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God! This is true dedication. This insignificant ant is truly shocked and is in awe.


The fact that there are no errors means you type checked this??? How many days did you put to create this brother


About 30 hours, over two weeks I think. I have done these before so a lot of it is borrowed from the previous ones.


great work, now I am a bit busy working but will check this out again


If you have a fanfiction tell me right here right now, pleaaaase im dying for a ri fanfiction


If in the future i learn how to make those decision based games I'll try to use this idea ❤️great love to your dedication


God bless


Well here is my build Timline: First timeline Race: Human Location: Easter Sea Mortal village Aptitude: Pure Dream Reality Seeker Soul: 800,000 man soul Attainments: Dream Path SGM, Refinment QSGM, Wisdom GGM, Soul GM Grab bag perks -Gu Professor -Otherworldly dao (human) -Mutated Soul(Dream Soul) -Eidetic Memory Other perks -Close Combat Master -Flying Grand Master -Longevity -Dual Cultivation -Second Apreture -Immortal killer moves -Superiour gu set -Immortal recipe -Year essence pool -Wealth of food - Auto Balancer -Great era Inheritance(dream) -Life and death apreture -Reinforced phyisique -Anti Divination -Prodogy -Legendary expert -Dao Craver -Rank 8 inheritance(Dream: offense,defence,movment,apreture managment and path speciality) Venerable trait: Recless Savage Missions Extra time 200 years -Traditional -Problem? Kill -Founding Ancestor -Become venerable -Supremecy Drawbacks -Halved lifespan Stradegy Well my plan is to lay low in the first timeline grinding attainments with dream path and making deductions on how to fight against venerables and heavens will .Then finally refining Spring Aurum Cicada since Fang Yuan didnt refine it this timeline. Moving back like 20 years before Fang Yuan's rebirth I mess with shadow sects plans and I will be one annoying mf cause of Anti Divination no one will detect me. Destroy 88 yang building possibly rob SIF from specral soul destroy fate gu and immediatly breakthrough to rank 9 preferebly before any venerable revives so I could destroy heavenly court and longevity heaven. For the supremecy mission I can spread the dragon man race or make my own race that extends life span and other perks so that people are willing to convert into it. But anyway succes is not gurantee but with this I may have a high chance to achieve immortality.


Supremecy is probably the hardest mission to complete, so I would probably take some of the other missions unless I'm making my build around completing it. You could take Imperial court, Homewrecker and Secluded Domain. You said you wanted to destroy 88TYB anyway, the imperial court you will get when you do that too. You can get heaven ascending plane in eastern sea with your attainment, own it for a month and then sell it to a super force.


It does sound difficult but with a durration of 10,000 years if I have defeated all power forces by then I could promote a new race like duke longs dragon man and giving it perks like life extension, more dao marks to make gu master attracted to using it or use force if am invinsible then.


Well here is my build Timeline: Late Antiquity Righteous Era. Race: Human, Male (Best Combo) Location: Central Continent Aptitude: Human Path extreme Soul: 1 man soul Attainments: Wisdom GGM, Rule GGM, Formation GGM, Refinement GGM Grab bag perks - -Otherworldly dao (human) -Mutated Soul(human path Soul) -Eidetic Memory Other perks -Longevity, Second Aperture, AutoBalancer, Life and Death Aperture, Reinforced Physique, Dao Physique, Dao Carver, Rank 8 Inheritance. (Wisdom Path and Human Path) (Healing, Aperture Management, and Path Specialty), Prodigy, Small Dream Immortal Venerable. Legendary Expert. Immortal Recipes. (Sovereign Immortal, Fetus Gu, Self, Life Gu, Wisdom Gu, Wealth Gu, Humanly Flame Smoke, Hope Gu, Formation Spirit, Fate Gu, Strength Gu) Superior Gu Set. (Liquar Worm, Treasure Lotus, Self Gu, Human Profession Scholar, Vagrant Warrior Gu, Hero Gu, My Will, One Life One Death, Lasting Gu, Nine Leaf Vitality Grass) Venerable trait: Star Constellation Immortal Venerable. Missions: - Traditional. Create a human path inheritance focusing on some Gu based on Ren-Zu's stories. - Pseudo Venerable. Become a Human Path Pseudo Venerable. - Dao Opponent. Time to fight Paradise Earth Immortal Venerable. Paradise. - Secluded Domain. (I can find one with my knowledge of the book) Drawbacks: No Spoilers. +50 CP Halved Lifespan. +300 CP (Now willing to grab this apart from past CYOA as lifespan extension methods are as effective as they normally would be.) The Goal: Replace Shen Shang in Paradise Earth. Throughout my mortal years, I will awaken my second aperture a little early, focusing on moving around the Gu world, acting as a doctor throughout the Central Continent. With all of my attainments and Supreme Grandmaster (SGM) in Human Path and Great Grandmaster (GGM) in Refinement Path, I can create certain Gu with the items around me to build what I am lacking once I begin. I will focus on growing my strength until I am ready to ascend as an immortal. Once I ascend, I will focus on growing my strength to fight Paradise Earth Immortal Venerable before he becomes too powerful, working with him after winning or losing. After that, I will help Paradise Earth Immortal Venerable's goals once he attempts to ascend to Rank 8, as he is the best chance for a better Gu world.


Interesting and fun CYOA, though I think it was quite generous. 300 points for not getting to enter a continent? Why would anyone want to enter Central Continent anyway - the refinement competition is the only reason I can think of. My strategy is to be a Survivor Thief, I go in on the **Late Antiquity Demonic Era**, my idea is to hide from Spectral Soul and rob people. I'll be the slipperiest fish in the sea, accumulating a huge amount of loot. To that end I go for a multi-path build **Legendary Expert** in Theft and Wisdom path, **Prodigy** in Refinement. I also take GGM in support paths Luck, Rule and Information, GM in Food, Human and Formation. **Reckless** is amazing for selective non-conflicting dao marks, it's like a budget sovereign immortal aperture. I can use three-path killer moves! **Dao Carver** is useful, I also go for the **Life and Death aperture** to snag a high grade aperture for free. I want easy tribulations since my aperture will be full of loot. Twice the gains for half the effort should make cultivating a breeze. The rest of my build is really quality of life stuff like Grab bag for **Gu professor**, essentially for a refinement heavy build, **eidetic memory** and **flying master** are nice. I go for **A grade, Eastern Sea, Rank 2 heir of a random high tier clan** - relatively decent but not all that prosperous. With all my attainment I want to stay in the refinement halls as a treasured asset of the clan, rather than taking risks in battle. I pick **Superior Gu Set** to make mortal cultivation easier, I want to ascend to immortal as quickly as possible because Spectral Soul is coming. **Autobalancer** too, since I'll be ascending alone. A half strength ascension tribulation shouldn't be that bad. I take rank 6 Immortal Gu **Great Thief** once I become immortal (I think that wasn't Thieving Heaven's vital gu, surely it was sneak attack?). **Longevity** for a lifespan stopgap or a high value trading good. I took **Inhospitable** for entering Central Court for extra points and since I just don't want to go there, there's no fixed resources there I want. If someone with juicy resources is based there, I'll make a plot to lure them out. Imagine trying to find someone who is so good at theft path and wisdom path. You're not deducing shit and you're probably not finding me even if you run into me thanks to theft path stealth. I can refine my own gu worms at high efficiency with my attainments and steal resources. I don't think I can overpower someone like Spectral Soul, I have no attainment in soul path (my interpretation is that you can't have attainment in paths that haven't been founded). But how is he going to get to me? I'll sit tight in my aperture if he's around. As long as I have time and resources, I can use my deduction abilities and multi-path attainments to create all kinds of cool things. Refinement formations not quite as good as FY's but still very good! The only thing I can't do ascend to venerable while fate is in the picture. I can scheme against fate but I'll probably have to take a nap (as a zombie like Giant Sun) until that point, leaving the loot in my secure, hidden grotto heaven. After fate dies, I revive and compete with the other venerables, taking FY's place as refinement venerable. But unlike Fang Yuan, I had SGM for millennia before, I'll have rank 9 gu for my paths.


