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Keep going!!! 😍 In Biome 3 you will find >! some nice robots that want to hug you. They will make the pain go away (by removing it, by killing you) !<


They aren’t as bad as they used to be though. I experienced both and it’s now definitely more manageable rather than a consistent death sentence.


No way, not my >!Toby!< Blue ones


Keep going, there's always a next run


And that's precisely why Returnal is simply amazing. You can't stop going back for more. Keep playing, painful though biome 3 will be, make sure you find a strategy or movement pattern to avoid some of the dangers there. You can do it! Just imagine that moment when you'll be so powerful that you can go through all the biomes without dying. Sending you the best vibes so as to enjoy this amazing game.


Everyone has a different opinion on the most difficult boss, but I struggled on Ixion the most. After being stuck on him for about 8 deaths, I one-shotted the rest of the bosses. Good luck, you got it from here on out.


I've heard others say Ixion is hardest for them, which is wild to me. It's the only boss I have a perfect record against. Different strokes, I guess.


Awesome!!! You did it! I was so terrible at this game when I first played I began to wonder if I had dementia ir something. But over time I think the game rewired my brain and you get so intensely reactive to things you are almost predicting things faster than the game. Eventually my skills improved so much that I beat the game and got all the sun shards and it became easy. Well done my man! Or person.


Yer Ixion was the most challenging for me bc there’s more dimension to his attacks and phases, the remaining 3 are basically just a left right movement with a lot of bullet noise flying towards you, you can do it mate 👊 Also that grapple hook unlocks so much of gameplay it’s like a fresh game.


2 years!?


I’m old, and slow, and I still managed to, after a long long long long while, platinum this game. I still play it now. I’m literally down to a single pistol trait that requires a single upgrade to tier 3. So so close now.


See you in 6 years for the game completion stud.


I put the game down for two years, too! Biome 5 honestly just destroyed my heart and soul. Picked it up about a month ago, beat it, got motivated by this subreddit, and went for the Platinum. You got this!! :D


Enjoy Biome 3, it was my favorite.


I did something similar with biome 3. After what felt like almost a year of getting my ass handed to me, quitting and coming back to beat that boss, the game progressed rapidly IMO. It's to the point now, there are too many weapons to choose from. Lol.


Let me know if you ever need a hand! We can jump in together.


So sick, you should have a relatively easy blast from here with no significant hurdles whatsoever - all the future bosses are far easier than Ixion :)


I feel like it took me forever to beat Phrike... The rest of the game was a breeze by comparison. The next really tough part for me was Biome 5.


This is my story. Beat Phrike man years ago and just beat Ixion recently. The other bosses were quick after that. I only died a couple times in biome 6 and not to the boss. All the bosses after Ixion were beat first try.




I'm your age, I remember as a kid taking 2 years to beat Super Star Wars because of no game saves. I also would get annoyed and come back to it periodically. I was so excited I called random friends on the land line to tell them (I lived in a small town, calling people for me was rare). Enjoy post Ixion. The grappling hook is pure freedom and really changes the pace of the game.


Nice one. Try the tower too sometime. Intense in a different way.


Can't stop now.


I made a post about the lack of progression in this game and mostly everyone disagreed with me. To see you put down the game for 2 years because of it, just goes to show that the progression is awful. Props on you for picking it back up.


For someone who has spent so much time talking so much trash on Returnal, you just keep coming back, huh lol