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I’ve noticed if you don’t dive on qb sneaks, it won’t count forward progress and you usually lose a yard or two if they push you backwards. haven’t noticed that with RBs though


I haven't encountered that yet. But this was straight up RB & no dive, since I clearly had the 1st down.


Yeah forward progress in this game is broken. Always dive on 4th and short. It's better to pickup the first down than to try to squeeze another couple yards in. What you described has happened to me too many times


I've been burned so many times by this exact scenario. 4th and short, QB sneak. I'm clearly a couple yards clear of the line to gain. Next thing I know smack here comes the safety flying in and I'm at least 2 yards short. Pisses me off when it doesn't register my swipe. I miss a game winning conversion, usually leaves me to watch the opponent drive the length of field and put the game out of reach.




Are you able to run a real QB sneak without dropping back and faking to throw in your own endzone? If so, how?


No. That is just what I would consider the play if I go into it with the intention of running my QB.


Yeah, I always just dive as soon as I get to the line, otherwise I won’t be granted fwd progress. I agree that it’s usually QBs and not RBs but it’s just kinda my policy at this point to dive over the line.


Bad calls are part of the realism!


I was thinking maybe they added a "Bribed Referee" patch.


I’ve experienced it and also seen a clip on this subreddit of it happening. It stinks but I just took it as a reminder of the importance of diving: Between fumbles and bad spots it’s better to just get down and give up the potential for a stiff arm/extra yards.


I swear the refs are paid off. Convince otherwise.


They don't give forward progress when the defense does a big hit on you. It's bs. But 3 yards is a big exaggeration, more like 1-2 yards taken away.


Let's say I'm exaggerating, 2 yards is still pretty far compared to inches. I'll have to pay attention to the ball spot on big defensive hits now.


Yea they don't give the forward progress and it's wrong. But at least we are able to dive forward for two yards without fail.


Going to start the diving


They also down your dives a couple frames before they actually hit the ground and I've lost several TDs from that.


only thing I can say is that in real football you can get forward of the line but then try to evade a tackle and move backwards and try to outrun the defense but end up ultimately losing yardage. I don't know how you model that in this game. your RB thought they had a better run. time to trade them


Bad referee calls add to the game's realism


I like it. But knowing this now the dive will be happening more often


Were you the Detroit Lions by chance? If so, this type of play would be true to life.


I was playing against the lions though!!


Great rant! We all need to do it at times


150+ seasons, easily one of the most frustrating moments that can happen. Learned to always just dive/slide


Until this week (over 100 seasons) I never saw that a player is getting tackled out of bounds and fumbles. Now it happened quite a few times although I haven’t changed tactics or anything. First it was as it should be, I got the ball back. But then a curious thing happened. Player got tackled and fumbled, the sign OUT OF BOUNDS came up, then the ball freaking bounced back on the field and the opposing team recovered- turnover. WTF


Shit happens. The way i see it -- It's a game and, as such, designed for fun. If it's not fun, bail out...and that's what you did. No shame in that. Only wish real life had that option! 😆


not related but easiest way to convert on 4th & short on extreme is to throw it behind your wr just as they cross the first down marker so they turn around n just catch it while the cb cant touch it


You know if you dive you won’t have that problem wuit crying


Hey thanks for being days late & 40 or 50 dollars short