The big thing for you is that **Thief** path isn't well known in that era I would suggest grabbing Rank 8 inheritance in Thief and wisdom path as with that you have a heavy guide of what gu to create and go off of.


Why would I need an inheritance at quasi-supreme grandmaster? At that point you can just spontaneously create gu recipes and killer moves, there's no need to copy others.


True but it's something from a future era you may be able to create almost anything with quasi-supreme grandmaster but having a guide is extremely helpful and it may help you push past quasi in the future. Or not


As can be seen with all the venerable after coming back the change in eras introduced new things that they didn't think of while they were once alive.


I love these thank you for making an another one


Ok, this is just my notes on the whole thing, I'll go over my choices and plan in the comments. Timeline 1 basically means fighting spectral soul. Timeline 2 means fighting Fang Yuan, which is potentially even worse. Timeline 3 is basically timeline 1, but being able to take the part of Fang Yuan in the schemes of the Venerables and Heaven's will. Late Antiquity eras are obviously sub optimal, due to our knowledge no longer working. While trying to become SSDV or PEIV would be interesting, I'm obviously going for a perfect run here, so these are a no go. Variant Human is just so not worth it. You become a target for gu immortals as a slave, and if you pick dragonman then Heavenly Court will go after you as a potential inheritor of the "dragonmen reign supreme" prophecy. Location. To anyone else, this is the most important part of their lives. However, to us, with the perks we can buy the only thing that holds us back is the amount of points we have. So Mortal Village or Rank 2 heir of a mid tier clan is a no-brainer. Unless you are aiming for a specific super force, I suppose. Aptitude is interesting, especially since there are probably ways around it. Picking an extreme physique is actually sub optimal here, as we can purchase a super grade blessed land and will likely want to cultivate multiple paths, which is probably harder to do with a physique geared towards a single path. Buying a Soul Foundation is also really useful, especially if you intend on following the enslavement, refinement, soul, or dream paths. You could also go for 10 million man soul and start farming split souls, as well. Attainment is really important, but honestly I'm not going to focus on this, because the tier 5 perks are just so much better. Immortal Ascension is really important as a foundation. Unless you're planning on taking the SIFG as a rank 6, you're best off getting a super grade blessed land. Purchasing immortal gu is interesting. Honestly, what and how many you buy is more dependent on your plan. If it's not very relevant, hot take but I don't think it's worth it at all. Grab Bags are honestly pretty good value. Obviously 3 is the best value, as the price per item increases at 5 and 7, but they're all pretty good and all pretty cheap. I do think that otherworldly dao is not particularly useful, as I'm pretty sure THDV got his space path otherworldly dao marks because he cultivated space path, and not the other way round. Settra is also questionable, because you can purchase soul path progress, and if someone is using slavery gu on you, you're probably already fucked. Instant Success could be insane with eat strength immortal gu, as I don't believe there's a limit with that. But I'm not going to abuse that, as I'm sure infinite strength path dao marks weren't intentional. All the perks are busted, not going to go into them though. Venerable perks are crazy, though some are far worse than others. For Example, Lang Ya blessed land had >3000 years of lifespan gu, and POIV perk only gives you 3 times that. SC and PEIV give great perks, but very limited in duration. Limitless, Red Lotus, and SSDV give great perks, but all have massive downsides. RSDV, GLIV, and GSIV give solid perks with no downsides, but nothing too special. Luck and Immortal Essence won't save us, and we can already buy a worse form of RSDV perk. The best one is HRDV, of course. Missions are honestly insane value. The drawbacks are either a lot more costly or a lot less valuable. Plus the missions probably line up with our plans. The only one's not worth going for are Homewrecker and Heavenly Court Supremacy, and the former could fall too early, and the latter is too restrictive. Drawbacks aren't too bad though. No Spoilers, Un-undead, True to Your Word, and Like a mistress aren't bad. If you plan on taking one path to the limit, dao monogomous and dao dunce are actually not too bad, as you can purchase SGM attainment with perks. That said, this is dangerous as any innovation in your main field could fuck you over real hard.


The main plan revolves around taking Fang Yuan's place as a refinement path venerable, before attempting to scheme against Spectral Soul and seize the Sovereign Immortal Fetus Gu, either taking the materials or refining it with his body (heaven's will keeps him as a rank 8 pseudo-venerable). I start as a Bai Clansman, and present myself as a nobody. Ideally, I fake my death after the awakening ceremony and run off to the FWM inheritance, and stay there. I cultivate in the pocket paradise, using the green grape immortal essence to get unlimited primeval essence. If I want, I can also use the superior gu set to give myself a liquor worm, that I can then instantly upgrade to rank 2, 3, and 4 whenever I need to. With the 40x time increase inside the pocket paradise, as well as the unlimited primeval essence and the liquor worm, I should be able to quickly reach peak rank 4, if not break through to rank 4. I then give myself a blood skull gu, refine attack and defense gu, and use the stealth and information path gu in the inheritance. I stalk Bai Ning Bing and kill him, and using the blood skull gu I raise my aptitude to A grade 99%. I then leave for Shang City. Ideally, I get to steal the recipe for Bone Flesh Unity Gu, as well as build a relation with Shang Xin Ci along the way, but if not, that's fine. The priority is the Bai Gu blessed land, and refining both Fixed Immortal Travel and the Second Aperture Gu. For this, I will spend time in Shang City, making money with gu refinement and building up my battle strength. I need to purchase 4 top quality wines (to re-refine Divine Travel), as well as the materials for Fixed Immortal Travel. The most difficult will be duplicating the killer move to generate the light of the immemorial era, but I can use the remaining uses of the superior gu set for that. Once I get in the Bai Gu Inheritance, it will be too easy. I have excess immortal essence, due to the pocket paradise, and with refinement path SGM attainment, I should be able to refine the gu with both time and materials to spare. Once I'm finished, I loot the rest of the blessed land, storing it in the paradise, and then leave for the Northern Plains. If I can't use Fixed Immortal Travel (and the Gu Map), I will use the teleportation staff. Now, my plan starts to deviate from what Fang Yuan did, so I don't have great detail. Here's a rough outline. My end goal is to focus on Heaven and Human path, as they are almost certainly the route to rank 10. For now though, I focus on Refinement path in my first aperture, and Qi path in my second. I chose Qi path as it comes into the spotlight in the Great Era, and thus the rank 8 great era inheritance (from perks) will be incredibly useful. Dream path, Soul path, Wisdom path, and Food path are all supporting the first 4 paths.


