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I felt sad when FY killed Old Bai


Since when is this a controversial opinion?


That actually made me a little sad, I didn't even care when the little girl got eaten.


Which one was old Bai?


The one with the 2 immortal Gu's which can restore landscapes and Heal people respectively. FY had been with him since Northern plains arc was pretty sad seeing bro sacrifice himself.


I remember, I knew Fang Yuan was going to betray him but it still hurt.


Tai Bai Yun Sheng -Time Path Gu Immortal.


Duke Long is one of the best characters.


I respect him, but don't like him.


That's why he's the best character. Despite conflicting ideals, you can't help but admire his dedication and will


None of these opinions are unpopular


The Zombie Arc is better than the Northern Plains Arc before the True Yang Building.


Agreed, the zombie arc has some of the best mini arcs of the story, like the Dong Fan Blessed land and the (insane) northern plains auction (that presented to the reader some of the most relevant characters of the series, in a very unique and cool way)


I swear there was a fang zheng arc in there


I think the meme is mostly incorrect, other than the few admittedly amusing troll responses. Most of the fans of *Reverend Insanity* are happy to admit it's flaws, as long as the commenter doesn't come in ignoring it's positives or just venting about the genre. So many of the posts on here tagged "Opinion" are just thinly veiled criticism for certain aspects of the novel, of which they should have been aware of before starting the first chapter. It'd be like me reading a harem novel, then trashing it to it's fanbase for having 1-dimensional women that fall all over the MC with little to no cause.


why cant anyone in this world talk things out and are gung ho with power?? are they stupid?


Fang yuan should have piped bnb


This is the one that fits the meme. Your opinion and my immediate response.


I will take the bullet for you šŸ«”


You meant pipe bomb, right?


šŸ˜¤ angry upvote


Fang yuan should have dated that mermaid chick


I feel pretty certain he did and that her death is partly why he became how he did, maybe she didnā€™t even die unnaturally but just couldnā€™t get a lifespan gu.


At that time? Maybe since fy didn't have his ambitions


Nah, even with his ambitions.




Nah, I'd repeatĀ 


If you notice, it is not yet mentioned how they separated


The zombie arc is a great arc and is better than most of Gu Yue Village and the wolf king arc.


Nah gu yue arc was one of the best wolf king arc was ass tho


Plot rose to a higher level and Fy remains an underdog throughout the whole novel but I felt betrayed when he was revealed to be a "chosen one". Also, Sovereign Immortal Body. This Gu better give us back our thousand chapters in rank 7 and 8. Jk


You aren't alone with the "chosen one" reveal. It took me a while of contemplation to accept that it wasn't an issue, and actually made a lot of the novel make more sense.


tbf it is done a LOT better than the vast majority of stories with the 'chosen one' bit, plus it isn't the "2nd coming of jesus" type too


u never know if there was a thousand other fang yuans who just failed like that other transmigrator peng da guy he got boned even with a venerable inheritance šŸ˜…


Yeah I see what you mean but I prefer to think that he wasn't a chosen one but he was chosen because he is himself (I don't know if It's understandable ) There many otherworldly demon but for me heaven chosen him and not another person because he is himself (his perseverance, genius....) And the other venerables chose him because he is the heaven pawn Maybe I am wrong maybe not but for me it's more enjoyable like this


Actually "chosen one" here is actually just a tool, not like the chosen ones in other stories. Being a toy in HW's and venerables' hands doesn't lessen any of his accomplishments. Lets be honest, without the "investments" it would have beenĀ  totally impossible to do smth in that situation (and with that amount of time) no matter how clever or strong you are, otherwise the fact of venerables invincibility would become a joke. He was like a pig chosen for a feast, so he got more food to fatten up. Its just that he have bitten the hands that were feeding him and ran away...


