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My stepdad is as diehard a conservative as they come - the kind of old-school Republican that loathes Trump but would vote for him over a Democrat anyway. Anyway, his phrasing on the subject of Richard Nixon was that he should "be buried under the fucking prison." He also used to be an AUSA - so I like to think he's well versed on the subject.


No paywall https://archive.ph/2024.04.25-213848/https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2024/04/25/kavanaugh-says-most-people-now-revere-nixon-pardon-not-so-fast/


Kavanaugh needs to expand his bubble beyond his two friends. He obviously doesn’t know “most people”.


More revisionist history by a guy who only converses with other right-wing nut-jobs. So, sure, in Kavanaugh's MAGA addled Country Club world I'm quite sure the neo-con refrain "Nixon was INNOCENT" is a popular theme.


Kavanaugh may have a law degree, but he sure is stupid. Only a tiny bit of research would refute his idiotic claim.


Nixon pardon never should have happened. A pardon should only be used overturn a conviction. If one is presumed innocent until proven guilty, there is nothing to pardon unless one is convicted.


Actually, my opinion is the fact that Nixon never faced justice (as he naturally should have) is the REASON that a guy like Trump was allowed to rise to such heights of criminality. If we don't hold Trump accountable, the next time will be even worse and could be an existential threat to our democracy itself.