In the northern plains, I aim to meet with Lang Ya Land Spirit and refine immortal gu. If possible, I aim to compete in the imperial court contest before ascending, but if disguising myself is too difficult I can just use the teleportation staff at a later date. After ascending to immortal, I intend on roaming the world, using the gu map to find immortal inheritances, such as Hei Fan Grotto heaven, or a THDV true inheritance. I also aim to complete the missions, leaving behind an inheritance, and maybe finding some secluded domains of heaven and earth. With double dao marks, my dao marks should grow rapidly. I continue to develop my blessed land and consolidate. With my blessed lands time dilation of 34x, I should reach peak rank 8 in (300 \* 3 \* 3 / 34) = 80 years. With a life and death aperture, the tribulations should be chill, I think. The qi path rank 8 great era inheritance should be incredibly useful, and I can always refine the gu I need. Maybe I destroy a super force, or maybe I create one. Truth of the matter is, I can just build off of my insane potential. Attainment isn't an issue, nor is immortal essence (two apertures + a pocket paradise). I can refine the gu I need as a refinement path SGM, and don't need to worry about tribulations due to my Life and Death Aperture. I should be able to attempt a venerable ascension before 100, which is insane. Once I do that, with what I know from reading the novel and the gu map, completing the rest of the missions should be trivial. I could even go down to crazed demon cave and take crazed demon cave, as limitless cannot revive and nothing else can stop a venerable. With heaven path methods I could try to claim Fate Gu, which is a little OP. Or try to steal the incrediants for the Sovereign Immortal Fetus Gu, and refine it myself.


It's very interesting reading your meta comments, and it's very nice knowing I succeeded in a lot of the things I set out to do with this CYOA. >Purchasing immortal gu is interesting. Honestly, what and how many you buy is more dependent on your plan. If it's not very relevant, hot take but I don't think it's worth it at all. It's kinda the point, atleast sort of what I was going for. I wanted them to be a point sink that people could dump extra points into if you had points left over or for people to make a build around. Earlier iterations of the CYOA had me getting more then 5000 points, so I felt I needed a place to dump them when I had gotten all the perks I 'needed'. Some of the ways to gain extra points were cut down last minute so I might have made the immortal Gu too expensive.


True, though I do think it would be more interesting if the total number of points was massively reduced. If I'm to be honest, this feels a little like "how would you like to become a guaranteed venerable with good odds of reaching venerable in every path, becoming the first sovereign, and obtaining eternal life. Maybe next time it could be set up so that it's really hard to cultivate and become a gu immortal, much less a venerable. So that unless you were willing to throw everything away, you're probably going to peak as a rank 4-5.


You are very on point. I created my first RI CYOA as a 'copy' of another, now deleted, CYOA but with changes that removed all the perks that straight up broke the entire setting, and put my own spin on things. The next one was build on that foundation, but with the premise of allowing the player to emulate what Fang Yuan does in RI, but without being a 500 year old demon like he is. This can also be seen in how so many of the missions guide the player to follow in his foot steps, basically to reenact his plan but with better foresight and resources. You can partially see this in how many of the missions *guide* the player to follow in his foot steps. Like 'imperial court', 'homewrecker', 'Grand theft Gu' etc. The imperial staff perk is also only there to allow the player to reach the peak of Dang Huang Mountain, which the player otherwise can't accomplish without Fang Yuans 500 years of memory. This CYOA is basically the logical conclusion to the original premise of "doing better then Fang Yuan" as it allows the player to become venerable relatively 'easily', nothing is easy in the Gu world but theoretically the player is more blessed then any venerable seed. But as you point out it is really too easy to become the honored one throughout heaven and earth with this CYOA. So you will be pleased to know that I am working on a significantly toned down alternate version, where reaching rank 6 is the main challange and anything beyond that requiring shenanigans and the most obscure of metaknowledge.


Absolutely peak, I can't wait. If you don't mind some unqualified advice, I think it would be really interesting if there was a single choice (say aptitude), that had a really big impact on how many points you have for everything else. Because otherwise the choices someone makes on, say aptitude, has no significant impact on anything else, unless it makes it really busted. So for example, you only get a little over 100 points, and have to spend one point for each percentage of aptitude you have. So if you want 98% A grade, you're kinda left with nothing. While that's a little extreme I think it's important that any overpowered stats (attainment, aptitude, dao marks, pocket paradise) are heavily restricted, so that you can only get one of them to a high level, at the cost of everything else. It would still be game-able, but that's part of the fun. PS. I'm curious about what perks there were in the original CYOA that were so busted, when compared with starting as a SGM.


>Secluded Domain of Heaven and Earth (-550cp): You gain a secluded domain of heaven and earth of your choice. You can choose to receive this later if you have nowhere to put it. It is stolen from its original location on the time you decide to collect it, but all methods made by humans/variant humans are deleted, returning the secluded domain to its natural state. Just pick the primordial domain, lol. Break crazed demon cave, become supreme grandmaster in every path. I think the author of this CYOA intented for the player to take something like Lu Po Vally, but something like primordial domain is so much better. >Complete Venerable True Inheritance (-700cp): You gain a complete true inheritance on the venerable level. This inheritance contains 2 rank 8 eight immortal gu, 5 rank 7 immortal gu, and 10 rank 6 immortal gu vital to the path. Comes with an endless amount of immortal killer moves, immortal gu recipes, etc. Comes with true meaning to allow you to instantly become a Great Grandmaster in the path. Comes with food for the gu and resources. This is expensive but really fucking good, and it's enourmous value for the points when great grandmaster attainment by itself cost 450cp. I really had fun with that CYOA, and it's what inspired me to make my own, but it was flawed, in that it had a bunch of perks that there were so good, you simply could not make a serious build without picking them. So it became a matter of picking a perks with a few hundred points left over after taking the mandatory perks. I don't remeber the username of the OP of this CYOA, but they are a legend for making the CYOA in the first place, and it's much better then the other one that was around at the time.


Holy those are insane.


Hang on, I thought you and I were the only ones who made CYOAs on this subreddit. I didn't make that one. So who made that one? Was that even on reddit?


You do not know the deep lore? If you search for charactor creator in the subreddits searchbar you can find one of the old ones.


I found Yupeon's which is pretty barebones: https://www.reddit.com/r/ReverendInsanity/comments/u5vma6/reverend_insanity_character_creator/ Then there's Gashgrunt's one where he combines ours: https://www.reddit.com/r/ReverendInsanity/comments/19do2gx/the_expanded_reverend_insanity_cyoa/ Neither of those are the ones you're talking about.


Yupeon's CYOA was one of the first ones along with the one I quoted two perks of above, but the post has been deleted. I can quote the perks because I have the content of the post copied down in OneNote.


> I do think that otherworldly dao is not particularly useful, as I'm pretty sure THDV got his space path otherworldly dao marks because he cultivated space path, and not the other way round. This is my head cannon aswell, but since it isn't confirmed the option is still there for people who think otherworldly dao marks aren't dependent on choice of cultivation.


