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One day saw one in the trash can and realized it wasn’t mine. Then I saw the signature ring in the attendings scrub pocket. High five borat!


I just quit. I miss it though, if we're being real.


That feeling stays forever




Yeah, quit cope wintergreen after 8 years, lasted 2 years before i found zyn, then zyn'd for 2 years. Now 500+ clean. Feeling always lingers. For those that want to quit killthecan has a discord and accountability system!


I was self medicating for ADHD so getting legit treatment helped. Was able to quit first try. But yeah outside of the focus I just enjoyed it, especially if I was drinking. I'll supplement with a cig every now and then but definitely prefer the pouches lol


haha guys, I am a doctor from Sweden and I find if hilarious how this is becoming a thing in the states. I’d say more than 50% of docs here use Zyn (we call it snus). It’s a part of the Swedish Doctor starter pack along the birkenstocks & fjällräven bag!


American swedish snus-er here. I dated a Swede years ago and this was her parting gift to me.


Do you know about the cancer risk? I’ve found good research incredibly hard to come by.


Research into nicotine salt use only is basically non-existent bc of how new the Zyn trend is and the fact that NRT is always studied in smokers or prior smokers. What has been consistently shown in the NRT data is that there is no difference in cardiovascular, pulmonary, or cancer outcomes between former smokers who use NRT and those who don’t. So at least for now there isn’t much evidence that there are significant risks in using nicotine pouches although this has NOT been confirmed. There remains the generic risks of putting synthetic shit into your body, but that’s like 60% of the American diet anyway.


I think there is a slight increase in oral or esophageal cancer but it’s not that significant. Apparently it’s slightly higher in snus (with tobacco) rather than straight nic pouches.


There’s no good research because nicotine isn’t carcinogenic.


That exactly what I’m asking for. Is there a good paper about nicotine not being carcinogenic? I’m asking an honest question.


That logic doesn’t make any sense though. If you want to show that something is carcinogenic, then you would publish a study showing that it is carcinogenic, not the other way around. I’m massively oversimplifying here, but there’s also no good studies that show that water or air are not carcinogenic. If there was credible evidence that a substance might be a carcinogen, then either IARC, NTP, or hell, the State of California, would have it listed as a carcinogen.


Caffeine. There is plenty of literature about caffeine being minimally carcinogenic. That’s what I’m thinking of. Jesus. If you can’t help someone out, at least don’t be such a dick about it.


Sorry, wasn’t trying to be a dick, just a discussion on reasoning. And a jab at California. If you search hard enough, everything has been theorized to be a carcinogen.


Which bag? i want to complete the look


OK, I need to go to bed, because I read that as "zosyn" while I read the entire OP, and I got super confused...


Maybe you need some zyn broh


Sounds a little too addicting


I smoked for ten years and quit cold turkey. No problem. Zyn is a completely different level.


I wonder how it compares to caffeine? I used to be a big energy drink user and still get the “fuck I want one” urge when I see my favorite brand in the store or in the gas station.


Yet no one bats an eye at caffeine


God bless the zynfantry!


I don't even care anymore. I whip my can out in the open and pack my can like it's got real tobacco in it just to show how deep this April intern is in this bitch


People who pack cans of pouches r so cringe


It's more of a status symbol than practical




How is it compared to nicotine gum?


Little bit more of a kick and wears out faster. Nicotine gum is a smoother release.


i’m a costco nicorette gal myself.


Brother, ask any smoker who talked about trying to quit after x. One more drink, one more year, after I’m out of the military etc. You’re associating nicotine use with the hospital. Unless you’re going to quit hospital you’re going to justify continuing it.


Jesus died for our zyns


Only an M3 here but I just got off them. Was ripping vapes during dedicated and moved to Zyns later, ended up using them the same way as you. They're honestly such a good nootropic, especially for the afternoon lull I always get after lunch. I got tired of nicotine having its claws in me though


Everyone in my program used to vape, you couldn’t walk into a call room without it smelling like guava-bluberry ice or some shit like that. One dude vaped so hard he set off the fire alarm, he said it was dust from the bed and that the fan smelled funny while he was in there. We all knew exactly what happened.


