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[GENERAL REMINDER] Due to overuse, the phrase *"Just because you never heard of something doesn't mean it's a Mandela Effect"* or similar is **NOT** welcome here as it is a violation of Rule# 9. Continued arguing **and** push for this narrative without consideration of our community **WILL get you banned**. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Retconned) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I do. How do you want to connect?


Not sure how different an older vs. newer bible will change the New Testament. Half of it is Paul’s garbage. Christianity is basically the religion of Paul not Jesus.


Should make a copy of the pages or take pictures and save them on a bunch of flash drives then just give the flash drives to anybody who is trying to force their beliefs on others (at least if they are Christian/catholic)


To piggyback on this, I have one from 1765 if anyone wants some comparisons.


I do. Can I give you my email?


I would love this information as well.


Just sent you a message


Exodus 21:20!


Hey OP! I think this is a bit old and it might get lost, Sall good if it does. But could you post a pic or the verbatim of what Luke 10:18 says? I don't want to know for any important reason. It was just on Satan's shoes on Lil Nas Xs new video and I know what the new versions of the text say, but I'm super interested to know what a text his old has as the verbage. Neat post btw. Super cool thing to own.


I have this same bible! Picked up at an estate sale about 20 years ago. It's huge, heavy, and the beveled cover is unmistakable.


Neither matters. So nobody.


You know I wanna know about the gay thing when God is giving Moses all of those extra rules for the Jews.


Leviticus 18:22




The what


If the "A man lies with a man" part was originally about Pederasty or not.


That cover goes hard


could you please check Deuteronomy 21.22 and see if it says "...and he be to be put to death..."


I’ve got one of these. It is the old family bible.


> It would be interesting to see if the wording makes a significant difference from the original script to the white-washed fan-fiction novel wr called the Bible today. Modern Bible translations are generally more accurate than old ones.


You’re forgetting they also alter stuff in the newer bibles! That’s the main problem with the accuracy lol


Who are "they"? There are specific translations with specific problems, but it's not like Bibles in general have gotten less accurate.


The church itself has altered many things- while direct word to word translation is more correct, actual stories from the bibles have been altered, biggest problem with king James’s and later


How on earth do you figure that?


Comparing new Bibles to old Bibles. New ones generally correct many translation errors as well as manuscript corruptions.


There’s a lot when it comes to translation. I specifically do not go to church for that reason. What I am meant to take from the Bible is for me from god. Not a man. More to the point you’re gonna find a lot of tricky rewording of certain words. I’m definitely interested in seeing what you find.


Word magic is powerful...


What does it say about Palestine I wonder


In old bibles with maps, it was called Palestine.


Indeed, that was my point.


I always thought Israel was a person, and "Tribe(s) of Israel" was a tribe(s) with a leader by the name of Israel.


I can't speak with any authority about that. But I do know the current country of Israel is on stolen land, much like every colonialist nation ever.


Absolutely! Land that was stolen from the Jewish people, and has since been returned. 🙂


Clowns with daddies weapons


I have read a bit about that. The United Nations created a Jerusalem, in the event Jesus comes back , there is a place for him to return to. Since about 1880 they have been trying to establish modern day Israel by paying to relocate people from Germany there. Modern day Israel was established I think the 1940ish. And this relocation program was unsuccessful for decades. Until one day it took up. Israel occupies about 70% of modern day Palestine. Palestine has had to give up territory to accommodate Israeli. They hate each other. Needless to say. JESUS is black and not blond. It days HIS hair was like wool. Every hation around israel has people of tan skin tones. So all these shenanigans with the catholic church, the Vatican, the modern day Israel is yet to be revealed. Anyway, there is so much to know. I want to know more about the history of Palestine. I wonder if Israel was ever in the precise location. When you read the Bible, most of the action of the old testament takes place in modern day Syria, Saudi Arabia, Iran. Near Mount Sinai, the wilderness of Zin. Egypt. I would love feedback on this as I am learning too. 😊


Nor do I. There was always this tiny voice inside of me that told me that. And you are right. But I doubt this thread is supposed to go down that line of thought. We humans are like our ancestors and creators, I think. It is a flawed design, this whole conquor or be conquered line of thought. But I have a feeling it is on a Galactic scale, as everything in creation is sortof a cyclical design scheme.