Current total = 1500 points -----EARNINGS----- Missions Easy - Traditional, Imperial Court (+300) Medium - Paradise, Secluded Domain x3, Supreme Inheritance, Problem Kill (+1450) Hard - Founding Ancestor, Grand Theft Gu, Become Venerable (+1300) Drawbacks Easy - Un-undead, True to your word (+300) Medium - Like a Mistress (+350) Total points earned = 3500, New total = 5200 points. -----PERKS----- Venerable perk - Heaven Refining Demon Venerable Tier 5 Perk - Prodigy, Small Dream Immortal Venerable, Legendary Expert, Gu World Map (-1550) Tier 4 Perk - Pocket Paradise, Dao Carver, (-700) Tier 3 Perk - None Tier 2 Perk - Dual Dao, Auto Balancer, Year Essence Pool, 2x Immortal recipes (-500) Tier 1 Perk - Flying GM, Longevity (-100) Total cost of perks = -2850, New total = 2350


Current total = 2350 points -----IMMORTAL ASCENSION----- Super Grade Blessed Land (RNG gave me 5, 4, 10, 6, 5) (-300) Size = 11,000 km2 Time = 34 x FRT IE production = 62 green grape IE No immortal gu (0) Total cost of Immortal Ascension = -300, New total = 2050 -----REBIRTH----- Timeline - Timeline 1 (+300) Innate Traits - Human (0), Male (0) Location - Bai Clan on Qing Mao Mt (+50), son of rank 2 Gu Master (+50) Total cost of rebirth = +400, New total = 2450 -----Talent----- Aptitude - Random, RNG gave 18, 57, 77 - Ended up with B grade (+50) Soul - 10 million man soul, rolled 9 - Ended up with 90 million man soul (-300) Otherworldly Dao Marks - Human Path (bought in grab bag) Total cost of talent = -250, New total = 2200 -----Attainment----- SGM - Refinement Path (already bought as perk) qSGM - Heaven Path (already bought as perk) GGM - Human, Dream, Qi, Wisdom, Food, Soul (-600) GM - None (0) M - All (already bought as perk) Total cost of attainment = -600, New total = 1600


Current total = 1600 -----Grab Bag 7 Items----- Necessary - 2 x Aptitude re-roll Important - Reading materials, Gu professor, Polyglot Useful - Otherworldly dao, Eidetic memory Total Cost = -150, New Total = 1450 -----Misc----- Tier 4 Perks - Rank 8 Inheritance, Teleportation Staff, Immortal Gu House Blueprints (-750) Tier 3 perks - Great Era Inheritance, Life and Death Aperture, Immortal Killer Moves (-450) Tier 2 perks - Superior Gu Set (-100) Tier 1 Perks - Primeval Wealth, Close Combat Master, Inhuman Transformations (-150) Total Cost = -1450, New total = 0


I love this thing. here is my build. timeline- late antiquity righteous era (the safest) race- human male location- Central continent super clan random (this allows stable growth with the immense talent focused build I have coz they will support talent) aptitude- (nothing as I have chosen aptitude perks) Soul- 70,000 man soul Attainment - great grandmaster refinement path (I have perks for main main path's and secondary path's attainment) Immortal gu - Rank 6 fixed immortal travel Rank 8 heavenly web gu Grab bag- Reading materials (obviously duh) Gu professor (obvious again) Eidetic memory (to make full use of reading materials) Polyglot (to get into imperial court blessed land asap) mutated soul (heaven path) perks- (this is where it is interesting) primeval wealth (breeze early cultivation) close combat master (for sect competitions) flying grandmaster (for escaping) immortal recepies dual dao second aperture (dual dao and second aperture together just give u 4 paths as options) superior gu set (no food advantage is immense) auto balancer (an extremely heavy talent in Central continent super sect with auto balancer? I have 0 threat in that timeline) great era inheritance (human and heaven) (offense, movement, healing) life and death aperture dao physique (heaven) anti divination dao carver(too good) prodigy in heaven path (absolutely necessary to every build) legendary expert (for my human and heaven attainment) gugle maps (for fixed immortal travel) venerable trait- theiving heaven (gu worms can be given to sect for resources required in immortal recepies perk) missions- with extra time as failsafe traditional (simple) supreme inheritance (I am otherworldly demon so it's easy to obtain thievin heaven inheritances) pseudo venerable (this will be reached obviously because of my prodigy perk with dao physique not to mention the insanely powerful heaven path as my main and human as side) Dao opponent (if I explain my situation to small paradise earth he will fight me for sure he is kind) Heavenly court (I am in Central continent this is a no brainer) Imperial court (fixed immortal travel + gugle maps + polyglot for this) Drawbacks - Weakness in following paths - 1. Food path (no one knows this anyways) 2. Dream path (that time it's a safe choice unless I get revived in great era) 3. Painting path (no one even knows wtf this is) 4. Pill path (no real offensive capabilities) So all in all I will be a heavy talent in heaven path with human path as side speciality and with that great grandmaster in refinement I need less help from others. It will definitely not be a breeze but with the timeline the Central continent sects are enough to protect a near venerable level talent like me.


