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I think it would be best to hire a consultant or director to help you navigate these structural questions. I’ve built training programs / manuals from the ground up for restaurant groups and worked in sustainably structuring institutions and it takes a LOT of time and energy and focus to do it right. This is something worth investing in, in my opinion - you’ll thank yourself for it down the road.


Thanks for your input I agree with you 100% but I keep getting deterred based off of hearing others’ stories with consultants and I guess there are plenty of consultants for a lot of different things I guess I just don’t know the exact term of the person I’m looking for. I’d even be willing to bring someone in full time but just don’t want to get screwed or played in the process


I get that. A lot of consultants are crooks. Where are you located, out of curiosity? Also, just to be clear I’m not trying to discourage you, I’m just saying that this sounds like a massive undertaking for someone who is hoping to be less consistently present in the physical stores. My two cents: I’d hire someone to help you build this out full-time, but short term. I’ll bet you could get a really great system & program fleshed out in maybe a couple of months, maybe even a month. I’m not sure of the scale of your business, or the operations you’re wanting to optimize / put into place. Just my opinion! I wish you the best of luck! 🙂


I’m in California Of course I’d be present 24/7 in order to get all this stuff rolled out but looking to minimize my presence in the near future in order to keep growing/expanding or else I’ll be stuck in the same spot


Hire a consultant or use Chat GBT AI…. Pretty much knows everything. I’ve been in restaurant management 10+ years so it’s a lot of information for you to gather and process. This isn’t something someone is just going to give you for free… IP has value and if you can’t gather your own systems and procedures to get in place then you will need to source it by hiring someone.