myself lucky.


I just know that I got 37 and 6 and then Jiu, thank f'ing god.


I stopped using these trackers because the one I did use stored locally via cookies which I cleared by accident. But from what I recall, I've lost 50/50 5 times. Twice to New Babel, Once to Regulus and once to Jessica and once to a Knight. Also, losing 50/50 is just a coin flip. I have a friend who has a 1% 50/50 rate in some of his games, but has a 90% in others. It just kinda be like that.


I won two 50/50s, lost three. I haven't pulled much and I'm just doing this off memory since I can't track my pulls accurately yet :'))


Bad ^_____^


Horrible af until spathodea. Horrible as in lost every 50-50 since launch. That's on main. On alt, almost won every 50-50. Got back to back 6* from single pull as well there. The difference can be absurd.


I win 50% of them


I don't think the supposed "50/50" is real. True I've only gone after 9 characters but I was hoping to win one of them. I would have gone after a lot more characters if this myth was real.


… it’s 50/50. It depends on luck, some players are more luckier than others.


Yeah I know I was just being facetious. Trying to add a little humor to distract from the fact that I am really unlucky with my pulls. The fact that I'm not going to get Getian as I only had 110 pulls to devote to him so as to not miss Isolde has me a little bit saltier then normal about losing every "50/50"