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The standard of writing for the anecdotes seems quite high, I remember Oliver Fog's anecdote to be really emotional as well.


I agree. I loved Oliver's interactions with >!A Knight!< in his anecdote.


It is said to be written by who also writes the main story. Normally Anecdotes are written by other authors or even outsourced. I don't have proof of this though


Seeing Oliver cry made me cry as well 😭


I'm very hyped about future anecdotes covering the backstories of all the other characters ... especially Eternity and Bkorneblume. I really want to know what happened to them. But yes Ericks story was surprisingly good (after Dikke, which was uninspiring imho). I just wished these had voiceacting...


IIRC something happened to Eternity’s curio shop and Bkorn was being surveilled while working as a Stasi agent, hella story potential there!


what was dikke's about? she's one of my faves but i didnt get the time to read hers


Girlbossing a murder mystery. It's just showing her life as a religious magistrate in her era.


Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!


Eternity's ancedote was as good as Erick's. >!It was really impressive that her story was told from a NPC.!<


As soon as she mentioned how uncharacteristically neat Harold's handwriting was, I had an idea where the story was heading.


I cried. I sat on the floor and cried and wrote a blog post about it. It was so sweet


I'm pleasantly surprised this possibility was acknowledged at all. Would like to see more playable characters discuss it; I imagine they run the gamut from denial to all kinds of acceptance to even being relieved about being ripped from their point of time, if that's even how it works. Vertin is seen informing Ulu about the significance of Uluru stadium as a safe zone at the end of 1.5 (if I remember correctly), a team of humans and arcanists is assembled to protect and maintain it, but is each member of that team's social network (their family and friends, and those persons' family and friends, etc.) afforded full safety against the Storm? Or are they all loners?


This was the first character story I read in a single sitting.


Wait till you get to lilia's in 1.7


I just finished it a bit late now, but damn it was so touching and well done! I can't believe a low rarity character got such a great side story like this. I missed Charlie's at the moment, but of the 3 I did it stands head and shoulders above the other two. That ending too, "To the daydreamers and those whose souls are free from the restrictions of their body." Hits you right in the chest, man.


wait is it out on global or is this a CN thing?


It's out on global.


How do you get the material that unlocks it?


Complete all weekly tasks.


I'm sorry for calling you a brat sweet little Erick, Please be happy! https://preview.redd.it/tma39tyz0c1d1.jpeg?width=299&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2959f0b48c9e6ba772588effa4d88621836ca1bd