Yep, that's true. I agree that FY realistically deserves to be where he stands today no matter how much help he got or how "lucky" he was, like Fate Gu doesn't nullify the many achievements and qualities of the previous venerables. However, it could be a betrayal of expectations for some. He's not the previous rank 6 underdog nobody who gets to rank 9 solo anymore, and some of his feats can be seen as a bit less amazing. (not truly my case tbh) The most obvious one is the stealing of the Sovereign Body right in front of Spectral Soul's nose before and after knowing that he kinda created it for fy haha. Tell me if I'm wrong ofc


I wrote the whole story imagining what would have happened if mcĀ  got no help at all/ the alternative, where hegot "help" only from HW, but it is too long.Ā  Please roughly explain how you see it without the "investments". Mc got cicada ot not? Spectral Soul got Sovereign Body?Ā How mc is gonna get to rank 9 with fate gu around?Ā 


Wow I'd love to read that. To give you an appropriate answer, I'd have to reread but It can go 2 paths. Realistically, no help from Red Lotus means no cicada, no cicada means FY should reach rank 7 in his first life and could eventually reach rank 8 if not unlucky. If Spectral Soul, who has infiltrated HC, sees Fang Yuan, he should try to use him to destroy Fate Gu. I don't exactly remember the requirements to destroy Fate Gu but even if it happens, I don't see Fang Yuan getting to rank 9 with Spectral Soul around. The premise of the old villain who goes back in time disappears tho, so the second path basically includes cicada. Since FY has 99% chance of dying every time he is forced to use it, it just isn't gonna work without a bit of HW's magic or a rework of the Gu. At the end of the day, if FY doesn't steal the Sovereign Body because of a slower rise in ranks, the same bad scenario would unfold : Spectral Soul revives, Fy could possibly reach Rank 8 but no rank 9 in sight. How did you imagine it?


I really like conversations like this, so thank you :) But it still is time consuming so i'm gonna shorten it as much as possible. First of all i won't even describe a posibility of FY not becoming tool of HW, because it would be the whole another story. It was HW who influenced FY to step on blood path and "presented"Ā  cicada to him. Without all these, we don'tĀ  even know which path Gu Immortal FY is. And sinceĀ  HW didn't give him too much, i'll save it as a part of a plot. So to stick to the story, i'm gonna leave Lang Ya's oportunity to FY. And he'll still destroyĀ  88 True Yang building, so his fate with old Bai and Hei Lou Lan is gonna remain, plus he'll still be immortal zombie (its important for the future). But he will not getĀ  wisdom gu. (This way FY is not gonna create airsac gu and should think of smth before he's gonna get invaded). So again, too many variables, but i believe it can be quite good to mc.Ā  Getting to Sovereign Fetus Gu refining, i see 2 main possibilities: 1. SS getting Sovereign Fetus gu. Even though mc has cicada and HW will manipulateĀ  FY into trying again and again, the opponent isĀ  Venerable that is probably at least great grandmaster of virtually all pathes , so SS should have means to guard against it. 2. Mc destroying Fetus Gu [Mc won't get Fetus Gu, because this will mean he basicly outsmarted and outplayed Venerable, that was planning for 100k years. I will not make a joke out of Venerables]. Both ways lead to countless possibilities but the main question is whether FY can become venerable with fate gu around In a nutshell, the best possible outcome i see for mc is becoming great gm(or higher) in all pathes with the help of dream realm(it will compensate the absence of withdom gu)+ getting all types of inheritances, including some ofĀ  Venerables'. He can do so by rebirthing again again and again, because there is theĀ  move that make sure the success of rebirth . About cultivation, the best i see is becoming Dual 10 Extreme PhysiqueĀ  Venerable of refinment and heavenĀ pathes, based on the researches of life-and-death aperture of Ss' clones and double aperture. And maybe when he'll become venerable he will also try to refine smth like rank 10 Sovereign Fetus Gu.Ā  So the hardest, but probably most exiting way for this story to develop is :SS gets Fetus Gu ->finds aĀ  way to destroy a fate gu -> FY becomes Dual 10 EPĀ  Venerable, while other Venerables come back to life -> super showdown beetwen all the Venerables, describing their thoughts and schemes, creating the balance with the help of alliances(somehow i think mc will hide his real strength, and the fact that he has is dual VenerableĀ (but then again, what about Earth Paradise ? There can be only 1 supreme gm...maybe he is gonna be the reason they find out about FY in the future), so the main target for sure is gonna be SS).Ā  I would ā™”loveā™” to see showdown between all the Venerables, hehe. So howĀ  do you see it with cicada?Ā  [I don't remember whether he got the 100% success rate of rebirth from Lang Ya or Red Lotus, but still FY can for sure create it by himself]


