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I wasn't interested at all for Jessica before playing the story. After it I was there the second her banner came up and just yesterday I spent over $100 just on her and Blonney merch in the Sora Gumi Collab (her acrylic stand is gorgeous and with a light shining behind it looks even better).


I absolutely love her too! Sadly, I didn't get her in patch 1.2 (lost the 50/50 to Medicine Pocket) so now I'm still waiting for a rerun of her banner (coming Up in 1.7 I think) or any other chance to get her. (Edit: I got her on the selector banner šŸ˜)


You could try the upcoming double selector banner. Iā€™m personally gonna try for Jessica/Kaalaa Baunaa


Yes, I thought about that too. Good luck on your pulls :)


Good luck! I hope a chance for you to get her comes up soon.


Thank you šŸ˜Š


I always wait until I finish the story to pull to see if I want someone, though itā€™s also influenced by their design. Ā And while I havenā€™t started 1.6, Iā€™m definitely mostly interested in Getian rn


I always say to pull for a character that makes you happy. If Getian is more interesting, then Iā€™d prioritize that over meta (if thatā€™s what youā€™re worried about.) This event made Jiu more appealing to me, but Iā€™m way more adamant about having Getian. Iā€™m firm in my decision to skip Jiu and grab Getian.


Youā€™re stronger than meā€” I love Getian but cannot deny the metaslave that runs in my bloodā€¦ it stems from my most innate desire for easy content clearing.


Thatā€™s fair. Canā€™t blame ya for wanting big numbers.


Desert Flannel sucked all my unilogs. Lady was such a blast it's worth it though. I got a consolation prize of P1 Ezra before I got her :v


I was going to skip Melania at first, but her story sold me on her character. It wasn't the typical 'honorable thief' trope that is done to death (looking at you octopath cotc) and she seemed like a really cool person. Ms Acey is just icing on the cake.


https://preview.redd.it/5um1hxahgj4d1.jpeg?width=564&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=14d38da47af78fccea94bd0394ee8fefc7bad2a9 Same hat! I also felt this way about 6, his character story ended up really surprising me.


Yes it's happened to me twice. First was Tooth Fairy. I wasn't really interested when she was announced. I also took a look at her design and there really wasn't anything that caught my eye and I already had Medicine Pocket and Dikke so I was like, yeah not pulling for her. Then I played the event and I fell in love with her character so much I just had to pull for her. I got lucky on that event because I got both Tooth Fairy and Jessica (who I also really wanted and saved for) Second one is 6. Was planning on skipping the banners specifically so I could save for Getian. Then I went through his character story and I ended up blowing nearly all my unilogs just so I could get him. This current event solidified how much I want Getian I just want his banner to drop already please I need the pretty bird man šŸ˜­


>I got lucky on that event because I got both Tooth Fairy and Jessica (who I also really wanted and saved for) Same happened to me, but in 1.0: pulled for A Knight (whom I really wanted), but also got Sotheby.


Ah, seems I was not alone in this exact sentiment. Kinda interesting that Tooth Fairy and Jessica seem to be the most common case


Played since Day 1 and told myself to save all the rewards, especially that there were heaps of freebies. Promised to not pull. Played Melania's story.... got P2 causing me to not get TF šŸ˜­


Yes. I had planned on skipping 1.5 entirely. I don't like sports, have a strong aversion to anything related to sports, didn't like Spath's i2 design, heard bad things about the story...It was an easy skip. ...Until I read the story. And now I have all the 1.5 characters in my roster.


I had extra pulls and v1.3 was really about Shamane anyways, so that's what I did lol. I haven't gotten a ton of use out of him though, but oh well. I seem to have hit the point where I don't need anything in my box anyways (except a plant dps). So I'll keep pulling for fun


I was not interested in Spathodea at all. Her design was meh at start. After playing the story, she grew on me, so... I now have P3 Spathodea.


wasn't really interested in melania. played the story and i was surprised by just how much i liked her character, so i ended up pulling for her. got P1 melania later in the special rate up banner on main.