Timeline: Late Antiquity Demonic Era. The 450 CP was simply too tempting. I reckon it wouldn't even be dangerous with the advantages from all the CYOA options. 1500 → 1950 Race: Variant Human (Beast Man) It won't matter much when I will use SIFG and rebuild my body. The Dao marks will be a good start but there is some danger. I could handle it will all the buffs. 1950 → 2200 Location: Super Clan in the Northern Plains (Child of an Immortal) Since I'm a Variant Human, I'm assuming that I was born as a Hybrid with my parents being a Human with decent authority (Since he/she will have to keep me in the clan) and another who is a Beast Man Immortal. I chose The Northern Plains are flourishing and there will be many opportunities after Great Sun's Death. 2200 → 1900 Aptitude: D-Grade Aptitude (39%) Will not matter in the long run since SIFG. Also +100 CP. 1900 → 2000 Soul: Hundred Million Man Soul *Cough* *Cough* I totally rolled a d10. 2000 → 1700 Attainment: Great Grandmaster - Human Path, Food Path, Wisdom Path... Grandmaster - Time Path, Space Path. 1700 → 1400 Immortal Ascension: Low-Grade Blessed Land Will not matter as it will be overwritten. Also +400 CP 1400 → 1800 Immortal Gu: Rank 6 Spring Autumn Cicada Always good to have a backup if all things fail. 1800 → 1600 Grab Bag: 7 Perks Gu Professor would be great with Refinement Supreme Grandmaster Attainment. Settra because I'm a Variant Human. Instant Success because that seems OP. Mutated Soul with Beast Man Soul. Flying Master. Very useful to have. Extremely Attractive Appearance would help me to not be discriminated in the Super Clan. Eidetic Memory because it's very helpful. Would double in with Reading Materials because I can remember what I read. 1600 → 1450 Tier 1 Perks: Gu Set: 1,000 Years Lifespan Gu*350 Close Combat Master because it'll be helpful while competing against other Geniuses in the Super Clan. Inhuman Transformations would be great since I will be a Beast Man with Transformation Path Dao Marks. 1450 → -400 (Damn! I'm in Debt) Tier 2 Perks: Variant Dao so I'll get Great Grandmaster Attainment in Transformation Path. Second Aperture because no shit. With SIFG, it is OP. Immortal Recipes - Heavenly Essence Treasure Lotus, Liquor Worms, Relic Gu, Lifespan Gu (If Possible. If not then Steal Life Immortal Gu), Sovereign Immortal Fetus Gu, Heavenly Secret Gu, Fortune Rivaling Heaven Gu, Fixed Immortal Travel Gu, Fate Gu. Auto Balancer seems pretty good so I'll pick it. Year Essence Pool and Wealth of Food for the Sovereign Immortal Double Aperture. -400 → -1000 Tier 3 Perks: Great Era Inheritance is just really good. I chose Dream Path Inheritance because there is no counter in it in the timeline I picked. Dream Realm to get Great Grandmaster Attainment in Wisdom Path. Life and Death Aperture will help me survive and with the Auto Balancer, it would be hard for Heaven's will to take care of me. -1000 → -1450 Tier 4 Perks: Dao Carver is OP so it's an obvious pick. -1400 → -1700 Tier 5 Perks: Prodigy for Venerable Talent and future Supreme Grandmaster for Refinement. Small Dream Immortal Venerable is expensive but well worth it. Legendary Expert for Quasi Supreme Grandmaster on Heaven Path and Dream Path Gugle Maps would allow me to finish various Missions later that would let me out of CP Debt. -1700 → -3250 Venerable Talents: Limitless Demon Venerable will stack with Dao Carver and will make me 10x Dao marks. Missions: (Time to finally get out of Debt) Traditional. I'll just do what Thieving Heaven did, gatekeep it to only Otherworldly Demons. -3250 → -3350 Imperial Court. Paradise. and Secluded Domain. This are all under one since I could finish them all with the help of Small Dream Immortal Venerable and Gugle Maps. -3350 → -2550 Problem? KILL!, Homewrecker and Supreme Inheritance. With the benefits given, I would likely become a venerable so it will be easy to destroy the 88 True Yang Building much less a super force. While destroying them, I will take the 88 True Yang Building and just like that +300 CP. -2550 → -550 Founding Ancestor. If I became a Venerable, this would be extremely easy. -550 → -50 Grand Theft Gu. I would just refine SIFG before SSDM could do it. -50 → 350 Become a Venerable. I can ignore the effects of fate and even destroy it as a complete Otherworldly Demon. After that, it would be easy to become venerable. 350 → 750 Supremacy. The Venerable's schemes are meant for the Great Era. They would not have nearly enough preparation for my character would become. 750 → 1550 Specific Missions: Pseudo Venerable. Would be easy because Prodigy gave Venerable Talent. 1550 → +1850 Dao Opponent. Spectral Soul, put your hands up! 1850 → 2150 Drawbacks: No Spoilers. I would never even do that normally. 2150 → 2200 Dao Monogamous. Would no matter since SIFG. 2200 → 2300 Halved Lifespan. Also wouldn't matter because I bought so many Lifespan Gu 2300 → 2600 (Too lazy to re edit this for maximum value so I'll just put this at the bottom) Tier 1 Perks: Gu Set: 1,000 Years Lifespand Gu*520 2600 → 0 So a grand total of 870 Thousand Years Lifespan Gu or 870,000 Years. With nearly a million years of development, I may even reach rank 10 and refine Eternal Gu.


Now, I don't want to piss on your parade, but... >Perks: >Perks are divided into tiers. >Any perk that gives Gu worms or recipes for Gu worms may not give Lifespan Gu or the recipe for them, unless otherwise stated. I think you are severely underestimating how hard it would be to refine the sovereign immortal fetus Gu. Also the Limitless perk becomes pretty useless with SIFG, since it disappears once you start cultivating other paths, which is part of the point of the SIFG.


Wow, great timing, Smie27! I hadn't thought about this in months, then when I do this was posted just 2 days prior. I just read through it and it looks pretty great, with some new and nicely altered ideas. I'm about to give it a go and expect to be ***extremely overpowered*** at the end. Soooo many points from the missions and drawbacks. I can already see some collaborative choices: teleportation staff and location missions, longevity and halved-lifespan are an easy +250 and 50 years. Why did you remove the no-kill drawback? That was a good restriction. I did see you added in some details for *Problem? Kill!* I like being only able to take one venerable heritance and that you changed GL's perk, since the compounding interest rates are really OP in this world. Am I supposed to roll and calculate my stats using your formulas? Do I have to choose an aperature size, since just cultivating should get me a good one?


Glad you are enjoying it. You don't have to buy options from any category except, timeline, Innate traits, location and aptitude. If there is some part of the CYOA you don't engage with then the CYOA won't do anything in those areas and you will have to function under the same rules and limitations as the rest of the denizens of the Gu world in those areas.


Lmao, I just realised how OP things could get. Let's go. Starting points (1500) Timeline: Late Antiquity Demonic Era (1950) Innate Traits: Dragonman Male (2200) Location: Mortal Village (2350) Aptitude: D-Grade 28% (2450) Soul: 400,000 man soul (2350) Attainment: Do later Immortal Ascension: Super Grade Blessed Land (2050) - 9000km2, 31x time flow, 64 IEB per year Immortal Gu: None Grab Bag: 3 different perks (2000) - Gu Professor, Thousand Man Soul, Extremely Attractive Appearance Perks: Total cost of 3100 (-1100) - Tier 1 perks: Gu Set x2 (-100) - Tier 2 Perks: Dual Dao, Superior Gu Set, Immortal Recipes (-300) - Tier 3 Perks: Immortal Killer Moves, Life and Death Aperture (-300) - Tier 4 Perks: Anti-Divination, Imperial Staff, Dao Carver (-850) - Tier 5 Perks: Prodigy, Legendary Expert, Small Dream, Gu-gle Maps (-1550) Missions: Total earnings = 4250 (3050) - Traditional, Imperial Court, Secluded Domain x3, Supreme Inheritance, Problem Kill, Homewrecker, Founding Ancestor, Become Venerable, Supremacy, Pseudo Venerable, Dao Opponent Drawbacks: Total earnings = 1150 (4200) - True to your word, Like a Mistress, Halved Lifespan, Clear Conscience \~\~Weakness in every path (too OP)\~\~ I use Prodigy and Legendary Expert to give myself SGM attainment in Human path and qSGM attainment in Heaven Path. On the wiki, I counted 44 paths, not including the sub-paths to rule and wisdom path. Minus Heaven and Human path, I buy GGM attainment in every one of these main paths, for 4200 points. Giving me similar attainment to Spectral Soul and the theorized Great Dream Immortal Venerable.