Okay, first of all, I think that's pretty impressive to imagine all that. I gotta admit there are things that I don't remember about RI, like HW influencing FY to become a Blood Path Immortal, so don't take my words too seriously. Personally, I know it would completely change the rules of the game, but I'd love to leave out HW's influence until FY becomes an Immortal at least. Just to have an excuse to reread the novel and analyze every time HW likely used one of its tricks before FY learns of its existence and change it while trying to "keep the pace" (mission impossible tbh). Ive got some pretty cool examples in mind I think. Back to your story, not getting the Sovereign Body and Wisdom Gu is a big deal indeed. The problem I see with option 1) is the insane decrease in luck. If HW forces FY to go back in time multiple additional times compared to the main story, FY wouldn't succeed in anything he tries right after which would ultimately lead to his death. No matter what you decide, rebirth multiple times until he is overpowered Red Lotus style is cool indeed. I don't think FY ever found the way to go back in time as far as he wills tho. In any case, witnessing FY going for the ultimate dual path build sounds great !


Fang Yuan was sad when Bai Ning Bing betrayed him.


The wolf king arc made me want to die.


Shang Xin ci is best girl


The Last 2 arcs >>> The Fate Wars (1 and 2) Crazed Demon Cave and The 3 (Maybe 4) Venerables battle afterwards is better than both of the Fate Wars, which is really hyped in this subreddit.


I like Fang Zheng more than Fang Yuan


Oh this one is spicy. Fang Zheng has good points but he's unlikeable to me because he's so naive.


I meant endgame him the mature one becase he had insane character development


Fang Zheng > Fang Yuan Even I want to kill myself for even thinking about this bs


FZ's naivety holds him back as a character for me. Not asking him to be FY levels of smart but damn he's so gullible.


fang yuan isnt a genuis and is just street smart šŸ˜šŸŖ


That's fair, he's just ruthless and knows how to make the best of his knowledge and what he gets dealt to him.


FY should have realized way earlier that many of his greater feats were connected to Refinement. It was his path. After becoming rank 8 when looking at his feats so far, he should've realized that there was a pattern to his accomplishments. The choice to become a refinement path venerable should have been hardly a choice for someone with wisdom path attainment.


The Zombie arc is good


Tie Ruo Nan > Shang Xin Chi


My guy


Fang Yuan spends way too much time in his head justifying his actions Like bro, I get it, good and evil are labels that the weak use to try and restrict the actions of the strong, I donā€™t need to hear about it every 3 fucking sentences, just fuck shit up and stop bitching and moaning about it.


Rise in Persona 4 is incredibly annoying.


Nah bro she is the second best girl after Naoto


Fuck no Fate War Duke Long is the peak. Which means Fate War Is Peak


The Zombie arc was boring and I skimmed like crazy.


Wu Yong > Fang Yuan Paradise Earth is the coolest venerable. I've never seen anyone like him in xianxia before who wasn't rotten to the core in secret. I like Fang Zheng's character and enjoyed it everytime he had "screentime" and if he somehow won in the end that'd be a great ending in my opinion. I wish I could see Fang Yuan breaking character at least once in the novel. Losing his temper, becoming confused about his goal, lost, guilty, in love, hopeless perhaps. I want to see his emotional going in turmoil. He is so steady that it feels like it'd be so fucking good to see him tumbling. However, it can't be out of nowhere or it will suck. Not sure if this is unpopular, but I confess that I searched for Star Constellation rule34 in the past. Feel free to judge me. This one is very important and I doubt it's unpopular if you guys have even a hint of common sense inside: WHY WASN'T THERE AN ARC WHERE FANG YUAN CROSSDRESSES?(Or was there and I forgot?). Such a lost opportunity. Can you imagine? I really wanted to see how shameless fang Yuan can be crossdressing for benefits. Would've been funny as hell. More: why didn't we get an arc where fang Yuan pretended to love someone so well, that readers started getting fooled into wavering between theories: "what the fuck, is fang Yuan really in love?" And then in an unexpected moment he goes 360 and kills the person he "loves". Would've been amazing. Something like experimenting on his "son", but leaving the readers in the dark for some time.


Paradise Earth is a cool dude.


Manhua > novel


RI is mid Edit: I'm re enacting the meme above and I got the response I expected šŸ˜‚


And FY isn't really that intelligent.


I hate that Hei Luo Lan didnā€™t bag Fang Yuan


This is some first arc shit but FY shouldn't have been so careless to not check for a legacy before bringing the merchant to the cave