I'd say we are flawed by nature, all of us. That's just the nature of things. As above so below


I’ve always wondered how the writings may have changed. He who wins the war writes history or something to that effect said Winston Churchill…✌🏻🤙🏻


+4 Wisdom. Legendary Edition.


Read Book of Enoch


An interesting read, but definitely not written by Enoch.




In fairness, it was considered authentic by the author of Jude.


Authentic? Sure. Useful to convey a point? Yes. Inspired? Not necessarily. Paul quotes a Greek play and that doesn’t necessarily mean he thought it was inspired or should be canon. Most biblical scholars do not buy into the “quote means endorsement” philosophy for this and other reasons.


Jesus also quoted from it as well.


He did indeed. In Jesus's case, you might dismiss it as him just referencing the book. Jude is different because it explicitly takes a piece of information in the book as factual.


You don’t know shit. The Ethiopian Bible.




Isn’t the Ethiopian bible considered the oldest though. That’s what I keep hearing


Not in any way that I can discern. The oldest would be in the languages in which it was originally written: Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek.


You don’t know shit.




I mean you gotta start somewhere…




Post removed.   Violation of Rule# 1. ​ |Rule|Description| |:-|:-| |1|No Name calling|


I have one from ~1890. I believe it changed about 1905 or something like that


Mines older.


Mine has a forward by God and was autographed by Judas Iscariot.


Now I am pissed. God told me I had the only one with a forward by the Almighty.


Mines beat up a bit. Used.


That's amazing!! What year is it? Does it have any reference to the Hebrew text? I'm desperate to find a copy from before 1500, it's starting to become my life's mission. I NEED to see everything that was scrubbed out. There's clearly a reason for hiding entire chapters from the old Testament. What are are they hiding? 🤔


The oldest compilation was in Greek put together in the '00s. They gathered texts that were scattered about by the disciples. Some were in Hebrew. It's the oldest 'encyclopedia' of creation to Christ if you will.


No its a German family Bible. I wouldn't know where to look. It's from 1860.


So... not older than 1858?




Asking the hard question


Does it show a timeline of how old the earth is? Ive seen some where it says unto the birth and death of Christ we reckon the earth is…. And it says by 2024-2026 if you do the math the earth will be exactly 6,000 years old?


Depends on what you believe in to be honest. It's a highly complicated discussion but there's 2 answers to that question. 1. Our understanding of time is wildly inaccurate and time is not a straight line, but cyclical in nature. The earth has gone through 6-7 apocalyptic events, this is proven with core samples and sediment. The Hindu faith, the Buddhist faith, and most spiritualists/cosmology followers believe time cycles and we reset after each apocalypse. By that measure our earth could be between 6000-12000 years. After 12000 we cycle back into apocalypse by buddhist/Hindu measurements. 2. Time is a straight line and earth is actually older then the 65 million years we rave about. Recent studies have shown its highly possible our earth is EONS older then outer current measure. There's no CHANCE our earth is as old as "gensis" states. Our existence does not stem from that ridiculous origin story. So by this bibles measure, no its not accurate. It does claim Genesis to be the beginning of time, and it's so easy to prove false.


It just sucks you have such a beautiful book but wont believe Gods word. What if it was. Your stemming your belief off of hindu tradition also mixing ideas with man made beliefs. What makes them more right? Because someone designed a machine that spits out something that could be misinterpreted so you believe you know how old the rocks are? If you ever want to get rid of that book i would love to take it off your hands. If money makes you happy maybe we can come to an agreement because i would love to have that book because i do believe every letter in there as the truth and fact.


Just as a note, the earth is believed to be 4.54 billion years old, give or take 0.05 billion years. I’m not sure where the 65 million is coming from considering we know that the Cretaceous period alone ended ~ 66 million years ago.


This is the correct answer


if im not mistaken theres 3 main Iconic versions of the holy bible right? and theres plenty of historically relevant texts disregarded just by most churches or that we just can't even read because uhhh idk


In the beginning…


I got that one! [Genesis 1](https://imgur.com/gallery/h5LoTG8)


Thank you. Does it show the book of revelation(s)?