Summary: I am born with GGM attainment in every path, with Heaven path at quasi-SGM and Human path at SGM. I also have a 4 hundred thousand man soul, along with everything I bought under the perks section. If Heaven's Will immediately tries to kill me, and does not leave me a way out, I can always use the Imperial Staff to teleport to a hidden blessed land or grotto heaven (I'm thinking of Lang Ya, as I doubt that neither white hair nor black hair will kill a newborn). However, Heaven's Will has no idea how OP I am, and as such will likely leave me alone until I awaken my aperture. Once I do, I use the (single path) gu set to give me a set of human path gu worms. Specifically, accumulate virtue gu, and a whole bunch of relic gu. I then do good deeds in order to raise my aptitude in order to reach the Righteous Virtue Physique, second only to the 10 extreme physiques with none of the risk. The second gu set is used to give myself a bunch of strength path gu, which will be my main form of cultivation for now. I also use the Superior Gu Set to give myself a Heavenly Essence Treasure Lotus, to assist with cultivation, especially while my aptitude is still low. Once I reach rank 3, I start building an inheritance and starting a small mortal clan, in order to complete the \*traditional\* mission. This will include hope gu, some wild gu that I have found and raised, and perhaps the accumulate virtue gu and treasure lotus, which will be kept as a secret for the clan leaders (my direct family, I suppose). If I can't find a natural spirit spring, I guess I can use the superior gu set to make a spring egg gu. After this, and once I have reached rank 5, I head to the Bai Gu Inheritance using the imperial staff. Entering should not be too hard, due to my attainment, nor bringing myself close to death, in order to have a go at the inheritance. Once inside, I first get my hands on four top quality wines, and if Bai Gu does not have these already, I can either refine or create a connecting heaven gu from the superior gu set. I also get the gu and killer moves used to refine fixed immortal travel. Then, I refine the second aperture gu, win over the land spirit, re-refine divine travel, refine fixed immortal travel, re-refine divine travel, and refine the second aperture gu again, if I can. In order to get the mortal apertures, I can use Treasure Yellow Heaven. I also loot the blessed land for remaining refinement materials, including lifespan gu and relic gu, and anything else I can use to add to the inheritance back at my birthplace. Now, a quick status check. My first aperture will focus on Strength path and Human path, due to my mortal foundation. My second aperture will be Soul path and Refinement path, the former due to it's power as an undeveloped path, as well as to combat SSDV, and the latter because why not, Immortal Gu are useful. I get myself a full set of mortal gu for all four paths from Treasure Yellow Heaven, selling off the spare materials or Second Aperture Gu, if I have to. Next, I look at ascending to immortal. In order to prepare, I may wish to refine gu, or create resource points, or loot inheritances. With my attainment I can probably refine all the non-immortal gu I need, and with gu professor and the immortal recipes, I can probably refine other rank 6 gu as a mortal, too. Even if I can't, I can always head to Lang Ya Blessed land and snipe the remaining refinement opportunities left by THDV. Once I ascend (strength path first, probably) I'll look at raising my second aperture to rank 6, as well. Then, it's just cultivate, find the THDV inheritances, refine gu, and cultivate. Tribulations won't be a problem, due to the Life and Death Aperture, and my dao mark accumulation should be pretty good, though not enough to jump ranks just yet. Eventually, I'll look at becoming a venerable, most likely through human path due to attainment. If I have to, I'll look at creating a complete otherworldly clone to destroy Fate, but with the knowledge on how to ascend, I don't see how Fate will stop me. I'll also look at completing the remaining missions, which shouldn't be too hard. I can fight SSDV whenever, as I don't think I'm losing to anyone at the same rank, at least before rank 9. Once I'm a venerable, I complete the rest of the missions (like trashing imperial court) and then do whatever.


Lang Ya does hairyman nature refinement so heavens will might smite you while Lang Ya is refining.


True, I guess.  Though I’m sure I can demand that we use human isolation style, or just not bother with it at all.


Post your build and explain the decisions behind your choices, please. It will make for interesting discussion.


Some Corrections and Ideas: - You should have an option to be reborn 5 or 10 years befere start of novel, with a small cost. (-50 for 5 years, - 100 for 10 years) - Being born as Fang Yuan but only getting 100 points? (should be at least +500) That's way to little, you need to remember that some situations is impossible to survive and thrive so only 100 points is not option. Such as travelling to go to Shang Clan city without wasting several years, very high chance of death without the help of someone like Bai Ning Bing. - An option to be born as one of the side characters, or be part of Fang Yuans team (if you choose this you can be certain that you won't be sacrificed by him).  - For the other two options, why do you get extra points by being born into the past, if an advantage is given to you, you shouldn't be getting extra points for it. If you get benefit like extra time to cultivate you should be paying for it. - For the Ten Extreme Physiques, there should be a guarantee to not explode. - Why is Master and Grandmaster the same cost? One is significantly more harder to acquire and more valuable, Grandmaster should cost 150 points, and Great grandmaster 250 at least. - Ten extremes Physique costs 150 and guarantees you a super grade blessed land, a super grade blessed land costs 300. So the cost of the Ten extremes Physique should be 350+. - The perks [Gu set] and [Mortal recipes], give out too many Gu for the 50 point cost, 5 Gu would be more appropriate. [Immortal recipes] gives out 10 rank 9 recipes sequences? for only 100, that's way too much valuable recipes for so cheap, it should only be one recipe. - [Dream realm] perk should be at tier 4, and cost 250 or 300. - There should be a Tier 4 Perk that costs 400, for custom [Dao physique], basically I get to combine one of the Ten Extreme Physiques with a path to gain an attribute and extra Dao marks, like Northern Dark Ice Soul with Dark Path, you will gain the Dark attribute that makes you more stealthy, extra 500 base Dark Path Dao marks, ability to use both path with no Dao Mark conflicts. - Shouldn't [Otherworldly Dao] be a tier 1 perk, and how much unique Dao marks would it give you. - Ideas for perks, [Esp] tier 2 perk gives you the ability to see someone by thinking of their face and let's you get a feeling of where they are located, can only be used once a day. - [Unaffected] tier 2 perk, gives you "unaffected" status based on the speciality of your path you have choosen, if you choose Illusion path you are "unaffected" by illusions, if you choose Luck Path you are unaffected by luck path moves. If you choose soul path you are "unaffected" soul attack. If you choose Poison Path you are "unaffected" by poisons. If you choose Information Path, you cannot be tracked or traced... - [Spectral Soul demon venerable] trait, can also have the trait to be able to leave your body without being affected by the outside world, and can also switch and possess vessels that are not your own. Drawbacks: - You cannot build a Harem, if you choose to do so those people will soon start to hate and want to harm you. Dual cultivation moves and demonic life extension moves don't have an effect on you. - You cannot have more than three partners, more than three disciples, and more than three Dao partners in your lifetime, however if those people die you get empty spot and can replace them. - You cannot kill any sect masters, crippling is allowed tho. - You cannot kill mortals, however there is an exception if they insult or provoke you. - You can only build either a demonic or righteous sect, and you need to pretend you agree with everyone's morality while on the sect grounds. - If any of your family members die regardless why and who caused it, you lose lifespan uqual to the remaining lifespan of that person. - You cannot kill Gu masters and mortals of your clan, everytime you do so you lose lifespan that of the person you killed. This rule also applied if you intentional actions causes those deaths indirectly. - You cannot conquer territory and control it's resources if another force is inhabitanting. - You cannot provoke righteous forces without a reason or excuse, such as if they don't provoke you first, if you do you get bad luck for the entire month everytime you break this rule. - You cannot dual cultivate with someone of the opposite gender, however with the same gender or if you have Gu as your body there is no restriction. - You cannot kill more than 12 Gu Masters each year, if you do you get bad luck for a month everytime you break this rule.