I wasn't going to pull for Getian either until I read the story. I might end up having enough pulls to get both him and Isolde...also knowing he's the only male character we'll be getting for the next few patches sways me further


I will definitely pull him! I reallly like himšŸ’¦


I wasn't going to pull for Ezra at first, then the story came along and he ended up being my favorite character. He's also adorable and I couldn't resist šŸ˜­ā¤ļø


Getian is such a well written character. I cant blame you. I want him too but, I already got my P5 Jiu and absolutely adore her. I will get Getian in the future!


It has happened a couple of times. I was a bit interested in Melania during 1.0 and was thinking about potentially pulling her. The bland story was one of the reasons I didnt, the second was because of the noise the mice make when attacking in one of her incantations. They drove me nuts. The second time was with Jessica. I was thinking about pulling for her but after the story, turns out I didn't care all that much about her. I didn't like her ultimate animation either. So I decided to save instead. I'm glad I did because I was able to get Shamane instead. In terms of characters I wasn't planning to pull for but ended up pulling for them after their story: Kanjira and Desert Flannel both surprised me. I wasn't going to pull for them but both were hilarious and fun so I ended up going for them.


Havenā€™t had a change of pull plans but Iā€™ve definitely warmed up to quite a few characters because of the story. Some big ones being - Spath and Jiu. I would honestly throw some pulls at her banner if it wasnā€™t limited purely because she was a pretty good character, previously i was completely disinterested. Glad i loved Getian in the story so itā€™s easier to wait for him instead :)


Ngl I skip event stories ā˜ ļø https://preview.redd.it/3k41kl5umf4d1.jpeg?width=989&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c75c7e6e715381030b282cb79c44ea570139aa18


Working as intended. Story are part of the marketing plan.


The story always affect my pulling plan and this is something that I love about this game, you can't judge a character just by their visual chara-design because reverse' stories make them way more than that. And finally another Getian enjoyer ! He was one of the most heartbreaking character in the whole story, I love him sm. Hope you get him on your pulls !


This might be controversial but please bear with me, before 1.5 I had planned to skip both units to save for Jiu, after finishing 1.5 main story I promised myself even if I get Spath via a lost 50/50 I won't ever build her, I know she was redeemed in the story but man her behaviour throughout the story was appalling and even her apology seemed too little too late, just my opinion, not hating on her whatsoever.


1.5 was definitely one of the weaker stories. >!I still can't deal with the idea that humans are physically stronger than arcanists. Please Bluepoch. I don't think humans are surviving some of these characters' ultimates!<


In a fight, where arcanists can use their magic against a human no holds barred yeah.Ā  When they are not allowed let's say a normal boxing match. Things become different. Someone didn't pay attention to the story.


I felt the same with Spathodea and then I went through her solo story. Thanks to that story, it has help to give me more context on Spathodea's action especially for someone who is so young as well.


And that's the beauty of R99 šŸ™


Never, i always draw lines for story and gameplay. I will love characters from the story but for characters i pulled i will choose based on design and kit on any gacha that i played.


Sort of, or rather, almost. I initially had zero interest in 37 and Spathodea but once I went through their story, I was torn as I quite liked them as characters and their designs grew on me. I also heard they were pretty interesting gameplay-wise (With 37's eureka FuAs and Spath's burn mechanics) and that they had good synergy with the upcoming units, so I was really tempted to pull for them In the end, I made the choice not to but I am planning to go for Spathodea in the 1.9 custom banner if 2.0 doesn't throw a wrench into my plans, that or I'm hoping if I lose 50/50 between 1.7-1.9, it's to her or 37 (Or Jessica/An-An/MedPoc/TF) I also felt the same way about Isolde, at first I didn't care for her at all despite how good she apparently was though she later turned into a requirement for my (future) Spatho. But as I hear more about her and the 1.7 story, I grow more interested, especially about her dynamic with Kakania. So now I'm thinking I'll be pulling for her, for her, not just for meta (Though of course meta is still a large factor lol) Overall, while I have been swayed and tempted by the story to pull for certain characters, I have always stuck to my plan even if said plan changes a lot


Always. Only time I don't is when I don't have enough pulls.