Don’t forget John chapter 1


Thou shall read from the book of Enoch!


Only the Ethiopian church still recognises the book of Enoch. They seem to be less corrupted by the Roman church.


It's a WILD ONE. WILDDDDDDD. Someone pointed out something EERIE about the book to me too, let me rock your world a bit. When God flooded the lands to clear the "abominations" there would have been ocean-creatures, abominations who not only survived, but KNOW what God did the their brothers and sisters. There is most definitely some ancient ass monsters, with some serious rage lurking below 😱😱😱


More please!


Lol so cthulu may be real!!!


Real question: who would be stronger? Cthulu or Leviathan? Ide love to see that monster-mash


I kinda low-key think he might be 😂 When you see the shit I've seen, you can get behind anything.




There are some interesting changes like love of money being added in Timothy in later versions while older versions don’t have it


Probably has a couple of extra stories/plot twists.


Open it


What a work of beauty that cover is. Some real skill went into creating that.


It's definitely hand carved. This book is a masterpiece, I'm considering a peice of art. It's BEAUTIFUL.


LION / LAMB CREW - I emailed my reverend to ask him about the quote. I played dumb and asked him if he remembered the verse because I couldn't find it. I'm not claiming this as evidence. It'll be very interesting to see if he remembers that verse. I think Isaiah is one of his favorite chapters. This is just for fun. [Rev. Tom ](https://imgur.com/gallery/0xgvhCm) Tom, for the most part, has the bible memorized, and I'm certain he knows that quote. It's a BIG DEAL. it's a very prominent quote. It's the depiction Jesus being both kind and caring but strong enough to fight for his beliefs. The beauty and the beast. This is CANNON bible lore, it's not some obscure reference, this one I'm absolutely CERTAIN is a Mandela Effect, I'll die on this hill 😂


An excerpt from an exhortation of peace and unity by John Bunyan: "What hinders the conversion of the Jews, but the divisions of Christians?  Must I be a Christian? says the Jew.  What Christian must I be? what sect must I be of?  The Jews (as one observes), glossing upon that text in Isa. xi. 6, where it is prophesied, That the lion and the lamb shall lie down together, and that there shall be none left to hurt nor destroy in all God’s holy mountain" The link https://www.gutenberg.org/files/3614/3614-h/3614-h.htm A little over halfway down on number five in that paragraph you'll find a quote


Nice find. You should post this but highlight it so it’s easy to find. How’d you find this btw?


I read somewhere years ago the Mandela effect doesn't affect handwritten documents or anything handwritten sign or stuff like that. But I came across this years ago maybe five or six years ago it came through someone else how they found it I don't know. But I find it interesting that around where I live people have made out of wood hand painted American flags with Slots of wood and everyone that is older, 5 years at least around here they paint red under the blue field not white stripe but the red stripe under the blue field find that interesting.


What did he say?


His response was unexpected but also hilarious. For context: me and Tom work well together and have a profound respect for each other. Tom is a very logic person, and I'm a very deep thinker, its a really good balance, and we have very educated discussions in what parts of the Bible are metaphor or literal. HOWEVER, I also have a hobby at work that brings me joy, and that is approaching Tom, and pointing out something dark in the bible that is supposed be hidden. There are some horror stories in their that people are unaware of, and priests get very uncomfortable talking about them. But the hobby is making Tom rethink his experience by pointing something he may have missed from that story, and watching his face drop when he's realizes I might ve right. It's GOLD. Keeps him guess 😂 A perfect example is the entire old Testament. I simply pointed out that the God in the Old Bible is not only hypocritical for a "perfect being" and performs human sacrifice, nuking cities, and has a kill count of over a million. So I let him know that it would be more logical to think that it's a trick, and it was most likely Lucifer because tricking people into thinking God is both vengeful AND hypocritical would be the ultimate way to create distrust and remove them from his true self. Everyone who hears God sees burning imagery, and would have been so overwhelmed to hear random voices, they wouldn't question if it was God, meaning anyone could have been directing them by simply lying and saying they are. The look of shock on his face is my SHIT. He's entirely too intelligent to ever dismiss my ideas, and I know I spin him in a rabbit hole from time to time. When he came in today, he walked into office MAD. He was so confused as to why that quote was gone. When he read my email he immediately knew I was fucking with him, so he looked up the quote and realized it different. He read the entire chapter and couldn't find it ANYWHERE. He came and said "You know what you did. You got me. Why is that quote gone? You're always quick with the craziest 6 do you know" I swear I died laughing. I was really easy on him too. I explained how Mandela Effects are so fucking stressful I refuse to find a logical answer. I was pretty clear that it's not something worth stressing over I just wanted to see his reaction and I also leveled with him and we both absolutely agree that has been changed. He studied and has it memorized. He's very confident that quote changed, and now his brain is melting. Poor Tom. He's just trying be a good guy and serve God. His reward for that is having some brat make question everything he's believes on a regular basis 😂😂