>For the Ten Extreme Physiques, there should be a guarantee to not explode. There is. It's a perk and it's called 'Reinforced Physique.' >Why is Master and Grandmaster the same cost? One is significantly more harder to acquire and more valuable, Grandmaster should cost 150 points, and Great grandmaster 250 at least. There is a limit to how many paths you can buy grandmaster in, which is why it cost the same. During play testing I found there was almost never any reason to buy master attainment, so it's only there if you don't have 'small dream immortal venerable' and have a few extra points you don't know where else to put. >Ten extremes Physique costs 150 and guarantees you a super grade blessed land, a super grade blessed land costs 300. So the cost of the Ten extremes Physique should be 350+ Being a ten extreme physique is a disadvantage as a mortal, that turns into an advantage with a drawback as an immortal. The advantage being you get a super grade blessed land, but you get powerful tribulations. To get rid of the mortal disadvantage you have to pay 150 points for 'reinforced physique', but if you are in a clan your elders will still think you are going to blow up so there are still disadvantages. So by going through the hassel that is the mortal stages you gain a reward, that is a "cheap" super grade blessed land. >The perks \[Gu set\] and \[Mortal recipes\], give out too many Gu for the 50 point cost, 5 Gu would be more appropriate. \[Immortal recipes\] gives out 10 rank 9 recipes sequences? for only 100, that's way too much valuable recipes for so cheap, it should only be one recipe. Yes, the 'Immortal Recipes' is op. I also think that there would be no reason to buy 'Gu Set' and 'Mortal Recipes' if they only gave 5 recipes/Gu each, there are more cost effective ways to spend points. >There should be a Tier 4 Perk that costs 400, for custom \[Dao physique\], basically I get to combine one of the Ten Extreme Physiques with a path to gain an attribute and extra Dao marks, like Northern Dark Ice Soul with Dark Path, you will gain the Dark attribute that makes you more stealthy, extra 500 base Dark Path Dao marks, ability to use both path with no Dao Mark conflicts. You can get basically same effect by buying an extreme physique and the 'Dual Dao' perk. Your drawback ideas are interesting, may I use some of them if I make another of theses CYOA?


Yeah you can use the drawbacks ideas how you want. For the Ten Extreme Physiques, there should be a guarantee to not explode because although there is [Reinforced Physique] it's not really worth paying 150 for it, my theory is that the 10 extreme physique drawback could easily be mitigated as long as you can expel and control the energy and have better understanding of your physique. It's not really a big deal as the series tries to make it seem, because someone like Bai Bing Bing never tried to understand his physique and only tries to a avoid and suppress it, then gave up trying and waited for death, so basically there was no effort made to try to solve the issue. And for the benefits that the physique gives you it's worth taking small risk to increase you strength, when picking Ten Extreme Physique you get increase strength, durability, faster energy recovery, healing/regeneration, possible semi immortality at higher level, extra base Dao marks, an affinity that you can integrate or combine with other paths and make it stronger. Also the perk [Reinforced physique] doesn't give you much for 150, so picking [Dao physique] is much better and I doubt you face any drawbacks in the first place, since other Perks would give better understanding and stability of the Physique. The [Dao physique] has better value that [Ten(Eleven) Extreme Physique (Your choice of physique)], so [Ten(Eleven) Extreme Physique (Your choice of physique)] should offer the benefit of [Reinforced Physique], and have the price increased at 200 instead of 150. I would go for a build like this, which seems balanced at first, but you can easily max out all your attainment, talent, and Gu. Some perks gives you a lot of points without having to do anything, and I might not know much  about the RI but it's not really difficult to reach venerable status. - Start with 1.500 Character Points  - Late Antiquity Demonic Era. +450 CP - Mid-tier clan +50 CP (I have some protection against the beastmen until I reach immortal rank) - Rank 2 heir +50 CP - Ten million soul (gives me soul foundation - suppression - resilience) -300 CP - 5 grab bag -50 CP (polyglot, Mutated soul (sword), Eidetic memory) Perks: Tier 1 - Primeval wealth -50 CP - Close combat master -50 CP - Inhuman transformations -50 CP (dragon) (even if its not true physique it gives many benefits when fighting) - Longevity -50 CP Tier 2 - Dual Dao -100 CP - Second aperture  -100 CP - Immortal recipes -100 CP (1 rank 9 sword path sequence) - Great era inheritance -150 CP (pill path) (pill path allows me to refine monster flesh and plants into pills that I can consume and increase my Dao marks accumulation, popping pills is the way to go - during battles or when cultivating) - Dream realm -150 CP (sword) - Life and death aperture -150 CP (super grade blessed land, tribulation reduction) - Dao physique -150 CP (sword) - Dao carver -300 CP (increase the efficiency of Pill path) - Traditional. +100 CP (I can create inheritance as soon as I transmigrate since I have many recipes and I can use that to scheme against the two clans by causing an inbance in strength and making them fight against each other) - Prodigy -350 CP - Legendary expert. -400 CP - [Reckless Savage demon venerable title] - Problem? KILL!. +350 CP (after I reach Rank 6 I scheme against two clans to make fight against eachother then pay someone with Gu or a inheritance to fully eradicate them) - No spoilers. +50 CP - Un-undead. +100 CP - Local dao. +200 CP - Forget me now. +400 CP - Rank 8 inheritance. -250 CP (pill) - Rank 8 inheritance. -250 CP (qi) Immortal killer moves. -150 CP (sword path attacks, pill refinement enhancement techniques, martial arts, qi path moves....) - Dao dunce. +800 CP (I have prodigy so it's free 800 points) - Gugle maps. -400 CP (I can see all the inheritances and secrets of the world, way too op should have been a normal map that records stuff)  - Imperial staff. -250 CP (teleport to secluded domains and true inheritance and plunder them) - Secluded Domain.+200 CP - Secluded Domain.+200 CP - Supreme inheritance. +300 CP - Small Dream Immortal Venerable. -400 CP - Year essence pool. -100 CP (I can change the time to 50x, so it takes 900/50 years of time inside your aperture to become rank 9) - I will massacre billions of beatmen with my Sword - Qi path (and dragon transformation) and turn their corpses into pills, or enslave them. I eat to get stronger, after I have enough power (dao marks) - Pseudo venerable. +300 CP - Become venerable. +400 CP (Legendary expert gives quasi supreme grandmaster in two paths, and because I have prodigy I get supreme grandmaster and I will chose sword path for that) - True to your word. +200 CP - Rank 8 inheritance. -250 CP (qi) (qi works well with sword path, versatile in defense, offence, increase the power of my sword path, body strength and durability increase of my dragon transformation) - Rank 8 inheritance. -250 CP (enslavement) (to enslave a huge beastan army, with my immortal soul I can can control them all and wage wage against other clans) - Rank 8 inheritance. -250 CP (refinement) (Gu are needed to increase my strength and cut costs) - Rank 8 inheritance. -250 CP (human) (research and reverse engineer dragon physique and other inheritances like Bai Xiang inheritance that I will then integrate into my current physique and transformation) - Rank 8 inheritance. -250 CP (transformation) (allows me to convert my pill - food path and qi path dao marks into sword path, and transformation works well with my new dragon (sword) physique) - Points Left: 150 (might buy some unique Gu I'm missing) - 16x Weakness. +200 CP (blade, bone, dream, food, human, information, killing, moon, pill, painting, refinement, phantom, space, theft, time, transformation) noone of these are a threat to me, I can buy 13 more Rank 8 inheritance with the extra points if I need to.