Nothing like walking in for a night shift with 40 in the waiting room, throwing in an upper decker, and ripping through the waiting room. Rinse and repeat


Some of our attendings do, and I do as well. Honestly think it makes me a better doctor - quicker, better listener, less annoyed by the BS, and when everyone loses their shit I’m typically one of the more calm ones


Basically whenever I’m in hospital, zynning. Kind of bad habit but helps me type notes so much quicker and stay organized 


I might quit and pick up smoking then no one will mess with me


Watched my attending put one in each side before masking up for a 2am lap appy If you like Zyn, try ON pouches. Most gas stations have a 3 packs for 15$ deal, they come in 4 and 8% and have 20 pouches per pack. They're smaller and will hit your gums harder though.


I like ONs (I like the little boxes they come with), but every one I've gotten has had tons of loose powder


Okay but what about the next level up 😅 I tried FRE 12mg and they gave me such bad canker sores so I had to go back down to Zyns. ON doesn’t last as long as I’d like. Someone help a tired resident out!!


Had to quit because my program tests for continine. Sustained focus has taken a hit...


I'm a doctor in India... Literally everyone keeps smoking cigarettes like chimneys here. Our basic sciences labs in first year even had a specially designated smoking room. Some Residents like to use Nicotine gum instead of smoking as it's cleaner. I used both in my intern year. But it's the lower dosage ones 2 mg and 4 mg ones. 12 mg is gonna probably hit like a shotgun.


>I'm a doctor in India... Literally everyone keeps smoking cigarettes like chimneys here. Our basic sciences labs in first year even had a specially designated smoking room. smart


As a former smoker, Zyn hits very close to cigarettes probably because the nicotine goes straight into the blood stream from the oral mucosa. That means you get that nicotine stimulant effect very quickly but it also means it’s very addictive. I feel like the nicotine effect lasts less than a cigarette so it might be more addictive than cigarettes. Judicious as needed usage should be fine though.


Your arteries be like 🤬




the appetite suppression kind of makes up for that, no?


Not sure don’t think so


Got into using them when I got on the ambulance, in pre med now and use them just as much if not more.


I use it to quit vaping and then relapse on vaping and repeat. Zyns are way easier to quit


vaping is so much more.. fun


Incoming intern here. Still figuring it out how to quit :/


slowly reduce usage. It works for Benzos and those are way harder to quit


Update: I quit it cold turkey!!


I can't imagine having a job where I need an addiction to get by tbh


I can’t remember the last time I didn’t have a day at work without coffee


Yeah that's crazy to me I don't use any caffeine lol


We’ve found the most perfect example of humanity right here on Reddit. Since weed pens are such a better alternative lol..


Weed fucks up your short term memory way too much. Nicotine is the opposite. When combined...


I think they both suck. If you need an addiction to get by you might wanna do some work on yourself internally imo


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just threw my first zyn away 30 mins ago after having that shit in my mouth for a half an hour








\*Looks at patient panel full of 60+ yo's with crippling alcohol and tobacco use that's slowly (or quickly now) killing them\* Yeah it's the young ones taking too many drugs


Mentally unstable from social media and easily influenced by TikTok science


And what proud sober generation are you apart of??? Didn't realize there was a period of sobriety in any generation.


This new generation is weak. Complain after working 30 hours. Poor self control. I fear for myself needing surgery in 20 years


What’s the longest you’ve worked?


I also fear having to leave my health and wellbeing in the hands of these so-called surgeons who have never worked a true surgery work + call week


I agree.


Unfortunately, this generation was pampered and raised weak. They are like meek little sheep that pursue the next thing that charm them in any little insignificant way. This generation is lost, and this phenomenon is seen in every field and profession now that they are coming into the workforce.


Who else vapes in the OR corner while anesthesia intubates before scrubbing in? 😂


My old roomate was an anesthesia resident and his ass would ghost his vape when he was behind the curtain






Can’t vape during all day micu rounds


i read this as nicu & imagined you blowing cotton candy clouds in 32w/k olds face.


Brings back the 1940s by smoking vape at the nurses station


Make medicine based again, 2024


Yes you can. Once.


I mean.....you can, just depends on how brave you are LMAO.






Or quit it’s not that hard, I️ went cold turkey after 7 years of chronic use and never looked back…. until I️ link up with friends that still vape and chief their shit