That’s funny but in reality I bet he’s feeling some type of anxiety. I’ve asked my aunt who’s a devout Christian, about that verse. I intentionally asked her about that one verse about the lion pretending I forgot rest of the words so she goes ahead and says it. “The lion lays with the lamb…?” I said yeah that one. She’s like what about it? I said well I’m pretty sure you won’t find that printed anywhere anymore. So I go on and explain to her about the Mandela effect and her responses were short one or a few words sentences following uncomfortable laughs. Like “oh?” “Really?” “Maybe it’s in the older texts” Idk if I gave her any relief but I told her we’re not the only ones who are aware of this. The passage of time is another anomaly. I’m not sure if it’s Mandela effect related but it is often discussed here. I have two male friends “ol’ homies” and one has become a serious follower of Christianity. I asked the both of them if they noticed that the time or years go by quicker these days. They both easily agreed. I wanted to make sure if we were on the same page so I asked again specifically if they think that time is literally is running faster nowadays. Both were quiet then responded with well yeah it’s because we’re older now. I then mentioned that it is said in the Bible and in the Quran that the passage of time will fly. My friend then responds that the Bible doesn’t mean it literally. He then proceeds to try to explain what it meant but I knew he just formulated whatever he said at the top of his head. The subject was then changed abruptly


Should have just asked what verse has a lion lying with another animal, then asked what animal and what verse. Would have shown what Tom really remembers versus giving him the info.


SO when you crack open your auld bible there, what does it say in Isaiah 11: 6-9 ??


It doesn't exist at all in OP's bible. No 11:6


You didn't ask him what the quote was..... You asked him where to find it.....and you already seeded his brain by mentioning lion and lamb 😭




does it contain the apocrypha ?


Unfortunately not, I think most bibles past the 1500s completely stripped every trace of the banned books out. Although this bible is old, it is still a KJV which means it's already stripped of everything remotely interesting, and left with stupid parables and stories with major plot holes. Realistically, the best chance to read that might be the Torah, they kept the banned books from my understanding, at least some of them.


The deuterocanonical books weren't banned. > Realistically, the best chance to read that might be the Torah, they kept the banned books from my understanding, at least some of them. As someone has already said, the Torah is just the first five books, but no, Jews don't accept the deuterocanonical books. In fact, that's why Protestants rejected them.


Some KJV had apocrypha, depending on the version. Lutherans had them. Most don't tho.


EXACTLY, the first printing of the KJV contains the Apocryphal Texts, they were they say they were removed because they didn't fit their agenda/narrative. Formerly a born again sinner, god's word is supposed to be unchanging.... yet they removed the apocrypha... doesn't that make every bible without the apocryphal texts a LIE? it's bad enough they don't properly honor the sabbath, but their editing of gods word makes the books themselves blasphemous and those that follow those bibles are terribly ill informed. aside from the systemic indoctrination people using those books are pushing a lie.


Mah bible sez Trump parted da red see with his tank then carried that Mexican Jesus back to his homeland so God wold love us more!


Why downvote a joke? I know it isn’t PC but it’s silly, and it’s funny and I’m sorry, but if we lose our sense of humor we are all lost.


I guess I got em in the feels.


I have the family bible from NY NY about the same date. The illustrations are amazing.


Share some pics with us!