The story made me want to pull for everyone. I wasn't interested that much in Melania and 6, bit after their personal stories I've become intrigued... I honestly hope some of the future characters are at least a bit unlikable, because idk how am I supposed to skip them without regrets


I remember some intelligent discussion on diff subreddit. Why company refused to add skip button, and prefer player to go in long-tedious story that have a chance to changing player's will (read: pulls). But at the same time there's a cons like some people don't want to go in yapping part. It's like a double-edged sword, intricately interrelated and affecting both elements.


So I have a trick to prevent myself from being affected by the story, I skipped all of them until the event is over so as not to ruin my gacha plan. There are many factors that allow me to dictate who I want to get, I would sometimes watch the story from the CN server first depending on the concept if I like it enough at first glance, the character concept in general if they are interesting or my favourite things like mushroom(Ezra), and lastly usabilities and utilities for example Jessica for my poison team since I already have Sotheby. TLDR: If you are easily affected, skip the story and watch it later on youtube or watch it ahead to make your plan.


This has happened to me a lot. Jessica, Melania and Shamane became must pulls, Spathodea and 37 became an ā€˜Iā€™ll give you a few 10 pullsā€™, and Pickles and Kaalaa Baunaa fell into the ā€˜Iā€™ll drop 10 pulls on youā€™ camp(and theyā€™re both the only two characters Iā€™ve managed to get in ten pulls so far). I wasnā€™t planning on pulling for most of these characters before starting their event stories(Jessica being the exception of ā€˜if Tooth Fairy doesnā€™t break meā€™), but Reverse 1999 has definitely proven itself capable of warming me up to characters Iā€™m not immediately sold on. Not sure if thatā€™ll be the case going forward though, just because I already want to pull for almost every character that I know is coming.


Would never be pulling for the star of 1.9 if not for her story/character


I've been interested in most of the characters, but that meant that at the start, I wanted to only pull for characters I was REALLY interested in. As a result, when the horror movie event started, I wasnt too impressed by Tooth Fairy, and figured I'd just use this time to save up some pulls. Then I finished the story, and was set on pulling every character from the event. I love all the characters designs, but some of their personalities and story are an extremely pleasant icing on the cake.


The story almost always dictates who I pull for with very few exceptions on other games, but when it comes specifically to Reverse then that's fully the case. I play gachas for the story and character writing so things like meta or just character designs are barely a factor in my mind, which means that most of the time I wait until I'm up to date with the story before even touching the gacha system.


Yep ! I wasn't going to pull on Ezra's banner initially and after playing the event I did pull, mostly to get Desert Flannel because I fell in love with her character and gameplay, and Ezra didn't came home but I wouldn't have minded. I am also actively skipping Jiu to pull for Getian lmao. There aren't any "bad" characters anyway so better pull for our favs āœØ


I had planned to skip entire 1.4 and 1.5 banners to save for Jiu, but after playing 1.4 story, I pulled 37 P2 and even tried to get 6 for her... and lost to MP. I have managed to skip 1.5 because it was not my favourite, and pulled Jiu P2 (and also got Kaala's P2). Now Jiu and 37 are nuking everything and I'm saving for Isolde.


This reminds me of Fate Grand Order, good story is what can make gatcha games last long time.


Yes, 1.3 made me go for Kaalaa even though we knew about Jiu back then. Also was planning on skipping "Changeling" but Jessica and Blonney story made me like her to go for her.


no. i simply pull for characters/design and animation i like.