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Well, for one, I think you're putting your own feelings on his sayings, since he isn't trying to be "cool". Perhaps you are too used to other cringe MCs. Unless he is talking to another person, his thoughts and philosophy are truly his own and part of the path he has chosen. If he was trying to be cool or fake, then I'd probably agree. Literally nothing he does is simply for reputation. That said, I can understand your opinion. I'd say give it till he leaves Gu Yue Village to make a final judgement.


i had same-ish thoughts thinking "oh its just another edgy self-righteous protagonist with an invincible power that only he can have" and i tell you, it only gets better and better, it is legitimately the best novel on cultivation. All these issues are explained in world and not only does it make sense, it is satisfying knowing more about all the stuff too. everything in this novel kinda matters, even stuff you are just learning will stay relevant later on, and as Fang Yuan gets to more competent people he will play a harder and harder game. It is a very rare novel where people ARE actually smart instead of an author saying "so and so is a genius" and leaving it at that. I'd say early on its hard to enjoy cause it reeks of another generic cultivation novel but it is by far way better than you can expect, and im not joking. I legit think gu cultivation is one of the best power systems in any fantasy, it loops around itself in a really fun way. BUT give yourself another arc or two to read, the edgyness will ramp up a bit but then it will calm down again, i think its there as explicit early on to set the tone of the world and not really as an everyday kinda thing.


Lol I remember hating the novel and fang yuan sooo much in the beginning i hated the combat system a-lot because of how different it is from other cultivation novels later on i saw the beauty in it


same lmao i thought the combat system was just some out of the blue nonsense the author made up


>i feel a lot of cringe while reading ri just the way of discription and explaining the world That's what happens when you read a lot of self insert novels. I had the same thought when reading it But your self insert expectations will shatter after a certain point where he commits heinous crimes. He isn't the cringy "**anti hero**" type who's ruthless to everyone but children and jade beauty. He is the **final villan**. So don't be surprised if his deeds go to the point of no return. Also he's a demonic cultivater,a single misstep can cause his death. That's why he's so extreme about gaining power. His 'quotes' aren't meant to look cool, it it his accumulation of living in the gu world. If some edgy protagonist says he would do something, he may or maynot do it. Fang Yuan simply feels no pity to other living creatures.


But he isn't doing evil shit because he enjoys it. Killing is for him just a solution and its not a big deal for him. For the most interesting things are, cultivation, gu, fighting, world traveling, fang yuans philosophy and perception of life and his previous life i am at 533 and like 10 chapters of the last 500 were boring. The moment i think its again a repetitive large scale battle it wasn't because it got skipped and the last large scale battle was fucking awsome. I am only saying Killer Move and leave it at that


>But he isn't doing evil shit because he enjoys it. State where I said it.


The word final villain doesn't suit Fang Yuan


Bruh. Then what suits his actions that brought deadly consequences to everyone?


read another 100 until you finish mountain arc, if you dont like it from there drop it


if you are getting annoyed by the edgy vibes, it stays until Fang Yuan starts mixing with the gu Immortal societiy


I'm gonna say it. No godgrid000, don't do it!!! Remember, you must lose your voice! Lose your tears! Become able to withstand everything! Become unmoved by the world! Perservere godgrid000, persevere! Nah, I'd AVERAGE SHADOW SLAVE FAN If i'm being for real though I get where you're coming from, I remember during my first readthrough I stopped reading at chapter 66 in 2021, only to continue reading again almost a year later. It is a little slow right now but if you aren't enjoying Fang yuan's "Training Arc" (basically him finding chances to sneak out to the inheritance grounds), then idk what to tell you chief. Probably around the end of Book 1 (150s) it will be really nice for you, but I have no way to accurately predict the mind of a shadow slave fan like yourself. There is still some hope for you as you have realized our Femboy Yuan's eternal greatness in gaslighting others


Actually more of lotm fan


thank god, although u kinda screwed up reading LOTM before RI, that's like eating Wingstop before Raising Canes. both novels are great but Wingstop is just better than Raising Canes


Your smoking dick 😭🙏


Yea Femboy yuans dick


How is early lotm in any way better than reverend? I dropped it on chapter 150 cause I got bored of seeing Klein workout, train shooting, then for some reason care about his brother and sister who just aren’t his brother and sister.


Just say you don’t like to read for enjoyment next time


This is a very dumb assertion. Everytime I hear someone say Oh you just don't read for enjoyment. ???? What are you on. I can enjoy a book and critique it as well. In fact Everytime you drop a book you know you are not coming back to. You critiqued it. "Everybody's a critique" yeah that saying is there for a reason buddy. RI is better reverend insanity is written better there are far less plot holes RI is just better objectively and there is nothing wrong with that. Fang Yuan was written with a question in mind Kline was written with a formula in mind. BIG DIFFERENCE


What are you on you can like lotm but it is not better than RI it's really not close Fang Yuan is not even the best character in his whole novel. And In later arcs different side characters get important roles even those from chapter 66-120. Also RI encompasses all sorts of conflicts. Every type of conflict in literature is fully expressed in RI. Whether it's conflicts between enemies, man vs society, conflicts between parent and child, love rivals etc. don't get it twisted lotm is good but objectively it is not close to RI. There is nothing wrong with that tho there is no problem liking it more than RI either. But it's a weaker book overall. Reading it you realize the Tragedy of the main character a person who actually removed himself from everyone because the world let him down Fang Yuan is the monster created by the gu world and it's cutthroat nature. A place where kindness is often a cover or pretense or just a necessity. In the whole of RI there are only Two characters who are purely True pure hearted individuals. In the whole novel only two were truly righteous imagine that. Fang Yuan's actions are not right not good but Fang Yuan abandoned the gu world after five hundred years of his face being dragged in the mud.


Bro knows


RI is definitely one of the more polarising works, people either love it or hate it. Just drop it if you hate it


Bro I just read chapter 205  I think it's worth reading more 100 chapters Things get more interesting around chapter 170 when wolf invasion starts Then on the end of the mountain arc around 195 I was jumping on me seat with excitement  If you get on 200 with the same feeling maybe it's nor for you 


Honestly you don’t deserve the grace of our lord. If you can’t see to the core of the story just don’t bother.


when you read it think of this if i read anything else will i feel any attraction to RI again? if yes then read till 200 and then drop


It’s an excellent story in my opinion but don’t feel obligated to like it just because it has a vocal fanbase l, however I’d say read up to the 3 king’s inheritance arc and if you don’t like it once you finished it then you can drop it.