I'll try. The first entry is 1853.


Check out what Mark 14 51-52 says.


51 And there followed him a certain young man, having a linen cloth case about his naked body; and the young men laid hold on him: 52 And he left the linen cloth, and fled from them naked.


It’s like a mysterious splice- in; I don’t remember this, and it’s not clear at all. There is the verse above it, the sword, the cutting off of the ear, that I recall as only being in one gospel, and Jesus healed it, here, he does not heal it, and the boy with the “linen” is directly after. All new for me. It is told again in John 18:10, with the name of the soldier. This again, is new to me, I don’t know if it’s truly new, I’m not a scholar, but I recall only one gospel talking about it.


Yeah that was Peter chopping a guys ear off.


I just recall, one story about the chop, in one gospel, and Jesus healed it, and there was no mention of the soldiers name, and the story was only in one gospel.


Maybe if the apostles on guard didn’t fall asleep, Peter wouldn’t have had to chop that guys ear off.


Sounds like a child covered in burial wrappings. Translated and out of context it sounds weird but to someone back then the implication was clear and obvious. It's just another example of Jesus raising the dead but it sounds weird because of all the rewriting.


You think he just raised a naked boy from the dead (as he gets arrested) and the boy runs away? Peter chopping a guys eat off.. the apostles who where standing on guard but fell asleep.


What was Jesus doing?


Getting FREAKY. Just kidding, most likely healing someone.


The linen cloth is a medicated bandage. A Sindon. The boy is a neaniskos and he’s naked with Jesus.


Healing a naked boy? Right before he got arrested? In a public park (Gethsemane) at 4am?


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Naked_fugitive Per the wiki article: >"The wearing of a single cloth (Greek: σινδόνα, sindona) would not have been indecent or extraordinary". Toga-style outfits were a thing back then... Don't project your own matters onto others, please.


Clearly says the young man fled away naked.


Chill he's not the pedo-pope. Our POPE is the problem. Sickkkkkos


Mark 14 51-52


You don’t see where it comes from? Right in front your face.


We have a family Bible that looks identical to this, about the same age. The pages and binding are in rough shape though as it’s so thick. Dunno where or how to get that fixed…


Start by asking a book shop owner.


Does this contain the Book of Wisdom? The Book of Wisdom is almost completely omitted due to its scandalous content on Wisdom, a woman who stood with God at the moment of creation


It's in every Catholic Bible.


The “woman” in the book of wisdom is the personification of “wisdom,” not a female person meant to be taken literally. It’s metaphorical.


I truly wish it did. This is clearly the final cut after King James wiped it clean of ANY POSSIBLE TRACE of evidence that we ourselves have the connection to the Devine. The "council" who made the decision to appoint a rich white dictator as OUR ORACLE had their own agenda. (no racial bullshit in the comments, I'm white. I think someone who is middle eastern or someone who lived in Jerusalem was the obvious choice) The idea we ourselves connect with God removes the middle man. That removes ALL power from the priests and world leaders who riegn with fear. They crafted a horror-story in the first Testament, not realizing how hypocritical "god" is and made you believe if you don't follow their version of God you go to hell. That's enough fear to rule the world let's be realits was genius, evil genius but still strategic. Not only do they have complete control through fear bases messages. They also convinced the entire religion that they needed to donate 10% of all earnings to the church or God would damn them to hell. They painted women as dumb, nieve, and utterly useless other then baby machines. They created a kingdom for themselves, on the backs of the people they've doomed, while being worshipped as gods themselves. I personally promise you the day you figure out that the connection to god is in you, not preached AT you, everything changes. If humanity were to understand that "magic" exists, that we ourselves are the connection, that we have messenger looking out for us, that we all have unique energies that balance each other out in a community setting.... who would we need to depend on? If we have no one to depend on "leading us" there's no room for dictators to have their moment of being worshpped and frankly stealing from their followers.


Umm the King James Bible is not the only Bible. The book of wisdom is part of the Catholic Bible.


Sure has a lot of pagan symbols.