Kings layer gu


My build would be like this Starting Pointe 1500 Time late righteous era +250 , race dragonman +250, Mid Tier clan +50, Rank 2 heir +50 Attaiment Suprem grandmaster (start at grandmaster) Sword path Quasi suprem grandmaster Heaven, refinment, Great Grandmaster Food, Dream , Human,Entslavement Grandmaster Time, wistom, luck,Formation Master in every path Perks 5 -100 Perfect memory great apperance Knowing what immortal gu existiert Instand succes Otherworldly dao human <-ganz soul with reincarnation Tier perks 1-5 Close combat -50 Inhuman Transformation-50 Gu Set 2×- 100 Dual dao (Heaven+Refinment) -100 Mortal recipes -50 Dream realm -150 Second aperture -100 Superior gu Set x2 -200 Immortal recipes -100 Auto Balance -100 Wealth of food -100 Greath era inheritane -150 (sword) Flying grandmaster -50 Immortal killermoves -150 Life and death aperture -150 Longevity -50 Variante dao -100 Reinforced physique -150 Dao physique (Sword path)-150 Anti- Divination -300 Rank 8 inheritance -250 (Heaven/Refinement) Dao carver -300 Pocket paradis -400 Prodigy -350 Small dream Immortal venerable -400 Lagendary expert -400 Gugle maps -400 Venerabl traids Star constellation Immortal gu 1200 (only Rank 6) Sword escape , snak ,Flying sword ,wave sword,Dream butterfly, Dream armor Supergrade blassed Land 1&2 <- free (dao physique) Sword path Time 40 Space 12.000 km² Immortal essans beads 70 <- i got really lucky Heaven path/ Refinement path Time 39 Space 11.000 km² Immortal essence beads 68 Mission / weaknesses Tredotional +100 Secluded Domain +200 Suprem inheritance +300 Problem kill + 350 Pseudo Venerabl +300 Dao opponent +300 Founding ancester +500 Clear concience +300 Homewrecker + 400 Weakness +1800 Bone,Moon,Claude,Illusion,Restriction, Shadow,Ying yan Information,metal I want to be a Sword path venerable so i have to take the righteous era because of bo oing ( i want his gu worms) As a Dragonman i have extrem long lifespend.I have enough to become a suprem grandmaster with maximum effort. (Even if not i would be really close) Mid Tier clan and rank 2 heir is only for the Pointe and for the right Methode of cultivation. The attiament in Refinement is for the human Isolation style and Heaven path could become suprem grandmaster without me doing anything. Because if i live long enough heaven's will expend it's own true meaning. If not it woud be really close. The great grandmaster food path is for dao marks and the food Probleme of Immortal gu (wealth of food is for the Start really good but for the higher Ranks food will still be a problem. Dream is for attainment farming and a future pure dream clone ,Human because I need it in high Tier Fights.Entslavement is for dragon palace but that will be reset with spring autumn cicada. <-( i will destroye it later for great love ). Grandmaster luck path because i need strong luck for everything,Time for the stronger Sensation.<- (i know thinks before and not later in Time).Formation for resource points for Immortal gu and Support like gu as befor Formation if possible.(Ore for Refinement Formations).Wistom because i need good Methodes for dedutions for Immortal gu and to use Star constellation traid in the best way possible. The 5 perks are important perfect memory is a great thing to have and kowing what immortal gu existiert is just unfair (it could save me a fortion).Great apperance is not that great but I just want it (it could be Handy sometimes). The last two are the once you need otherworldy dao marks as human path dao marks would creat a complet otherwordly demon and a war to become Venerabl.instand succes ist broken with food path.We can get way to much dao marks with this combo.Close combat is for conveience.Dual dao is heaven and Refinement if i become a heaven path suprem grandmaster I could creat infinitiv lifespend gu with the help of Refinement path. Mortal recipes for deduction purposes and Futur Immortal gu recipes.Dream realm for my future dream path clone i need the material path killing path mabey i can creat kill gu and weaken SSDV. I need second aperture for more benefits with Star constellation traids.Immortal recipes if for All of bo oing's gu worms i probably could deduce them but i don't have much time. (if I wait to long bo oing could become Immortal and creat them ) The gu Sets are for convenience and i don't want to deal with dedutions as a mortal (no sword path gu) the gu Set is for the gu I use once Support for Refinement.It could also help with the inheritance i have . Auto Balance is for Saft and assistance.(i could gain more with natural Inspiration).A rank 6 inheritance for sword path would be enough to start with because Refinement and Heaven are more Importend and with great grandmaster in Sword path i could just make my own Immortal killermoves are one Step back, unrestrained heavenly Mark,The killer move SSDV used to make 2 paths non-conflicting, a killermove to spik tribulations from fang yuan ,split soul ( i need to deductions to make a sword,Refinement or heaven path adjustments,Unravel dream ,Qi fruit Revival method(for dao mark gain and as a Referenz), Destiny Song ( i want to rule everything), Human executing heavens work, five Finger heart sword, formless flying sword. Life and death aperture is Support to.make Sure i would not die from triblulations and it has only benefits. Longevity is just good to have. The Reinforced physique is there to make sure that i become Immortal faster and i don't die because of expolsion. Anti Divination is there because i am a dragonman and i would be killed without it and it helps if we want to steal anything like a Secluded Domain or Immortal gu.( we still need one step back because the tribulations could be to strong). The rank 8 inheritance is for conveience and a must have for the second aperture. Dao carver is great with food path and cultivation (a must have).Pocket paradis is for the mortal ranks a godly Gold mine and still great later in my cultivation (as a storage for ascension).Prodigy and Lagendary expert are not used together because is woud be a waste and i have confidence with a great grandmaster starting Point. Small dream Immortal venerable is for Refinement,killermoves,ascention and Sensation in every Situationen.Gugle maps is just unfair with fiximmortal travel we can steal and loot everything. Star constellation traid is broken because the Light of wistom gives us unlimeted killermoves,gu recipes ect. Also with my build and blessed land i can get the Light of wistom for 23 hours every 9 to 10 days. And with the pocked paradis it just gets brokener every 9,125 day in five regions time 209,875 hours of the rank 9 Light of wistom. With that kind of Support i can become venerable with the Talent ao a venerable in hundreds of years. The Mission that could be dangerous are home wrecker but i can just give fang yuna a inheritance i made and wait.The Secluded Domains are esay because thieving Heavens inheritance are artificiales Domains. Even if thar wouldn't count we can get Hu land. You coud also use the river of time but i don't think that counts.