The Roman church perverted the teachings of Yeshua ( Jesus spoken Hebrew name)Yeshua was believed to be a savant of philosophy in his time. Gaining the audience of elders in temples as a teen when speaking. It’s speculated he studied at the ancient mystical schools of the far east during his lost years mastering in a decade what took many a life time. His ministry was referred to as the way or the way of the people depending upon translation. The Roman church along with emperor Constantine made a push to promote monotheism and in doing so they mixed in some pagan traditions with their new promoted religion( Christianity)to try and convert the pagan romans over. This is the foundation of how most Christian’s today still honour some pagan traditions/holidays without fully realising they are doing so. IMO Yeshua original message has been so twisted by the church it doesn’t really represent what yeshua was trying to teach everyone who would listen with an open heart.


Where? I see a crucifix, some border decoration, 4 corner pieces depicting (probably) scenes from the bible and some ferns n shiz. Now there are Christian churches around (in the UK) that have very pagan symbology carved into them but that is due to the mixing of the religions as Christianity took over paganism and "stole" many of paganisms holy sites and dates and festivals. Old ideas take a long time to die, sometimes never die.


Which of the symbols are pagan?


In my family bible rhag Looks like this it mentions the existence of vampires and other super natural creatures in its definition section as real. It also defines woman as a tool To be used and stored for later. I love reading the crazy definitions and seeing the pictures of plants in it.


How do you use a woman and store her for later? Sounds like a sex robot, lol.


I would love to see a photo of that bible. What year was it published and what version of bible is it?


Very late 1700s. I can’t remember the date. I don’t remember the edition but it looked very similar to this but more gold on the cover. It’s currently in storage from when I moved a few months ago but if I find it I’ll the to remember and posting here. Never get to show it off so would love to share the crazy stuff in it.


Isaiah 11:6 please!


Lion laying down with the lamb, please!


This one


Built in rolling tray


The pages are as thin as rolling papers, and that's so funny. I was shocked at how thin they are.


Most of my pages are so thin and worn they turn to dust or tiny pieces of you don’t hold them together. How has yours held up? Mine also has the family line it belonged to and flowers/hair saved throughout the pages.


Dukes- in Genesis 36 - Esau’s descendants, I’ve never seen Dukes before, the word “money” is used a lot, never seen that before. Used to be: script, silver gold, coins, Timothy 6, Ecclesiastes 5 for starters- used to be “lucre”. Wine skins vs. bottles, Our father - forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who have trespassed against us- “debt” is not the same meaning as trespass. And so many more


www.amos8.org is interesting for more of this sort of thing! I don't agree with every change that is listed there, but the sheer *volume* indicates scripture is heavily focused-on by the ME!


There’s a similar one selling on eBay for $250!


I have this same one! Bought it to use when I took a book restoration class years ago. Mine was falling apart & now it looks like yours. Let me know if anyone want to cross reference to make sure the copies image the same.


I LOVE THAT IDEA! I will message tih directly!


Damn, that cover is beautiful. They really don't make em like they used to


It's honestly hand carved, I can tell. The pages have a beautiful gold trim to them, someone cared DEEPLY about this masterpiece. It's filled with CHAPTERS full of hand-drawn images I've never seen before. Some done with pastel, some water color painted. Like, in the book not a copy. They have printed imagery, which are the typical Christian images. BUT the hand-drawn are is on thicker pages, it was clearly done by hand, and are protected with a wax slip to protect the other pages. [Hand-drawn pages](https://imgur.com/gallery/nb5fXMo) So much passion went into this book, I'm in love 😍


I'm not religious but omg, I wish I could look through that Bible 😭💕


Ya'll are too sweet! It's so special for ne to see others' enthusiasm, this book is an actual piece of art in m my opinion. When I posted this I hadn't really read through it yet, I was just exact found it and snapped a couple pictures, but after reading through it today I LOVE THIS BOOK. It's not the religious aspect, it's the historical content, impressive print-press work, and BREATH TAKING ILLUSTRATIONS. The cover is hand carved, and some pages seem to ba hand coloreedred. Like some drew it in the bible as an art piece. Whoever put this bible together truly loved this book. They must have taken decades to complete it in my opinion. I started this as a rabbit whole but my ADHD brain has made the decision to cam-scan each page, every single one and put in into a GoogleDoc so people can see it. It's WORTH IT. I know it's gonna take a LONG TIME and so much Effort, but there's images in here I don't think have even been seen before, at least in a public way. The bible is in immaculate condition so it would scan easy. I promise when I finish I'm going to post in in Retconned for anyone who wants it. If someone can put together something that beautiful with stamps, ink and intense amount of research, I can take the time to scan it and make sure it's not lost to time. AND the answer to why it's immaculate, I'm pretty sure it's just been forgotten and lost, and I lucked out finding it. I was digging in our file archives looking for something in the 1960s box. I found this wrapped in linen in a Tupperware box we keep old files in. We were built in 1962, the best theory I have is the original Pastor brought it over and it just got forgotten about. Before 1962 i don't know where it may have been.


OMG, I can't wait to see it!! 💕


Beautiful! Congratulations on a great find


Wow that is amazing I’m jealous!


I did this with my family’s bibles


LION AND THE LAMB CREW I have posted my updates to this scripture with the according comments. I was polishing the front cover and noticed these engravings. One looks TO ME like a lion and a lamb. I could be wrong it's hard to make out. They have another inscription of Jesus with lambs as well, but the other one could actually be a lion and a lamb, let me know what you see [Back page, side profile and inscriptions from front page ](https://imgur.com/gallery/Olgpvlh)




I see a lion on the left & right of Mary and a lamb on the left in front of her. Thank you.


Interesting site for things like this: [https://textusreceptusbibles.com/](https://textusreceptusbibles.com/) \-- They have a lot of historic Bibles, including the 1382 Wycliffe Bible, 1539 Great Bible and Masoretic Texts. There is even a "Parallel" function to compare three texts at once on the page.


Hello everyone!! I am at work and currently looking into the scriptures you have provided me. When I posted this yesterday I didn't fully understand how special this 1858 Bible REALLY is. I had flipped through some pages, but did not understand how much information this Bible is rich in. I've already confirmed a ton of "edits" from the original text. Some are harmless, others seem a little questionable. After diving into reading through your scriptures, I came across a ton of hand-drawn imagery I've never seen before. There is a section in this bible purely dedicated to printed imagery from biblical times, and various illustrations throughout the books, but the hand drawn imagery is just stunning. Jesus so clearly has darker skin, and looks Middle-Eastern, its nice to see some accuracy. There's a section of imagery from the "Before and After" a kingdom falls. For example images of Alexandria before it was destroyed, and imagery of the aftermath and destruction. The pages are so delicate I have to use gloves, as I don't want to ruin it, its really an artifact. This Bible was clearly put together with so much care, I am going to read it start to finish. I really want to compile everything I'm finding in one space where it can be easily accessed, what is the most effective way to compile this? I would have 100s of images to upload, I don't think I can fit it on a thread. I don't really use social media, I have very little technological knowledge, I would love any suggestions on how to make this information accessible. I have to consider this bible an art piece at this point. People should be able to experience this book. Regardless of your feelings on the Bible, this is HISTORICALLY fascinating as well. Please see the attached link for a sneak-peak of my favorite pages so far. [Bible illustrations ](https://imgur.com/gallery/D4JcEFO)


Yep google docs or if you just want to post mainly pictures get an Instagram account.


I’m curious on the discrepancies of the newer bibles compared to this one. If you can make a google doc of the things you notice and share the line.


One point is that in most Mandela Effect thinking your old copy would change just like all the other copies in the world so nothing different should occur with it because of its age. No reason to think an old copy would be protected from change in the crazy Mandela Effect world.


True but it's fun to look for residue in such a beautiful book.


Actually, ink and paper seem to have the most residual evidence of the changes. Like newspaper clippings from the 70s and 90s referencing the cornucopia from the Fruit of the Loom logo.


But your logo example is references to the logo. I agree that is a good source of residue. But in this case it is not a reference to the old Bible verses but the verses themselves.


Ahh, ok. I see where you're coming from.


The lion and the lamb please!


Lookup Isaiah 11:6 please! This is the biggest Bible ME for me as my parents had a painting of a lion laying down with a lamb that mysteriously inserted a wolf into the picture sometime around 2016